keyword in domain question

Profile picture of satrap
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
9 replies
I cant really explain this question, so ill try to use an example to explain it.

Lets assume my keyword is best ways to make money online.

I have heard that if I am building backlinks using my keyword best ways to make money online, This will also counts as a backlink for other keywords that are included like make money online, make money, ways to make money online. Is this true?

Also, we know that keywords in domain is very helpful when it comes to SEO. So, if someone searches for best ways to make money online, my domain would have a better chance of being shown because of the keywords used in that domain. Now, would that apply to the example above as well?
Lets say my domain is best ways to make money online, would it also give me a better chance for ways to make money online, make money online,...?

Thank you so much in advance.
#domain #keyword #question
  • Profile picture of the author Ken Durham
    Ken Durham
    Profile picture of Ken Durham
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    From my experience yes this is true to an extent. But I would also be linking out in those various forms also.

    yes, I am....

  • Profile picture of the author stevecane
    Profile picture of stevecane
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think Google doesn't take syntax into account so as long as the right words are there it doesn't matter what order they're in.

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    • Profile picture of the author zimzalabim
      Profile picture of zimzalabim
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      In my experience the more relevant the domain name the better.

      An exact match if you can get it doesn't do any harm and may also help with selling the domain/site on later if you go down the "flipping" route.


  • Profile picture of the author MeghanK
    Profile picture of MeghanK
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    • Profile picture of the author satrap
      Profile picture of satrap
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      Originally Posted by MeghanK View Post

      Yes it will work. I just hope that is not what you are trying to target.
      If you have a new domain there is no way you will rank high for that keyword phrase.

      But I wish you luck.

      Thanks for the response. I know you mean well. But, I strongly disagree. Although I used this keywords(s) just as an example on in this post, and I am not trying to rank for it, because I already rank #3 on Google for it. Why give up before you even start?

      Go to Google and search for best ways to make money online. #3 is my 1 year old blog.

      You will be surprised Howe I came to rank #3 for best ways to make money online in less than a year.

      Last year this time I didn't even know how to setup a blog, or what SEO was. I used this forum and other resources to read and learn. My domain doesn't even have any of those keywords in it, and I didn't spend a penny on developing this blog or promoting it. I used all free methods and I still managed to rank #3 for that competitive keyword.

      So, I disagree when you say, there is no way you can rank for a keyword just because its a competitive keyword.

      If I, a person who didn't know how this whole system works (just to give you an idea of how clueless I was about this kind of stuff, when I bought my domain, I typed it in and thought My site would be there, and I just had to edit it and put my articles instead), got to rank#3 in less than year for one of the most competitive keywords in online money making niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author veronica178
    Profile picture of veronica178
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    If you want to get SEO juice out of your domain name, then include keyword on it. Another thing about naming a site after its domain name, its important for the simple reason that when people think of your website, they'll think of it by name.

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  • Profile picture of the author EpicPerformance
    Profile picture of EpicPerformance
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    Having your keyword in your domain significantly helps with your rankings for that keyword but there are many different factors to consider

    words such as: to, for, if do not add much weight in a domain name if your keyword contains these.

    When targeting keywords its better to target one page per keyword

    If your domain name is even slightly different to the keyword being targeted it will be much harder to rank for such as: best ways to make money simply would not rank well naturally for make money online

    Your best bet if you want 1 site to rank for multiple keywords is to target keywords where the competition is not so strong. Or, if you decide to target keywords with tough competition buy a domain with the exact keyword in it or build a seperate page on your main site with the keyword as the extension ie
    best ways to make money

    Note: When buying domains only go for the following in order of strenght

    1. .com
    2. .org
    3. .net

    .info and others simply do not have the same power as the three above.

    Hope this helps and if you have any questions please feel free to ask

    Good luck!
  • Profile picture of the author satrap
    Profile picture of satrap
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank you all for your responses. So, I gather, although keyword in domain is extremely helpful in ranking well, it would not be much of a help if you are targeting shorter keywords that the domain already contains. So best ways to make money online, wouldn't necessary help much to rank well for make money online or ways to make money online?

    Am I getting this right? I would appreciate any other incite and advice as well. Thank you all again.
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  • Profile picture of the author ~kev~
    Profile picture of ~kev~
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by satrap View Post

    Also, we know that keywords in domain is very helpful when it comes to SEO.
    Keywords in the domain name help, but their not "that" important.

    Go to google and do a search for "news" - without the quotes. The very first results are cnn and Neither one of which have the word "news" in the domain name.

    Go to google and do a search for "webmaster forum" - without the quotes. The first 2 results are v7n and digital point - neither of which have webmaster or forum in their name.

    Just because you have a keyword in the domain name is no promise that your site is going to rank well for those words.
    • Profile picture of the author satrap
      Profile picture of satrap
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by ~kev~ View Post

      Keywords in the domain name help, but their not "that" important.

      Go to google and do a search for "news" - without the quotes. The very first results are cnn and Neither one of which have the word "news" in the domain name.

      Go to google and do a search for "webmaster forum" - without the quotes. The first 2 results are v7n and digital point - neither of which have webmaster or forum in their name.

      Just because you have a keyword in the domain name is no promise that your site is going to rank well for those words.

      Thanks for your reply. I know that. And if you read my reply to MeghanK response (above), you will see that I have first hand experience in ranking well for a keyword that I dont have in my domain.

      I never said just because you have keywords in domain, you are going to automatically rank well for it. Of course, it takes link building, content and etc. But, keywords in domain are much more helpful and better than not having them in domain. Thanks.
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