What is the top 20 hottest niche markets today?

60 replies
Just want to know what is the popular niches/micro niches today.

The reason I ask this is because I'm creating 20 minisite templates and I want to make sure that every templates is a hot niche.

Or kindly give me some tips how to find the hot niches.

Thanks in advance

#hottest #markets #niche #today #top
  • Profile picture of the author Oracle_320th
    Go to Clickbank, and see the products that sold most, those products almost certainly in hot niche
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    • Profile picture of the author iClickGraphics
      Originally Posted by Oracle_320th View Post

      Go to Clickbank, and see the products that sold most, those products almost certainly in hot niche

      I'll make a list of best selling clickbank product

      FREE Weekly Book Cover Templates ---> Download now!
      140 CreateSpace PSD Book Cover Templates ---> Click Here
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2531377].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Byrt M
        Look into 'Google Insights' (free) - chose by category (whether News, Products etc) and select 'last 7 days'. The results you see will give you endless ideas what people are talking about and searching for.
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  • Profile picture of the author ArtiGal
    Hi Nathan,

    I guess you're just looking for some general feedback on some of the evergreen niches or verticals that have proven to do well, regardless of competition? Here are a few obvious top level ones that come to mind:

    1. Weight Loss
    2. Make Money Online
    3. Save Money
    4. Online Degrees
    5. Save Marriage
    6. Fitness - (6 Pack Abs type information)
    7. Sports - Golf is a good example of a thriving niche
    8. Health - remedies for various ailments and chronic conditions. Acne solutions is a good example of an evergreen sub-niche in the health category.
    9. Technology - iphones, etc...
    10. Pets

    As you know with most of these, there are sub niches within but off the top of my head this is what comes to mind.

    Hope that helps,

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2531282].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author iClickGraphics
      Originally Posted by ArtiGal View Post

      Hi Nathan,

      I guess you're just looking for some general feedback on some of the evergreen niches or verticals that have proven to do well, regardless of competition? Here are a few obvious top level ones that come to mind:

      1. Weight Loss
      2. Make Money Online
      3. Save Money
      4. Online Degrees
      5. Save Marriage
      6. Fitness - (6 Pack Abs type information)
      7. Sports - Golf is a good example of a thriving niche
      8. Health - remedies for various ailments and chronic conditions. Acne solutions is a good example of an evergreen sub-niche in the health category.
      9. Technology - iphones, etc...
      10. Pets

      As you know with most of these, there are sub niches within but off the top of my head this is what comes to mind.

      Hope that helps,

      Yep I'm searching niches regardless of competition. Evergreen niches where the demand is timeless

      Thanks so much Elise
      FREE Weekly Book Cover Templates ---> Download now!
      140 CreateSpace PSD Book Cover Templates ---> Click Here
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2531366].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author World Marketing
      Originally Posted by ArtiGal View Post

      Hi Nathan,

      1. Weight Loss
      2. Make Money Online
      3. Save Money
      4. Online Degrees
      5. Save Marriage
      6. Fitness - (6 Pack Abs type information)
      7. Sports - Golf is a good example of a thriving niche
      8. Health - remedies for various ailments and chronic conditions. Acne solutions is a good example of an evergreen sub-niche in the health category.
      9. Technology - iphones, etc...
      10. Pets

      As you know with most of these, there are sub niches within but off the top of my head this is what comes to mind.

      Hope that helps,

      Yea I agree...these are really profitable niches that have much demand!

      I make $5,000+ a month online [CLICK HERE] to see how you can do the same starting today!

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    • Profile picture of the author tomzuck
      Originally Posted by Mukul Verma View Post

      iphone and apps

      I think those are just about hype. Mobile web is starting to replace apps with HTML5. The browser experience is going to take over soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author eurekaa
    the good and top niche is the one that match your content ,website and targeted traffic quality no matter what is the niche's type , this is what i believe ..

    the top niche for you is different from mine and what is good for me may not necessary suit you and vise verse
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    • Profile picture of the author sshusain
      I agree with Elise, really those ones are the hottest niches.

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      • Profile picture of the author RichardHK
        Originally Posted by sshusain View Post

        I agree with Elise, really those ones are the hottest niches.
        Yes, and all being well the 3,000+ Warrior IM'ers here will spend all their time competing with each other and leave other less popular, and more lucrative niches for me and a few others. :rolleyes:

        Nathan. Do your own research and find real niches that others are not serving.

        Richard, Hong Kong
        Business Consulting

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2535695].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author webwriter
          The so-called "evergreen" niches will always be around. The key is using those that you can relate to by way of your own experiences. Doing so will help you to put a unique spin on them.

          Everyone is different and so is their perspective. No one in this world is exactly the same as anyone else.
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  • Profile picture of the author iClickGraphics
    Originally Posted by Byrt M View Post

    Look into 'Google Insights' (free) - chose by category (whether News, Products etc) and select 'last 7 days'. The results you see will give you endless ideas what people are talking about and searching for.
    Thanks Bryt

    I'll try your suggestion.

    Originally Posted by RichardHK View Post

    Nathan. Do your own research and find real niches that others are not serving.
    Actually I'm searching niches regardless of competition. I prefer saturated niche markets.


    FREE Weekly Book Cover Templates ---> Download now!
    140 CreateSpace PSD Book Cover Templates ---> Click Here
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  • Profile picture of the author Adnimated
    I agree with Elise PLUS I'd add personal development which is one of the BIGGEST markets there.

    Fitness is more or less related to sports and weightloss. Something to consider when you would go down that route. All my weightloss and sports stuff are sort of cross selling and promoting eachother. As it simply makes sense in a lot of cases.

    Also, it's worth it to focus yourself on a specific group of people. Like within weightloss, you could focus on women. As the tone, phrases and emphasizes is completely different as when you talk to men.

    Men have beerbellies. Women have muffintops.

    Men want to look slim, toned and muscled. Women focus on the fat in their problem areas. (thighs, upper arms, etc)

    Men have a different metabolism which, in general, makes them lose weight faster. Women don't.

    Etc etc. I could go on an on about that. But these are really powerful things to know about your market. And will help you determine the topics you should go for and write about. And find your micro niches.

    Also, when you are thinking about a topic think like this:

    What do I like? What would I spend a lot of money on?

    I love paintball for instance. I spent thousands on paintball equipment. And TONS on several guides.

    Do you have a passion like that? Write down what you need... and start creating content on that topic.
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  • Profile picture of the author perfectlovehere
    Originally Posted by iClickGraphics View Post

    Just want to know what is the popular niches/micro niches today.

    The reason I ask this is because I'm creating 20 minisite templates and I want to make sure that every templates is a hot niche.

    Or kindly give me some tips how to find the hot niches.

    Thanks in advance

    These are some possible "evergreen" ones.

    1.) Health/Fitness
    2.) Beauty
    3.) Relationships
    4.) Make Money Online
    5.) Pets
    6.) Sports - Golf, Soccer, etc.

    Good luck!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4978412].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author fitz10
    The desperate and embarrassing niches tend to be the most popular:
    1. Weight loss
    2. Fitness
    3. Health cures (diabetes, gout, feminine problems, hemorrhoids)
    4. Health related to appearance (acne, anti-aging, scar removal)
    5. Sexual health (have more orgasms, impotency)
    6. Dating and relationships
    7. Pregnancy and parenting
    8. MMO/ Work from Home
    9. Addictions (stop smoking is the biggest, but also stop overeating, etc)
    10. Pets (especially when they have health problems or are causing personal problems like pooping all over the house or being aggressive)

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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Wilson
    Hot niches often have big competition.

    You can find a bunch of hot niches by an URL in my signature.


    -25% WF PROMO CODE: "WFPROMO911" (expires on 1.1.2012)
    - High search volume keywords , high CPC keywords, easy to rank keywords
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4979462].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author myob
      The top 20 hottest of my niches are these:

      Mobile marketing
      Near-Field Communication (NFC)
      Asbestos litigation
      Medical technology
      Renewable energy
      Personal development
      Weight loss
      Fitness, Health
      Video games
      Tattoo removal
      Pet services
      Water treatment
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      • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
        Originally Posted by myob View Post

        The top 20 hottest of my niches are these:

        Mobile marketing
        Near-Field Communication (NFC)
        Asbestos litigation
        Medical technology
        Renewable energy
        Personal development
        Weight loss
        Fitness, Health
        Video games
        Tattoo removal
        Pet services
        Water treatment
        I agree with all these except astronomy. I would assume you mean astrology unless there is some hidden secret I am unaware of. Gold is especially a hot niche within sports.
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        • Profile picture of the author myob
          Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

          I agree with all these except astronomy. I would assume you mean astrology unless there is some hidden secret I am unaware of.
          Astrology is also one of my niches, but it's nowhere near as lucrative as astronomy. Some enthusiasts will often spend tens of thousands of dollars a year on telescopes, accessories, related gadgets, charts, books, etc.
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      • Profile picture of the author Falknersjf
        Originally Posted by myob View Post

        The top 20 hottest of my niches are these:

        Mobile marketing
        Near-Field Communication (NFC)
        Asbestos litigation
        Medical technology
        Renewable energy
        Personal development
        Weight loss
        Fitness, Health
        Video games
        Tattoo removal
        Pet services
        Water treatment
        Thanks a lot for sharing me these important information here. I am looking around for them.
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      • Profile picture of the author supershoesclub
        Originally Posted by myob View Post

        The top 20 hottest of my niches are these:

        Mobile marketing
        Near-Field Communication (NFC)
        Asbestos litigation
        Medical technology
        Renewable energy
        Personal development
        Weight loss
        Fitness, Health
        Video games
        Tattoo removal
        Pet services
        Water treatment
        they are hot niches which many people agree.
        for the most people who lose a job may be very interested in the niches:
        make money online
        Find a job
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  • Profile picture of the author wildjohnny
    I always use ClickBank marketplace, just go there and sort products by popularity. You can find very interesting ideas.
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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
      In my upcoming projects I'm making an effort to target non saturated niches.

      There's too much "noise" out there already with the aforementioned I feel.
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  • Profile picture of the author flx89
    weight loss was and will be the best of all time. People are to lazy to do sport, and they want to lose weight while eating at Mc. They are also stupid to believe pills of tea will help them with that. So, let's use our affiliate links and sell them junk pills
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  • Profile picture of the author Fun to Write
    Whatever niches you choose, please don't just throw up another boring cookie cutter site. There's too many of those around and people may just glaze over them. Instead, find a unique twist you can add that others aren't doing. Originality and uniqueness to a topic brings in more interested people.

    Focus+Smart Work+Persistence=Success

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  • Profile picture of the author AmandaT
    Some of the best I have found:

    -Weight Loss
    -Social Media
    -Diet (Especially things like the hCG diet)
    -Any type of painful or embarrassing medical condition
    -Self Help
    -Green Living
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  • Profile picture of the author becanada
    Use the google keyword tool ; then examine and cross check the visitors ; competion, and other factors ; watch carefully ; cause when you re-sort you will get different combos of words/phrases. [download in CSV ; sort here]

    weight loss , make money , windows crashing... and ANYTHING which is in demand of an immediate solution is tops.

    But... that is only the start; depending on what you want to market. If you do not get the right traffic ; then nothing happens...

    To another poster ; clickbank's "gravity" sort is powerful ; however you have to carefully check EACH subsection ; and note the "gravity" is relative across sections ; you can not always compare one section to another.

    plimus.com and shareasale.com also have "gravity" type sorts...

    Dave ; Internet Marketing Center: 100,000 Resources, Links, Tools, Newsletters, Articles to get better internet marketing results worldwide.

    David Belton , CEO, Becanada Internet Marketing Center, Since 1995, Over 50,000 How To Marketing Resources; Tools, and Software to automate internet marketing and increase sales/traffic: http://www.becanada.com/

    Automate Advertising up to 200 times faster to 1000s of sites, own submitter[s]:

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  • Profile picture of the author clr06160
    The best niches are the ones you can handle. A lot of great niches are only for people with giant resources. The home industry is pretty good because you can get suppliers and lots of micro niches nobody is going after.
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  • Profile picture of the author tlrix
    hot micro niche..: selling facebook likes, twitter followers, youtube views...
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  • Profile picture of the author Targeted Traffic
    I believe these biches will always stay hot...

    Self Improvement
    Weight Loss/ Fitness
    Make Money Online
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    • Profile picture of the author jeffreys
      Originally Posted by Targeted Traffic View Post

      I believe these biches will always stay hot...

      Self Improvement
      Weight Loss/ Fitness
      Make Money Online
      A great one. The word biches. Good laugh.


      BTW, the niches are hot.
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    The Top 20 Hottest Niches are:
    1. Censored, because I don't want to make it too easy for my competitors to compete with me;
    2. Censored, for the same reason;
    3. Censored, for the same reason;
    4. Censored, for the same reason;
    5. Censored, for the same reason;
    6. Censored, for the same reason;
    7. Censored, for the same reason;
    8. Censored, for the same reason;
    9. Censored, for the same reason;
    10. Censored, for the same reason;
    11. Censored, for the same reason;
    12. Censored, for the same reason;
    13. Censored, for the same reason;
    14. Censored, because the competition is already fierce enough without me inviting others to play in my niche!!
    15. Censored, for the same reason;
    16. Censored, for the same reason;
    17. Censored, for the same reason;
    18. Censored, for the same reason;
    19. Censored, for the same reason;
    20. Censored, for the same reason.

    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4981878].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author WebPen
      Temperature in New York tonight: 40 degrees Fahrenheit

      Temperature in Honolulu tonight: 75 degrees Fahrenheit

      Definitely go with stuff closest to the equator if you want hot.
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    • Profile picture of the author jeffreys
      Originally Posted by tpw View Post

      The Top 20 Hottest Niches are:
      1. Censored, because I don't want to make it too easy for my competitors to compete with me;
      2. Censored, for the same reason;
      3. Censored, for the same reason;
      4. Censored, for the same reason;
      5. Censored, for the same reason;
      6. Censored, for the same reason;
      7. Censored, for the same reason;
      8. Censored, for the same reason;
      9. Censored, for the same reason;
      10. Censored, for the same reason;
      11. Censored, for the same reason;
      12. Censored, for the same reason;
      13. Censored, for the same reason;
      14. Censored, because the competition is already fierce enough without me inviting others to play in my niche!!
      15. Censored, for the same reason;
      16. Censored, for the same reason;
      17. Censored, for the same reason;
      18. Censored, for the same reason;
      19. Censored, for the same reason;
      20. Censored, for the same reason.


      What's with you.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4982335].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author myob
      Originally Posted by tpw View Post

      The Top 20 Hottest Niches are:
      1. Censored, because I don't want to make it too easy for my competitors to compete with me;
      2. Censored, for the same reason;
      3. Censored, for the same reason;
      4. Censored, for the same reason;
      5. Censored, for the same reason;
      6. Censored, for the same reason;
      7. Censored, for the same reason;
      8. Censored, for the same reason;
      9. Censored, for the same reason;
      10. Censored, for the same reason;
      11. Censored, for the same reason;
      12. Censored, for the same reason;
      13. Censored, for the same reason;
      14. Censored, because the competition is already fierce enough without me inviting others to play in my niche!!
      15. Censored, for the same reason;
      16. Censored, for the same reason;
      17. Censored, for the same reason;
      18. Censored, for the same reason;
      19. Censored, for the same reason;
      20. Censored, for the same reason.

      The secret is to go for niches where there is the most intense competition. Let your competitors find all the hot products, then just use superior marketing tactics such as {censored}.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4985067].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author magiclouie
    Hey mate, have a look at these evergreen Markets of constant flow of niches where people are buying. A multi million dollar industries.

    1 Health - Diet, Weight Loss, Vitamin Supplements, Medical Issues, Quit Smoking, Alternative Remedies, Headache Relief, Childrens Health, Keep Fit, Increase Energy

    2 Wealth - Working From Home, Forex, Business Opportunities, Internet Marketing, Public Domain, How To Buy Forclosures/Repossessions, Stay At Home Mums, Starting Your Own Business.

    3. Lifestyle - Mind, Body and spirit, Personal Development, Pets, Baby Boomers, Self Improvement, Dating, Online Study Courses, Computers, Alternative Energy, Home Care, Going Green.

    I understand that you are asking the top 20 hottest niche markets today.

    More power to you!

    Louie Tugas
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  • Profile picture of the author Dimian
    health, making money, fitness, and odd appliances around the house (kind of surprising...check it out on keyword tool)
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    Hot niches, um...

    Cutting torches
    Tabasco Sauce
    Fire pit grills


    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4983124].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Arthur Barn
    Internet marketing: Japanese Manga, Anime and games: Celebrities, music and movies: Football and Soccer: Luxury goods, jewellery and fashion: Computer Programming
    Health and fitness: Computers and Electronics: Job, Careers and Employment
    Read to know more about heartburn symptoms and remedies
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  • Profile picture of the author Illuminart
    I don't think there's a solid, top 20 list but I think the top 3 would include health and fitness, make money and online and real estate.
    The #1 Provider of long range wifi antenna, cantenna and wifi signal booster.
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  • Profile picture of the author Pinkysoll
    The top Niches have been mentioned here already I guess.

    Since you are making minisite templates, are they for your own use or are you making to sell?

    If it's for your own use, then focusing in sub niches of the top niches mentioned will be the way to go. with some kw research you should get a good Idea of sub niches to conquer and rank highly.

    With evergreen niches there's always a way to bank without all the competition. Besides there's nothing wrong with a little healthy competition.

    If you are making the minisite templates for sale, then the top niche list is good to start with while your prospective buyers will have to do the work in search for sub niches.

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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Wilson
    You will make the best out of the niches you care for. Write down 10 things you enjoy reading, watching, interacting with. Maybe this is your answer.

    -25% WF PROMO CODE: "WFPROMO911" (expires on 1.1.2012)
    - High search volume keywords , high CPC keywords, easy to rank keywords
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4984712].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author fitz10
      Originally Posted by Daniel Wilson View Post

      You will make the best out of the niches you care for. Write down 10 things you enjoy reading, watching, interacting with. Maybe this is your answer.
      I believe the OP is just making website templates to sell people, not going into the niches himself, so he doesn't really need to "care" for them. He's looking to find out the niches the most people are in so his templates have a better chance of selling.

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  • Profile picture of the author Oranges
    How To Scam Newbies With WSO is also a HOT niche these days, driven by some Gurus.

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  • Profile picture of the author Affiguy
    mobile apps

    I can add "spy software for cell phones"
    Affiliate's Recurring Commission: Up to 70%, $110 average sale rate + rebills! Both housewives and top managers highly convert. Join In Now!
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    • Profile picture of the author josef91
      Topics related to human health and wellness are the most popular niches.
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  • Profile picture of the author CyberSEO
    Amazon Kindle and books in Kindle format.
    CyberSEO Pro - the ultimate AI autoblogging and RSS, XML, HTML, JSON and CSV import plugin for WordPress with support for GPT-4o, Claude, Gemini, Llama 3, Midjourney, DALL-E 3, Stable Diffusion and more.
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  • Profile picture of the author iClickGraphics

    Thanks guys for the additional informations
    FREE Weekly Book Cover Templates ---> Download now!
    140 CreateSpace PSD Book Cover Templates ---> Click Here
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  • Profile picture of the author nwutopia02
    Here are some steps to become a successful niche marketer:
    Step One: Researching Popular Niches
    Step Two: Finding the Right Product
    Step Three: Setting Up Your Venture as a Niche Marketer
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    • Profile picture of the author rileyb
      If you subscribe to my site in my sig it will give you good ideas. Also just check the google keyword tool to see which niches pay the most with Adsense and go from there
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  • Profile picture of the author AndreasJacobsen
    go with the niches that have always worked, and perhaps choose to make it around sub niches. for example, there is a lot of sub niches within the fitness niche
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  • Profile picture of the author NewParadigm
    Getting a job
    Nuts and bolts of Self employment
    making your own biodiesel
    aquaponics growing fish/veggies simultaneously

    In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

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  • Profile picture of the author shanepax23

    Just want to give you this tip real quick. I build and sell niche sites. The other day I was just wondering how many people search for "how to play drums" turns out it's a pretty good. Just one Idea. Not too much competition.

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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    health wealth and relationships.

    and here is the billion dollar one...as baby boomers are getting older, and living older....the wellness industry.
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