Taking action - Your Motivation?

Profile picture of Deek
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
4 replies
First let me say greetings. Greetings!

I finished viewing a great thread. For those of you that havent yet seen it:

(i encourage you to check it out)

~~Not making Money???? - by lakshaybehl

(unable to post links due to this being my first post...... so please search for this thread if you are unable to see it while browsing the main forum)

....Now, ever since viewing that thread I've been asking myself... what is it that motivates me to take action?

.... and honestly i dont know..... I enjoy the conceptulizing and strategic thinking - planning part of creating a business.... but I never take action on any of the million, million dollar ideas I come up with...... so i'm looking for help!:confused:

What is it that motivates you to take action?
#action #motivation #taking
  • Profile picture of the author Mantero Cantrow
    Mantero Cantrow
    Profile picture of Mantero Cantrow
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    What's motivates me to take action? ----> MONEY

    You need to close your browser off and TAKE ACTION!

    Good luck,
  • Profile picture of the author jimbob
    Profile picture of jimbob
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Goals, goals and more goals!

    If you're finding you can't get motivated to take action then you have no goals, which means you have no reason to take action.

    Ideas are great, but if you've got no end in sight, nothing to aim at in terms of a reason to turn those ideas into some form reality, then you won't get motivated to make it happen.

    I wrote an ebook a couple of years ago called The Take Action Road Map - if you'd like a complementary copy send me a PM and I'll send you a download link.

    All the best,

    James Simpson

  • Profile picture of the author jedz
    Profile picture of jedz
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    think about your future and reach on your dream.

    make the most out of your job and always give your best.

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