Warriors -: Before I Roll To Bed.

Profile picture of Victoralexon
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15 replies
It's suprisingly easy to make money online if you take action. I can't speak for everyone and I'm sure that there are those that take a lot of action yet don't have any success but it seems that most people who are complaining that nothing works actually don't work themselves.
#bed #roll #warriors
  • Profile picture of the author FredJones
    Profile picture of FredJones
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    So true - taking action is the "job" part of the business !! If you don't do it, your business can not grow. It may be a strategic action, does not have to be some kind of donkey-work, but it is action. Beyond any question.
  • Profile picture of the author davidjames42973
    Profile picture of davidjames42973
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    Not only do you need to take action, but you need to stick to a game plan instead of jumping from one idea to another. I know this from personal experience. Once I had a game plan, everything began to fall into place...
  • Profile picture of the author loopy
    Profile picture of loopy
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    Caleb's right. Taking action is how a person becomes successful. It's how 15 year olds can become successful

    Age doesn't matter, but it's the kind of motivation and perseverance a person has. Taking action isnt good enough. When failing, try again. One day, everything will fall into place and you'll finally make it to the top.
  • Profile picture of the author Jillthetoolgirl
    Profile picture of Jillthetoolgirl
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    That's exactly what I needed to hear!
  • Profile picture of the author AaronSnider
    Profile picture of AaronSnider
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I wish I would have taken action when I was 15, I would be a rich 35 year old instead of a middle class 35 year old.

    actually take that back, they didn't have the internet back then.
  • Profile picture of the author Caleb Spilchen
    Caleb Spilchen
    Profile picture of Caleb Spilchen
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Now to taking action and going to sleep LOL.

    Canadian Expat Living in Medellin, Colombia

  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Profile picture of discrat
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    Originally Posted by Caleb Spilchen View Post

    Hey Guys...

    I kind of lied in the thread title.... I am actually already in my bed. But anyways, I wanted to give kind of my GOLDEN NUGGET of the day to fellow Warriors since I think that it needs to be said.


    The more you take action, the more money that you can make. I noticed today - several people that I saw, that have huge potential, but there issue is that they don't take action, and they buy product after product. YOU NEED to take action for the products to work (if there any good lol).

    And then I saw several other SUCCESSFUL people. They took action ..

    Which side are you on? Thats really what I considered, and thats my thought for the day. I don't take action 100% of the time, but when I do, I find I make money, if I don't, I don't make any money.

    You have to actually do something to make money, it's not going to fly on wings to you.

    The more and more I see this Caleb character the more I like what I see. Oh boy, if only I had a tenth of what he has when I was 15 yrs.old !!
  • Profile picture of the author Paul Coleman
    Paul Coleman
    Profile picture of Paul Coleman
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    Originally Posted by Caleb Spilchen View Post

    Which side are you on? Thats really what I considered, and thats my thought for the day. I don't take action 100% of the time, but when I do, I find I make money.


    You have the secret right there. All of us need to jump in head first. Yes, it is scary. Yes, it is a risk. YES, IT WORKS. Take action and keep taking action consistently, and your life and business will transform.

  • Profile picture of the author Gclunis
    Profile picture of Gclunis
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    Taking action is 1 thing. However there is 1 thing that you are missing Caleb.

    Yes taking action is the key to success..but it isn't just about that

    You need to take FOCUSED action in order to really find success.

    If someone were to take action on multiple different things and never focus, they still would not succeed regardless of the fact that they are taking action (well they might..but it becomes much more difficult to do so)

    Taking focused action means completing 1 thing at a time..if you have more than 1 stream of income (I suggest that you do) then thats fine...just take focused action on each method and only focus on that particular method while your working on it. then move to the next.

    I say this because i've always taken action, it honestly has never been a problem for me to figure out what I have to do and then take action almost immediately...BUT the problem for me was (and still is to some degree) taking focused action..i'd spread myself too thin and never really get anything completely done..or i'd just from 1 thing to another.

    So in conclusion, yes it is very important to take action..you will not see money by sitting there doing nothing. But you need to focus the action you take and learn to maintain that focus in order to see lasting success.

    • Profile picture of the author lstoops
      Profile picture of lstoops
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      Originally Posted by Gclunis View Post

      Taking action is 1 thing. However there is 1 thing that you are missing Caleb.

      Yes taking action is the key to success..but it isn't just about that

      You need to take FOCUSED action in order to really find success.

      If someone were to take action on multiple different things and never focus, they still would not succeed regardless of the fact that they are taking action (well they might..but it becomes much more difficult to do so)

      Taking focused action means completing 1 thing at a time..if you have more than 1 stream of income (I suggest that you do) then thats fine...just take focused action on each method and only focus on that particular method while your working on it. then move to the next.

      I say this because i've always taken action, it honestly has never been a problem for me to figure out what I have to do and then take action almost immediately...BUT the problem for me was (and still is to some degree) taking focused action..i'd spread myself too thin and never really get anything completely done..or i'd just from 1 thing to another.

      So in conclusion, yes it is very important to take action..you will not see money by sitting there doing nothing. But you need to focus the action you take and learn to maintain that focus in order to see lasting success.


      Totally agree with Gregg. I don't have a problem taking action and end up spreading myself toooo thin.

      Another thing is that newbies are always being told to take action (and yes I've been guilty of saying it too) BUT the problem is what exactly are they supposed to take action on?

      It is very possible to be taking action on the wrong things.
      • Profile picture of the author SteveJohnson
        Profile picture of SteveJohnson
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        Originally Posted by lstoops View Post

        Another thing is that newbies are always being told to take action (and yes I've been guilty of saying it too) BUT the problem is what exactly are they supposed to take action on?

        It is very possible to be taking action on the wrong things.
        True - but there comes a time when analysis is counter-productive. Sometimes (ALL the time if you've never done a particular thing before) you don't know whether something will work until you've actually done it.

        Beyond that, what worked for one person may not work for you. On the flip side, though, what did not work for another person may very well be your ticket to fame and fortune. You'll never know until you try.

        The 2nd Amendment, 1789 - The Original Homeland Security.

        Gun control means never having to say, "I missed you."

  • Profile picture of the author Caleb Spilchen
    Caleb Spilchen
    Profile picture of Caleb Spilchen
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    Smartest thing you've said to me


    Canadian Expat Living in Medellin, Colombia

  • Profile picture of the author Gclunis
    Profile picture of Gclunis
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Psh i've said plenty smart things. You just don't listen to them :]
  • Profile picture of the author H.Miller
    Profile picture of H.Miller
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    I couldn't agree with you more. If you take action you will eventually see some success. Most people do one or two things and expect to see the sales just roll in. And when it doesn't happen they say its impossible to make money online. But if only they would stay consistent they would see amazing results.

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