How you can make $97 today.

9 replies
This morning I attended a meeting with several business owners and shared a simple tip for how to use Google alerts to see what customers are saying about your business.

At the bottom of the letter that showed them how to start using Google alerts, I offered a simple website checkup.

The site checkup includes checking the sites keywords, meta tags, alt taks and a general checkup on the flow of the website to make sure the site has a call to action and the flow of the site flows to that call to action properly.

So how are you going to make $97 today?

Around here we see $97 and the "stop sign" pops up till we do some more research and can justify spending the $97 to get that product.

In the real world, offline businesses have spent real money to have their websites built, sometimes thousands of dollars. $97 is not to hard to justify to make sure their site is working properly.

If these business owners aren't on top of their websites it's easy to have the wrong keywords targeted for their business sites, so some easy on page SEO can be handled pretty easily.

Also check for broken links from their pages, and make sure that the site flows well to their call to action.

This service can be provided in a couple short hours easily.

So here is the hard part, you have to make contact with a real person... Scarry I know.

By offering the Google alerts tutorial for free you can possibly buy a few minutes with a business owner so you can offer them your website checkup service.

I got 3 website checkup orders this morning from my meeting with 20 other business owners.

Take action on this today and you can have an extra $97 in your pocket tonight. And maybe more.

Have fun
#$97 #make #today
  • Profile picture of the author Brad Gosse
    Wait you want me to get dressed and go out into the real world and do business?

    What about push button, auto pilot, set-forget, 1-click riches?

    Kidding of course. Awesome post. Most people don't now how easy it is to get real business to give up some cash for your skills.

    Nice way to execute your 666th post
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  • Profile picture of the author Cash37
    Good tip I can see how $97 is a easy sale to owners
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  • Profile picture of the author AaronSnider
    ewww 666... I'll have to make this pointless post, just so I don't sit at 666 long.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary King

    Great post - If we can get folks past the idea of meeting other humans (yikes!)...

    If I may, how about:

    1. Doing a quick run-down of their positioning for search terms related to their industry?
    2. Asking who their competition is, then finding the same info as the first bullet about them?
    3. Checking for results in Google's local business results section?
    4. Offering to redesign? (most small business sites are YEARS old and are out of date and ugly compared to current design trends)
    5. Offering to host with a reseller account or business account? Many people don't even know where their site is hosted?
    6. Include a domain name checkup - registrant, current contact info, EXPIRATION date! (lots of small business domains are registered to the web site developer - not the company)
    7. Reminding them to check their payment information on file for the domain name if it's set to auto-renew.

    Just a few other ideas to add to the mix or for follow-up projects!


    OFFLINERS! Warning: Unless You Know These Pricing Secrets, You are Leaving THOUSANDS on the Table. Get Your Free Report Now.
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    • Profile picture of the author sammy121
      grea post thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author abhi1
    That's actually a great point Aaron. Thanks for the share.
    @Gary: That's just perfect. You could just create several packages
    with a lot of different website maintenance services and offer
    them to your clients
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2540712].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Gary King
      Originally Posted by abhi1 View Post

      @Gary: That's just perfect. You could just create several packages
      with a lot of different website maintenance services and offer
      them to your clients
      Absolutely... you could offer hosting, design, seo, seo reporting, visitor reporting, etc.

      Small businesses don't typically have good options with these - with a reseller account you can host their site for a low amount per month, outsource anything your not comfortable with (provided you can find a good outsourcer of course, but that's another thread!)

      Most business owners have NO idea how many people visit their site, what their search rankings are, etc.

      Sometimes you can hook 'em just by offering to cover their butts... put their domain expiration on YOUR calendar and remind them 90, 60, 30 days out... oh by the way, you can renew it FOR them for a small fee.

      I've seen a Fortune 1000 company brought to its knees because someone in accounts payable threw away their domain name renewal. It was $35 and more than 10,000 employees were unable to receive email.

      Fortunately, the domain was being held by the registrar and a small penalty fee later and they were back in business.

      They were without email for nearly 2 days, and it could have been worse had they not gotten help from me to identify the problem. They became a pretty good client after that. (and I track their domain renewal for them now too!)

      It's always harder to GET a new client than it is to sell to an existing one - if you can kick the door with a little check-up program like is suggested here by the OP, then the sky's the limit on future, on-going revenue.

      For the slackers reading that are looking for the set-it-and-forget-it, push-button, instant whiz-bango zillions of dollars overnight, Sorry. This will take a little work. It's called a Business.

      OFFLINERS! Warning: Unless You Know These Pricing Secrets, You are Leaving THOUSANDS on the Table. Get Your Free Report Now.
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  • Profile picture of the author AaronSnider
    Great posts guys, thanks for helping.

    Once you get your foot in the door with a beneficial freebee you will
    see that most business owners will start asking you questions
    about this and that. Once that conversation starts you can do all kinds
    of things with it.

    One skill you have to master as a service provider is listening.

    If you know how to listen the business owner will tell you exactly
    what they will pay for and exactly how to sell it to them. Maybe
    that will be my next post =)

    After the door is open and you have a relationship then the magic
    really begins. One of my customers gave me an extra $50 this
    morning for services I already provided and was paid for because
    she saw so much more value in the product than I charged her.
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  • Profile picture of the author thesweetspot
    I liked this approach...thanks..I will def. add this in conversation.
    Drop Shipping Success
    How I Went From A Simple Idea To Processing Over $1,000 Dollars PER CUSTOMER!!!!!!!!
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