Get A Job & Stop I.M

Profile picture of socomplete
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203 replies
I was talking with a friend of mine about what I do online and they pretty much said that I should get a real job. I was telling them about all of the different ways that a person could generate income and they listened and agreed with what I said but then they said you should get a job.

In the meantime my internet connection was lost and then I got it back, but before I lost it I started a new advertising campaign that brought me in $118.00 in revenue while I lost my internet connection for a few days.

Do you get discouraged when people don't believe in you?
#job #stop
  • Profile picture of the author Caleb Spilchen
    Caleb Spilchen
    Profile picture of Caleb Spilchen
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    My mom told me... countless times this summer to go get a job...

    Eventually I just started showing her my 1k weeks, and that made everything better

    People don't believe in the world online, just remember... you'll have the nice car later, will they?


    Canadian Expat Living in Medellin, Colombia

    • Profile picture of the author Steven Miranda
      Steven Miranda
      Profile picture of Steven Miranda
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      Originally Posted by Caleb Spilchen View Post

      My mom told me... countless times this summer to go get a job...

      Eventually I just started showing her my 1k weeks, and that made everything better

      People don't believe in the world online, just remember... you'll have the nice car later, will they?

      Very true Caleb. Most family members I talk to don't believe in making money online yet alone understand it. "Money talks" though
  • Profile picture of the author Ldimilo
    Profile picture of Ldimilo
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    Originally Posted by socomplete View Post

    I was talking with a friend of mine about what I do online and they pretty much said that I should get a real job. I was telling them about all of the different ways that a person could generate income and they listened and agreed with what I said but then they said you should get a job.

    In the meantime my internet connection was lost and then I got it back, but before I lost it I started a new advertising campaign that brought me in $118.00 in revenue while I lost my internet connection for a few days.

    Do you get discouraged when people don't believe in you?
    I tell folks I am a gun just sounds more interesting than the truth.
  • Profile picture of the author Juris
    Profile picture of Juris
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    They just try to force their belief system(how all is system, if you prefer ) on you
    "Greatest attractant of money is immunity to criticism" - Dan Kennedy

    I remember how once I was checking out some cars and found one I liked, it was a corvette and it cost something like 25,000$. I showed it to my friend and he said: "Stop dreaming about things like that, get down to earth..."

    I was shocked how his mindset was rooted in poverty. It was ~3 years ago and my mindset and beliefs have radically changed, but even back then nothing seemed impossible even if I was labeled a dreamer or just an idiot

    The Only Way We Can Truly Heal The World Is To Heal Ourselves First

    • Profile picture of the author socomplete
      Profile picture of socomplete
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      Originally Posted by Juris View Post

      They just try to force their belief system(how all is system, if you prefer ) on you
      "Greatest attractant of money is immunity to criticism" - Dan Kennedy

      I remember how once I was checking out some cars and found one I liked, it was a corvette and it cost something like 25,000$. I showed it to my friend and he said: "Stop dreaming about things like that, get down to earth..."

      I was shocked how his mindset was rooted in poverty. It was ~3 years ago and my mindset and beliefs have radically changed, but even back then nothing seemed impossible even if I was labeled a dreamer or just an idiot

      That is so true! I told my other friend that I don't want to be held down by a job that tells me when I can eat, when to be at work, when I can go on vacation, when I can talk, and what to do.

      I want to see my friends and family flying on private jets, going to the tropics. And she said " Yeah right like that will ever happen" Its almost like we are being programmed to think poor and accept a normal life.
      • Profile picture of the author Steve Wells
        Steve Wells
        Profile picture of Steve Wells
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        Originally Posted by socomplete View Post

        That is so true! I told my other friend that I don't want to be held down by a job that tells me when I can eat, when to be at work, when I can go on vacation, when I can talk, and what to do.

        I want to see my friends and family flying on private jets, going to the tropics. And she said " Yeah right like that will ever happen" Its almost like we are being programmed to think poor and accept a normal life.
        Believe it or not all of the worlds societies for the most part are being shaped and influenced to fit into a certain mold.

        College is the breeding grounds for corporations and a new type of human slavery where your freedoms are taken away and locked into how a certain corporation says you have to operate.

        Most all people believe you have to go to college and then get a job at a corporation or large company of somekind to be highly successful. Its not their fault really they were programmed that way. It starts the first time you go to public school, you are taught to conform. (by the way, I believe college is a great place to learn and if you can do it do it)

        I am not promoting rebellion for sure, but I am talking about not being confind to the "status quo".

        You can go "where" and "as far" as your believing takes you, as long as it's not fantasy land.

        Its this freedom to believe and operate outside the box that we are robbed of from the very starting point of our lives that holds us back, it keeps many, many people in a state of mind that they cannot succeed and therefore are stuck in poverty or at least living way beneath their true potential.

        We have inherent in ourselves a yearning for true freedom and can have it if we believe, but its taught out of us by the systems of the world......

        Freedom begins in the mind. A person who is locked up in a real prison can be more free than a person who is on the outside if they have the right mental mindset.

        Sure they may be behind real steal bars, but whats worse is for a person who is not in a real prison/jail but who is chained and locked in their mind by bars that are made up of their own wrong thinking patterns and their own lack of believing caused by all the fear, doubt and worry and limited vision that is pressured, forced, built and placed on them from a young child.
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      • Profile picture of the author TG12
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        Originally Posted by socomplete View Post

        That is so true! I told my other friend that I don't want to be held down by a job that tells me when I can eat, when to be at work, when I can go on vacation, when I can talk, and what to do.

        I want to see my friends and family flying on private jets, going to the tropics. And she said " Yeah right like that will ever happen" Its almost like we are being programmed to think poor and accept a normal life.
        Just what me and my mate have been talking about in the gym. Good Point Well Put!
        Vaoser Link Ninja Software
        DHV Delivery Systems FAILING at online dating???
    • Profile picture of the author Shaun OReilly
      Shaun OReilly
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      People who have a limited view of the possibilites for
      their own life will try to project those limitations onto

      In other words, people who can't see something as
      possible for themselves, tend to think it's not possible
      for you either.

      "Someone's opinion of you does not have to become
      your reality."
      Les Brown's Schoolteacher, Mr Washington

      Learn to listen to your own heart and pursue the
      vision you can see - regardless of what others say
      or think.

      Dedicated to your success,



      • Profile picture of the author dejurs2000
        Profile picture of dejurs2000
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        Originally Posted by Shaun OReilly View Post

        People who have a limited view of the possibilites for
        their own life will try to project those limitations onto

        In other words, people who can't see something as
        possible for themselves, tend to think it's not possible
        for you either.

        "Someone's opinion of you does not have to become
        your reality."
        Les Brown's Schoolteacher, Mr Washington

        Learn to listen to your own heart and pursue the
        vision you can see - regardless of what others say
        or think.

        Dedicated to your success,

        I like this. People do tend to bring other people to their own comfort zone. I think internet has create a new set of jobs opportunities, but many people still feel uncomfortable with it.

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      • Profile picture of the author TG12
        Profile picture of TG12
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        Originally Posted by Shaun OReilly View Post

        People who have a limited view of the possibilites for
        their own life will try to project those limitations onto

        In other words, people who can't see something as
        possible for themselves, tend to think it's not possible
        for you either.

        "Someone's opinion of you does not have to become
        your reality."
        Les Brown's Schoolteacher, Mr Washington

        Learn to listen to your own heart and pursue the
        vision you can see - regardless of what others say
        or think.

        Dedicated to your success,

        Thats good!
        Vaoser Link Ninja Software
        DHV Delivery Systems FAILING at online dating???
        • Profile picture of the author Canuckystan
          Profile picture of Canuckystan
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          Why is this an either / or question?

          I've had a full-time well paying job forever, and I've been profiting from the net for the last 6 years in my spare time. Job has benefits and regular pay, net pays for all the fun extras and increases the savings account.

          Typically you work only 8 hours per day at a job. The average American will watch over 4 hours of TV per day.

          Take your TV time and do IM. That's at least 4 hours per day which is plenty in my experience.

          Do you really need to know who won that last friggin' singing or dancing show??

          My other thought is that an education and a job will give you a pretty good advantage when it comes to IM.

          Think of the horribly written prose you've seen on sites.

          Think of the horribly written sales pitches you've seen.

          Think of the horrible concepts you've seen.

          An education and a job will likely introduce you to the tools of writing, sales, people management, psychology, business planning, accounting, prioritizing, perseverance, etc.
    • Profile picture of the author jeskola
      Profile picture of jeskola
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      Originally Posted by Juris View Post

      They just try to force their belief system(how all is system, if you prefer ) on you
      "Greatest attractant of money is immunity to criticism" - Dan Kennedy

      I remember how once I was checking out some cars and found one I liked, it was a corvette and it cost something like 25,000$. I showed it to my friend and he said: "Stop dreaming about things like that, get down to earth..."

      I was shocked how his mindset was rooted in poverty. It was ~3 years ago and my mindset and beliefs have radically changed, but even back then nothing seemed impossible even if I was labeled a dreamer or just an idiot
      Ha. Very similar here - i have the leaflet / spec thing of a Lamborghini on my desk next to my computer , so whenever i do IM stuff i can see it and visualize it. I went into the showroom to get the leaflet. I am 100% convinced i will get one sooner rather than later.

      Anyways people always ask why i have that brochure on my desk - as if it's not in my reach. I tell people i will get one soon and they all think i am nuts.

      Don't look to MAKE money - look to HELP people and you will make all the money you can ever want.

  • Profile picture of the author Michael Franklin
    Michael Franklin
    Profile picture of Michael Franklin
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    If you believe in yourself, that's all that matters! In fact to succeed in IM, you're really going to have to be your own self-motivator....People will try to get you to buy into their scarcity mentality. Don't do it! It's one of the worst plagues of humanity today!

  • Profile picture of the author mattlaclear
    Profile picture of mattlaclear
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    Maybe you should get a new set of friends to hang around. Either that or quit casting your pearls to swine. Not saying your friends are pigs but the biblical reference fits. When all your friends have jobs they'll attempt to pigeon hole you into doing the same. Instead hang out with entrepreneurs who value what you're attempting to do.

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    • Profile picture of the author patadeperro
      Profile picture of patadeperro
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      Originally Posted by mattlaclear View Post

      Maybe you should get a new set of friends to hang around. Either that or quit casting your pearls to swine. Not saying your friends are pigs but the biblical reference fits. When all your friends have jobs they'll attempt to pigeon hole you into doing the same. Instead hang out with entrepreneurs who value what you're attempting to do.
      I think this is one of the best advices you can follow, there is and old Spanish saying that goes "Those who walk with wolves learn to howl" meaning that part of your reality is the type of people you hang around with, if you just hang around with employees, they will never understand anything about the things you are talking about, if you start talking to entrepreneurs, they wont be just listening to you, but sharing their experiences in how they create more wealth and freedom, and they will explain you better ways to do things, I am part of a mastermind with a lot of very successful entrepreneurs and I can tell you that has changed my life forever, do the same please.

      Hope it helps
      • Profile picture of the author kmayfield
        Profile picture of kmayfield
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        Originally Posted by patadeperro View Post

        I think this is one of the best advices you can follow, there is and old Spanish saying that goes "Those who walk with wolves learn to howl" meaning that part of your reality is the type of people you hang around with, if you just hang around with employees, they will never understand anything about the things you are talking about, if you start talking to entrepreneurs, they wont be just listening to you, but sharing their experiences in how they create more wealth and freedom, and they will explain you better ways to do things, I am part of a mastermind with a lot of very successful entrepreneurs and I can tell you that has changed my life forever, do the same please.

        Hope it helps

        Thanks for that! There have been many times when i tell some of my co-workers that i am pursuing my own business online in which they look at me like i am speaking another language or something..sometimes i second guess myself because of it, but i know for a fact that i am doing the right thing..i just have to surround myself with people who have the same mindset.
    • Profile picture of the author J Bold
      J Bold
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      Originally Posted by mattlaclear View Post

      Maybe you should get a new set of friends to hang around. Either that or quit casting your pearls to swine. Not saying your friends are pigs but the biblical reference fits. When all your friends have jobs they'll attempt to pigeon hole you into doing the same. Instead hang out with entrepreneurs who value what you're attempting to do.
      I'm sorry I disagree with this kind of mindset.

      Yes, everyone always tells me to get a job because they just don't get it.

      However, true friends will let you be who you are, without meddling. My true friends are like that. I'm not going to stop hanging out with my lifelong friends just because they aren't internet entrepreneurs.

      Business is business. Friends are friends.
      • Profile picture of the author socomplete
        Profile picture of socomplete
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        Its interesting because, I spent 18+ years working hard and going to school. Now that I'm focusing on something different for a about a year, people try to make me feel like a bum off of the street.
        • Profile picture of the author D111
          Profile picture of D111
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          Originally Posted by socomplete View Post

          Its interesting because, I spent 18+ years working hard and going to school. Now that I'm focusing on something different for a about a year, people try to make me feel like a bum off of the street.

          Even my own family started bothering me. My sister thought I was getting scammed and probably spooked my dad into the same idea. Other friends and family had varied reactions. Some were supportive and some were negative.

          Just ignore the naysayers.

          I think every one here wishes you the best of luck!
      • Profile picture of the author mcmahanusa
        Profile picture of mcmahanusa
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        In August of this year, 6.2 million people had been unemployed for six months or more. These are, for the most part, people who have bought into the "get a real job" mindset. Not working out too well for those folks.

        8.5 million people are self-employed. These are people who aren't waiting to find a "real job".

        Yes, as another poster noted, business is business, and friends are friends. But someone who does not believe in me and support my dreams is not my friend. At least not a good one. Perhaps in the "acquaintance" category.

        Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become - Jim Rohn

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    • Profile picture of the author Matthew Duggan
      Matthew Duggan
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      Originally Posted by mattlaclear View Post

      Maybe you should get a new set of friends to hang around. Either that or quit casting your pearls to swine. Not saying your friends are pigs but the biblical reference fits. When all your friends have jobs they'll attempt to pigeon hole you into doing the same. Instead hang out with entrepreneurs who value what you're attempting to do.
      This may well be some of the best advice on this thread (although it's all pretty good).

      Who you associate with is crucial. If you have to hang out with people like the ones you mentioned, then try and 'turn down the volume' on them a little. By that, I mean either ignore their whining, or call them out on it. Most people moan for the sake of it because they're too scared to nail their colours to the mast and declare what they want.

      Ideally, you'll just stop hanging out with them as much. Those people are what a friend of mine calls 'Psychic Vampires'. They're too much effort and they'll cost you your success.
    • Profile picture of the author marcromero
      Profile picture of marcromero
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      Originally Posted by mattlaclear View Post

      Maybe you should get a new set of friends to hang around. do.
      Thats good advice and bad advice, We do need to be around like minded individuals who share the same goals and dreams in life but we should never abandon our friends. If they are just an acquaintance it's not so bad though. We need to help them change their thinking and if we cannot just learn to accept them for who they are as we expect them to do for us.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    John Durham
    Profile picture of John Durham
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    Originally Posted by socomplete View Post

    I was talking with a friend of mine about what I do online and they pretty much said that I should get a real job. I was telling them about all of the different ways that a person could generate income and they listened and agreed with what I said but then they said you should get a job.

    In the meantime my internet connection was lost and then I got it back, but before I lost it I started a new advertising campaign that brought me in $118.00 in revenue while I lost my internet connection for a few days.

    Do you get discouraged when people don't believe in you?
    Better advice is to : "Treat IM like a real job". The hourly pay is much better.
  • Profile picture of the author MilesT
    Profile picture of MilesT
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    I've been called the "village idiot" more than once (which has nothing to do with your question) but for some reason I've been w/out a "real job" for a loooonnnnng time. Go figure. Do what makes you happy, sir.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
    Michael Mayo
    Profile picture of Michael Mayo
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    If you can't change your friends then change your friends!

    Have a Great Day!
    • Profile picture of the author Qamar
      Profile picture of Qamar
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      Originally Posted by Michael Mayo View Post

      If you can't change your friends then change your friends!

      Have a Great Day!
      hmmmm.....nice quotes!
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  • Profile picture of the author maclustig
    Profile picture of maclustig
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    Don't be discouraged by those people who says that you can't do it. Let their discouragements serve as an inspiration for you to keep on moving and pursuing what you believe in.

    If you really want to get rich, don't get a job. Create your own business. You'll never get rich working for your boss, you'll only make him richer.

    Put a ding in the universe.

  • Profile picture of the author Ruth P
    Ruth P
    Profile picture of Ruth P
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    I'm often asked by people if I've got a job yet. Yes I do, and I've had it for the past two years thanks...

    When they say it, I tend to just say I like what I'm doing now and it is a job. Actually, I often tell them it's my own business to keep them quiet which it is of course!

    I do get discouraged sometimes, I'm sure many of us have moments where we question things due to outside pressure. But at the end of the day, most of the people I know are into the mindset of going to school/ college/ university then climbing the 9-5 career ladder. I was in that mindset too until I realised my degree means nothing and here I am - in the end I know what I am doing is 100% right for me.
  • Profile picture of the author Alfred Shelver
    Alfred Shelver
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    Those are going to be the same friends that when you are very successful wanting you to teach them how its done.
  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    Profile picture of tpw
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    Get used to it...

    I have been working 100% online since March of 2005, and my mother-in-law continues to nag me about how I need to get a "real job" to support my family...

    Even members of my own family have suggested the same... Including my wife, who knows how much I really make and spends those profits regularly... LOL
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
  • Profile picture of the author TheMagicShow
    Profile picture of TheMagicShow
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    Originally Posted by socomplete View Post

    I was talking with a friend of mine about what I do online and they pretty much said that I should get a real job. I was telling them about all of the different ways that a person could generate income and they listened and agreed with what I said but then they said you should get a job.

    In the meantime my internet connection was lost and then I got it back, but before I lost it I started a new advertising campaign that brought me in $118.00 in revenue while I lost my internet connection for a few days.

    Do you get discouraged when people don't believe in you?
    only YOU need to believe in yourself, forget what others think. If you are driven and want to make it happen, then no one can stop you. Being realistic is also a good thing, if you are starving while doing IM, then get a part time job and keep doing IM.

    " You can either give a man a fish and feed him for a day OR teach him how to catch a fish and it will feed him for a lifetime"

  • Profile picture of the author The Dotcom Hippie
    The Dotcom Hippie
    Profile picture of The Dotcom Hippie
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    If I really cared about what my home town friends thought of me, I guess I'd have as boring a life as they do.
    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Profile picture of JohnMcCabe
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      Originally Posted by Juris View Post

      I remember how once I was checking out some cars and found one I liked, it was a corvette and it cost something like 25,000$. I showed it to my friend and he said: "Stop dreaming about things like that, get down to earth..."
      That reminds me of a friend of mine from college. After he graduated, he took a job as a waiter at an upscale country club "while he looked for a real job"...

      At one point, he wanted a new car and picked out one that was fairly high priced. As they were starting the paperwork, the salesman asked my friend what he did. My friend answered, honestly, that he was a waiter.

      The salesman tore up the paperwork, got a disgusted look on his face, and growled at my friend for wasting his time, as no mere waiter was going to qualify for financing. We left...

      My buddy went back a couple of hours later and asked to see the owner or GM. He talked to the owner. Told him he'd been in earlier and tried to buy a car. The owner asked what happened. G. explained the scenario from earlier, and added, "would one of the other salespeople help him with the paperwork for buying the car? If I can't finance it, can I pay in cash?"

      The owner did the paperwork himself, and G. drove the car home.

      What the salesman didn't bother to find out was that G. worked in one of the most exclusive fine-dining joints in town, and that it wasn't all that uncommon to make four figures in tips during a shift - and this was back in the late 1970's.

      To the OP - don't worry about the critics. Just smile and say that maybe they are right, then go buy yourself something nice...

      Originally Posted by Caleb Spilchen View Post

      I knew it!....

      Today I thought I would confuse a teacher... So under what is your part-time job... I put "Internet Marketer & Online Businessman + Product Creator and Marketer"... I can't wait till she asks me what the heck I am on about

      Caleb, be careful who you poke with that stick. We don't want you ending up in a Ritalin daze or something...

      Originally Posted by Cathy Shelver View Post

      Those are going to be the same friends that when you are very successful wanting you to teach them how its done.
      More likely, a bunch will just want to join the entourage...
      • Profile picture of the author imon32red
        Profile picture of imon32red
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        Quick story about one of my experiences.

        I was really excited about IM when I started. Almost everyone except my Dad and one of my brothers thought that I was nuts. At that time I told a lot of people what I was doing. Then I started to make a little bit of money. The scoffers still laughed but I peaked a few peoples interest.

        Now I make more than enough money to pay my bills. I decided to go back to school about 2 years ago. So during school I spend almost no time online, and still make a decent living.

        Now, some of those scoffers ask me how I do it. They seem to think that there is a big secret, and once you know the secret there is no more work to be done.

        Back in May I was researching ways to diversify. I tried a couple things that didn't work out. Then I decided to do some Clickbank campaigns. I read quite a bit about it. Just before I started I was visiting one of the scoffers. I thought that this person had changed. They sincerely asked me to show them how to make money online. I decided to show them my latest project.

        When I was finished they said it sounded like a good idea. However, they wanted a surefire way to make money online if they were going to invest their time into it. Basically they said that they would be happy to copy my main income maker. But they were not going to put their time into something that I didn't know if it would work or not. I said I did know that it would work because Clickbank has paid out over a billion dollars in commissions. Someone was making that money. It wasn't enough to get them to take action.

        Well right after that I spent an entire week setting up my campaign. I didn't make much at all the first little while. But then it started to pick up steam. I tweaked my campaigns and currently they are consistently making me a few hundred dollars a week. I know that many of you make much more than that. But to me the time that I put into it, and the fact that I am banking a couple of grand a month seems to be well worth it.

        Well a couple of weeks ago I was talking to someone else about CB and the same scoffer overheard me saying what I was making. After a few days they called to ask me if I could show them what I do. I reminded them that I already had showed them the entire process. They explained that they had been busy and forgotten everything that I had showed them.

        Many people would like to make money online. Either to supplement or replace their income. But few people are actually willing to do the work. In fact that is a good thing. Because if it was too easy, we would be out of a job.
        I'm not selling anything.
        • Profile picture of the author adionline
          Profile picture of adionline
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          Whenever you try to achieve something out of the ordinary people will doubt you, some people think their helping you by managing your expectations but in reality they are hurting your potential when they say it's "not realistic or possible". Limit your contact with people who are dream killers and surround yourself with people that are doing the same thing you are (like this whole forum) and others who have already achieved what you're working towards.
          Giving up is not an option.
  • Profile picture of the author jlucado
    Profile picture of jlucado
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    It doesn't matter what other people's what you think.

    If you think you will succeed or if you think you will fail, you would be correct on both counts. It is what you think.
  • Profile picture of the author Rough Outline
    Rough Outline
    Profile picture of Rough Outline
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    I think people are almost jealous that you decided to break from the norm (a 9 to 5 job) and do your own thing.

    Also, a few people have mentioned that it's almost like we're programmed to think small and stay poor, we're not programmed, we're told that every single day.

    The big guys want the small guys to stay small.
  • Profile picture of the author Darunner14
    Profile picture of Darunner14
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think it's quite funny! Because as soon as you start making money! They want to know how you did it? When they do this, tell them, they need to get a real job! Karma is a Bi*ch!
    Make $300+ daily from your Blog/Website Traffic Today!
    • Profile picture of the author theory expert
      theory expert
      Profile picture of theory expert
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Darunner14 View Post

      I think it's quite funny! Because as soon as you start making money! They want to know how you did it? When they do this, tell them, they need to get a real job! Karma is a Bi*ch!
      I must say I have little patience and respect for most people. They will watch you die. What I need cancer for you to help me?
      They don't think you know what your talking about until they see materials things, then I think to myself, "what I need you for"? [insert explicits]

      oops on a tangent...
  • Profile picture of the author ShaneRQR
    Profile picture of ShaneRQR
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It's been my experience that whenever anyone wants to achieve something above average, people don't believe in them.

    Whether it's getting in shape, making more money or whatever. If you want to go for something most people fail to achieve, people tend to want to pull you down.

    If you keep doing and "failing forward", any doubt you have yourself disappears and those "get a job" type voices become meaningless.

    I'm a slow learner, but it still works out.
    Most people I know have only failed a few times in their lives and they have a steady job.

    I've failed a billion times at a thousand things, but in the course of it all I've had more successes than most people experience in a lifetime.
  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
    Lisa Gergets
    Profile picture of Lisa Gergets
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If I'd have gotten discouraged every time someone looked at me like I was nuts, I wouldn't be sitting in a hundred-year old farmhouse, looking out a window overlooking a gorgeous 280-acre pasture, and oak and pine forest for as far as my eyes can see.

    Don't get discouraged...just know that you'll come up against jealousy and you just need to let it roll off your back.
    Sign up to be notified when Success on Demand goes live, and receive a FREE mindmap that you can follow to create and launch your OWN IM PRODUCTS!
    • Profile picture of the author imon32red
      Profile picture of imon32red
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Lisa Gergets View Post

      If I'd have gotten discouraged every time someone looked at me like I was nuts, I wouldn't be sitting in a hundred-year old farmhouse, looking out a window overlooking a gorgeous 280-acre pasture, and oak and pine forest for as far as my eyes can see.

      Don't get discouraged...just know that you'll come up against jealousy and you just need to let it roll off your back.

      Sounds amazing. What part of the country are you located in?
      I'm not selling anything.
    • Profile picture of the author USHwy129
      Profile picture of USHwy129
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Lisa Gergets View Post

      If I'd have gotten discouraged every time someone looked at me like I was nuts, I wouldn't be sitting in a hundred-year old farmhouse, looking out a window overlooking a gorgeous 280-acre pasture, and oak and pine forest for as far as my eyes can see.

      Don't get discouraged...just know that you'll come up against jealousy and you just need to let it roll off your back.
      Absolutely. And if I listened to those people, I wouldn't be sitting in my place looking through the palm trees and out across the Gulf of Mexico while half the country is freezing their *(^#!s off :rolleyes: <epicfail>smallminded people</epicfail>
  • Profile picture of the author malcsimm
    Profile picture of malcsimm
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You will get there mate. Hey - IM has such potential but it takes a while to get there. Keep plugging away just don't live beyond yoru budget. And don't keep buying products - unless they are for a specific reason.

    And don't get conned by the 'gurus'. Stick with the 'low bull****' forums -like this one.

    Good luck.


    You WILL banish # Procrastination, # Email bloat, # Wasting time, # Wasting money
    Getting Things Done PLUS Evernote turned my life around - read here how I do it
  • Profile picture of the author SDenham
    Profile picture of SDenham
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I posted a thread earlier today asking for a website critique, all the critiquing reminded me just how much I still have to learn, and here i was thinking I was all that because I know quite a bit about this kind of stuff.

    Fortunately, I'm in a safe place, where my screw-ups don't make ME a screw-up. I'd much rather be raked over the coals by people with the attitude of 'Stick to it, fix it, and you'll be fine' than have my hands kissed by those who don't know **** about anything but having a job.

    I've had an entrepreneurial spirit for years, but it's starting to get the better of me now. It HAS to work. What other people think of me, personally, isn't even part of the equation.
    Techniques and tools to increase your Alpha Male energy RIGHT NOW and have more luck with the ladies!
  • Profile picture of the author Biggy Fat
    Biggy Fat
    Profile picture of Biggy Fat
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    Originally Posted by socomplete View Post

    Do you get discouraged when people don't believe in you?
    Obviously I am saying this in general, not directly at you OP. But screw those who don't believe in you. Just believe in your damn self. Never let anyone tell you that you can't do something. Discouraged? No way. More like encouraged. It's just satisfying when I prove them wrong.
  • Profile picture of the author Raz IM
    Raz IM
    Profile picture of Raz IM
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm the opposite. I actually have a real job but I'm doing IM on the side so that I can eventually quit my real job :-)
  • Profile picture of the author Dimitris Skiadas
    Dimitris Skiadas
    Profile picture of Dimitris Skiadas
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Do not try to explain anything to anyone!Trust me, they would never understand you!Even people who use the internet daily and are experienced in this section!I did that mistake in the beginning.Where i told everybody what i was doing!No one believed i could make it.So i stopped telling them stuff!Do the same!

  • Profile picture of the author BradBergeron
    Profile picture of BradBergeron
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Do you guys all really go as in depth into your IM'ing career as it sounds? I try to stay away from any talk of my career as much as I can, but if someone wants to know, I tell them I am a marketer. If they ask me who I work for, I just say I'm a self employed marketer and say it's hard to explain. If they continue to bug me, I'll tell them that I do internet marketing and that I run my own online business.
    • Profile picture of the author sal64
      Profile picture of sal64
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by BradBergeron View Post

      Do you guys all really go as in depth into your IM'ing career as it sounds? I try to stay away from any talk of my career as much as I can, but if someone wants to know, I tell them I am a marketer. If they ask me who I work for, I just say I'm a self employed marketer and say it's hard to explain. If they continue to bug me, I'll tell them that I do internet marketing and that I run my own online business.
      Yup... what he said.

      Offline people - for want of a better description - are programmed to follow the old Poor Dad path in life.

      Maybe time for a power-cut, if so called friends are criticizing what you do.
      Internet Marketing: 20% Internet - 80% Marketing!
      You Won't See The Light Until You Open Your Eyes.
  • Profile picture of the author dv8domainsDotCom
    Profile picture of dv8domainsDotCom
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This has been a phenomenal read. I'm usually a lurker but I wanted to thank those that have shared.
    I have no success stories, nor do I have words of wisdom, except this:
    In my experience so far, I have had to make everything happen that I want to happen, and anything that has not happened is because I have failed to make it happen.
    What most lack is personal accountability and taking responsibility for doing the "work" to make some of this happen.
    I am new to online business ventures, but have been wanting to work for myself for a long time.
    I do not care WHO you work for or what you do. That company is NOT THERE to make you wealthy. They are there to make themselves wealthy. Realize this, and then get out as soon as possible.
    As for me? I have started a couple new online endeavors, and have a couple friends who are willing (MORE than willing) to help me out for a pittance of what I will be getting by having them employed.
    My buttocks are no longer firmly glued to someone elses chair. This will be my year (well, my 3 months anyway; NEXT year will be my year!). Thanks for the inspiration and best of luck to you all! WF is great reading so far
    Support a Warrior, Save Money!
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  • Profile picture of the author Hoopatang
    Profile picture of Hoopatang
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    "Business is business, friends are friends..."

    If your friends are sabotaging you, are they really your friends?

    I agree with the mindset that if you want to live a certain type of life, start hanging around with people who live that kind of life. They think differently. They respond differently to situations and decisions that come up. They approach things from a different angle than the way you normally do it. Break out of your circle of friends - AKA your circle of INFLUENCE... and find folks who influence and inspire you, that you can emulate.

    Your true friends will still be there for you. Your fair-weather friends won't. You'll be better for finding out who's who, and you'll be surrounded by people who will encourage you and inspire you to move forward.
  • Profile picture of the author Chris30K
    Profile picture of Chris30K
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Internet Marketing surprises the crap out of people once they find out u do it and u do it successfully....especially women, omg

    Chic Fil A > McDonald's

  • Profile picture of the author vishalduggal
    Profile picture of vishalduggal
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Every IM feels the same problem.Even my mom didn't know what I am really doing online.
    She thinks that I am just doing something wrong stuff like hacking bank accounts or something else like that.
    To all people who are working online,Don't feel any kind of Criticism just ignore what people are saying about you.
  • Profile picture of the author Fabian Tan
    Fabian Tan
    Profile picture of Fabian Tan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I used to get discouraged but then I realized that
    proving people wrong is one of the greatest

    Improve your knowledge and mindset daily and you will
    realize those people who discourage you are behind
    the curve and are really just hiding their own

    What some business people do is they create a team or
    a mastermind group and create this 'us against the
    world' take-action siege mentality. It drives you to
    move forward everyday and creates great businesses.

    • Profile picture of the author jan roos
      jan roos
      Profile picture of jan roos
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I felt the same way. My biggest motivator was to prove them wrong. Fortunately my family always stood by me but friends and work associates secretly thought I was crazy and should get real but now they are still stuck in the rat race working 6 days a week 12 hours a day for $12 an hour. No holiday pay or benefits.

      Yeah, that's exactly what I tried so desperately to avoid and am so glad I did. Couldn't be happier.

      So in short don't let these people get you down. IM is a real career and if you look at your failures etc like in my case it was 3 years straight with 3K in CC debt racked up. I looked and still look at it the same as having a college education in Online Marketing which only cost me 3K. Small price to pay for the freedom and for the golden info accumulated over the years.



      I'll teach you how to make money like a Mamba.

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    • Profile picture of the author inter123
      Profile picture of inter123
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      This place is a bit like a cult. From the responses you can see that the majority of people are hyper positive about earning money online. But the question that needs to be asked is, how many people really do earn a seriously good income through IM? The percentage of people that fall in this category is low, I'd say.

      Internet Marketing is not difficult but a lot of time has to be invested to understand the big picture and to tweak mechanisms to get method(s) working. It is really no different to say a plumber, a lawyer or anything else but these people have to invest time to get to know about the ins and out of the job.

      I have to agree with the Opening Posters friend. If you have skills in something else, you can straight away get a job in that field and earn good money. There will be no need to spend time a number of months (or even a year or two) to learn the craft.

      And potentially in other fields you can earn a lot more money too. For sure, there are Internet Marketing (or business ) millionaries or billionaries but these are a tiny minority.

      As for being discouraged by what others think, it is only your opinion that matters and the thoughts of other are simply irrelevent. And when you do end up making serious money, you should not really have to show off your wealth and seek validation because again the views of other people are not important. You just need to do what is best for you and do what you enjoy. This is just my opinion.
      • Profile picture of the author JuliannaW
        Profile picture of JuliannaW
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by inter123 View Post

        This place is a bit like a cult. From the responses you can see that the majority of people are hyper positive about earning money online. But the question that needs to be asked is, how many people really do earn a seriously good income through IM? The percentage of people that fall in this category is low, I'd say.

        Internet Marketing is not difficult but a lot of time has to be invested to understand the big picture and to tweak mechanisms to get method(s) working. It is really no different to say a plumber, a lawyer or anything else but these people have to invest time to get to know about the ins and out of the job.

        I have to agree with the Opening Posters friend. If you have skills in something else, you can straight away get a job in that field and earn good money. There will be no need to spend time a number of months (or even a year or two) to learn the craft.

        And potentially in other fields you can earn a lot more money too. For sure, there are Internet Marketing (or business ) millionaries or billionaries but these are a tiny minority.

        As for being discouraged by what others think, it is only your opinion that matters and the thoughts of other are simply irrelevent. And when you do end up making serious money, you should not really have to show off your wealth and seek validation because again the views of other people are not important. You just need to do what is best for you and do what you enjoy. This is just my opinion.
        I'm glad I'm not the only one that gets that feeling sometimes...
      • Profile picture of the author Dave Rodman
        Dave Rodman
        Profile picture of Dave Rodman
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        Originally Posted by inter123 View Post

        This place is a bit like a cult. From the responses you can see that the majority of people are hyper positive about earning money online. But the question that needs to be asked is, how many people really do earn a seriously good income through IM? The percentage of people that fall in this category is low, I'd say.
        In forums like this there is definitely upside to letting people think you make a lot more than you do. Thus the posts in this thread like "Well, wait till they see you driving your BENZ! That'll show em!!!". It's kind of a juvenile response to a juvenile question.
  • Profile picture of the author michael_dans
    Profile picture of michael_dans
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is true but I would just say that if you really want others to stop thinking like that you should make IM as part time and get a full time job. On the other hand you get a part time job and continue full the IM for earning more money.
    • Profile picture of the author J23
      Profile picture of J23
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      Originally Posted by michael_dans View Post

      This is true but I would just say that if you really want others to stop thinking like that you should make IM as part time and get a full time job. On the other hand you get a part time job and continue full the IM for earning more money.
      So because a few others tell you to quit going after your dreams and to get a real job, you should just give in and do it?

      Sorry but that's ridiculous...

      I don't know of anyone who could become successful with that type of thinking.
  • Profile picture of the author Cash37
    Profile picture of Cash37
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    I agree with the others. Get a new circle. Those people will never be happy for you until you feel their 9-5 misery.

    Haters are closer than you think they are.
    • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
      Richard Van
      Profile picture of Richard Van
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      In my humble opinion I guess this all boils down to jealousy. These "friends" have to get up and go to work to earn their dollars, no job, no money. Who the heck wouldn't like to sit in their lounge watching everyone travel to work whilst they make they're coffee? I actually have a job at the moment but it's doing the IM for a very nice company and I can do my own stuff on the side. Thats just til my own income is just way above what I need to live on. The point is, I have friends that earn more than me but if we all lost our jobs I'm the only one that does'nt have to worry, my bills still get paid.

      And I'll tell you this, if I had a job and that was the only way I knew how to make money, and I knew one of my friends earned money in his pyjamas on his laptop.....If I told him to get a job it'd be because I was jealous. Only I wouldn't, I'd beg him/her to show me how it was done!

      Onwards my friend, don't change a thing.

      Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

  • Profile picture of the author morsh
    Profile picture of morsh
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    yeah my friend also said the same thing to me, "wouldn't you get a job, a real job ?"
  • Profile picture of the author Frank Ayres
    Frank Ayres
    Profile picture of Frank Ayres
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    Funny i recently got back in touch with a friend on facebook that i hadnt spoken to for abour 20 years and they asked what i was doing now and i said i had my own business online.

    They wanted to know what i was doing so i sent them a link to some of my sites and their reply was "Good to see you are still ducking and diving!". People just cant see that it is a genuine business, which annoys me, as i have a business bank account, have my accounts done and pay tax for the business.

    • Profile picture of the author Steve Wells
      Steve Wells
      Profile picture of Steve Wells
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by SpudDS View Post

      Funny i recently got back in touch with a friend on facebook that i hadnt spoken to for abour 20 years and they asked what i was doing now and i said i had my own business online.

      They wanted to know what i was doing so i sent them a link to some of my sites and their reply was "Good to see you are still ducking and diving!". People just cant see that it is a genuine business, which annoys me, as i have a business bank account, have my accounts done and pay tax for the business.
      People for the most part think internet marketing is scammy, which I understand, because all it takes is a few bad apples to give IM a bad general reputation.

      Most people believe what they hear on the news or media outlets, and because media and news people are taught and trained to focus on negatives to sell things, they do not promote the positive side of much at all. Which causes the masses of the world who trust the media for information to have their minds tainted with a negative and twisted outlook on the world, which in many cases is just not accurate.

      They make sure that you hear and see want they want you to hear and see, its that simple. So they can add any twist they would like, to distort peoples perceptions. This is one way that they can highly control and influence the masses.

      This is also how the stock market can be damaged HIGHLY, and influenced, because ONE false leak or rumor can cause a ripple effect. This can happen with anything. The media has lots of influencial power that many, many times is not being used responsibly, and at times is under the control of people who have alterior motives. But I will not get into that....
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Profile picture of discrat
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    Originally Posted by socomplete View Post

    I was talking with a friend of mine about what I do online and they pretty much said that I should get a real job. I was telling them about all of the different ways that a person could generate income and they listened and agreed with what I said but then they said you should get a job.

    In the meantime my internet connection was lost and then I got it back, but before I lost it I started a new advertising campaign that brought me in $118.00 in revenue while I lost my internet connection for a few days.

    Do you get discouraged when people don't believe in you?

    I think when you get in this business you need to just accept the notion that most non IM people think you only make money on the internet thru Porn or Gambling.
    You can only go far in changing someone's opinion.

    Also, there is a sense of jealousy people get when they see others making a Living doing their own thing. They figure since they have to report to a boss everyone else should have to too !!

    Just use it as motivation when people tell you to get a job. Remember what they say about how Success is the Sweetest revenge !!

    Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

  • Profile picture of the author Authentic
    Profile picture of Authentic
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I never get discouraged enough to quit trying. It's about truth and knowing yourself, and now I have learned enough to make my way around and I feel no guilt that I am profitting from a program where all the techie work is done for me. Making the right decision on what is best for you and then giving it your all will show the naysayers your success!


  • Profile picture of the author LetsGoViral
    Profile picture of LetsGoViral
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by socomplete View Post

    I was talking with a friend of mine about what I do online and they pretty much said that I should get a real job. I was telling them about all of the different ways that a person could generate income and they listened and agreed with what I said but then they said you should get a job.

    In the meantime my internet connection was lost and then I got it back, but before I lost it I started a new advertising campaign that brought me in $118.00 in revenue while I lost my internet connection for a few days.

    Do you get discouraged when people don't believe in you?
    Haven't happened to me. But then again, I would get a job if someone would offer it to me under relatively good terms.

    Unfortunately, the economic crisis has hit my country hard and getting a decent job without good connections or great experience is near impossible.

    That's why I stick to IM. But yes, I definitely do believe working a normal job is respectable and should be encouraged. You can meet real people, socialize and get a guaranteed check each month. Not everyone can become an internet success.
    Time of thinking is over.
  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    Profile picture of paulie888
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There will always be naysayers out there who pretend to understand what you're doing, and then with their next sentence say that you should think about getting a stable job!

    I have classmates from graduate school who have looked down on this "internet thing" from the very beginning, and now many are either jobless or at some low-paying part-time job, barely scraping by. I'm glad I'm having the last laugh now.

    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
  • Profile picture of the author kaswistry
    Profile picture of kaswistry
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    At some point, we should realize that our parents were pretty much born during the days when 'getting great grades, a diploma and a secure job' was the way to go but the times have changed. I guess that's why they think that way.
    GET YOUR OWN PERSONALIZED SEO PLAN TO Beat Your Competition. Dominate Google Rankings. Convert your SEO to Sales. None of our competitors comes close to this. Not convinced? See for yourself at
  • Profile picture of the author mjMONEY
    Profile picture of mjMONEY
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    Right now I am in the process of "stopping" my job and starting IMing full time! So far in the past 4 days I've made more online then I would at 2 weeks at my part time job. My dad is amazed with the numbers. Honestly it feels like I am pulling money out of thin air. :-D I love IM!
    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Brock
      Daniel Brock
      Profile picture of Daniel Brock
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Here's how I look at it.

      You spend 4 years going to college, another 2 years in graduate school.

      You get your entry level job at say $70-80k/year.
      (you have to right? you just took out crazy student loans so they need to get re-payed ASAP)

      Now the old carrot on a stick trick starts to come into play. They increase your salary by $1k/year - just enough to keep you from moving elsewhere, and just enough to make you think that's all you are worth.

      After 20 years, you're finally making 6 figures a year.
      Another 20 years, you might be lucky if you are getting paid $120k/year.

      Before you know it, you're old, your youth and dreams have been sucked away from you for a crappy average $100,000/year (if you are lucky). You live in that mediocre lifestyle that all of us here are trying to escape.

      Me... I will fight to the very end before I lock myself into that kind of life (there's nothing wrong with it of course... but personally that's not what I want out of life)
      Clickbank #1 Best Seller: The Deadbeat Super Affiliate.
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  • Profile picture of the author Warpanda
    Profile picture of Warpanda
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    Well, when you can show the numbers people will shut it up. Until that...

    Don't prove people wrong, prove that you are right !
  • Profile picture of the author cscarpero
    Profile picture of cscarpero
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by socomplete View Post

    I was talking with a friend of mine about what I do online and they pretty much said that I should get a real job. I was telling them about all of the different ways that a person could generate income and they listened and agreed with what I said but then they said you should get a job.

    In the meantime my internet connection was lost and then I got it back, but before I lost it I started a new advertising campaign that brought me in $118.00 in revenue while I lost my internet connection for a few days.

    Do you get discouraged when people don't believe in you?

    Have you been talking to my wife??? LOL

    I'm an online marketer and mortgage loan officer.

    Connect with me at

  • Profile picture of the author TomBuck
    Profile picture of TomBuck
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yeah I do get discouraged.

    Parents is a good example, I am only 17 so still living with parents they keep moaning about how I should get a part time job because I am in 6th form, and I say I have got one but they just don't get it.
  • Profile picture of the author liveurlyf
    Profile picture of liveurlyf
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by socomplete View Post

    I was talking with a friend of mine about what I do online and they pretty much said that I should get a real job. I was telling them about all of the different ways that a person could generate income and they listened and agreed with what I said but then they said you should get a job.

    In the meantime my internet connection was lost and then I got it back, but before I lost it I started a new advertising campaign that brought me in $118.00 in revenue while I lost my internet connection for a few days.

    Do you get discouraged when people don't believe in you?
    I think the most important thing is to believe in urself and in what you do. I really don't care so much when people say negative stuff about my IM lifestyle choice.
    I've been called lazy, crook, scammer you name it worst of all by people u tot were ur friends and sometimes by family and that does hurt but the only thing that has kept me goin even when the money had not started rolling in was that I believed in my self.
    I once read a book that talked about Thomas Edison the writer said Edison believed that he could harness light from the Incandescent bulb and even after 10,000 or so tries he would not give up bcos he believed.
    so my friend believe, work, produce results and silence the critics.
  • Profile picture of the author Nicola Lane
    Nicola Lane
    Profile picture of Nicola Lane
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I like answering with a Babylon 5 quote:

    Who decides that the workday is from 9 to 5, instead of 11 to 4? Who decides that the hemlines will be below the knee this year and short again next year? Who draws up the borders, controls the currency, handles all of the decisions that happen transparently around us?"
    "I don't know."
    "Ah! I'm with them. Same group, different department. Think of me as a sort of middleman"

    I like to keep an open mind, but not so open that my brains fall out

  • Profile picture of the author entrepreneurjay
    Profile picture of entrepreneurjay
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    My Mom used to say that as well as some friends. I would bring up Internet marketing and they would change the subject which kind of pissed me off lol

    Now they see the money I am making and they ask me about it all the time ha! ha! I love getting the last laugh....

    Now they want to know about it all the time

    Boy how things change :p

    I agree people are programmed to work for the man via ( college ) which is good if you want to be a nurse or a Doctor or a Lawyer.

    If you want to be a businessman or Woman, and work for yourself, and own the business. Most colleges do not teach that!

    I love the book Rich dad poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki it goes into detail about our train of thought and how to change it etc... A great read!
  • Profile picture of the author knowing25
    Profile picture of knowing25
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I felt same with you and you know what I would suggest to combine both, I.M with the real job.
  • Profile picture of the author MCD
    Profile picture of MCD
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Naw never, because I believe in me. They may not believe in me, but they will once my mental starts manifesting itself into worldly wealth.

    My parents and teachers do believe in me though...
  • Profile picture of the author Ashley Skuse
    Ashley Skuse
    Profile picture of Ashley Skuse
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Very few people in my life tell me I should get a job rather than being self-employed. But at the end of the day, I have things to show for it, so people have a hard time criticizing.

    I'm still closely affiliated with education so a lot of my friends are students, or recent graduates that I went to university with. Most of them, if not all of them, are very poor and sometimes can't even afford to eat properly. I choose my friends carefully, and none of them really criticize. My mom on the other hand could have done with believing in me a little more..!

    I am by no means a steady Eddy. Most of my family members are poor, there are a couple of them that are fairly well off but that's after 30+ years of working their way up... I preferred to achieve that in only a few years.
  • Profile picture of the author mr2monster
    Profile picture of mr2monster
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The people that don't have the same entrepreneurial mindset as us, use the "get a real job" phrase all the time.

    It's not their fault... they just don't think like we do.

    I've been through the ringer with this whole IM thing.... trust me on that. I've LOST MY HOME in pursuit of something great... and the whole time no one supported me through it. I cant even count how many times I've heard the "get a real job" line...

    Even now, when all is going well, and I'm making a decent living... people still tell me "get a real job" because I don't have normal hours..

    It's a mindset thing.... they just don't understand.

    Stop listening to them.
  • Profile picture of the author sparkler1
    Profile picture of sparkler1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have really enjoyed this thread. Another quote to add to it.

    Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be ? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
    Nelson Mandela quoting Marianne Williamson

    If IM is what makes your "light shine", then go do it!
  • Profile picture of the author pheonix44
    Profile picture of pheonix44
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Here's how I look at it.

    You spend 4 years going to college, another 2 years in graduate school.

    You get your entry level job at say $70-80k/year.
    (you have to right? you just took out crazy student loans so they need to get re-payed ASAP)

    Now the old carrot on a stick trick starts to come into play. They increase your salary by $1k/year - just enough to keep you from moving elsewhere, and just enough to make you think that's all you are worth.

    After 20 years, you're finally making 6 figures a year.
    Another 20 years, you might be lucky if you are getting paid $120k/year.

    Before you know it, you're old, your youth and dreams have been sucked away from you for a crappy average $100,000/year (if you are lucky). You live in that mediocre lifestyle that all of us here are trying to escape.

    Me... I will fight to the very end before I lock myself into that kind of life (there's nothing wrong with it of course... but personally that's not what I want out of life)
    You're being too kind here, most people make under 50.000$ with a large portion making between 30-45.000$. Making 100.000$ puts you in the top 10% of all income earners in the US and there is nothing average about that.
  • Profile picture of the author mrdomains
    Profile picture of mrdomains
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by socomplete View Post

    Do you get discouraged when people don't believe in you?
    Why care if other people believe or not that what you are doing is possible?
    The disbelievers have a tendency to come running when you surpass their income with less work hours than they are putting in.

    My advice is never mind what other people think, say, or do.

    Believe in yourself.

    Free action plan : Think less. Do more.

  • Profile picture of the author :Elective-
    Profile picture of :Elective-
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    Yeah man...

    I am 1 year into this, and have wasted it off. People once said,"Hey dude, stop wasting your time, and go get a decent job." Yesterday I showed them my $200/week, and they pis*ed off.

    How sweet.
  • Profile picture of the author fated82
    Profile picture of fated82
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I am sure this doesn't just happen to IMs. All great feast was once critic by others. The most important thing is to believe in your own ability and use a PROVEN system. You dont want to go into IMs because you want to prove to the world it can work.

    You go into IM to make money. And the only way to do it is to learn from those who have done it.
  • Profile picture of the author BonganiS
    Profile picture of BonganiS
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by socomplete View Post

    I was talking with a friend of mine about what I do online and they pretty much said that I should get a real job. I was telling them about all of the different ways that a person could generate income and they listened and agreed with what I said but then they said you should get a job.

    In the meantime my internet connection was lost and then I got it back, but before I lost it I started a new advertising campaign that brought me in $118.00 in revenue while I lost my internet connection for a few days.

    Do you get discouraged when people don't believe in you?
    It is important to believe in yourself and what you are doing. If everything is ok according to you, don't be discouraged by others. On the issue of looking for a real job, it depends on you. If what you are earning from your IM business keeps you going, then you can continue with it full time. But if you are struggling, you may need to consider doing it part time until you are ready.
  • Profile picture of the author revenue27
    Profile picture of revenue27
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great advices did they tell you what job? or they refer you to search uncle google :rolleyes:
  • Profile picture of the author ancor
    Profile picture of ancor
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It is not necessary to discourage, in Spain it is worse, the better thing that we can do is not to comment on it with the friends and relatives until we are not gaining a quantity similar to what we would gain with a work out of Internet.

    • Profile picture of the author dave.
      Profile picture of dave.
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I agree that you have to believe in yourself and you SHOULD have dreams about making much more money than everybody else you know! However you should keep in mind that working online is like starting your own firm. It costs money and time and you will have to work hard, because you are your own boss! Yes, it sounds cool, but sometimes it can be very hard to control yourself, and it only gets harder when you reach a higher income level you are satisfied with.

      I was in the same situation like you as I was starting IM 3 years ago. I just started the university and wanted to make some money. Everybody told me that I'm dreaming too much, even my parents didn't belive me after I was getting my 20th check!

      So yes, making much money online can be very realistic, but try to focus on consistent improvement! I have several websites with #1 Google positions and I'm still afraid of wheter my sites will stay there for 3-5 years. What if Google changes the rules again and you loose everything? So try to achieve as much as you can and build your empire as soon as possible!

      Cheers, Dave
      >>>>Free Forex Strategies: Forex Univerzum <<<<
  • Profile picture of the author Not So New
    Not So New
    Profile picture of Not So New
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    A job is for those that don't have the courage to actually try something that they are passionate about.

    I personally feel more comfortable trying to figure out stuff on my own then relying on some company for my pay cheque.

    I would do what makes you happy and block out the "nay sayers". People find comfort when they see other people struggling

    Just my 2 cents

  • Profile picture of the author jacksonlin
    Profile picture of jacksonlin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I love the face people make at me when I tell them I make money whilst I sleep.

    It's the best feeling ever... waking up to see how much money you have made whilst practicing hard on your zzz...zzz....zzz... =]
    Want a 13 Part FREE Internet Marketing Course - Taught By A PREMIER CLICKBANK SUPPER AFFILIATE? Did I mention taught through VIDEOS?
    Yup, I'm not hyping things up for you. Click here to check it out!
    • Profile picture of the author Supernatural_fan
      Profile picture of Supernatural_fan
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by jacksonlin View Post

      I love the face people make at me when I tell them I make money whilst I sleep.

      It's the best feeling ever... waking up to see how much money you have made whilst practicing hard on your zzz...zzz....zzz... =]

      haha, it is indeed the best feeling ever; making money while you sleep, eat, watch movies and other ordinary or non-ordinary human activities; there is no way i'd give up earning money online just because someone told me to get a real job; i am actually non-fit to have a real job; my punctuality is a mess, me in the morning, the same mess, not to mention that i hate having specific schedules or the wrong people to work with...i find most work places a high-school, but with a bit more mature men and women; that's not a pleasant sight either; yet working at my new pc (for which i paid with my own money) and in my own bed look a lot better
  • Profile picture of the author DominiquePrentiss
    Profile picture of DominiquePrentiss
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You know, I've stopped talking about
    my business to family members and
    certain friends.

    They think the Internet is some sort
    of scam and their negative energy
    used to affect me.

    I stopped talking to them about
    my job, joined a mastermind group
    and the rest is history.

    When they ask about my job, I
    simply say... "I'm having the time
    of my life and I love what I do."

    Then I change the subject - quick!
  • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
    Profile picture of Tsnyder
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by socomplete View Post

    I was talking with a friend of mine about what I do online and they pretty much said that I should get a real job. I was telling them about all of the different ways that a person could generate income and they listened and agreed with what I said but then they said you should get a job.

    In the meantime my internet connection was lost and then I got it back, but before I lost it I started a new advertising campaign that brought me in $118.00 in revenue while I lost my internet connection for a few days.

    Do you get discouraged when people don't believe in you?
    Discouraged? Nah...

    When someone else wants to start paying my bills they can
    start telling me what to do. Until then... take a hike.

    If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
  • Profile picture of the author Roy Penrod
    Roy Penrod
    Profile picture of Roy Penrod
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by socomplete View Post

    Do you get discouraged when people don't believe in you?
    No. I can't get discouraged by it since I don't agree with them. I'm walking my own path in this world and I'm good with that.

    Here's a "life lesson" I learned a long time ago, Brian ... what other people say to you says more about them than it ever will about you.
  • Profile picture of the author LauraJames
    Profile picture of LauraJames
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I learned a lot about numerous aspects of online marketing. I studied for many hours, along with working on my communication skills. I then started a business. The company has workers here in Canada and in the USA too. None of our work is outsourced overseas. I am pleased to be running a successful business and my team and I work at this each day. Along the way, I heard numerous negative comments, and those comments came from people who know nothing about online marketing.

    One of my favourite books is Think and Grown Rich by Napoleon Hill. It is filled with numerous stories about how people, many of whom are now famous, overcame adversity and numerous challenges. If not for their determination, our lives today would be substantially different. If you have not done so, I highly recommend you read this book. Best wishes to you.

    Chief Executive Officer
    Best Designed Blogs
    Based in Canada and the USA
    None of our work is outsourced

  • Profile picture of the author dawnbreaker
    Profile picture of dawnbreaker
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Some people don't believe on what we're doing because they have their own system of believe... Especially to them, because they don't know how to make money online...

    All I know if you will tell them what you we're doing online, then they will just nag... And others might be amazed or no reaction at all...

    But who cares? They don't make money for you! You make money for yourself and for someone you cared for.
  • Profile picture of the author rmolina88
    Profile picture of rmolina88
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I haven't told anyone yet, but I can't wait to give them a nice surprise.

    ...once I've finally earned my first dollar.
  • Profile picture of the author mark587905
    Profile picture of mark587905
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I was told by family members, you wont go to universtiy, I did and graduated. They told me to not leave my job, IM was pie in the sky. I did and now the sky is the limit.
  • Profile picture of the author DivaOnline
    Profile picture of DivaOnline
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I only tell a select few what I am doing and the people I do tell, I only give very limited information. The people I do tell, they would be supportive even if I was trying to sell cow patties!

    My goal is to prove the others wrong BEFORE I tell them! HAHAHAHA

    Alot of times we value the opinions of the wrong people.....if you ride the bus, the worst place to get car information is from other bus riders....ask car owners!

    For years I was asking other people living paycheck to paycheck just like me about business ideas.....all I got in return was why it wouldnt work. It wasnt until I started asking business owners that I got all the reasons it could work!
    FREE Report -"Search Engine Seduction" - Learn to Seduce the Search Engines!
    FREE Internet Marketing Dictionary - Know the meanings of all the IM terms - stop guessing!
    Want Millions Viewing Your Ads Everyday? -Learn How To Develop iPhone Apps!
    • Profile picture of the author Brendon Zahrndt
      Brendon Zahrndt
      Profile picture of Brendon Zahrndt
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by DivaOnline View Post

      I only tell a select few what I am doing and the people I do tell, I only give very limited information. The people I do tell, they would be supportive even if I was trying to sell cow patties!

      My goal is to prove the others wrong BEFORE I tell them! HAHAHAHA

      Alot of times we value the opinions of the wrong people.....if you ride the bus, the worst place to get car information is from other bus riders....ask car owners!

      For years I was asking other people living paycheck to paycheck just like me about business ideas.....all I got in return was why it wouldnt work. It wasnt until I started asking business owners that I got all the reasons it could work!
      Misery loves company.
  • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
    E. Brian Rose
    Profile picture of E. Brian Rose
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    Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

  • Profile picture of the author N4PGW
    Profile picture of N4PGW
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by socomplete View Post

    I was talking with a friend of mine about what I do online and they pretty much said that I should get a real job. I was telling them about all of the different ways that a person could generate income and they listened and agreed with what I said but then they said you should get a job.

    In the meantime my internet connection was lost and then I got it back, but before I lost it I started a new advertising campaign that brought me in $118.00 in revenue while I lost my internet connection for a few days.

    Do you get discouraged when people don't believe in you?
    First of all, do you remember your history? Why were colleges in this country created and by whom? They were created by corporations who wanted better skilled EMPLOYEES.

    Most people are brainwashed into believing that "security" is only found in the workplace as an employee with 'benefits.' The truth is that security is only found in knowing how to make passive income. Trading time for money is always the highest risk investment as at any time your job can go away or your skill replaced.

    I was hearing a marketer tell about his mom. He is making well over $500,000 per year, but his mother thinks he should get a job so he can have medical benefits. His trade skills are worth less than $60,000 per year and his mother doesn't understand how he can survive without 'benefits.'

    I feel sorry for these people. I see them every day.

    • Profile picture of the author WeatherEmperor
      Profile picture of WeatherEmperor
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I have a 9 to 5 job. I also do IM part-time. Even though I am still new at IM, I have learned a lot from it. I participate in a few other IM forums besides WF and one thing I find interesting is that IM'ers are willing to willing to bust their butts and work so hard to make the online businesses work, but were not willing to make their "9 to 5" jobs work. Many IM'ers told me that they did not want to sit in a cubicle and deal with a boss for the rest of their lives. I don't understand why they would limit themselves to just a cubicle job. Why do they feel a cubicle job is all they can achieve in a career, but somehow the sky is the limit with IM?

      A few years ago, I was an Executive I.T Director making a very very healthy 6 figure income with all the benefits. Unfortunately, I had to resign from my position to fight cancer. I survived, but I lost my 6 figure income position. Now, I am a Help Desk Manager making roughly $65,000 a year. Not bad, but a far cry from what I made before my battle with cancer. I worked my butt off to reach that 6 figure income I had before and I honestly believe if it weren't for my near death experience with cancer, I could have become a CIO and made close to a quarter million dollars a year. My health does not allow me to get back in the upper management corporate game and that is why I got into affiliate marketing part-time.

      The reason I bring this up is because I hear a lot of stories from IM'ers about how their lives weren't good and that is how they got into IM. Either they were school drop outs, or didn't like their jobs or they were laid off. My point is, that no matter which path you choose whether it be the 9 to 5 job path or the IM path, you should always give it 110% no matter WHAT you do
      • Profile picture of the author dremora
        Profile picture of dremora
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by WeatherEmperor View Post

        I have a 9 to 5 job. I also do IM part-time. Even though I am still new at IM, I have learned a lot from it. I participate in a few other IM forums besides WF and one thing I find interesting is that IM'ers are willing to willing to bust their butts and work so hard to make the online businesses work, but were not willing to make their "9 to 5" jobs work. Many IM'ers told me that they did not want to sit in a cubicle and deal with a boss for the rest of their lives. I don't understand why they would limit themselves to just a cubicle job. Why do they feel a cubicle job is all they can achieve in a career, but somehow the sky is the limit with IM?
        Unfortunately, if you graduate from college and follow a white collar career path, cubicle is pretty much where you will end up. So long as you are trapped in the corporate world. Of course you can always start freelancing but no benefits-no health insurance thing scares most people, so a lot of people I know do that on the side.

        A few years ago, I was an Executive I.T Director making a very very healthy 6 figure income with all the benefits. Unfortunately, I had to resign from my position to fight cancer. I survived, but I lost my 6 figure income position. Now, I am a Help Desk Manager making roughly $65,000 a year. Not bad, but a far cry from what I made before my battle with cancer. I worked my butt off to reach that 6 figure income I had before and I honestly believe if it weren't for my near death experience with cancer, I could have become a CIO and made close to a quarter million dollars a year. My health does not allow me to get back in the upper management corporate game and that is why I got into affiliate marketing part-time.
        This is why corporate career sucks and it's far from secure. They can lay you off or fire you any given time. Relying on one source of income isn't a good thing, even if you do IM you should always look into multiple projects and creating multiple streams of income.

        The reason I bring this up is because I hear a lot of stories from IM'ers about how their lives weren't good and that is how they got into IM. Either they were school drop outs, or didn't like their jobs or they were laid off. My point is, that no matter which path you choose whether it be the 9 to 5 job path or the IM path, you should always give it 110% no matter WHAT you do
        I started IM when I got laid off from a terrible, horrible cubicle job. I didn't want to go back to the cubicle again. I worked my ass off 12 hours a day to learn skills - even tho I didn't make a red cent, I didn't care. I wanted to do something I love (like building social media assets). I am still learning, I download everything from the War room and devour it, and I sell the stuff I learn to offline clients.

        3 years ago I was living in filthy trailer, surrounded by mud and nasty critters. I left my luxury condo and moved there to make myself miserable enough to take action. Now I live in a nice, pristine house that will be completely paid off netx year, relaxing at my backyard watching the stars and the beautiful greenbelt, and hopefully I will have a traveling Tim Ferriss like lifestyle soon. No cubicle job ever gives you that. Sky is the limit when you are an entrepreneur (not necessarily an IM one, we have physical product projects going on too).

        And it's not any riskier than a cubicle job where you could get laid off any day.

        I remember not being able to find any jobs for 6 months after losing a former cubicle job.

        I don't believe someone who reads this forum for a couple of months and has war rooom membership would have trouble finding clients for 6 months.
        Even the most clueless n00b here can learn how to set up wordpress site and do some basic SEO and go sell this service to local business owners in their neighborhood.
    • Profile picture of the author Piper Anderson
      Piper Anderson
      Profile picture of Piper Anderson
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by N4PGW View Post

      First of all, do you remember your history? Why were colleges in this country created and by whom? They were created by corporations who wanted better skilled EMPLOYEES.

      Most people are brainwashed into believing that "security" is only found in the workplace as an employee with 'benefits.' The truth is that security is only found in knowing how to make passive income. Trading time for money is always the highest risk investment as at any time your job can go away or your skill replaced.

      I was hearing a marketer tell about his mom. He is making well over $500,000 per year, but his mother thinks he should get a job so he can have medical benefits. His trade skills are worth less than $60,000 per year and his mother doesn't understand how he can survive without 'benefits.'

      I feel sorry for these people. I see them every day.
      That kind of made me smile. My mother just today told me she doesn't understand my lifestyle. It seems confusing to her to go through the ups and downs (and periods of having lots of money and being totally broke) that go with entrepreneurship. But she was raised to believe you got a job and got benefits and stayed with that job for security (or else married someone who had a job with benefits, as she herself did).

      Many of my friends from high school and college are entrepreneurs now. After getting our degrees and working "real jobs" for several years, we realized working for someone else was futile, often soul-crushing, and usually more hassle than it was worth. Even with the ups and downs of income that come with running your own business (or several businesses, as I do), it is still worlds better than having your time, income, and other aspects of your life be controlled by someone else.

      I have my own benefits package, bought and paid for through my own earnings with my business ventures. My schedule and choices are my own. I, and my many business-owning friends, agree we wouldn't have it any other way.
  • Profile picture of the author joadcrank
    Profile picture of joadcrank
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Most of people out there think that you cannot make money online and it's normal when you talk them about this (most of them don't know about you are talking...don't understand what each thing does do and don't even care to understand).
    I had a friend with who i was in a dispute on this subject, about making money online.
    Like you, i was talking to him, explaining almost everything about this and at the finish line story, he agreed with everything, but don't believe.
    I put a bet with him if i get out from internet 100$ in a few days, he must give me the same amount.
    So ...think...who won?
    Of course, me.
    Than he believed me and asked my help to train him to do himself money online.

    How i said in the first, most of people out there don't believe and they think you can make money just in a real life...but...this virtual world(i mean internet) is something like an subcategory of our real life. That means that is the same life, right no?

    Anyway, anyone out there who talks about this subject(money making online) don't be discouraged about what people say.

    How Caleb Spilchen said:
    you'll have the nice car later, will they?
  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    Profile picture of paulie888
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    In many cases it's best not to talk about what you do in IM with strangers or even regular friends. You'll probably be met with a puzzled, disapproving look and seriously regret having ever told them.

    Even talking to close friends or a spouse can be problematic, and it's just best not to say too much unless it is absolutely necessary for some reason or another.

    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
  • Profile picture of the author JonAlfredsson
    Profile picture of JonAlfredsson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I don't get discourage especially when I already see how my account is filled with profit. And even if I still can't see any result, it's better to look at others who became successful on this industry and make them as inspiration. If they can do it, they I can do it too. Basic. Cliche. But it's true. All efforts like research and application will be rewarded in the end.
  • Profile picture of the author vok
    Profile picture of vok
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    In my eyes anything that makes money is a real job.
  • Profile picture of the author sitback
    Profile picture of sitback
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    In the beginning they mock you, when you are living the life they envy, the want to know how they can do it
    • Profile picture of the author HotDamnShortSales
      Profile picture of HotDamnShortSales
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      The cool part about succeeding in something others said you wouldn't or doubted you about is the proof. ie, flying somewhere on a whim, or hosting a big party, paying cash for your awesome wedding, trips to Hawaii while they sit on their butts freezing watching fox news afraid to take action and "do something!".

      remember this

      "success is the greatest revenge"

      Originally Posted by sitback View Post

      In the beginning they mock you, when you are living the life they envy, the want to know how they can do it
      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Profile picture of paulie888
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by HotDamnShortSales View Post

        The cool part about succeeding in something others said you wouldn't or doubted you about is the proof. ie, flying somewhere on a whim, or hosting a big party, paying cash for your awesome wedding, trips to Hawaii while they sit on their butts freezing watching fox news afraid to take action and "do something!".

        remember this

        "success is the greatest revenge"

        Success and seeing the look in your disbelieving friends' faces when you finally make it is priceless, and very powerful motivation indeed! This is a great way to turn a negative into a positive, i.e. when your family and friends are constantly berating you for playing around on the internet, instead of letting it get to you the best thing to do instead would be to turn it into a powerful driving force that motivates you intensely!

        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
    • Profile picture of the author N4PGW
      Profile picture of N4PGW
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by sitback View Post

      In the beginning they mock you, when you are living the life they envy, the want to know how they can do it
      I disagree. They want to know how they can "Have it." (i.e. win the lotto) When they are talking among themselves, they say "He used to work with me before he got lucky." They think you hit the lotto.

      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Profile picture of paulie888
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by N4PGW View Post

        I disagree. They want to know how they can "Have it." (i.e. win the lotto) When they are talking among themselves, they say "He used to work with me before he got lucky." They think you hit the lotto.
        So true, many people have this lottery mentality when it comes to making money on the internet, which is what is fueling the crazy "pushbutton/make money overnight" product craze. Perhaps they think that just because we're making money via the internet, it's something "magical" where you just need to push some keys on the computer to get money pouring into your account like it's some kind of slot machine or ATM.

        The internet is just another medium for doing business in, and all the basic rules of business still apply. You may have increased reach and reduced expenses when using the internet, but you still have to market something and sell it in order to make money!

        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
  • Profile picture of the author Herbert S Richter
    Herbert S Richter
    Profile picture of Herbert S Richter
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    People will always discourage you but its good to stick to what you believe in.

    Make IM give you results, and they will stop questioning and RESPECT!
  • Profile picture of the author SeoWizzard
    Profile picture of SeoWizzard
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I sometimes get discouraged, but I always get the motivation to stay in the game
  • Profile picture of the author HotDamnShortSales
    Profile picture of HotDamnShortSales
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    4 years ago, we started a real estate investment company. You can imagine what our family and friends told us. ARE YOU NUTS??!! THE ECONOMY SUCKS, ESPECIALLY REAL ESTATE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!! well, we were in the short sales niche, and 4 years later, and over 500k in profits, we are growing larger and bigger every day. and we are launching our short sales product in the internet in 30 days. SO, my point is this, between the time we started our business 4 years ago or so, until the current, those same people who doubted us, or should i say had concern for us, have had many jobs, lost them, got fired, quit, etc. We are still doing the exact same thing we said we would 4 years ago.

  • Profile picture of the author Fun to Write
    Fun to Write
    Profile picture of Fun to Write
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    As long as YOU believe in what you're doing and know in YOUR gut that it's right for your life goals, that's all that should matter.

    Shoot, 95% of the stuff that we use everyday started out as a dream in somebody's basement or garage. I think it's all about sticking with something and not letting anyone discourage you from doing what you have a talent for. Now, all you need to do is keep making consistent money at it.

    That old "get a job" line has been used countless times by people who can't visualize or understand what you're doing. You've got the entrepreneurial spirit and most don't, so just brush it off and keep on keeping on.

    Focus+Smart Work+Persistence=Success

  • Profile picture of the author moneyblogger1
    Profile picture of moneyblogger1
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    Right now I do both!

    The job pays the bills and allows me to have free cash to invest into the business.

    I hate my job but I choose to focus on all the things I has given me. Not to mention the fact that it takes the pressure of the online business thus giving me the ability to focus clearly.

    I'm not saying that you should have a job, but its not the worst idea when you are building up your business.



    Suck a video? Hate creating them? Let us do it for you. Get a custom video for 1/10th the industry standard price:

  • Profile picture of the author MichaelParsons
    Profile picture of MichaelParsons
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    Like my wife said when I mentioned that guy who gets paid to wear t-shirts...
    That's stupid...Who would pay for THAT?
    Then I got a check or two. Now she's all "show me the money" :rolleyes:

    Its a matter of "Stupid/Scam/Waste of time" is in the eye of the beholder...
  • Profile picture of the author Shane N
    Shane N
    Profile picture of Shane N
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by socomplete View Post

    ...I was telling them about all of the different ways that a person could generate income and they listened and agreed...
    You should have charged him for that information!
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Jordan
    Mark Jordan
    Profile picture of Mark Jordan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It took awhile for me to believe that there's money in IM. But I kept at it and now I'm earning more than what i expected. But still I kept my job just in case.
    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Profile picture of JohnMcCabe
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by sitback View Post

      In the beginning they mock you, when you are living the life they envy, the want to know how they can do it

      They'll hate you for it and make up stuff about how you got it - stuff that makes them better than you...
      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Profile picture of JohnMcCabe
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        There seems to be a particularly addictive flavor of kool-aid going around.

        Somehow, people got the notion that formal education is useless, and that it's more useful to read a few ebooks.

        Some rail on and on about being trapped in a cubicle while rhapsodizing about spending hours behind a computer in a home office. Can't stand the idea of a 'boss' telling them what to do, but sounding perfectly giddy about kissing some idiot's backside because he spent $27 on your ebook.

        I don't get it. And neither do friends, relatives, etc.

        Coming to a forum and whining about it isn't going to change anything. About the best you can do is accept that they don't understand. If you can't do that, maybe you do need to exclude them from your life. Better than getting an ulcer over it.

        With the exception of some external events that can't be predicted or prevented, your life is what you make of it.
        • Profile picture of the author Dave Rodman
          Dave Rodman
          Profile picture of Dave Rodman
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

          There seems to be a particularly addictive flavor of kool-aid going around.

          Somehow, people got the notion that formal education is useless, and that it's more useful to read a few ebooks.

          Some rail on and on about being trapped in a cubicle while rhapsodizing about spending hours behind a computer in a home office. Can't stand the idea of a 'boss' telling them what to do, but sounding perfectly giddy about kissing some idiot's backside because he spent $27 on your ebook.

          I don't get it. And neither do friends, relatives, etc.

          Coming to a forum and whining about it isn't going to change anything. About the best you can do is accept that they don't understand. If you can't do that, maybe you do need to exclude them from your life. Better than getting an ulcer over it.

          With the exception of some external events that can't be predicted or prevented, your life is what you make of it.
          I think it is kinda funny as well. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not sure how useful my college education was at 18-22, but I have no doubt that it helped me land the job. And for that reason alone, it was worth having. Most people fail at IM, so if you don't make it, then what's your backup plan?

          Most people that work online do not really have a much better lifestyle. At least not, in my opinion. They are working more and they really have just traded one boss for another. The only advantage they have is that they have some more flexibility.

          And as far as the OP goes, who cares what others think? When you start making some money, then go tell people about your journey. Until then, just keep it to yourself.
  • Profile picture of the author thomarv29
    Profile picture of thomarv29
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    When ever someone tells you not to do something because your too stupid or ugly, just tell them to shut the hell up... -John F. Kenedy

    I love this quote by JFK... Always gets me through the day.

    Im president of White Label Links Inc. A leading SEO and Internet marketing company based out of Jacksonville FL

  • Profile picture of the author Deepak Media
    Deepak Media
    Profile picture of Deepak Media
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    Originally Posted by socomplete View Post

    I was talking with a friend of mine about what I do online and they pretty much said that I should get a real job. I was telling them about all of the different ways that a person could generate income and they listened and agreed with what I said but then they said you should get a job.

    In the meantime my internet connection was lost and then I got it back, but before I lost it I started a new advertising campaign that brought me in $118.00 in revenue while I lost my internet connection for a few days.

    Do you get discouraged when people don't believe in you?
    If you can live like no one else. You will live like no one else.

    IM lifestyle does have some sacrifices. But it is worth it.
    Digital Marketing Author | Speaker | Consultant

    Read my Blog:

    @ Bangalore, India.
  • Profile picture of the author Joe Benjamin
    Joe Benjamin
    Profile picture of Joe Benjamin
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    Originally Posted by socomplete View Post

    I was talking with a friend of mine about what I do online and they pretty much said that I should get a real job. I was telling them about all of the different ways that a person could generate income and they listened and agreed with what I said but then they said you should get a job.

    In the meantime my internet connection was lost and then I got it back, but before I lost it I started a new advertising campaign that brought me in $118.00 in revenue while I lost my internet connection for a few days.

    Do you get discouraged when people don't believe in you?
    I'm a BADAZZ.

    Therefore, other people no longer have an influence on me because I
    know what I'm capable of. Besides, it's been months since I talked to
    someone who strongly opposed my bad azz lifestyle.

    If THEY don't get with the program, I drop them out of the picture &
    talk to more people who DO get with my program.

    I used to care about what others thought. I felt left out. I felt like I
    was a bum sometimes because I didn't have a job...but the moment I
    got over those insecurities I started making serious money.

    Being an entrepreneur forces you to learn how to DEAL with being the
    strange one. It's one of the toughest training grounds next to joining
    the armed forces.

    So "no", I don't give a damn about what other people think or if they
    believe in me or not, because I surround myself with winners only.
    **How I FLIPPED $80 into $690 Pure Profit With ONE EASY Method...2 to 3x Per Week...Only 30 Minutes Per Day (and how YOU can COPY my RESULTS, too!) **CLICK HERE FOR VERIFIED VIDEO PROOF**
  • Profile picture of the author James Harrison
    James Harrison
    Profile picture of James Harrison
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    This has probably already been said... but: "Those who say they can, and those who say they can't are both usually right" - I forgot

    People have been brought up to believe that the ideal and practical lifestyle is: Graduate from high school with a 4.0, ditto with college, get married, get a nice job that makes 100k+ per year that requires 40+ hours of your week, have 2 1/2 kids, and then tell your kids to do the same.
    If you tell someone anything different, they will just criticize you because they can't think for themselves and anything new and extreme like making a living off of the internet is just CRAZY!!!
    Also, if you tell someone that you might potentially make $1000 per day while only working 10 hours per week, they are going to be extremely envious so they will just tell you it can't be done.

    Oh and by the way: Harnessing electricity "Couldn't be done", casting a V shaped engine block "couldn't be done", flying "couldn't be done", a consumer-priced computer "couldn't be done", sending a man into space was "impossible"

    Don't let ANYONE tell you that something cannot be done. Humans have the mental capacity to do anything that they dang well please. Motivation is the determining factor.
    • Profile picture of the author Brad Pollina
      Brad Pollina
      Profile picture of Brad Pollina
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by James Harrison View Post

      This has probably already been said... but: "Those who say they can, and those who say they can't are both usually right" - I forgot

      The quote is "if you think you can or think you can't you're right" but can't find who said it either.

      I also like "If you're going through hell, keep going."
      (Winston Churchill)
      "Be patient with me....God isn't finished with me yet!"
  • Profile picture of the author Cris Stylez
    Cris Stylez
    Profile picture of Cris Stylez
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    I'm am in the same boat as well. I constantly get criticized for my long hours on the computer trying to build a successful business. I have friends and family telling me, I'm wasting my time i need to go back in college.

    Ha.. Why continue to create more debt for myself that i will never be able to pay back. I feel like school isn't for everyone. I've always learned more from my own self teaching's. My point is don't ever let anyone deter you from your goals.

    I always say "Why create a plan B. When it only deters you from plan A." from my experience Dedication + Persistence = Results! Don't Give up!


    Cris Stylez
  • Profile picture of the author klqtkd3
    Profile picture of klqtkd3
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    I used to get discouraged when people didn't believe in me. Now, I have a beautiful wife who is very supportive in my business venture. She believes in me and that is all that I need. Now, I can talk to people about my opportunity and not get discouraged. What's the worst thing they can tell me? No! So, I get a no and move to the next person. =D
  • Profile picture of the author affiliatepro222
    Profile picture of affiliatepro222
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think you can get discouraged, only if you dont believe in what you do and the most important yourself....

    To be honest probably every single one of us are going or were going through this, because people dont understand online business even though its expanding now....

    best tip, believe in yourself, and what you do, and then no one should ever make you feel discouraged, in fact they will push you more
  • Profile picture of the author WriteMyOwnCheck
    Profile picture of WriteMyOwnCheck
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    One of my many mentors often says,"If you buy people's opinions then you buy people's lifestyles". So I say to you Brian, and it appears you're already on your way, if you want the lifestyle that most people out there could only dream of and perhaps envy of others, then buy into their opinions.

    The amount of money you make is roughly equivalent to the average of the top 5 people you associate with. So "hang out" or associate with like-minded people that want a better lifestyle for themselves, and don't pay any attention to those "blowhards" trying to take you down.

    Best of Success,

  • Profile picture of the author Derek Allen
    Derek Allen
    Profile picture of Derek Allen
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I obviously can't say this any better then Will Smith but...

    I totally agree with what Fabian pointed out about the mastermind group. These groups are super helpful when it comes to staying positive and motivated. Plus, when you need help in a particular area, you always have someone to call on.

    But the bottom line is... There are always going to be skeptics, critics and people who just don't understand this business. The thing you have to remember is, when they get up at 7 in the morning to go their "regular job", you are still all snuggly in the bed and you do things on your time.

    Don't let those things get you down. Don't even think twice about it! Do what makes you happy.

    The end.
    My Blog + Cool Stuff>> Self Made CEO
  • Profile picture of the author dagaul101
    Profile picture of dagaul101
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    It shouldn't come as a surprise, if you told some people you sit at home all day, and watch Youtube, and post stuff on various web sites to make a living, many will laugh
  • Profile picture of the author Anonymous Affiliate
    Anonymous Affiliate
    Profile picture of Anonymous Affiliate
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    People who are "in the box" can't visualize that there's a whole load of different (and more challenging+rewarding) paths "out there". In fact, very few people are willing to step off the beaten path seeking for something else than the standard beaten rewards.

    I've learned by experience that it's impossible to change those people's views no matter how hard you try and prove them that it's actually feasible. They're just too deep into "the box".
  • Profile picture of the author rhoda.pearl
    Profile picture of rhoda.pearl
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    When people don't believe in you, you sometimes get discouraged; but one thing I have learned is that getting discouraged will not get you to what you want. I'd rather make this as motivation to do my very best to prove that doing Internet Marketing is worth it.

    Aside from this, these people don't actually know the advantages of Internet Marketing compared to what they call a "real job".
  • Profile picture of the author justen_mllr
    Profile picture of justen_mllr
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    All the time I have people who say that I will never be able to make any money online. But the truth of the matter is: I can make more money online then they will ever dream of making.

    When someone says something like that to me I just don't let it bother me. What these people are doing is putting a curse on you, but it is totally up to you if your gonna take that curse or if your just gonna laugh at and not let them get to you.

    So, when someone does say something I just laugh at them and think to myself: "If only they knew. haha"
    I'm feeling nice today, so send me a PM with any internet marketing question you got and I'll Help You Out!!!
  • Profile picture of the author goingup
    Profile picture of goingup
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I dont tell people im an internet marketer, i say i'm a small business owner.
    Doesnt matter if i choose to sell online, offline, or a combination. Im a small business owner. I dont even mention what i sell-doesnt matter and it changes from time to time anyway. If people press me, i just look at them like they're nuts.

    Only dead fish go with the flow.

  • Profile picture of the author Beatrice
    Profile picture of Beatrice
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Doing IM is my "dirty" secret and no-one knows I am doing it on the side!
    FREE Video to Build Your Website:


    This Step-by-Step video guide will show you how to buil your website from scratch!(For FREE)
    • Profile picture of the author James Clark
      James Clark
      Profile picture of James Clark
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hey Brian,

      Play golf for large sums of money. I make it a habit not to go out to dinner with bad putters. Sometimes it can rub off on you. Don't tell anyone what you are doing. When I was a Sales Trainer that was one of the big problem I had with young sales people. They talk to much. Just keep quiet and go about your business.

      Furthermore, you can't help but be successful you have the right last name(LOL)
      • Profile picture of the author jgant
        Profile picture of jgant
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I still have a real job and am doing all I can to generate sufficient income from IM to do IM full time.

        I'm fortunate that my wife thinks my IM ambition is great and she encourages me tons. My real job pays well so I don't want to bail out until my IM income is consistently higher ... am getting closer every week.

        As for other people, I don't really talk about my IM because they wouldn't get it without a long drawn out discussion. I do, however, offer help to friends who need a site. I'm presently doing some IM pro bono as we speak. I don't mind doing it. Actually, I kind of like spreading the word.

        Frankly, I think IM is the greatest gig going. I went through a lot of schooling to land my present "real job", yet I have 10X's more fun doing IM, which doesn't require any schooling. Anyway, a long road travelled to find my passion. I always yearned to discover something I love doing and have found it. This stuff is the best ... even on slow sales days.
        How I hit $10,000+ per month very fast w/ 1 niche blog - Click Here to learn more (no opt-in).
  • Profile picture of the author kvnkane
    Profile picture of kvnkane
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    this thread alone just inspired me to purchase a new domain and go all out

  • Profile picture of the author ipixeli
    Profile picture of ipixeli
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by socomplete View Post

    I was talking with a friend of mine about what I do online and they pretty much said that I should get a real job. I was telling them about all of the different ways that a person could generate income and they listened and agreed with what I said but then they said you should get a job.

    In the meantime my internet connection was lost and then I got it back, but before I lost it I started a new advertising campaign that brought me in $118.00 in revenue while I lost my internet connection for a few days.

    Do you get discouraged when people don't believe in you?
    You shouldn't feel discouraged. Believe in yourself and press forward.
  • Profile picture of the author Danervin
    Profile picture of Danervin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    I no that for me its a definite yes no one around me believes me, they may agree but I can tell that they do not believe me. They would say things like "well if you could everyone would be doing it". And different things like that which I find offensive.
  • Profile picture of the author Mehak
    Profile picture of Mehak
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    no, not at all because it's all to do with mindset and I know what my goals are and where I am aiming. It is important to stay focused and continuously educate yourself to improve your knowledge. By doing so you will be motivated to do as best as you can.
  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    John Romaine
    Profile picture of John Romaine
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is all part of the journey dude.

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

    • Profile picture of the author Ben Armstrong
      Ben Armstrong
      Profile picture of Ben Armstrong
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      This is why I'm not telling anyone what I'm doing until I have a decent amount of income from it. My fiance knows and she fully supports me. I'm not so sure my parents would do the same, at least not until I have something substantial to show for it.

      • Profile picture of the author ladywriter
        Profile picture of ladywriter
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Ben Armstrong View Post

        This is why I'm not telling anyone what I'm doing until I have a decent amount of income from it.
        This is what I'm doing.

        I don't want to hear other people's opinions. Most people I know offline aren't supportive of anything on the internet because it's all a scam, don't you know!

        And the ones who are ok with the internet look down on the marketing.

        I can't win.....but I think everyone will feel better when I can buy them something.
  • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
    Mike McAleer
    Profile picture of Mike McAleer
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    My parents say I should get a real job too and it makes me mad that they dont support me yet it is alright. I am making money and making more than my dad.

    Recent domain flips : $8->$1000 Social recruiting Software dot com $8->$2000
    Invest in domains without the hard work !
    Email for details...Mike McAleer at me dot com

  • Profile picture of the author BloggingPro
    Profile picture of BloggingPro
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    What I want to know is where all of you guys find these people to tell you to get a "real job" or whatever. When someone asks me what I do in my spare time I have make no bones about telling them I make money through the internet. Not once have I ever been told that I was a scammer or that I should just get a "real second job!"

    They always reply along the lines of "thats really cool, what exactly do you do!?"

    A lot of my friends want to know how, but rarely listen past my little five minute speech.

    So if someone is trying to bring you down, simply tell them to screw off! LOL
    You're going to fail. If you're afraid of failure then you do not belong in the Internet Marketing Business. Period.
  • Profile picture of the author goodguy333
    Profile picture of goodguy333
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Online or Offline,you have to work...
    No free lunch
  • Profile picture of the author vishalduggal
    Profile picture of vishalduggal
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Same problem here. Seems like no one understand us.
  • Profile picture of the author Fred1
    Profile picture of Fred1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." - Albert Einstein

    When Tom Monahan started Dominos Pizza, his brother was his equal partner. His brother quit the biz and got a secure job with with the Post office. He also took the only car they had to deliver the pizzas. He told Tom to quit & go get a job.

    Tom Monahan ended up becoming a billionaire, buying the Detroit Tigers, starting a Law School, & his brother most recently was working as a high school janitor.
    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Profile picture of paulie888
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Fred1 View Post

      "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." - Albert Einstein

      When Tom Monahan started Dominos Pizza, his brother was his equal partner. His brother quit the biz and got a secure job with with the Post office. He also took the only car they had to deliver the pizzas. He told Tom to quit & go get a job.

      Tom Monahan ended up becoming a billionaire, buying the Detroit Tigers, starting a Law School, & his brother most recently was working as a high school janitor.
      What a dramatic and enlightening story. I'm somewhat familiar with it, and it shows how success so often hinges on whether you're willing to go through that initial punishing hardship which almost every entrepreneur has to endure at first.
      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
  • Profile picture of the author DOWORKSON
    Profile picture of DOWORKSON
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you need to get a real job, then Donald Trump needs to get a real job. It's called entrepreneurship.

  • Profile picture of the author Choi
    Profile picture of Choi
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow, this thread is very encouraging!

    Thank you, I hope I can start to see some earnings soon as well.
  • Profile picture of the author HaydenR
    Profile picture of HaydenR
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Haha.. this usually happens before I show them the income I'm getting online.. After that.. well.. most of them shut up and some even turn around and ask how to start..
  • Profile picture of the author Henri Lind
    Henri Lind
    Profile picture of Henri Lind
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    my parents don't believe it too that you can make income from the internet. so far i havent proved them that there is, but i have only been in IM like 1 month...
  • Profile picture of the author Anonymous Affiliate
    Anonymous Affiliate
    Profile picture of Anonymous Affiliate
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by socomplete View Post

    I was talking with a friend of mine about what I do online and they pretty much said that I should get a real job.
    Every time some clueless "friend" would tell me that, I would log into my bank account, show it to them, and tell them to get a real income stream.
    • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
      Mike McAleer
      Profile picture of Mike McAleer
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Anonymous Affiliate View Post

      Every time some clueless "friend" would tell me that, I would log into my bank account, show it to them, and tell them to get a real income stream.
      Haha yea man go for it! IM is awesome.

      Recent domain flips : $8->$1000 Social recruiting Software dot com $8->$2000
      Invest in domains without the hard work !
      Email for details...Mike McAleer at me dot com

  • Profile picture of the author magman01
    Profile picture of magman01
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by socomplete View Post

    Do you get discouraged when people don't believe in you?
    People tend to think of a job as the perfect stream of income, but it's only one stream, and usually much more risky in the long run. Keep your own counsel, my Father use to say.
  • Profile picture of the author JagSEO
    Profile picture of JagSEO
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Very inspiring post here. Jealous people don't just want you to be successful because they will feel insecure about themselves if they know you are successful doing the things you do without a boss while on the other hand they always complain about their bosses.
    Hooked To Success -Personal development For People Who Wants Success.
  • Profile picture of the author Murt@gh
    Profile picture of Murt@gh
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Well this has turned out to be a great thread.

    You see, there are a hell of a lot of people in the warrior forum that are always helping to promote people to work harder, succeed and give great advice and teach what they know out of good spirit. I have actually told a lot of people I know that you won't find a place like the warrior forum online, and you won't, it's true.

    It's not always about making tons of money and many are trying and learning the processes, but you can't fake passion, I can tell you that, and you can see the passion that people have all over the place here. There is a reason for this, because they believe, they know what is possible. So maybe you should consider that the next time you feel discouraged?

    Don't be discouraged by what others have to say anyway, the worst thing that can happen is that you prove them wrong, after all they don't believe/understand what you are trying to tell them anyway. So it is a win win situation for you.

  • Profile picture of the author askmrgramson
    Profile picture of askmrgramson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It is tough for me personally... my family doesn't believe in this stuff but I do. The rewards are far to great to every quit so I will persevere!
  • Profile picture of the author Ronalds
    Profile picture of Ronalds
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think I'm in the right place, like a fish in water, swimming will continue here ...
  • Profile picture of the author sailor4528
    Profile picture of sailor4528
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    Successful IM'er = Online Investor, that's all you need to say.
  • Profile picture of the author vishalduggal
    Profile picture of vishalduggal
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Look like every successful as well as newbie IM face the same problem. Why don't make an eBook on this subject:rolleyes:
  • Profile picture of the author Jacob Hargreave
    Jacob Hargreave
    Profile picture of Jacob Hargreave
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by socomplete View Post

    I was talking with a friend of mine about what I do online and they pretty much said that I should get a real job. I was telling them about all of the different ways that a person could generate income and they listened and agreed with what I said but then they said you should get a job.

    In the meantime my internet connection was lost and then I got it back, but before I lost it I started a new advertising campaign that brought me in $118.00 in revenue while I lost my internet connection for a few days.

    Do you get discouraged when people don't believe in you?
    In my younger years I used to get very discouraged when such nonsense spewed from the mouths of friends and family. In fact it infuriated me and drove me to go further than I thought I could.

    When you hear the stories of Sylvester Stallone, Jim Carrey , and so many others that where put down just as we all where. To see them achieve things greater than their peers ever imagined is a constant inspiration.

    Stallone said when asked why he refused to get employment "Because I knew if I did. I would lose that hunger I had to write movies. I would get comfortable and settle for less."

    Robert Kiyosaki said on the topic of employment: “Most guys are just wimps, p***ies, and cowards…they don't have it. So they should get a job…”

    Jodie Foster said “Normal is not something to aspire to, it's something to get away from.”

    The best way to get to those kinds of people son is to simply get results. Results will burn the tongue of a nay Sayer 100% of the time.

    Jacob Hargreave at your service...

  • Profile picture of the author Mark-Dickenson
    Profile picture of Mark-Dickenson
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    Well, not really

    I took the attitude that they didn't know what they are talking about

    At least in my experience, there are a lot of sheep out there...meaning, you are supposed to have a Job(ie making someone else rich)

    In the beginning, it was kind of a joke among my good friends when I was working on my business in my spare time

    And in reality, I would have made it a lot sooner if I wasn't serial method hopping because my first site made $200 its first month...if I just would have stuck with that...

    Now most of my friends now think its the coolest thing on the planet because I don't set my alarm clock and nobody has a claim on my time

    The funny thing is, I still get the "You Should Get a Job" nonsense from people who I make more money than!

    Its almost like I should get a job just because I am supposed to

    In fact, a good friend of mine after the collapse of the mortgage biz has had more jobs than I can count...and she asked me if I was going to get a job right after I told her business was going well!

    So yeah, that part is frustrating...more so that there are a lot of sheep out there than anything else

    Just keep persisting...and it helps if you only tell those who will support you

    A lot of times it will be your significant other who doesn't believe in you and thinks you are wasting your time...but they sure get happy once the money starts comming in!

    Originally Posted by socomplete View Post

    I was talking with a friend of mine about what I do online and they pretty much said that I should get a real job. I was telling them about all of the different ways that a person could generate income and they listened and agreed with what I said but then they said you should get a job.

    In the meantime my internet connection was lost and then I got it back, but before I lost it I started a new advertising campaign that brought me in $118.00 in revenue while I lost my internet connection for a few days.

    Do you get discouraged when people don't believe in you?
  • Profile picture of the author JamesGw
    Profile picture of JamesGw
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    I do IM and my full-time job is as an SEO at a medium-sized company. It's nice.
  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    Profile picture of timpears
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    Who the hell ever gets rich from a job?

    I am retired due to health problems, so I don't have to tell anyone anything other than I am retired.

    Tim Pears

  • Profile picture of the author MMWoodward
    Profile picture of MMWoodward
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    I have a job, but I am trying to immerse myself into IM so that I can be free of it. I have a college degree and have also done university courses, yet I'm still at the bottom of the chain in a retail store.

    That's definitely not what I want.

    When people ask me what I do and I say I'm dabbling in IM, they are far more interested to learn about that as opposed to simply going, "Oh" when I say I'm working in retail. I feel much more passionate about talking about my attempts at turning IM into my full-time job (however slow and painful it is right now) as opposed to rolling my eyes at one more child screaming its head off besides me in my current job.
    Original content, fast turnaround, and high quality.
    Article writer for hire
    : $0.04/word.
    Here's what Jenn Dize had to say:
    "I can safely count her work among some of the best I've read."

  • Profile picture of the author Daniel B
    Daniel B
    Profile picture of Daniel B
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    When your paypal account get payments, that's a great motivational factor.
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Ogbin
    Mike Ogbin
    Profile picture of Mike Ogbin
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    Everyone in this world can make money online if he/she knows the blueprint how to do.

    I remember my parent said to me "Why you don't want to stay in jobs that a lot of people want to and they never have chance to achieve?) you have a good certificate in Business and programming". I always said " I don't want to be controlled by a boss and stay 10 hours a day in office I hate it"

    Now; I always show them check about thousands weekly, this is really awesome and change my life to best.

    this is a brief story of my life and remember my quote so much "If you have a fired desire and passion, be sure and certain that nothing can stop you"
    Speedy Up - Jumping game that change your mood and put smile in your face :)
  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    John Romaine
    Profile picture of John Romaine
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    "Pay them no minds...." ~ The Boiler Room

    YouTube - Boiler Room - Group Interview

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

  • Profile picture of the author celente
    Profile picture of celente
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    several years ago I told my partern I would keep my day job until my biz income online replaced it.

    Now serveral years later, I make about 10 times i did in a crappy day job.

    J.O.B = Just Over Broke!!

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