Suggestion for left side advertising?

by JMac
2 replies
I am getting about 100 hits a day to the anti-virus help website listed below in my signature. On the left side of the main page I tried amazon products with little success and for the last 6 months or so I have tried digsby with no success. Anyone have an idea for an ad that might sell on this page?
#advertising #left #side #suggestion
  • Profile picture of the author xxdksxx
    Maybe a clickbank product related to your niche?

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  • Profile picture of the author Lloyd Buchinski
    For traffic that isn't focused buying traffic, it can take an amazing amount to make a sale. I have a page that is just entertainment. There are a few (hopeful) CB links in it.

    It had a run of 4000 visitors last week and it looks like it got 5 hops. With about 300 hops needed to make a sale, (random traffic) that should happen around the time the sun goes dim.

    I noticed you have a google ad on the page. I probably averaged about 2 cents a month from 'adcents' with humor and entertainment pages.

    At least your page has a nice focused topic. It might be an idea to get a newsletter going about computer security. I'm just working on getting that kind of arrangement for my own pages.

    It seems there is quite a big difference between having a list with repeated contact, and just a static page. You know that saying about where the money is, in the list.

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