A rant to the newbies of IM!

5 replies
Dear newbies,

i am talking to those whom haven't made a single dollar online and those who have been in the game less than 6 to 12 months.

Now i see many complaints that "gurus" take advantage of the newbies and always leave a piece of the puzzle out, give out crap products.

I am hear to say that yes some of your complaints are valid, yes some gurus give out crap full of hype and fluff products, most leave out a little piece that leave you feeling where do i start now after reading an ebook or watching a video.

But let me ask you, after reading your product do you:

A) forget about what you have read

B) disappointed because what you read requires actual work, so you go out and buy a "magic bullet solution"

C) apply what you have read and make mistakes but try again until you have it correct and making money?

well obviously number c isnt the answer because you arent making money and no i am not trying to be an ass.

you need to apply what you are reading and stop buying so many products because reading doesnt make you money trying a campaign and failing and trying agin until you have your own little winning formula makes you money.

as for the missing piece, this is you and your own "flavor as you will", if 2 people try to bake a cake and using the same recipe the cakes turn out different, why because the 2 have their own way of adding ingredients, one will always add more of something, also the methodology will be slightly different, like how you mix the ingredients together that will determine the consistency of the end cake.

i have my stengths and weaknesses, i hate article marketing but love press releases, so i use my own press release marketing strategy which i got by combinig a couple of others strategy.

you need to decide what you feel is right for you and go for it.

and you will make mistakes, in products you will see how easily the guru does things, the only reason for this is because they have done it a hundred or thousand times and you havent yet.


lets also get a discussion here so the newbies that dont have a mentor can buy some good quality products.

i have a few.

Ewen chia is great for technical stuff and very basic broad IM strategies, he is a good start.

Stephen Pierce is good for blogging and is good for motivation.

The war room (on this forum) is great for free products that will educate you on a broad range of things.

please add more as you will.
#newbies #rant
  • Profile picture of the author Dedew
    Great post indeed. More people need to focus on their needs rather than give up after the first fail. This business is all about failing, you need to get back up and learn from it and continue on your path.
    Add your business product or service to quality website directory. Write a review for people to easily choose your business over your competition.
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  • Great post Steven!

    It is all about YOU! You can buy as many product as you like that will teach you exactly what you need to know but unless you actually implement what you have been taught you will get nowhere! Mindset is a big thing as well. Too many people think there is a magic bullet out there that they can click a button and make a million. This is simply not true! Yes some people have been lucky and mad a lot of money very quickly but for the majority this just does not apply.

    Ask any successful businessperson and you wil find out that it takes hard work and dedication. As John Player (pro golfer) once said, 'the more I work the luckier I get' It takes work to achieve your goals, you cannot expect the guru's to hand you their entire business so you can be rich overnight! You have to start at the bottom and learn the ropes before you can be at the top and teach the ropes.

    Find what you are good at and focus on that. If you can afford to, outsource the rest. If not try and learn it until you can afford to outsource it. I personally believe we should all know every detail of our businesses before we even consider outsourcing it. Apart from things like writing, graphics, tech stuff (although you should have a basic understanding of this). The real nuts and bolts of your business is something you should know inside out. How can you expect to outsource it effectively if you yourself don't even know how it works?

    For Copyrighting skills check out the Gary Halbert Letter, marketingbullets.com and john carltons stuff,
    For mindset I recommend Gary Vaynerchuk, Wayne Dyer and Frank Kerns Core Influence amongst others (I will have my own mindset thing out soon as I have been studying this for some time!)
    For relationship and list building I learned a lot from Alex Jeffreys and have his free list building book available on my blog (shameless promotion )
    For Outsourcing have a look at Ben Hume and 123 people although I dont think they have any free resources...
    For Blogging I learned a lot from my now friend Dean Holland but you can find a lot of the good blogs at winningtheweb.com and click on IM Top Blogs

    I hope this helps a lot of people its a really good idea for a post Steven!
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  • Profile picture of the author easyonthebrain
    I think that plays a part of it. I am fairly new to this game and sometimes the amount of info that get flung at you is bamboozling. Its easy when you know how!!

    Lets face it everybody has to start at the beginning and it is trying to get what you are learning into your brain to use. I have bought a few things from here some have helped me and others not. The newbies have a fear of asking probably due to embarrassment but as I was always told there's no such thing as a daft question.

    Mebbees you could have another bit in the forum where the newbies could ask dafty questions without the ridicule and one or two of the experienced guys could then pop in and give us the benefit of their experience. It is hard to participate at first and sometimes people do need a foot up...
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Fulton
    Information overload is something all newbies cop when they first start out. Buy a great product , realise it requires work and then move onto the next great product without learning the first concept.

    It's good to get a grasp of IM by reading and learning whats involved but then you have to sit down and take action because without action NOTHING will happen.

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  • Profile picture of the author royljestr
    The missing secret is generally taking action!! Yeah the gurus might not tell you everything, but you can easily come here on the forum and fill in any of those blanks in an evening. The hard part is really taking action!!
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