Wait, what products do you sell?

by man5
2 replies
I am new to this forum and I guess new to IM as well. I am a freelancer Graphic and Web Designer. I do 3d and animation as well. I'm still young(21).
I wonder what are these products that you guys sell? I was thinking of creating tutorials for graphic, web, 3d and animation. Create my own site and sell them for cheaper price than what others' charge. Do you think this is a good idea? Would it really work considering there are tons of free tutorials out there?

Since some of you are expert at this IM, I like your opinion on it. I'll search around as well, since there is ton of information on here.
#graphic #products #sell #wait #web & graphics designing
  • Profile picture of the author PatriciaJ
    Maybe you should offer your services and build up a portfolio, you would also find that we are very diverse in what we sell but close mouthed about our niches to some extent.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daryl Lim
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    • Profile picture of the author Matt Morgan
      Yes as you have a skill which marketers pay for, graphic design you can use this as your service and charge for graphics for the following

      -ebook covers
      -website banners
      -flash banners
      -wordpress themes
      -script installation

      The warriors for hire section could then be a handy place for you to advertise.

      But creating an ebook giving a step by step tutorial about graphics, animation etc can also be good.

      But do have in mind that some people just pay graphic designers to do their graphics for them rather than purchase an ebook tutorial showing them how to do so.

      Hence why i suggested you can offer your services.

      Good luck in whatever you choose to do
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