You Only Have 1 Hour A Day To Create Income - What Would You Do?
I was banging away at my keyboard and after writing up 14 great articles yesterday I got to thinking and was curious what you guys on the warrior forum would do if you only had one hour a day to create an income online - I mean an hour a day??? I heard Russell Brunson started out with only an hour a day and he's doing gangbusters now...
What would you do that would be the best bang-for-buck strategies to leverage your time best? - btw, I do outsource my articles but sometimes I find it's better to write them myself.
Do not get between a wombat and a chocolate biscuit; you will regret it dearly!
- = Signature on Vacation = -
(We all need a break from what we do for a living. I thought it was time my signature got a break too)
"Human thoughts have the tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent." Earl Nightingale
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A Secret to Success: Making serious money online or offline is not complex unto itself - we're the ones who complicate it. Simply sell them what they are already buying.