Can I use Clickbank and paypal at the same time?

Profile picture of man5
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
10 replies
is it possible to set up both on my website? I mean, would it be against Clickbank's rules?
#clickbank #paypal #time
  • Profile picture of the author Brenden Clerget
    Brenden Clerget
    Profile picture of Brenden Clerget
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    I believe they like you to make sure that the sales flow through their system at all times.
  • Profile picture of the author waken
    Profile picture of waken
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    Clickbank has integrated Paypal into their system. Go to this page and scroll down to see.

    So, you don't need to put another buy button generated from Paypal directly. If you're doing this, I'll be the first affiliate to run away.
  • Profile picture of the author hitext2
    Profile picture of hitext2
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    Your affiliates sure won't like it. In fact, they probably won't be your affiliates for long. Try it, and listen out for the sound of affiliate feet running in the opposite direction...
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Alexa Smith
    Profile picture of Alexa Smith
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    Originally Posted by man5 View Post

    is it possible to set up both on my website?
    Yes, it is.

    Originally Posted by man5 View Post

    I mean, would it be against Clickbank's rules?
    No, it isn't.

    Many vendors do exactly this, in fact. (Presumably hoping to save the 9% commission on PayPal sales made through Clickbank).

    But don't expect too many affiliates to promote your product, if the customers they produce for you with their skills, time, energy and effort have a way of paying you for it that doesn't earn the affiliates any commission. As explained in this thread. Not to mention this thread.
  • Profile picture of the author skibbz
    Profile picture of skibbz
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    I remember as a clickbank affiliate years ago I encountered this situation with a website. Their "order now" section had two links 1. to pay for ebook using clickbank and 2. pay with paypal. what affiliates discovered is that their hoplinks were not being tracked when a customer opts for paying via paypal.hence the owner of the site would benefit only and the affiliate who worked so hard to get the sale would not get a dime.
    I dont know if the rules have changed but it was possible to have both clickbank and paypal simultaneously.......... but as someone said clickbank now has paypal integrated and this allows the payments to flow through one channel so that affiliates commissions can be tracked and no one will be cheated out of their earnings
  • Profile picture of the author webdollarz
    Profile picture of webdollarz
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    You can do a quick referrer check. If a visitor is referred by clickbank, show the clickbank button, else show paypal button.

    You can search google to get the code for checking referrer. Or get help from somebody in the programming section of this forum.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kamran
      Profile picture of Kamran
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      Robert Plank has a script that automatically detects if the visitor is refereed by an affiliate, if not, then the payment goes to your paypal, if yes then it goes to your clickbank.
  • Profile picture of the author thepresence
    Profile picture of thepresence
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi all. I am just doing some research on accepting both Paypal and Clickbank on the same site. This page is helpful. If I implement it, I will come back and let you know how it goes. I think that the Robert Plank script sounds like the most helpful.
    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Alexa Smith
      Profile picture of Alexa Smith
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      Originally Posted by thepresence View Post

      I am just doing some research on accepting both Paypal and Clickbank on the same site.
      I'm interested enough to ask why, I must say.

      With ClickBank's very high charges, it's never immediately apparent why vendors who don't want/intend to use their affiliate network would particularly want to be able to take ClickBank payments?

      Good luck setting it up ...

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