$300+ per day selling tacos?

Profile picture of BrainCopy
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
33 replies
Hey warriors, I know the tittle sounds dumb but I have to tell you guys what happened. My mother and I are great friends with a local bar owner here in town. His bar gets very busy on Thursdays through Saturdays. My mom and I used to make tacos and give them away for special charity events every year that the bar owner used to run. Well, one just passed about a month ago and he came up with the idea that we should come by one night and sell tacos to the bars customers.

So we did! We got there around 11:00PM and left around 1:50AM We were pretty busy. The total amount we did was just under $400 minus expenses. We are legit and do have the required permits and license to be out doing this.

We will now turn this into a full time business... Thursdays through Saturdays of course. I'm even thinking about turning it into an e-book... Why not? Perry Belcher made an e-book about starting a hot dog business. :rolleyes:

Long story short, you can do whatever you put your mind to.

Best Regards,

#$300 #day #selling #tacos
  • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
    Profile picture of CDarklock
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    More to the point, sometimes you should put your mind to selling tacos.

    Most of us, when asked how to make $300 a day, would not think of selling tacos. But what we do think of, for many of us, isn't pulling in that $300 a day. We have all kinds of reasons why it doesn't, and the line between reasons and excuses can get pretty hard to find.

    Thinking outside the box depends on what box you're in. So if you're in the IM box, and it's not working for you, maybe what you really need to do is... sell tacos.
    "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
  • Profile picture of the author bG90
    Profile picture of bG90
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    a product + a hungry market = money

    I made $500 my first day selling I <3 Michael Jackson shirts that I had made, in New York City.
    • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
      Profile picture of sbucciarel
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      Originally Posted by bG90 View Post

      a product + a hungry market = money

      I made $500 my first day selling I <3 Michael Jackson shirts that I had made, in New York City.

      lol ... this is the best description of a hungry market I've read thus far.
  • Profile picture of the author BrainCopy
    Profile picture of BrainCopy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Your exactly right CDarklock. There is so much opportunity out there.
    Sometimes we just have to step outside our comfort zone.
  • Profile picture of the author Shannon Herod
    Shannon Herod
    Profile picture of Shannon Herod
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thats awesome... Funny thing is when I was in college I bought everything from hot dogs to gyros outside of bars at 2 am.

  • Profile picture of the author Sean Alexander
    Sean Alexander
    Profile picture of Sean Alexander
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    Great post Anthony! Really reminds me (as well as many others I am sure) that there are business opportunities hiding behind every corner! All we need to do is find them and then take action
    • Profile picture of the author eflo
      Profile picture of eflo
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      sweet - a WSO on how to make $300/day selling tacos. I can smell it already. If not, uh... wanna do an interview? .

      In all seriousness though - Congrats on finding a business model that worked for you.
      • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
        Profile picture of CDarklock
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by eflo View Post

        If not, uh... wanna do an interview? .
        Ooh, a Jason Fladlien follower.
        "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
    Michael Oksa
    Profile picture of Michael Oksa
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    You could also come up with a twist on the place in Atlanta that only sells 2 dozen cheeseburgers a night (10pm sharp); first-come, first-served. These are supposed to be some of the best cheeseburgers in the country, but the absolute cut off is 2 dozen.

    Just thinking outside the bun here.

    How about a "gourmet taco" or some other specialty taco? But charge $10 for it. DO the scarcity angle, and the price angle. This would be in addition to the normal tacos of the night.

    Even a "challenge" taco, something extra big, or extra spicy. Then make a fanfare when somebody buys it.

    Then again...

    I could be way off base here, but just wanted to throw some of those fun ideas your way. Whatever you're doing seems to be working, and I hope you see even more success come your way.

    All the best,

    "Ich bin en fuego!"
    • Profile picture of the author BrainCopy
      Profile picture of BrainCopy
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Michael Oksa View Post

      You could also come up with a twist on the place in Atlanta that only sells 2 dozen cheeseburgers a night (10pm sharp); first-come, first-served. These are supposed to be some of the best cheeseburgers in the country, but the absolute cut off is 2 dozen.

      Just thinking outside the bun here.

      How about a "gourmet taco" or some other specialty taco? But charge $10 for it. DO the scarcity angle, and the price angle. This would be in addition to the normal tacos of the night.

      Even a "challenge" taco, something extra big, or extra spicy. Then make a fanfare when somebody buys it.

      Then again...

      I could be way off base here, but just wanted to throw some of those fun ideas your way. Whatever you're doing seems to be working, and I hope you see even more success come your way.

      All the best,
      Yeah, I like the challenge taco idea a lot. Perhaps we can do it in the bar - who ever can eat 5 of our spiciest tacos in 5 minutes will get a t-shirt and a free beer.. Idk just thinking outside the shell, Thank you though Michael I might just have to do that and name the taco after you
      • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
        Michael Oksa
        Profile picture of Michael Oksa
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        Originally Posted by Anthony La Tour View Post

        Yeah, I like the challenge taco idea a lot. Perhaps we can do it in the bar - who ever can eat 5 of our spiciest tacos in 5 minutes will get a t-shirt and a free beer.. Idk just thinking outside the shell, Thank you though Michael I might just have to do that and name the taco after you

        If you split my last name into two parts and then say the letters out loud, you get O-K...S-A, or...

        You ready to take the challenge? OK, ese! Time to prove it!

        It's a natural.

        The "OK SA", or "Okay Ese Challenge".

        All the best,

        "Ich bin en fuego!"
  • Profile picture of the author DrewClement
    Profile picture of DrewClement
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    keep an eye out for the Burger Baron folks...

    Itll be on the road soon...no joke.

    50% Commission, Proven Products, and MASSIVE Profits

  • Profile picture of the author Steve Sanchez
    Steve Sanchez
    Profile picture of Steve Sanchez
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    I was in Pittsburgh one Saturday night and in the warehouse area with all the bars there was a hole in the wall. Literally a hole in wall or window I guess if you had to be technical. Anyway, that place sold pizza slices until the early hours of the morning and there was always a line!

    Same thing happened in Billing. At about midnight the roach coach showed up selling burritos, tamales, chips, Doritos and they were selling out of everything.

    The $/hour in these little ventures is killer!
  • Profile picture of the author kvnkane
    Profile picture of kvnkane
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    another good 1 is selling umbrellas outside nightclubs in the winter. when it rains they sell almost instantly. and people are drunk you can charge pretty much what ever you like, because they will pay it.

  • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
    Rus Sells
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    Now all you need to do is build a tacotwitter list and expand to other bars and just tell your taco loving fans which bar you'll be at.

    Once you have a following you have leverage to use on other bar owners. Oh hey, we have a 300 local followers who follow us because of our tacos. You want them to come this monday night? hehe
  • Profile picture of the author Pete Egeler
    Pete Egeler
    Profile picture of Pete Egeler
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    And, the same thing can be done by Hot Dog vendors! $300-$500 a day isn't at all uncommon.


    PS: I'm talking a 4-5 hour day!
  • Profile picture of the author candoit2
    Profile picture of candoit2
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    Originally Posted by Anthony La Tour View Post

    Hey warriors, I know the tittle sounds dumb but I have to tell you guys what happened. My mother and I are great friends with a local bar owner here in town. His bar gets very busy on Thursdays through Saturdays. My mom and I used to make tacos and give them away for special charity events every year that the bar owner used to run. Well, one just passed about a month ago and he came up with the idea that we should come by one night and sell tacos to the bars customers.

    So we did! We got there around 11:00PM and left around 1:50AM We were pretty busy. The total amount we did was just under $400 minus expenses. We are legit and do have the required permits and license to be out doing this.

    We will now turn this into a full time business... Thursdays through Saturdays of course. I'm even thinking about turning it into an e-book... Why not? Perry Belcher made an e-book about starting a hot dog business. :rolleyes:

    Long story short, you can do whatever you put your mind to.

    Best Regards,

    Now hire some people, set up more stands in more locations and scale it up.

  • Profile picture of the author enterpryzman
    Profile picture of enterpryzman
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    congrats to you, the only thing that worries me is eventually the bar owner "may" think he/she can do it without you and you will be looking for another bar.

    You should set up a flip-type cam and ask a few customers to give you a taste testimonial and then launch a site about your food at the bar, that will give the owner some publicity as well.

    Once again, congrats.

    • Profile picture of the author dwatkins
      Profile picture of dwatkins
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      Originally Posted by enterpryzman View Post

      congrats to you, the only thing that worries me is eventually the bar owner "may" think he/she can do it without you and you will be looking for another bar.

      You should set up a flip-type cam and ask a few customers to give you a taste testimonial and then launch a site about your food at the bar, that will give the owner some publicity as well.

      Once again, congrats.

      Now that's a great idea! Give back to the bar owner, it's a win-win.

      Here in Florida, we had hot dog carts on the side of the road. The owners hired curvy young girls to man the carts in their bikinis. Rumor was they were pulling in 100,000+. They finally had to outlaw it because it was causing too many accidents. I wouldn't try it at a bar after 11pm though. I did read about a drive through coffee place that was doing something similar.
  • Profile picture of the author skorpion
    Profile picture of skorpion
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    Wow, congrats!

    Now you should come up with an upsell (do you want fries and a coke with that)

    Or a limited One Time Offer (In the next 5 minutes only, you can buy 5 tacos for the price of 3...save over 75%)

    Reminds me of the time I sold strips of gutter guard that I purchased for 1 cent and sold for $8 a pop to auto enthusiests who were looking to get that "factory look" for their ride. That damn gutter guard looked good on an Escalade. lol
    • Profile picture of the author dave stahly
      dave stahly
      Profile picture of dave stahly
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      There are a couple of guys here in Indy that have a truck and all they do is sell tacos, etc out of it. They will send out a tweet about 1 hour before showing up at different locations in the Broad Ripple area ( bars, clubs,etc) They have quite the following i have heard.

      dave in indy
      • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
        Rus Sells
        Profile picture of Rus Sells
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        Twitter and a mobile business with a following equals success if done correctly.

        Originally Posted by dave stahly View Post

        There are a couple of guys here in Indy that have a truck and all they do is sell tacos, etc out of it. They will send out a tweet about 1 hour before showing up at different locations in the Broad Ripple area ( bars, clubs,etc) They have quite the following i have heard.

        dave in indy
        • Profile picture of the author discrat
          Profile picture of discrat
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Nice job Anthony !
          I know I was laid off my job over 12 years ago. And I was looking to make some money. I started an address curb business on the fly. Charged $15 per address painted on their curb of their homes for identification purposes. I did 50 to 60 of them every week. And you know that little business I did for 3.5 years on my own, full time.

          My Dad kind of shook his head that this is what I was doing with my college degree. But when he saw the full time money come in he quickly changed his mind !!
    • Profile picture of the author abednego
      Profile picture of abednego
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      Originally Posted by skorpion View Post

      Wow, congrats!

      Now you should come up with an upsell (do you want fries and a coke with that)

      Or a limited One Time Offer (In the next 5 minutes only, you can buy 5 tacos for the price of 3...save over 75%)

      Reminds me of the time I sold strips of gutter guard that I purchased for 1 cent and sold for $8 a pop to auto enthusiests who were looking to get that "factory look" for their ride. That damn gutter guard looked good on an Escalade. lol
      Actually - that does look pretty sweet haha.
      Is that your ride?

      • Profile picture of the author skorpion
        Profile picture of skorpion
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        Originally Posted by abednego View Post

        Actually - that does look pretty sweet haha.
        Is that your ride?
        haha...no, I actually don't like escalades. Too big and bulky for me...but my #1 customers owned escalades
  • Profile picture of the author Cash37
    Profile picture of Cash37
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    I see these carts EVERYWHERE I party at.
  • Profile picture of the author CharlieMan
    Profile picture of CharlieMan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    That's a pretty decent way to make money.
    • Profile picture of the author BrainCopy
      Profile picture of BrainCopy
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      Originally Posted by Rus Sells View Post

      Now all you need to do is build a tacotwitter list and expand to other bars and just tell your taco loving fans which bar you'll be at.

      Once you have a following you have leverage to use on other bar owners. Oh hey, we have a 300 local followers who follow us because of our tacos. You want them to come this monday night? hehe
      That's exactly what I am going to do. I read a report about a roach coach in L.A. that does twitter and their followers love it! they update every few minutes. This is definitely on my 'to-do list'

      Originally Posted by enterpryzman View Post

      congrats to you, the only thing that worries me is eventually the bar owner "may" think he/she can do it without you and you will be looking for another bar.

      You should set up a flip-type cam and ask a few customers to give you a taste testimonial and then launch a site about your food at the bar, that will give the owner some publicity as well.

      Once again, congrats.

      Wow, now there is an idea! I like that a lot. Thank you very much for that I appreciate it.

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