Are You Recession Proof?

6 replies
What has worked for us? Why are we doing fairly well in this economy? Why are we
recession proof? The answer has four parts.

First, we focus on profits. We ask, "What's the most profitable thing we can do right now?"
We then take immediate action to generate cash. We don't focus on the next big idea. We
don't focus on cutting expenses. We don't push a new product extra hard. Instead, we
focus on profitability. Of course, this might result in some of the actions I just mentioned,
but those are a means to an end. We start with profits on the mind.

Second, we spend a lot of time on customer service. We have memberships and we're
always listening to customers. We do what we can to keep people happy. We do whatever
we can to make THEM profitable and successful. If they win, we win. It's impossible to
deliver big results if you don't take care of the small stuff. Snowballs grow into crushing
boulders when they roll down hill.

Third, we are always looking for the next hungry crowd. We slice and dice our data. We
test and tweak. But at the end of the day, it's about finding people who need products and
services. They reward you for great results.

Lastly, we are relentless. No matter what happens, we keep pushing. If you think you can
generate $1,000,000 in 6 months just starting out, you're in for a world of pain. I know that
some people have made millions faster than that, but most folks have to put in some time
first to make it happen.

That's all. If you focus on your business, your customers, and hungry markets you will
always be recession proof.

~ John
#customers #niche #proof #recession #recession proof #recessionproof
  • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
    Great post John..

    Aside from the recent minor glitches with Clickbank.. I have found diversification has been my business' best form of defence against any sort of recession.. although I have to be honest and say I really haven't felt the recession yet.. wide variety of niches and offerings has kept me going rather strong..



    Bare Murkage.........

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  • Profile picture of the author Amy Bass
    I don't believe anyone can be 100% recession proof, but we can certainly hedge against its effects the best we can. I guess you can say that you can be Recession-Resistant.
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    • Profile picture of the author RyanLeisure
      Recession? What recession....

      No, but seriously, my business continues to grow each month, even during the recession. Since I do graphics for people who are selling products...and I continue to grow....I guess a lot of people are still doing just fine.
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      • Profile picture of the author ShayB
        Originally Posted by RyanLeisure View Post

        Recession? What recession....
        I have to agree. We are having a great month!
        "Fate protects fools, little children, and ships called Enterprise." ~Commander Riker
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  • Profile picture of the author Re-cycle
    October has been one hell of a bad month online. If people don't spend money, i don't know how an online business can be recession proof aside from taking advantage of the situation.

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  • Profile picture of the author JMLebeau
    Have you guys seen a big difference with your sales statistics?
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