other service than neurolinker, linkvana???

5 replies

I want to sign up services like linkvana / neurolinker. But I need to look at different options, do you have any other alternative for linkvana/ neurolinker?

Quality is priority.

#linkvana #neurolinker #service
  • Profile picture of the author visimedia
    why people tell me that actually linkwheel is better then services like this? I'm ready to sign up, but still not sure...

    Any other explanation? Honestly the information you give in the sales page is not enough .....


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  • Profile picture of the author Mrsparrow
    As far as I know, Blog Blueprint is a good alternative to those services. I haven't actually tried them but I've read a lot of positive reviews form other people that have.

    The cheapest alternative though is freetrafficsystem.com which have a free membership option. I've tried them but I haven't seen any remarkable results, although I must admit I only wrote a bunch of articles.
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    • Profile picture of the author tonywarrior2
      Although other people might have had success with such programs, I would stay away from them. If I were Google I would subscribe to every link building service, hack and ebook out there and ... well you can imagine what some clever Google engineers could do with that data. Just my 2cents.

      The weather is lovely in Italy.

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  • Profile picture of the author iamerican
    try buildmyrank.com
    its cheap and works great

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  • Profile picture of the author webdango
    Doesn't really answer your question, but I use Linkvana for linkbuilding through their posts and Unique Article Wizard for article distribution. Pricey though.....

    I also outsource through Lexorsoft for social bookmarking, RSS subs, profile links and some other stuff.

    Takes time for all these things to work, but so far Linkvana seems to be providing the quickest result....
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