Test 1234567890

George Gomez
Profile picture of George Gomez
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7 replies
Test 1234567890
#insurance #websites
  • Profile picture of the author Pete Egeler
    Pete Egeler
    Profile picture of Pete Egeler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You're kidding, right?

    This must be something unique to Portugal, as I've never in 69-years heard of any type of business insurance that covers "income protection". (Unless you wanna count unemployment checks.P

    • Profile picture of the author George Gomez
      George Gomez
      Profile picture of George Gomez
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Test 1234567890
    • Profile picture of the author 4morereferrals
      Profile picture of 4morereferrals
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Pete Egeler View Post

      You're kidding, right?

      This must be something unique to Portugal, as I've never in 69-years heard of any type of business insurance that covers "income protection". (Unless you wanna count unemployment checks.P

      No he isnt kidding.

      There is business interruption and - income and exptra expense coverage for covered perils.

      Imagine a huge mfg'ing plant that has a massive boiler explode and shut down production

      Imagine your new site on hostgator is about to go live on a big launch - you've got tons o affiliates lined up - theyve done seo - bought domains - lined up ppc - done print media buys - tv and radio ....and the host gets hit and the site goes dark during your launch .... or you get hacked and defaced and dont know it for days - and your making 157 sales per day of your $1997 product [ unlikely ]

      its late im tired and Im struggling to come up with better - SMALL examples - but bad stuff happens like this all the time and there's coverage for it.

      The bigger exposure to us marketers is - getting hacked and private information getting out into the open.

      Lets say you downloaded the hottest new php script from Marketer X .. but that script has an exploit that the russian mafia uses to hack a few shared servers and bag all your customers info - and hostgators or ... bluehost's customers info. Could get ugly.

      Areas of exposure - and coverage available

      Comprehensive General Liability
      - bodily injury / property damage
      - libel slander defamation of character
      - advertising liability

      Professional Liability / Errors and Omissions
      - offline consultants might want to think about this one!
      - clients on page 1 spot #6 - you tell him you think you can get him on page 1 #1 and you get him on page 8 ? traffic was x now traffic = X - 10,000 ... Oooooops! Youre methods get them de-indexed ...

      Cyber Liability

      Copyright / Trademark Patent Infringement

      [ normally excluded and pricey - but just to defend yourself can be spendy too ]
      Rank Ascend Network - High PR Links / Guaranteed Rankings Increase
  • Profile picture of the author RefundHost
    Profile picture of RefundHost
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Mário Gomes View Post

    Is there any kind of insurance for websites like there is "income protection insurance" for normal businesses?

    ... so that in the event that your website disappers from the search engines for one reason or another, you would be covered from your loss of income and be able to "refund" your advertisiers?

    Wow...what a great niche.
    Too bad you don't run an insurance company.
    You'd make a killing on business interruption for
    - loss of merch account - hosting interrupts, etc

    disappearing from search would however not be
    a good protection to sell unless you wanted to
    be defrauded by a bunch of blackhatters.
  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    Profile picture of paulie888
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I've never heard of such a thing as insurance coverage for such events. With the unpredictable nature of internet marketing in general and Google's predisposition towards fickle ranking strategies, I don't think it'd be feasible for insurance companies to offer protection - there are too many variables that they just can't predict, and without being able to statistically predict these variables it'd be very hard to make a business case for this type of insurance!

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  • Profile picture of the author Pete Egeler
    Pete Egeler
    Profile picture of Pete Egeler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    I understand the basic liability insurance:

    "Areas of exposure - and coverage available

    Comprehensive General Liability
    - bodily injury / property damage
    - libel slander defamation of character
    - advertising liability"

    As well as the errors and omissions part,

    Professional Liability / Errors and Omissions
    - offline consultants might want to think about this one!
    - clients on page 1 spot #6 - you tell him you think you can get him on page 1 #1 and you get him on page 8 ? traffic was x now traffic = X - 10,000 ... Oooooops! Youre methods get them de-indexed ...

    Cyber Liability

    But, where in the world are you going to find an insurance company to cover something as obscure as Google page ranking?

    You can work your butt off to get a good ranking, and lose it in the blink of an eye if Google decides (which they often do,) to target a different method of page ranking. And, that happens on a fairly regular basis.


    Copyright / Trademark Patent Infringement

    [ normally excluded and pricey - but just to defend yourself can be spendy too ]
  • Profile picture of the author fazlerocks
    Profile picture of fazlerocks
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    lol.. i have heard of a website called website insurance dot com... which is down currently.. I am hearing this term for the first time. Though it sounds good and big organizations should go ahead to work on the term.

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