Help with PLR book for offline consulting

by 5 replies
Hi Gang,

I am starting an offline direct response website consulting company. I am looking for a good ebook or book with PLR rights so that i can review / modify the content and then slap my name on it and publish using create space.

It is my hope that being a published author about the subject will help give me the leverage and credibility i need when speaking to local business owners.

The problem is i am struggling finding any a good book / ebook with plr rights that i can use. I am looking for something that is along the lines of what i am trying to consult about...( direct marketing for small business ) or something close to it. I am willing to pay for something of good value. I have looked at a few WSO's but all the really good packages i would have wanted have expired..

Any help is appreciated!!


#main internet marketing discussion forum #book #consulting #offline #plr
  • Well, this isn't really what you asked, but I think using PLR violates the TOS of CreateSpace. You might want to check on that.
    • [1] reply
    • PLR is allowed on createspace. The tos states that you have to own all rights to the product that is to be published. So you would have to make sure that you have the correct rights to be able to put the book into your name. Some plr here does not allow for that.

      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Thanks,
    i didnt actully think of that. Really what im looking for is a 100 or so tips regarding lead gen for small businesses.

    Just something to use as a starting point. I plan to re word ALOT of the content myself.
  • Healy,

    i just ordered.. looking forward to getting the product (it wasn't immediately available after i paid for it).

    Thanks Dsprank.. i looked at the tos on create space and you are correct.

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    Hi Gang, I am starting an offline direct response website consulting company. I am looking for a good ebook or book with PLR rights so that i can review / modify the content and then slap my name on it and publish using create space.