What are pros and cons of MLM?

15 replies
Just in your opinion or in full discussion.

What are pros and cons of MLM?
#business #cons #mlm #money #online #pros #scam
  • Profile picture of the author webhosting
    The pro is the fact you can build residual income (if you are doing business with good MLM company).

    The con that a lot of stupid people will think you are stupid because you don't want to live like them
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    • Profile picture of the author nixor01

      That's a good one.

      Any others?
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    • Profile picture of the author Devan Koshal
      Originally Posted by webhosting View Post

      The pro is the fact you can build residual income (if you are doing business with good MLM company).

      The con that a lot of stupid people will think you are stupid because you don't want to live like them

      Pros: Passive Income

      Cons: if you don't have time to work on it, it simply wont work
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  • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
    Originally Posted by nixor01 View Post

    Just in your opinion or in full discussion.

    What are pros and cons of MLM?
    I'm sure there are MLMs that are honest and legit.
    But the vast majority seem to push joining more than the product itself and
    provide unrealistic expectations.

    A few years back my mother was near the top (in the top 10 of everyone) of a decent sized MLM.
    She could see who was making money, and who wasn't. Let me tell you, there were about 20 people making a good decent living, everyone else was making pocket change, if that. And thousands of others made ZERO.
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    • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
      Pro: It's easy to spell

      Con: It's the very spawn of the devil.


      Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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    • Profile picture of the author SteveJohnson
      Originally Posted by Josh Kulp View Post

      She could see who was making money, and who wasn't. Let me tell you, there were about 20 people making a good decent living, everyone else was making pocket change, if that. And thousands of others made ZERO.
      That's about the rate per thousand of IMers, isn't it?


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      • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
        Originally Posted by steveinidaho View Post

        That's about the rate per thousand of IMers, isn't it?

        I think it's probably more like 1 per thousand, or lower.

        That is 1 out of every thousand who join any MLM, regardless of if it's for the product, or to make money. 1 out of every thousand will make enough money to replace a nice full time job.

        I also noticed that most of those making money had been in MLM for many years, and had come from other companies. So they had a lot of experience and knew what they were doing.
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  • Profile picture of the author dwoodward
    Pros: easy entry, lots of interest during times like these when people are trying to make extra money

    Cons: people look at it as a get rich quick scheme

    Key to it is to be building your own list and developing your company not the MLMs. check out people like Daegan Smith, Mike Dillard, Chris Zavadowski. They all have great systems for those getting started
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  • Profile picture of the author Devan Koshal
    You should sell the product not the business offer.

    With SU i see so many people selling it as a get rich quick scheme and just bar the while personal development side which really annoys me lol

    Once they see how great the product is they will be a lot happier and willing to help sell it.
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    • Profile picture of the author jan roos
      Too many people are thinking they can get rich quick with MLM and it sure is marketed that way. But if you are with a good company with a product that people actually need then MLM can be extremely lucrative for the residual income.

      I have a lot of posts on MLM in my blog. Look at sig.


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  • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
    pros - generally low $ barrier to entry. Autoship requirements
    generate residual income. Warm and Fuzzy. Feel good
    rah-rah conventions.

    cons - high rate of attrition and unproductive distributors. migrating
    downlines. Company changes pay-pan and halves your income
    one day. Company folds. Products usually over-priced. Some
    products (gas pills) wreck your engine. Some (nutritional)
    products are held-up as miracles and are actually bad for some
    people. Lies. Low profits unless you build a big organization.

    I like money-programs. Haven't found a Multi-level that I liked
    yet. Some folks love 'em. There are a couple out there that
    I sort of respect: Tupperware, Mary Kay, Avon, Send Out Cards,
    Shaklee... for different reasons too.
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  • Profile picture of the author writergirlk
    I personally tried MLM and it wasn't for me. Not sure why but the business model didn't resonate with me. The notion of "Success depends on getting recruits" was stressful. And in the end, I felt lukewarm about the product. Without the passion I wasn't able to make it work.
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    • Profile picture of the author tantrabliss2
      I was promoting a mln about 5 years ago. I got to $2000 a month. For one reason or the other like my best downline left I stopped promoting it and I still get $100 a month doing nothing. Not much but it pays a bill or two.

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  • Profile picture of the author joe.marsh
    If you looking for one, keep these thoughts in mind.

    Who is the leadership of the company? Do they have a business background with success in the past. It increases your chances of a company that will be there for the long haul.

    How old are they? I have seen estimates that over 90% of them do not last more than 5 years.

    Is their payment plan legal? Can you spell pyramid.

    Can those below you make more than you? That's good for all involved.

    Are they product based or service based? If product your paying for everyone's income. Look at what they have to offer. Would you buy it or participate even if there wasn't a compensation plan.

    Is there a one time fee to join or do they charge monthly/yearly. One time is of course better.

    Do they creditionals such as Better Business Beaure (BBB), DSA, etc. What is their credit rating?

    Are they running the company through new members joining or have they already paid thier debt/ start-up costs off?

    Who is backing the company... do they business partners that are big names. Wells Fargo, DHL, etc.

    You will see alot of crap when searching the net about every company. Dont believe most of it. Look at the source and see what the motive is of those posting or who run the sites.

    What kind of training program do they offer? Is their system EASILY dupicatable?

    If you look at these points you will probably eliminate 99% of the companies out there.

    There is money to be made in them. Some do it quickly, for others it may take awhile. Do you have what it takes to stick it out. For most it takes awhile.

    You will find the average person is not really as smart as they think they are. They will make decissions without facts and truths. Which is why many will say your stupid.

    Just alittle info for you.

    Hope it helps.
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