good payment processor in/for Germany?

Profile picture of VeitSchenk
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
1 replies
hey there,

I'm looking for a payment processor that allows me to take
recurring payments in Germany (paypal does NOT...)

don't want to use Clickbank at this point because I need the flexibility
to do on the spot price-testing.

and I'd like to avoid places like worldpay who have huge signup fees,
and take an over-the-top (IMO) percentage of all payments.

ideally I'd like one that can emulate the interface, so
I can do 1-click upsells through digital access pass.

any thoughts?


#germany #good #in or for #payment #processor
  • Profile picture of the author FastSpringCEO
    Profile picture of FastSpringCEO
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    • Profile picture of the author milkyway
      Profile picture of milkyway
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      not sure if that helps... I use Paypal German and pay some things with recurring payments. I.e. Paypal allows you to take them in Germany (to my knowledge only if a credit card is tied to the Paypal account, though). There is also at least one service located in Germany who accepts recurring payments via Paypal, i.e. the merchant is probably using Paypal Germany as well.

      Maybe I misunderstood your problem, though...

      I also seem to remember that had a recurring payment option, too, but I couldn't find it on their website today. Maybe they stopped that. It might be worth asking them...



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