To those in IM who always seem to be broke...

Profile picture of Maximillion_Z
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40 replies

I felt a little inspired to write this post, as it is something that I've personally struggled with, and sometimes still do.

I say this as I don't want the thread to sound condescending or judgemental - these are lessons that I myself learned the hard way.

A also understand that there are many Warriors - some newbies, and some who have more IM knowledge than the "guru's" themselves - who are in the same boat (broke and annoyed).

It goes a little something like this:

You hear about a new IM product. Or special service, cool software, secret loophole, new way of making cash, etc. etc.

The sales letter draws you in, it seems to have all the answers. You think to yourself "this is what I've been looking for".

You buy the product, it turns out to be good quality, the techniques explained will bring in the big bucks once they are put in motion.

You try the techniques, stick at it for a few days, or weeks. But... The results aren't coming as easy as you thought.

The buzz of buying the product has worn off, the amazing, shiny new system has suddenly become boring like everything else you've tried. Menotenous, repetetive, menial tasks.

And then...

Something else comes in your inbox, the headline intrigues you, the sales letter seems to have all the answers. It tells you that everything else you've tried is was a waste of time, and this one is the answer.

And it will only cost you $77!

And, back to step one...

And what do I go and do? Waste all the profits on more IM stuff.

At least that's what I used to do.

And I know that there are other people who are worse than this. There are some out there that are tens of thousands in debt because of this problem.

I'd like to offer some tips to get over this vicious circle. And I'd be extremely grateful if those who have been through this rut can offer their additional advice...

#1 Delay your impulses.

When the time comes and you're about to hit that 'add to cart' button, stop yourself.

Give it 24 hours to think about whether you really need to buy it.

Something inside you will still be screaming that you must buy it now, or you'll miss out. Tell yourself that you'll come back to it tomorrow.

Note: You're not going to miss out. It's pretty rare that the product dissapears, or runs out. The supposed price hike rarely happens. And if it does, it will usually appear again discounted in the exit popup, or a google search.

The ones that do "close their doors" usually offer a "back door" again sooner or later.

Somehow this can work wonders. 24 hours can bring a person to their senses. The next day, you'll think about it, and think "why on earth was I going to buy that?" Honestly.

#2 Know that you're running a business.
Want to know what woke me up to this? My accountant. Amazing how embarrassing it can be when your profits and expenditure are the same.

I remember handing over a run down of my expenditures: ebook, ebook, ebook, membership, software, software.

Erm, yep, needed all them in order to make money... really... 2 grands worth in a year? Uh huh...

And on top of that, he wants £400 for doing the accounts. No money, plus you gotta pay the accountant. Swallow me up, floor!

Yeah, it's a business. As Gary Halbert said in one of his letters. We are not in the selling business, we are in the arithmetic business.

#3 There are no easy riches.
Remember this, and - every hyped up sales letter promising you the life of your dreams with only 20 minutes work a day, will become ineffective.

There's no easy button, silver bullet, or secret loophole that's going to make you rich immediately. And the ones that do work, still require consistent effort.

Those 3 little tips could save you a fortune.

One last thing. Remember that ebook you bought where you learned that technique and made a bit of money (before you got bored)? Go back to it. Expand it, scale it up. There's your business. There's your money.

Sorry to all those who didn't like this post. Never mind, it will probably get burried anyway.

But I hope it helps some of you.
#broke #buying #latest #products
  • Profile picture of the author biggame5
    Profile picture of biggame5
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Your article is right on point a lot of people make it sound easier than it is. I know it will work I just have to find the right niche.

    Thanks again
    • Profile picture of the author Maximillion_Z
      Profile picture of Maximillion_Z
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      Originally Posted by biggame5 View Post

      Your article is right on point a lot of people make it sound easier than it is. I know it will work I just have to find the right niche.

      Thanks again
      Thanks biggame5. But also, once you've found the right niche, even if you're passionate about it, there's going to be a certain period when suddenly you realise that it's not as fun as you thought it would be.

      This is where the turning point lies. This is where the shiny objects promising you fun and riches (if only you'd drop what you're doing and try that instead) seem even more shiny.

      A good motivator here is to read or listen to 'The Dip' by Seth Godin, as recommended to me by Micheal Campbell.
      • Profile picture of the author Tony Marriott
        Tony Marriott
        Profile picture of Tony Marriott
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        The original PO could be some of the best advice for newbies ever given.

        I'm making a living from IM and I still occasionally get sucked in with the proverbial "shiny new objects". Distracted from the path.

        Just to put the advice in it's simplest terms

        1. Your running a business so have to have a proper plan, do not wing it or play.
        2. Don't get distracted, stick with your plan, focus on what you are doing now.
        3. There are no instant riches. It takes work, time and effort.
        4. You only need to work out how to make $5 and you have a business. Replicate, scale & Improve

        If someone had drummed that into me when I started I could have saves 2 years of grief and I would be considerably richer now. (Still 2 years from now!!

        The big problem, and I guess it's the same for most people, is that this job is generally one you do on your own. Most certainly if you are a newbie. No boss to look over your shoulder and check your meeting your targets, No colleagues moaning at you because you output is late and holding them up. No weekend to look forward to to help you want to get your work completed. So self discipline is all you've got and that can be a challenge.

        As a human being you will naturally find it easier to do things you like doing - I find myself picking out the nice tasks to do first!.. Unfortunately that is often inversely proportional to the value of the task. In other words if you don't like doing it, it probably ought be what you should be doing as it will give you the most value.

        Like, boring backlinking, keeping meticulous tracking records of PPC campaigns, keyword research, keeping your accountants papers in check etc.

        Most people work better with some guidance or criticisms of some kind.

        So my final advice is - get a mentor.

        • Profile picture of the author Maximillion_Z
          Profile picture of Maximillion_Z
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          Originally Posted by Tony Marriott View Post

          The original PO could be some of the best advice for newbies ever given.
          Thanks Tony. I always get worried when posting stuff like this that I'm going to get flamed

          Originally Posted by Tony Marriott View Post

          The big problem, and I guess it's the same for most people, is that this job is generally one you do on your own. Most certainly if you are a newbie. No boss to look over your shoulder and check your meeting your targets, No colleagues moaning at you because you output is late and holding them up. No weekend to look forward to to help you want to get your work completed. So self discipline is all you've got and that can be a challenge.

          Yes, certainly something else we should concentrate on. Self discipline. If only we could have the capital to outsource everything we don't want to do, and just do the fun things... Somehow it doesn't always work like that though

          About the coaching. You know what, sometimes I think to myself that I'd be willing to pay someone to be a drill instructor. They don't have to know anything about IM. Just that you have a task, and they'll kick your butt via email until you've done it. LOL.
    • Profile picture of the author erikoro
      Profile picture of erikoro
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      Originally Posted by biggame5 View Post

      Your article is right on point a lot of people make it sound easier than it is. I know it will work I just have to find the right niche.

      Thanks again
      I agree learning this internet business wont be easy for newbies but get a easy niche try physical products there is less compitation on physical products try amazon they pay less commission than clickbank but if you can get targeted traffic to the product you are trying to promote then you can garantee yourself an easy paycheck maybe one site can make you 100/m but haveing 10 more that make 100/m is and easy 1000 buck not bad in my book.:rolleyes:
  • Profile picture of the author nlef327
    Profile picture of nlef327
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    Great post. I wish I knew what button to thank this post. Anyway, I choose to write a short reply to thank Max personally.

    Thank you for the inspiration Max. I've been making money online for years and visiting this forum on and off. Yes, there are great information on this forum. But, I stopped buying "info-products" for a long time. If you know what you're doing you can always get those products for free....

    But most of all, because I watched a youtube video where a guy...I believe he has a website that's called something Nirvana....he showed me for the first time how clickbank or paypal earnings can be modified very easily. Just search on youtube: fake clickbank earnings" or something. Once I saw that, it's done. I guess you can always do it with some photoshop work for $5 or something....

    The point is...there is no telling that these gurus are actually making money. In fact, I firmly believe they make money by selling you information. Nothing else.

    Now..I don't wanna spoil their parties or anything...but it just makes me laugh when the only way they make money is by selling us a how to make money product. Don't people realize this? I mean...doesn't it easy to see?

    About WSO products...well I used to buy them probably twice a week. But really, they never told me what I hadn't known. I mean, it's so obvious...just like they tell us what to do...follow up...follow up...upsell...cross-sell....ABOUT THE SAME THING. Making money online...I'm sorry if I upset people I hope their customers don't read this post and realize something's wrong.

    Online business and offline business are no difference. They use the same foundation. If you can run an offline business you 1000% can run an online business. If you're working for somebody else...see how the company is run. See how the business makes money, then apply it online.

    My biggest problem now is motivation (so...I bet this post will be a future reference for people who want to tap into motivation niche). I bet Mark Joyner has been reading posts like these since 10 years ago probably since he's in motivational niche.

    Do I need a life coach? I don't know what I need.

    Of course I like selling especially when I see paypal "You've got money" email. That's the best feeling...but I don't have the motivation to work on stuff. Maybe I'm just lazy? That's horrible.

    I can't focus on working. I guess this is what I get from working from home. Oh, maybe I should search google on how to focus on getting things done when you're working from home instead of typing this message. Oh's already a long post...I'll search google after this.

    Rich Schefren's report says number 1 cause business owners fail is they dont seek help. I am...seeking help how to get motivated and get things done. Do I wanna pay for the advice? Probably not. Am I being unfair? I don't know...maybe coz I'm used to get information for free online? Isn't that what this forum for? Free advice?

    Just skimmed Anik Sengal's last report: he says he can give some products for free...but not all because he has employees to pay. That's fair enough...I agree..

    Btw, I've watched I kind of believe in it. I have experienced some success when I think positive but again I lack motivation.

    So motivation gurus and success coaches...if you don't mind??...

    Or maybe this is a wrong forum to post? I can always copy paste my post to another forum...

    Oh well...that's it. My download is done. Please help and thanks in advance...
    • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
      Richard Van
      Profile picture of Richard Van
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      For anyone starting out this is undoubtably the major pitfall for all newbies. I bought product after product before I actually took action and then it all changed. Ironically as soon as I stopped buying stuff I actually made some money. I'd also like to say how impressed I am with the op, 72 thanks in 89 posts. It doesn't surprise me with these sort of threads, well done Maximillion.

      EDIT. To nlef327 above, I believe there's a motivation section of this forum?

      Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

      • Profile picture of the author nlef327
        Profile picture of nlef327
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        Originally Posted by Richard Van View Post

        For anyone starting out this is undoubtably the major pitfall for all newbies. I bought product after product before I actually took action and then it all changed. Ironically as soon as I stopped buying stuff I actually made some money. I'd also like to say how impressed I am with the op, 72 thanks in 89 posts. It doesn't surprise me with these sort of threads, well done Maximillion.

        EDIT. To the guy above, I believe there's a motivation section of this forum?
        To the "GUY" above?? How do you know I am a guy? Or you're just assuming...
        • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
          Richard Van
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          Originally Posted by nlef327 View Post

          To the "GUY" above?? How do you know I am a guy? Or you're just assuming...
          I do apologise. I should have just called you who you are, nlef327. It was just a quick edit and I was trying to point you somewhere it could help you. My apologise's again. Man or woman, doesn't matter I didn't mean to offend you.

          I have edited my original post so as not to offend you further.

          Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

          • Profile picture of the author nlef327
            Profile picture of nlef327
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            Originally Posted by Richard Van View Post

            I do apologise. I should have just called you who you are, nlef327. It was just a quick edit and I was trying to point you somewhere it could help you. My apologise's again. Man or woman, doesn't matter I didn't mean to offend you.

            I have edited my original post so as not to offend you further.
            Richard, LOL. No worries. i was just playing around
      • Profile picture of the author Maximillion_Z
        Profile picture of Maximillion_Z
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        Originally Posted by Richard Van View Post

        For anyone starting out this is undoubtably the major pitfall for all newbies. I bought product after product before I actually took action and then it all changed. Ironically as soon as I stopped buying stuff I actually made some money. I'd also like to say how impressed I am with the op, 72 thanks in 89 posts. It doesn't surprise me with these sort of threads, well done Maximillion.

        EDIT. To the guy above, I believe there's a motivation section of this forum?
        Thank-you for your kindness Richard.

        Also, something else for nlef327. I'm not being rude or anything, but not all Clickbank photoshots are faked. In fact I believe the FTC would shut them down pretty quick these days if any mainstream marketer dared to do that.

        I guess some of them could be wrong in the fact that not all the income shown is because of the technique they are advertising, but I wouldn't know.

        And yep, they do make money selling you information. Nothing wrong with that.

        I didn't want anyone to think this thread is about bashing IM products, or gurus. It really isn't. It's more about the individual attitude. And I'm no exception.
      • Profile picture of the author roxanne
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        • Profile picture of the author Collier
          Profile picture of Collier
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          Ooh..Ooh Lots of good nuggets in this thread. But in order to keep from beating myself up too much; for I am very guilty of all the above, I tell myself that this is a part of the learning and growing process. One must learn to control the spending, and learn to discipline your self and learn to focus. Some people learn it faster than others. Also when you're buying those $17 and $67 products you do get something out of them even if it's just the fact that this product like all the others will require some effort from you, and it is up to the individual as to how many products it takes to learn that. Then to discipline yourself to complete your tasks without getting distracted is another huge learning and growth process. All this may be easy for some but for the rest of us it is a learning and growing process and I get sick of myself after a while and I slowly change or grow.
    • Profile picture of the author Alfred Shelver
      Alfred Shelver
      Profile picture of Alfred Shelver
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      Look at the bottom right after all the posting is done there are 4 buttons (quote) (multiquote) (quickreply) (thanks) just click on thanks.

      Originally Posted by nlef327 View Post

      Great post. I wish I knew what button to thank this post. Anyway.
  • Profile picture of the author Alfred Shelver
    Alfred Shelver
    Profile picture of Alfred Shelver
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    I think it was Caliban (cdarklock) who on commenting about the warroom said that one of it's biggest advantages is that you can download content and ebooks at will.

    This allows you to get over the need to get the next best product, because often that is all it is a download addiction. (and many of the warroom downloads are worth far more).

    If newbies are lucky enough to find this forum before spending huge money stop spending for at least 6 months while you get all the info you can from here.
    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Profile picture of paulie888
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      Originally Posted by Cathy Shelver View Post

      I think it was Caliban (cdarklock) who on commenting about the warroom said that one of it's biggest advantages is that you can download content and ebooks at will.

      This allows you to get over the need to get the next best product, because often that is all it is a download addiction. (and many of the warroom downloads are worth far more).

      If newbies are lucky enough to find this forum before spending huge money stop spending for at least 6 months while you get all the info you can from here.
      Cathy, you're absolutely right. For newbies who still have that download addiction/craving, paying for War Room membership is probably the best investment they'll ever make. It'll also save them far more than they'll ever realize, as they'll pretty much be able to satiate their information product lust for a flat fee!

      Most of the information there is solid and actionable information, so they are very likely to benefit from the application of anything that they learn.

      Really, all you need to get started in IM can be found in the War Room, so I'd like to think of it as the first investment in IM that every newbie should make.

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
  • Profile picture of the author nlef327
    Profile picture of nlef327
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    I only see 3 buttons. Is this because I only have 2 postings? Well...3 now
  • Profile picture of the author Maximillion_Z
    Profile picture of Maximillion_Z
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    nlef327, I think your problem is lack of focus. It was mine too. Still is sometimes.

    For now, don't buy anything. Nothing can help if you don't have drive nor focus.

    Apart from money, what do you want? What business model? What are your skills?

    As for motivation/productivity.

    Here's what I do.

    Do a task list on notepad. Pick what needs doing, boring or not.

    Use cool timer (free from, set it to 33 minutes, do your task for that amount of time. Force yourself to sit at the desk until the buzzer goes off. No distraction.

    Have a break. Even if you don't do anything for the rest of the day, at least you've done something.

    If you want to finish the task, have a break, do what you want, then do another 33 minutes.

    Can't remember who I learnt the 33 minute thing from. It was either Sugarman or Eugene Schwartz - can anyone remind me?

    Also, Google 'pomedero technique', it's along the same lines.
    • Profile picture of the author nlef327
      Profile picture of nlef327
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      nlef327, I think your problem is lack of focus. It was mine too. Still is sometimes.

      For now, don't buy anything. Nothing can help if you don't have drive nor focus.

      Apart from money, what do you want? What business model? What are your skills?

      As for motivation/productivity.

      Here's what I do.

      Do a task list on notepad. Pick what needs doing, boring or not.

      Use cool timer (free from, set it to 33 minutes, do your task for that amount of time. Force yourself to sit at the desk until the buzzer goes off. No distraction.

      Have a break. Even if you don't do anything for the rest of the day, at least you've done something.

      If you want to finish the task, have a break, do what you want, then do another 33 minutes.

      Can't remember who I learnt the 33 minute thing from. It was either Sugarman or Eugene Schwartz - can anyone remind me?

      Also, Google 'pomedero technique', it's along the same lines.
      That makes sense. I searched pomodoro technique and "how to be motivated when working from home" I found good tips.

      I'm implementing this asap. Thanks Max

      Actually, I wish I did this when I was in corporate world, took breaks every 30 mins
  • Profile picture of the author hebsgaard
    Profile picture of hebsgaard
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    I've been guilty of doing the same thing. Many, many times. In fact, it's something I'm still working on NOT doing.

    The one thing I always try to do when I face an offer that sounds interesting is ask myself if it fits my business strategy. If it does, when it's probably not a bad investment. If it doesn't it's almost certainly a waste of time (and money)!

    I still occasionally end up with products that I shouldn't have bought. In fact, that's probably never going to change. However, it truly is important to be very critical about what you spend your hard earned cash on.

    Not only because we're in financially challenged times, but more importantly becasue it's money you could have spent more effectively furthering the strategy you have outlined for your business.

    And if you don't have a business strategy, well, I don't really know what to say...
  • Profile picture of the author RyanLeonard
    Profile picture of RyanLeonard
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    I was looking for the "Add To Cart" button on the bottom of your post, and was disappointed when I realized you weren't selling me anything...

    Really though- you're spot on.
    I, for one really appreciate this thread.

    -Ryan Leonard
    the hottest KINDLE CASE STUDY of 2015 - FREE - NO OPTIN NEEDED!
    • Profile picture of the author Maximillion_Z
      Profile picture of Maximillion_Z
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      Originally Posted by RyanLeonard View Post

      I was looking for the "Add To Cart" button on the bottom of your post, and was disappointed when I realized you weren't selling me anything...

      Really though- you're spot on.
      I, for one really appreciate this thread.

      -Ryan Leonard
      Lol, I could stick up a "Belcher button" if you like

      Thanks Ryan
      • Profile picture of the author Blogmudgeon
        Profile picture of Blogmudgeon
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        "Max", what a deceptively simple post. #2 is likely the biggest cause of failure in IM and any other pursuit. #3 complicates that with unrealistic expectations, and #1 delivers the coup de grace.

        Several years back, I served as economic development director for a county in Kentucky. We had our own revolving loan fund for business startup and expansion--and one of the first things I did when opening the office was to create a small business development center. Literally hundreds of people came in the door seeking startup loans or help for their existing businesses. Virtually none came away with anything except technical assistance.

        Why? They had no idea how to run a business, did not have the mindset required, and refused to accept the fact that goals and dreams are not the engine that commerce runs on... Many balked at the idea of developing a real business plan. The ones that wanted to enter the food and beverage industry were the worst. Hell, they liked to eat out, and understood what good food and service was--why should they not open their own restaurant...

        A solid plan with measurable outcomes is the foundation. Too many people start out thinking through what they are going to do and then try to delve out how much money they will make. This is backwards from the IM perspective. First, one needs to set a reasonable benchmark for the first year--AND THEN determine what is going to be necessary to meet that outcome. Research will reveal every time whether components of a business plan (and it's associated costs) have the POTENTIAL and CAPACITY to deliver.

        Making money does not imply you have made a "profit". Profit is not what is left over after you pay the bills--profit is the remainder after you have met all of your obligations, set aside a reasonable regular amount as an operational account, and paid yourself for your time--including taxes and benefits.

        A lot of people have the inclination in startup businesses to buy a lot of things. Your #1 example causes many new businesses to start on the path to bankruptcy right out of the gate. Do you really need it--and what lower cost options are available? How many "experts & consultants" do you need to find a single, workable and profitable strategy? There ain't no secret sauce--find a strategy and niche and play it out. Expand as appropriate. And recognize that the majority of what is being offered as "analysis" software and strategic advice is readily available for FREE by doing a little research and investing your time.

        I have developed client and personal websites for many years. From that, I have a good idea of what constitutes something that benefits the client and produces results, and bells and whistles that albeit seemingly nice additions--do little in the final analysis. Jumping into IM several months ago, I too was led by the promises of certain research and marketing software packages. Tempted by numerous "strategy" training offerings. The temptation to hit the "buy now" button was tremendous.

        The real truth? The things that I bought for convenience sake were bad investments. I really did not need them at the stage I was operating at--and they certainly will not lend any value to my end user. How many hackneyed approaches to thin affiliate sites or disseminating tired and overpublished PLR rubbish do I need? :p

        Spending money on a business has to be thought of as an INVESTMENT--an expense that will return cash flow. Instead of buying the geegaws, I invested in a professional server solution. Front end user components that give them value--while facilitating easier and better integrated advertising content. Rather than "gurus" investing in professional market research, target demographic and usability monitoring, and proper systems to monitor activity.

        Yup. Spending a lot of money of every thing that pops up (not doing so is kind of an antithesis to what we are about, no?), failing to have a cogent business plan and proper operational logic, and expecting immediate results is certainly a surefire recipe for failure...
        • Profile picture of the author Maximillion_Z
          Profile picture of Maximillion_Z
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          Patric, I applaud you for that post.

          Thank-you so much for putting so much effort into it, it must have taken you ages to write it.

          Now, if only I had a bit higher IQ, I could understand it better. Took me three goes for it to sink in.


          On another note -- guess what I did after writing the initial post.

          My mind wandered enough for me to get distracted by an email -- end up on saltydroids blog, then for some reason I googled Joe Lavery, went to his site, almost purchased...

          Bang goes 30 minutes of time...

          Had to quickly implement tip #1 and #2.

          Soooo easy to waste time when that darned browser is open.
          • Profile picture of the author Blogmudgeon
            Profile picture of Blogmudgeon
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            Originally Posted by Maximillion_Z View Post

            Patric, I applaud you for that post.

            Thank-you so much for putting so much effort into it, it must have taken you ages to write it.

            Now, if only I had a bit higher IQ, I could understand it better. Took me three goes for it to sink in.
            Yup, it did take some time. Nearly 20 years learning as an administrator and business consultant--and 15 minutes to write it!

            The "secret sauce"? Know your material, and use Naturally Speaking to get it on the page. Another useful investment...:p
            • Profile picture of the author Maximillion_Z
              Profile picture of Maximillion_Z
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Originally Posted by Blogmudgeon View Post

              Yup, it did take some time. Nearly 20 years learning as an administrator and business consultant--and 15 minutes to write it!

              The "secret sauce"? Know your material, and use Naturally Speaking to get it on the page. Another useful investment...:p
              Thanks Patrick. I have a copy of Dragon 10, but don't think it likes me.

              It seems to prefer to write what I didn't say, so I end up shouting, then swearing, but it won't do swearwords. It writes fudge and sheet instead.

              So I turn it off...

              I think it's coz I have an old PC.
              • Profile picture of the author muckbusters
                Profile picture of muckbusters
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                Hmm, have'nt been here for a long while and have forgotton how helpful and sensible some of the adviceand comments are. Apart from Max, whose list I am on, the 1 post that struck home that struck home was from NLEF327. Basically cos its my story all over. I have bought so much stuff, and its like having a new toy when I purchase. I cannot wait for to use it and expect like a kid that I will become some kind of guru overnight. I stick with it for a few days and decide it was a rubbish product to buy. This is despite the fact that others are successful with it. Of course the problem is ME! not the product. Now off line. I sit on a Board that distributes £22 million in the U.K. to business start ups and established businesses to assist them in moving forward. There are of course rules before grants/money is given. I know the rules, I have to and they must be complied with. Basically the rules are pretty much what is being talked about here. The thing is for me that somehow, whilst I am able to focus on offline business I do not apply the same principles and focus on my online one. Sorry to everyone for going off on a tangent but reading all of the posts here helps me a lot as I am a relative newbie and a lot of you in here are way ahead of me. Its like having a bunch of mentors that I can follow and learn from. So thank you all for that help and Happy New year to you.

  • Profile picture of the author Ernie Lo
    Ernie Lo
    Profile picture of Ernie Lo
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Although your post is wonderful and your intentions are noble, I do wonder how helpful it really is.

    You're essentially telling addicts to stop doing what they are doing, but the problem is they need to WANT to stop in the first place and secondly when talking about addictions, they need professional help.

    If people are actually addicted to buying the latest IM product, they really need to look in the mirror and hopefully they see how pathetic they look.
  • Profile picture of the author Gunedat
    Profile picture of Gunedat
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Well, sometimes people does not realized that they are in addiction, and need to stop what they are doing. Probably all they need is a person saying 'hey, look like you have this and that problem', and they could start the step to change their ways.

    Btw, brilliant post Max. I remember the day I realized I was addicted to buying courses, and not taking action, is the day I realized I spent all my $5000 in one year, and earning $200. At further scrutiny, most of that money just went to buying IM courses and tools, that honestly I never got around to use. Really changed my ways after that.
    I Should Put A Sig Here
  • Profile picture of the author Andrea Wilson
    Andrea Wilson
    Profile picture of Andrea Wilson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There were several inspirational, helpful posts for today like this one. I feel more free than before. Jumping from one system to another because you feel the one you use is not working as fine as you want it to be is like walking on a staight path and reaching a 2-way road all of a sudden...

    • Profile picture of the author Devid Farah
      Devid Farah
      Profile picture of Devid Farah
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      A lot of Internet Marketers, especially the newer ones, get the impression that they can buy their way to success: buy an eBook that will teach them everything, buy an amazing software that will shoot them to the top.

      It is time as internet marketers that we stop trying to buy our way to success and start using innovation and hard work.
      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Profile picture of paulie888
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Devid Farah View Post

        A lot of Internet Marketers, especially the newer ones, get the impression that they can buy their way to success: buy an eBook that will teach them everything, buy an amazing software that will shoot them to the top.

        It is time as internet marketers that we stop trying to buy our way to success and start using innovation and hard work.
        This is true, so many newbies think they can 'invest' their way to success in IM, thinking that all they need to do is drop some money on tools, outsourcing and advertising, and then everything else will take care of itself and money will magically come gushing out of the internet. This is why you see so many threads in here asking about how to invest a certain amount of money effectively in IM.

        I wish this were the case, but this simply isn't true. Simple logic would tell you this couldn't possibly be true - otherwise you'd see many more people succeeding in IM, especially the ones who have money to invest in tools and resources.

        The failure rate in IM couldn't possibly be so high if all that's needed to be a success is sufficient money.

        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
  • Profile picture of the author WD Mino
    WD Mino
    Profile picture of WD Mino
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    One thing that people fall into is looking at others
    like"If he made 10 million dollars in a month so can I "

    Part of the major reason people fail online is
    A)they look for a quick solution to their long term problems-financial,physical(food rent etc) When it doesn't happen overnight they give up they get discouraged and suddenly all online stuff is crap.

    b)They hope that by buying this course,push button solution,shiny object they will have the magic key that ends all problems and allows them to go anywhere and do anything they want.

    c)They don't approach it as a business at all

    When I started online I studied everything I could I attended webinar after webinar sometimes I stayed awake all night so I could attend it at 9 am or 7 am my time or whatever it was. I took notes (I still have them)
    The issue was not learning. The issue for me was not seeing the results they were telling me would happen.

    I created my first product back in 08 I was so excited I had listened and more importantly taken action and created something that people would truly benefit from.

    I joined a bunch of giveaways paid to upgrade in them and launched my product I sold the first copy the night before the giveaway started (97.00 a shot) I thought I did it. I figured it out and now I am going to be rich -Another foolish thought.
    That was the ONLY copy that sold.

    I was discouraged. "Wendy I don't get it" I said to my wife "I did everything I was told I sold one why no more?"
    Well no use in whining let's see how to get it going, obviously you can make money we just sold one so let's tweak and see where we can go from here.

    I will not continue with my own story but the major hindrance folks have online is they try to do everything at once in the hopes of the quick fix.

    When you come online you get mesmerized by the promises,solutions and downright bs "programs. People are naive they get sucked in because of some super hot copy that can't help but convince them the answer to their problems has actually become manifest.

    So the only thing that needs to be kept in perspective is this.
    NO ONE has the push button answer!
    No one is going to hand you a million dollar biz in a box that is guaranteed to make you rich.

    I have learned the hard way I have spent ermm never mind what I have spent but I know it doesn't exist
    what does exist is the reality of due diligence, hard work, testing and retesting and hitting that "sweet spot' once you find the sweet spot you can then hit home runs because you know what is going to work for YOU

    If I tried to do things the way someone else does it may work but most probably it will not.
    The one thing that seems to get overlooked when people try things is that every person is an individual with their own giftings strengths and weaknesses. it is utterly impossible to replicate yourself like another but if you pay attention some of the strategies and techniques you pick up can and will be beneficial to you and your customers.

    Making you first sale online is a huge milestone. once it happens your confidence goes through the roof because you realize you can actually make money.
    I just encourage anyone starting out to figure out what you want to do just like you have to do in school you have to pick your courses and electives the same in business online then you spend time learning Each One and then comes the time of testing applying tweaking etc.

    I am still learning I have yet to hit my own home run but I have hit triples
    I wish you all much success in your efforts

    "As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"

    • Profile picture of the author Maximillion_Z
      Profile picture of Maximillion_Z
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      One thing I'd like to add to this, and it is quite important:

      "Making more money, and having a better life becomes easy the moment you become satisfied with what you have."

      Without this, you'll never get what you want.

      And another important thing I've found, and that is to want for others what you want for yourself.

      Instead of desiring a big house, a fast car, and a happy life for yourself, desire that everyone gets a big house, fast car and happy life.

      Keep these two things in mind, and your progress will take leaps and bounds.
  • Profile picture of the author AFI
    Profile picture of AFI
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    There seem to be a lot of posts like these fluttering around these days, but that doesn't make them any less valuable. It's true everything you said. You need to find one path and stick to it instead of jumping from one thing to another. I chose Amazon review sites and not only do I have tons of my own now but I'm building them for other people.

    Learn about Internet Marketing from my dofollow comment blog.....Make Extra Money At Home...
  • Profile picture of the author multistreams
    Profile picture of multistreams
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Wow! The TRUTH the Whole TRUTH & nothing but the TRUTH!
  • Profile picture of the author jonytboy
    Profile picture of jonytboy
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    Something I always seem to conclude after I have bought 'another' IM product is that I 'have missed the boat'. Just when I think I'm onto something new i find out it's dead in the water and the money has been made - an invariably that's why the 'system' is for sale! One day though - ONE DAY!
  • Profile picture of the author xxdksxx
    Profile picture of xxdksxx
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    Very good points I think about every IM person out there goes through there stage of buying everything they think will make them money. But then once they find out that isn't going to make you any money and go straight for something they believe in and leave the money making software/guides behind that is when they truly make it. Don't get me wrong you need to learn the stuff but not forever.

  • Profile picture of the author JaisonG
    Profile picture of JaisonG
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This issue is probably the biggest problem that most Internet Marketers face when first getting into the industry, although people can find some good methods off of these ebooks, they have to realize that alot of the information that is out there in those ebooks, one can get for free, cept for some methods.

    Overall I think you did a good job on addressing the problem and giving some good tips to fix it!

    • Profile picture of the author Maximillion_Z
      Profile picture of Maximillion_Z
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by JaisonG View Post

      This issue is probably the biggest problem that most Internet Marketers face when first getting into the industry, although people can find some good methods off of these ebooks, they have to realize that alot of the information that is out there in those ebooks, one can get for free, cept for some methods.

      Overall I think you did a good job on addressing the problem and giving some good tips to fix it!

      Yeah, I think one of the important things to do is thoroughly research a product before you purchase.

      One of the best ways I find of doing it nowadays is simply Googling "product name". There's nearly always a thread somewhere where someone asks other peoples opinion before buying, and the reviews are (usually) unbiased.

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