To those in IM who always seem to be broke...
I felt a little inspired to write this post, as it is something that I've personally struggled with, and sometimes still do.
I say this as I don't want the thread to sound condescending or judgemental - these are lessons that I myself learned the hard way.
A also understand that there are many Warriors - some newbies, and some who have more IM knowledge than the "guru's" themselves - who are in the same boat (broke and annoyed).
It goes a little something like this:
You hear about a new IM product. Or special service, cool software, secret loophole, new way of making cash, etc. etc.
The sales letter draws you in, it seems to have all the answers. You think to yourself "this is what I've been looking for".
You buy the product, it turns out to be good quality, the techniques explained will bring in the big bucks once they are put in motion.
You try the techniques, stick at it for a few days, or weeks. But... The results aren't coming as easy as you thought.
The buzz of buying the product has worn off, the amazing, shiny new system has suddenly become boring like everything else you've tried. Menotenous, repetetive, menial tasks.
And then...
Something else comes in your inbox, the headline intrigues you, the sales letter seems to have all the answers. It tells you that everything else you've tried is was a waste of time, and this one is the answer.
And it will only cost you $77!
And, back to step one...
And what do I go and do? Waste all the profits on more IM stuff.
At least that's what I used to do.
And I know that there are other people who are worse than this. There are some out there that are tens of thousands in debt because of this problem.
I'd like to offer some tips to get over this vicious circle. And I'd be extremely grateful if those who have been through this rut can offer their additional advice...
#1 Delay your impulses.
When the time comes and you're about to hit that 'add to cart' button, stop yourself.
Give it 24 hours to think about whether you really need to buy it.
Something inside you will still be screaming that you must buy it now, or you'll miss out. Tell yourself that you'll come back to it tomorrow.
Note: You're not going to miss out. It's pretty rare that the product dissapears, or runs out. The supposed price hike rarely happens. And if it does, it will usually appear again discounted in the exit popup, or a google search.
The ones that do "close their doors" usually offer a "back door" again sooner or later.
Somehow this can work wonders. 24 hours can bring a person to their senses. The next day, you'll think about it, and think "why on earth was I going to buy that?" Honestly.
#2 Know that you're running a business.
Want to know what woke me up to this? My accountant. Amazing how embarrassing it can be when your profits and expenditure are the same.
I remember handing over a run down of my expenditures: ebook, ebook, ebook, membership, software, software.
Erm, yep, needed all them in order to make money... really... 2 grands worth in a year? Uh huh...
And on top of that, he wants £400 for doing the accounts. No money, plus you gotta pay the accountant. Swallow me up, floor!
Yeah, it's a business. As Gary Halbert said in one of his letters. We are not in the selling business, we are in the arithmetic business.
#3 There are no easy riches.
Remember this, and - every hyped up sales letter promising you the life of your dreams with only 20 minutes work a day, will become ineffective.
There's no easy button, silver bullet, or secret loophole that's going to make you rich immediately. And the ones that do work, still require consistent effort.
Those 3 little tips could save you a fortune.
One last thing. Remember that ebook you bought where you learned that technique and made a bit of money (before you got bored)? Go back to it. Expand it, scale it up. There's your business. There's your money.
Sorry to all those who didn't like this post. Never mind, it will probably get burried anyway.
But I hope it helps some of you.
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Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...
Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...
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