2 replies
Hey guys I just published two articles on the 22nd of this month when I type my keyword into google it's nowhere to be found but when I do the search in "quotes" my articles are on the first page in the 1st and 4th position is this a good sign?
#number #quotes
  • Profile picture of the author Wayne-JJ
    For me I don't think searches in quotes is going to do any good since most people will just search in Google without the quotes, and I am sure a large number of them don't even know how to search that way. Just my opinion though, please correct me if im wrong.

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  • Profile picture of the author Marketing Ignite
    When you place in quote what google does is to match the string exactly like that. However, most ppl would not use quote when searching..However, that method is good to check if your article is indexed in google...as far as getting traffic from it, it would be very minimal...

    Digital Marketing Consultant since 1998. Contact me for a free consultation.

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