IS NOT All ABOUT TRAFFIC -I posted this in another forum and it caused a little bit of controversy

80 replies
I posted this in another forum and it caused a little bit of controversy I'd like to hear your thoughts

"Traffic is the Lifeblood of your business, but Conversions is the Heart Of your business.

Everyone is going nuts about Traffic. And I don't think is the most important thing. I think Traffic is the means to an end and that end should be Profits & Conversions

Every time I get asked how to drive more traffic to their website, my first response is:

How are you using your site's current traffic?

Most people think volume of traffic equals amount of money and while it's true that it takes traffic to make a website profitable, it's not about the quantity of traffic but rather the quality of the traffic and what happens when those visitors reach that website.

I always say that you can substantially increase the profits and the leads generated by your website without any change in traffic.

Increasing the traffic to a website that does not convert will NOT do any good for your business. Sure, you may get some new clients due to the shear volume of the communication, but that will never be enough

On the other hand, if you increase the conversions on your site and optimize the process your visitors go through once they get there, you can significantly improve the effectiveness of your site and increase your profits
You've probably heard the Traffic is the Lifeblood of your business and I AGREE 100% but Conversions is the Heart Of your business. "Conversions" is the machine that moves your traffic and turns them into profits.

I'd like to hear you thoughts"
#bit #caused #controversy #forum #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author Andrea Wilson
    I agree with your thoughts, conversions will always be the heart of any business. But traffic is always given priority first as there will be no conversions if there is no traffic.

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  • Profile picture of the author talbrice
    You're right but don't forget that without traffic you wouldn't be worried about conversion

    Always keep smiling! :))

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    • Profile picture of the author skyline-SEO
      Originally Posted by talbrice View Post

      You're right but don't forget that without traffic you wouldn't be worried about conversion
      Yes I completely agree, Its just that lately I've encountered many people who are TOO focused on traffic but aren't really making the most out of that traffic.

      Too many "black holes" for visitors specially in non IM niches. I believe that you absolutely NEED traffic, but I would test conversions with a bit of traffic and the once I have a good idea of how a site is going to convert then scale up the traffic.

      My advice, before you spend a lot of time or money on driving traffic, test your conversions


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  • Profile picture of the author thebitbotdotcom
    I don't see any controversy in that post. Targeted traffic is what you want and like you pointed out, a site with a strong and convincing call to action so that it converts well.

    I am a big believer in making the most of the traffic that you do get.
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    • Profile picture of the author skyline-SEO
      Originally Posted by thebitbotdotcom View Post

      I don't see any controversy in that post. Targeted traffic is what you want and like you pointed out, a site with a strong and convincing call to action so that it converts well.

      I am a big believer in making the most of the traffic that you do get.
      Yeah I don't know why it caused controversy either.
      I agree 100% with you

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      • Profile picture of the author Ivelin2008
        if your site converts very well and you have high visitor value
        you can afford to pay more for traffic than other people
        and get all the traffic that you need.
        So traffic is secondary. First comes conversion.

        But in order to get high conversion rates
        you need to test and optimize
        and you need traffic for that.
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        • Profile picture of the author skyline-SEO
          Originally Posted by Ivelin2008 View Post

          if your site converts very well and you have high visitor value
          you can afford to pay more for traffic than other people
          and get all the traffic that you need.
          So traffic is secondary. First comes conversion.

          But in order to get high conversion rates
          you need to test and optimize
          and you need traffic for that.

          I Agree
          that's why I said to test with little traffic and scale up once you have a tested offer

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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Originally Posted by skyline-SEO View Post

    I'd like to hear you thoughts
    I'm not at all surprised it caused some controversy elsewhere.

    I imagine that some/many of the people who disagreed with it are the same ones who (if/when they do article marketing) imagine that trying at all cost to increase their click-through rate as much as possible is the most sensible approach. And a lot of people do think that.
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    • Profile picture of the author Bill Farnham
      I posted this in another forum and it caused a little bit of controversy
      C'mon, you've posted this on 5 sites...

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  • Profile picture of the author eiilers
    No Traffic = No Conversions. But I totally do agree with you that conversions ARE very important too and there is a over-emphasis on traffic, when they should be equally important.
    Steve Eilers
    Boost Marketing Group LLC

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    • Profile picture of the author skyline-SEO
      Originally Posted by eiilers View Post

      No Traffic = No Conversions. But I totally do agree with you that conversions ARE very important too and there is a over-emphasis on traffic, when they should be equally important.
      No conversions = No money or lost money & Time in traffic

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      • Profile picture of the author cashcow
        Originally Posted by skyline-SEO View Post

        No conversions = No money or lost money & Time in traffic
        Very true, but you cannot test the conversions without the traffic.....

        Gone Fishing
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2772303].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author skyline-SEO
          Originally Posted by cashcow View Post

          Very true, but you cannot test the conversions without the traffic.....

          I Agree, just like traffic without conversions is a waste

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  • Profile picture of the author Wesley Atkins
    Well said... People put to much time and effort into increasing their traffic online when simple changes to their website can bring huge increases in conversion and profits.
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  • Profile picture of the author abnation
    Doesn't all that kinda go without saying? I thought that was perfectly well understood by everyone. No conversions=no sales and you can have as much traffic as you like
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    • Profile picture of the author skyline-SEO
      Originally Posted by abnation View Post

      Doesn't all that kinda go without saying? I thought that was perfectly well understood by everyone. No conversions=no sales and you can have as much traffic as you like
      I agree

      I think Traffic is Vital but it is the means to an end so when I say is not all about traffic I mean Traffic is Very Important but it is only the vehicle to get where you want.

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  • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
    I'm finding that many, not all who are only worried about traffic because they feel it will bring in more sales are not really thinking like a true business person.

    Any business person with half a brain knows that getting people in the door is only a particular segment in the sales process.

    That's like paying for a bill board that say, Come to my store but don't buy my stuff! Its a waste of, time, effort and money.

    Learn to convert, then scale up the traffic, obviously.

    PS: Damn! Learn to convert! As I typed that I thought, crap that's a great domain name! Snapped it up!!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2772172].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Retta
      Originally Posted by Rus Sells View Post

      I'm finding that many, not all who are only worried about traffic because they feel it will bring in more sales are not really thinking like a true business person.

      Any business person with half a brain knows that getting people in the door is only a particular segment in the sales process.

      That's like paying for a bill board that say, Come to my store but don't buy my stuff! Its a waste of, time, effort and money.

      Learn to convert, then scale up the traffic, obviously.

      PS: Damn! Learn to convert! As I typed that I thought, crap that's a great domain name! Snapped it up!!!
      I will be checking on that to see if you put any decent info on it! I need to learn how to do that.
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      • Profile picture of the author Retta
        For me, I need the traffic first, so I can start learning how to convert, because as it stands right now, I don't even have enough traffic to test anything!
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      • Profile picture of the author Kevin AKA Hubcap
        Why is it whenever a thread like this is posted we get responders taking polarizing positions.

        The OP never said traffic wasn't important but that it's one piece of a puzzle that if put together properly can be very profitable.

        Why go on the hunt for more traffic when your current traffic can be used more effectively?

        Once you optimize for your current traffic you can turn on the faucet and watch the money roll in.
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        • Profile picture of the author Kevin AKA Hubcap
          Originally Posted by Cataclysm1987 View Post

          I think the real reason people freak over traffic isn't because it's more important, but rather because it is a hell of a lot tougher to get!

          Conversions you just need a good product with good copy.

          Traffic can take years and thousands of dollars to master.
          I know where you're coming from but I think you're wrong. You can turn traffic on and off at the drop of a hat.

          True.. pure search engine traffic might be the most difficult to get but there are other more effective ways to get traffic such as JV's and Adswaps.

          Originally Posted by precious007 View Post

          It's like the egg and chicken situation ..
          I've got to disagree here too.

          There is no chicken and egg situation.

          Whether online or offline targeted traffic is the best traffic. Concentrate on driving it from the start while increasing conversions by split testing.
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        • Profile picture of the author skyline-SEO
          Originally Posted by Kevin AKA Hubcap View Post

          Why is it whenever a thread like this is posted we get responders taking polarizing positions.

          The OP never said traffic wasn't important but that it's one piece of a puzzle that if put together properly can be very profitable.

          Why go on the hunt for more traffic when your current traffic can be used more effectively?

          Once you optimize for your current traffic you can turn on the faucet and watch the money roll in.
          YES Thank YOU!

          no reason to "go on the hunt for more traffic when your current traffic can be used more effectively"

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  • Profile picture of the author Blase
    This has been a battle that I have fought for years.

    I am an offline marketer and have been for 37 years.
    I've been coaching small businesses since 1995.

    No matter how many prospects you send to a business
    either online or offline if the business doesn't have it's
    act together they won't see results.

    AND there is the rub. As a small business coach you would
    be amazed at how times it's your advice that didn't work not
    their lack of conversion systems.

    What I have done to eliminate that problem and objection
    is to set up the clients expectations right up front. They
    know going in what they have to do and it's in writing.

    I have walked away from $2500 per month retainers
    because the client wasn't doing his part. The last
    thing you need is a business owner telling other business
    owners at the next chamber meeting that your system
    doesn't work.
    "Nothing Happens Until Something Is Sold"
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  • Profile picture of the author skyline-SEO
    Originally Posted by BlogTipss View Post

    Realy great post . thanks for sharing.
    Thanks a lot
    I appreciate it

    Take Care

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  • Profile picture of the author Stephen Bray
    Let's face it, it isn't about traffic
    its about sales.

    Sales are the result of a funnel
    and that funnel starts with traffic.

    Even if someone comes to your

    web site it's highly unlikely that
    they'll purchase your product or
    buy your service unless you're

    a) you have precisely what they want

    b) your offer is irresistible
    c) you have reversed the risk via a
    superb guarantee.

    Even with these components in place

    anyone doing their due diligence will
    surf around, so your offer must also
    be memorable.

    Untargeted traffic is simply like shooting

    a shotgun wearing a blindfold. Hell, you
    may be lucky and hit a flock of quail but
    most likely all you'll get for your efforts
    is a gun to clean.

    Targeted traffic is different. You identify

    your quarry. You keep downwind. You hide
    in anticipation and you shoot with precision.

    In terms of the volume of the shot
    far less lead is spent, but
    the prize . . . .


    P.S. Haven't been hunting with a gun
    since I was a boy.
    Send me a DM, or visit my support desk to contact me:
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2772401].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author skyline-SEO
      Originally Posted by Stephen Bray View Post

      Let's face it, it isn't about traffic
      its about sales.

      Sales are the result of a funnel
      and that funnel starts with traffic.

      Even if someone comes to your

      web site it's highly unlikely that
      they'll purchase your product or
      buy your service unless you're

      a) you have precisely what they want

      b) your offer is irresistible
      c) you have reversed the risk via a
      superb guarantee.

      Even with these components in place

      anyone doing their due diligence will
      surf around, so your offer must also
      be memorable.

      Untargeted traffic is simply like shooting

      a shotgun wearing a blindfold. Hell, you
      may be lucky and hit a flock of quail but
      most likely all you'll get for your efforts
      is a gun to clean.

      Targeted traffic is different. You identify

      your quarry. You keep downwind. You hide
      in anticipation and you shoot with precision.

      In terms of the volume of the shot
      far less lead is spent, but
      the prize . . . .


      P.S. Haven't been hunting with a gun
      since I was a boy.

      WOW GREAT post!! thanks

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2772437].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
    What I have done to eliminate that problem and objection
    is to set up the clients expectations right up front. They
    know going in what they have to do and it's in writing.
    SO TRUE!!!! That is a golden nugget of wisdom that I learned a long time ago!

    Having a client with unfulfilled and unrealistic expectations is in most cases our own damn fault!
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Agreement here.

    It's much more important to make sure people want what they see before loading time, money, and/or effort into traffic - conversion is the first priority - traffic, the second.

    Old proverb - you can lead a horse to water but....................

    Just sayin'

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2772424].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author skyline-SEO
      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      Agreement here.

      It's much more important to make sure people want what they see before loading time, money, and/or effort into traffic - conversion is the first priority - traffic, the second.

      Old proverb - you can lead a horse to water but....................

      Just sayin'

      I couldn't agree more

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2772428].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
      And what is one of the most simple and cost effective way to drive traffic so you can test and measure conversion?

      PPC FTW!

      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      Agreement here.

      It's much more important to make sure people want what they see before loading time, money, and/or effort into traffic - conversion is the first priority - traffic, the second.

      Old proverb - you can lead a horse to water but....................

      Just sayin'
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2772431].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Cataclysm1987
    I think the real reason people freak over traffic isn't because it's more important, but rather because it is a hell of a lot tougher to get!

    Conversions you just need a good product with good copy.

    Traffic can take years and thousands of dollars to master.

    No signature here today!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2772435].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author skyline-SEO
      Originally Posted by Cataclysm1987 View Post

      I think the real reason people freak over traffic isn't because it's more important, but rather because it is a hell of a lot tougher to get!

      Conversions you just need a good product with good copy.

      Traffic can take years and thousands of dollars to master.
      I disagree

      Almost anybody can drive traffic to a website, Now driving targeted traffic to a website that converts that's the real challenge

      thanks for posting

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2772451].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Samuel Baker
        Originally Posted by skyline-SEO View Post

        I disagree

        Almost anybody can drive traffic to a website, Now driving targeted traffic to a website that converts that's the real challenge

        thanks for posting
        I agree with this post here, just because you have a great sales copy / product, won't make the WHOLE difference.
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        • Profile picture of the author moneyneed
          I totally agree with getting targeted traffic, still internet marketers need to know of TRAFFIC, how to drive it to their site before making it to convert.
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          • Profile picture of the author Robert Puddy
            Originally Posted by moneyneed View Post

            I totally agree with getting targeted traffic, still internet marketers need to know of TRAFFIC, how to drive it to their site before making it to convert.

            Ok My last post in this thread then I'm going to let everyone who disagreed with me stew in their own poo

            Doesnt matter if the traffic is targeted or untargeted... If you dont have all the elements needed to convert visitors your revenue will be nil.

            The sales process is absolutely the deciding factor, doesnt matter where the traffic comes from or how many come. If you dont get all the pieces of the process in place your going to fail

            I see it all the time, clients tell me if they only had more traffic, and the real problem is when the traffic they do have get to the page they leave without buying or subscribing.

            Simple changes in their process, changes in the copy and instant cash...

            Sometimes their so close its mindboggling, a simple set of changes that takes then 10 to 15 minutes to do can change things from no cash to a full time living...Its that important.

            Dont believe me watch this video testimonial from a client
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  • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
    Initial Traffic > Conversion > List

    In that system, initial traffic is the least of my concerns. Better conversions = less focus on traffic. Building a list of buyers (conversions) = even less concern about initial traffic.

    It's about turning first-time visitors into lifetime customers. That's a business. Show me someone constantly worried about initial traffic and I'll show you someone chasing their tails. That's not a business.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2772471].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author skyline-SEO
      Originally Posted by Zeus66 View Post

      Initial Traffic > Conversion > List

      In that system, initial traffic is the least of my concerns. Better conversions = less focus on traffic. Building a list of buyers (conversions) = even less concern about initial traffic.

      It's about turning first-time visitors into lifetime customers. That's a business. Show me someone constantly worried about initial traffic and I'll show you someone chasing their tails. That's not a business.

      Zeus66 That is an extremely good point.

      I always run into the how to get more traffic? question on a daily basis and focusing in just traffic can get you in a lot of trouble.

      I think you hit it right on the head when you said "It's about turning first-time visitors into lifetime customers."



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  • Profile picture of the author TomBuck
    Very true but if you don't get good traffic rates your conversions will be low anyway. Nice info though.
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      I don't see the controversy.

      It's not all about traffic.

      It's not all about conversion.

      You have to have both.

      Work on improving both, and the compounded results can be amazing. Here's an example, lifted from a blog post I made back around the beginning of the year...

      Suppose you sold one out of every four people that entered your business. That means three people are leaving without buying. What if you could turn just one of those people into a buyer by capturing their contact info and dripping your follow-up messages to them? Now you are selling 2 out of four people. You raised your conversion percentage from 25% to 50%, but you doubled your sales!

      Let's redo the example from Day 1 to see what happens...

      Here's the original baseline:

      1,000 customers x $100/order x 10 orders/yr = $1,000,000 in sales per year.

      That now becomes:

      2,000 customers x $100/order x 10 orders/yr = $2,000,000 in sales per year.

      Now we'll add on the same 10% improvements as before...

      Just adding $10/order adds 2,000 x $10 x 10 = +$200,000 in sales per year.

      Just adding 1 sale/year adds 2,000 x $100 = +$200,000 in sales per year.

      So how much more would we add if we could do all three?

      2,000 customers x $110/order x 11 orders/yr = $2,420,000 in sales per year.

      That's a whopping 242% increase in sales per year - if you never duplicate the process.
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      • Profile picture of the author GrowTallerNiche
        In Adwords, it's about excluding people until you find the traffic that converts for the price you pay for the ads.

        In Search Engine Marketing it's about including people and keep building new keyword targets and adding traffic sources. Why wouldn't you want traffic from verticals and eventually...

        The World?
        Affiliate Bum Marketing Friendly Article Directory

        Use as affiliate landing link for Ezine Articles and less clutter for your articles than squidoo. Totally free and more features to come!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2772663].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author skyline-SEO
        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        I don't see the controversy.

        It's not all about traffic.

        It's not all about conversion.

        You have to have both.

        Work on improving both, and the compounded results can be amazing. Here's an example, lifted from a blog post I made back around the beginning of the year...

        Perfect example for this discussion

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  • Profile picture of the author KarlWarren
    It's not:

    or SALES

    That's most important in my business.

    But, PROFIT

    That is the only number I care about, because that is the number that pays my bills, puts clothes on my kids' backs and food in their bellies.

    Drive more traffic to a page that doesn't convert, and you're wasting your time and energy.

    Test and track everything:

    Traffic sources

    Find what works for you and brings you the most profit, then all you have to do is focus ALL your energy and capital there.

    I was thinking about posting this yesterday - but ended up getting sidetracked:

    If you increased your price from $27 to $67 and your conversions fell from 2% to 1%, most people would freak out and decrease their price again.

    I wouldn't...

    100 visitors converting at 2% on a $27 product = $54 revenue
    100 visitors converting at 1% on a $67 product = $67 revenue

    It is possible that conversions could go up with a higher price point too, seeing as people buy on perceived value.

    So, are conversions THAT important to you?

    Or, are you in business to make a profit?

    Kindest regards,
    eCoverNinja - Sales Page Graphics & Layout Specialist
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary King
    Originally Posted by Bill Farnham View Post

    C'mon, you've posted this on 5 sites...

    Yep... same document, even on ebay reviews.

    Originally Posted by skyline-SEO View Post

    I posted this in another forum and it caused a little bit of controversy I'd like to hear your thoughts
    Nice thread title to catch eyeballs. As others have suggested, there's not much controversy here - it's more related to getting people to read your thread IMHO.

    FWIW - you may want to avoid replying to one post right after another as you did with replies 14, 15 and 16. And again in 19-20 and again in 27-28.

    Use the multiquote button instead. Otherwise, you may find that the mods think you are just bumping your post count and your threads may start disappearing. Just friendly advice.

    OFFLINERS! Warning: Unless You Know These Pricing Secrets, You are Leaving THOUSANDS on the Table. Get Your Free Report Now.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mangozoom
    By and large I agree with you TARGETTED Traffic that is directed to an appropriate page/site is what counts.

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  • Profile picture of the author David McKee
    Many times viral traffic will not produce conversions: Case in point - I have a site with a famous female athlete/health and wellness coach. I found a very rare picture of her when she was younger and much "plumper"... I wrote up an article, posted the picture and put in affiliate links to her health products. I got TONS of traffic...but not very many actual sales.

    The problem was that most of that traffic was people who just wanted to see the pic! No interest at all in the products. So... targeted traffic is really the important thing.

    Are you an affiliate marketer? My site has tons of free stuff and 14,000 pages of Clickbank research.
    Buy a Freedom Bulb! Don't let the government tell you what kind of light bulb you can use!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2772938].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author skyline-SEO
      Originally Posted by David McKee View Post

      Many times viral traffic will not produce conversions: Case in point - I have a site with a famous female athlete/health and wellness coach. I found a very rare picture of her when she was younger and much "plumper"... I wrote up an article, posted the picture and put in affiliate links to her health products. I got TONS of traffic...but not very many actual sales.

      The problem was that most of that traffic was people who just wanted to see the pic! No interest at all in the products. So... targeted traffic is really the important thing.

      Yea h in that example I guess you'd have to take a look and see if your offer matches their reasons to visit your site

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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Puddy
    Originally Posted by skyline-SEO View Post

    I posted this in another forum and it caused a little bit of controversy I'd like to hear your thoughts

    "Traffic is the Lifeblood of your business, but Conversions is the Heart Of your business.

    Everyone is going nuts about Traffic. And I don't think is the most important thing. I think Traffic is the means to an end and that end should be Profits & Conversions

    Every time I get asked how to drive more traffic to their website, my first response is:

    How are you using your site’s current traffic?

    Most people think volume of traffic equals amount of money and while it’s true that it takes traffic to make a website profitable, it’s not about the quantity of traffic but rather the quality of the traffic and what happens when those visitors reach that website.

    I always say that you can substantially increase the profits and the leads generated by your website without any change in traffic.

    Increasing the traffic to a website that does not convert will NOT do any good for your business. Sure, you may get some new clients due to the shear volume of the communication, but that will never be enough

    On the other hand, if you increase the conversions on your site and optimize the process your visitors go through once they get there, you can significantly improve the effectiveness of your site and increase your profits
    You’ve probably heard the Traffic is the Lifeblood of your business and I AGREE 100% but Conversions is the Heart Of your business. “Conversions” is the machine that moves your traffic and turns them into profits.

    I'd like to hear you thoughts"
    I have been telling clients that for years, its a hard sell. the myth that traffic is the be and end all is rampant.

    And it kills a lot of dreams, you can send a million visitors a day to your site but if it doesnt convert you get zero sales.

    Conversions have always been the deciding factor

    you can be really bad at creating products
    really bad at driving traffic

    But if you have the conversions down pat you will still make boat loads of money

    Get the conversion part of the equaton right and site owners will fall over themselves to send you their traffic
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw

    It is cheaper to triple conversions than it is to double traffic...
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
    Take a bucket and cut the bottom out of it. Place bucket under a hose bib and set the flow rate to 3 gpm. You will notice the bucket never starts to fill up.

    Now increase the flow to 25 gpm. No difference in the fill rate of the bucket.

    Until you fix the bucket, you are just wasting water.

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  • Profile picture of the author Paleruby
    Old sign in resell shop

    "Lookers Welcome"
    "Buyers Adored"
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      • Profile picture of the author skyline-SEO
        Originally Posted by hometutor View Post

        Seems to me that should be Targeted Traffic

        Traffic is only targeted if it converts, if it doesn't you are not hitting the right target

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    • Profile picture of the author Gaz Cooper
      You are correct However

      You can only do what you are saying, ONCE YOU HAVE Traffic so it goes without saying that Traffic is still the #1 PRIORITY for any new site.

      Once you have built your Traffic stream you can start concentrating on increasing conversions.

      But Traffic is Still King for any new business.

      Gaz Cooper

      Beginners Guide to getting started in CRYPTO, FREE Ebook on a Massive Opportunity as the World shifts to Digital payment

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      • Profile picture of the author skyline-SEO
        Originally Posted by GazCooperOnline View Post

        You are correct However

        You can only do what you are saying, ONCE YOU HAVE Traffic so it goes without saying that Traffic is still the #1 PRIORITY for any new site.

        Once you have built your Traffic stream you can start concentrating on increasing conversions.

        But Traffic is Still King for any new business.

        Gaz Cooper
        I Disagree I would test conversions with little traffic then start concentrating on building traffic and scaling up.

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        • Profile picture of the author James Clark
          To the OP,

          The best advice I can give you is do it your way. For me, it was traffic first and then I worked on conversions and profit. Did I plan it that way? NO. It just happen that way.

          Without traffic how will you know what your bounce rate is?:p
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          • Profile picture of the author skyline-SEO
            Originally Posted by James Clark View Post

            To the OP,

            The best advice I can give you is do it your way. For me, it was traffic first and then I worked on conversions and profit. Did I plan it that way? NO. It just happen that way.

            Without traffic how will you know what your bounce rate is?:p
            You can't that's why you absolutely NEED Traffic. Its just not all about traffic, nor is traffic more important than conversions:p

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        • Profile picture of the author cjscully
          Originally Posted by skyline-SEO View Post

          I Disagree I would test conversions with little traffic then start concentrating on building traffic and scaling up.
          OK. I would agree with that but how little is too little? How long of a test? If you have a brand new site that gets 50 visitors in its first month and 1 conversion can you say you're converting 2%? Or are you talking about a more established site that has some sort of track record and baseline traffic volume?

          Seems to me there would be a difference in approach between making a new site profitable and improving the profitability of an established site.
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          • Profile picture of the author skyline-SEO
            Originally Posted by cjscully View Post

            OK. I would agree with that but how little is too little? How long of a test? If you have a brand new site that gets 50 visitors in its first month and 1 conversion can you say you're converting 2%? Or are you talking about a more established site that has some sort of track record and baseline traffic volume?

            Seems to me there would be a difference in approach between making a new site profitable and improving the profitability of an established site.
            I would say you need around 500 to 600 visitors for your initial steps

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    • Profile picture of the author skyline-SEO
      Originally Posted by shireen View Post

      I think both is equally important.

      High traffic + High conversion = High income
      No traffic + No Conversions = Nothing Happens = No Results
      No Traffic + Conversions = Nothing Happens + Good Potential = Little Results
      Traffic + No Conversion = Wasted Time + Wasted Money = Bad Results
      Traffic + Conversions = Profits = Good Results

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  • Profile picture of the author Randy Daugherty
    I definitely agree that traffic is the lifeblood of any website....Without good traffic your online business is at the brink of bankruptcy.
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  • Profile picture of the author setaPradana
    i dont why your article should raise controversy elsewhere...
    in fact i agree that traffic is not your ultimate goal....

    like most people responds here, traffic is what get your visitors come knocking on your door... but conversion is the one that made the sale...

    so traffic and conversion are both necessary
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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    I don't why posting this would cause controversy - it's just common sense. Of course traffic is irrelevant in and of itself. Any shop owner would tell you they'd prefer 10 buying customers to 1000 non-buying browsers, so why would a website owner be any different?

    nothing to see here.

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  • Profile picture of the author ryanwsi
    Let me simply put it in a nice way that easy to understand (In my part, lol)

    Traffic is the FUEL for your Business
    Conversions and Website is your CAR.

    So you may have a Ferrari or Lamborghini but without the Much Needed FUEL, will you go anywhere? You just have a nice Ferrari!

    Just my 2 cents.
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  • Profile picture of the author Richnana
    I often discount the wild claims about how much traffic you can get from the various products and software that are sold online. What I always want to know is how much money did you make. Getting a lot of traffic is as you say a waste of time if no one is buying the product or signing up for your newsletter.

    What you say is just a common sense approach and analysis of an obvious fact for serious marketers. At one time, many individuals would sign up to get "clicks" to their website. A click is worth squat unless you are trying to cheat Google and that is not a smart thing to do. Traffic is worth squat without conversions. Thanks for an insightful look at a problem that many new marketers might not understand.
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  • Profile picture of the author storge
    Need traffic first then conversions.The key issue here is targeted traffic.
    Targeted traffic=higher conversions.
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  • Well, maybe it's not all about traffic, but if I get 20,000 unique visitors a day to a site, I can pretty much guarantee that I'll make a nice chunk of change out of it.

    You can make decent money with 20 visitors a day too, but you have to be a lot more clever about it. At the end of the day, it's a numbers game.
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    • Profile picture of the author skyline-SEO
      Originally Posted by SurviveUnemployment View Post

      Well, maybe it's not all about traffic, but if I get 20,000 unique visitors a day to a site, I can pretty much guarantee that I'll make a nice chunk of change out of it.

      You can make decent money with 20 visitors a day too, but you have to be a lot more clever about it. At the end of the day, it's a numbers game.
      Oh I disagree if you get 20,000 unique visitors a day to a site does not necessarily mean you'll make money. You are probably able to because you understand what you can offer to that traffic that will make you profits (AKA conversions).

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  • Profile picture of the author bradmarcus1
    Hello skyline-SEO. I agree with you, but it starts with traffic. It starts with getting peoples' attention...getting people to check out your capture page, blog, website etc. Then, by giving good quality content and following up with people the conversions happen.

    To Your Success,
    Brad Marcus
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    • Profile picture of the author skyline-SEO
      Originally Posted by bradmarcus1 View Post

      Hello skyline-SEO. I agree with you, but it starts with traffic. It starts with getting peoples' attention...getting people to check out your capture page, blog, website etc. Then, by giving good quality content and following up with people the conversions happen.

      To Your Success,
      Brad Marcus
      I Agree 1000%
      Good post

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  • Profile picture of the author The Web Master
    No traffic + No conversions = No sales! A rule that all of us internet marketers live by!
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  • Profile picture of the author BrianLG
    Yeah but everyone thinks their own website is great, at least newbies for the first few months so traffic must be the problem
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  • Profile picture of the author joshuagan80
    I agree that conversion is the heart of a business. Yes, you need traffic, but not any traffic. You need targeted traffic, and this can help to boost your conversion.

    Not all traffic is targeted to your niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mukul Verma
    At first Traffic is more important then conversion. (Traffic should always be targeted and preferred free)

    If you have no traffic, you cannot test your conversion as fast. Once you get a lot of traffic, it is a lot easier to test what is working and what is not to convert better.

    If you are getting 2500 visitors a day and you can test conversion. A 1/2% increase would mean an extra 12-13 customers a day.

    You can move much faster in testing conversion for what works.

    Also list and backend sales are important as mentioned. It is part of a bigger formula.

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