If You Have No Money To Start Your Business...
Figure Out What You Are Willing To Sacrifice To Get It...
I often hear people say, "I don't have ANY money to invest in my online business..."
My gut instinct is to ask, "Why Not?"
You want people to spend money with you, but you are unwilling to spend money on your business?
If you aren't willing to put the crowbar into your wallet to find some money to build your business, how do you expect other people to put the crowbar into their wallets to spend money with you?
I am listening...
No Answer?!?
Isn't there anything in your life that you are willing to sacrifice to get what you want out of life?
When I started my online business, domain names cost $30 a year, and hosting was $15 month...
I did not take the leap until I could prepay one year, which I was able to do at a discount...
I spent about $200 to set up my online business...
And it was not easy...
Money was really tight, and we had a new baby on the way...
What did I give up to make sure I had the money to start MY online business?
I gave up lunch at work for a month, and I gave up a few trips to the diner for coffee in the evening...
I got back $150 by sacrificing lunch at work... And I gave up coffee for two weeks to get another $45... (coffee for two, and a tip)
When I had the money together, I prepaid my domain and hosting for one year...
After that, I poured sweat equity into the development of my business...
My sweat equity was free for the first year, but in my second year, I started making some good money... In fact, in my second year, my online income matched my offline income...
In the first year, I barely made enough money to cover my domain name registration and hosting, but I put every penny back into my business to buy me a second year in business...
In the second year, my investment of sweat equity started showing solid returns...
If you have NO MONEY to start your online business, WHY NOT?
Aren't you willing to make sacrifices to get what you want?
Aren't you willing to give up something to get something you want more?
If not, then maybe a business is not for you...
Maybe you are better to walk away from the thought of starting an online business...
Because obviously, you don't WANT IT enough!!
If you are like most people, you want the reward, but you are not sure you want to give what will be required of you to get what you want...
Why do you go to your job every day?
Of course, I know the answer...
You go to your job, because YOU WANT to pay your bills...
Look what you are willing to give up to pay your bills, and then ask yourself why you are not willing to give up something else to create a real business that has the potential to reward you better than your job...
Today is a much different world than it was when I started my online business...
You can typically get domain registration for $10-$15 year, and web hosting for $2-$5 per month...
Here are three web hosting companies and their web hosting plans to consider (I have no financial interest in any of these companies, and these are not affiliate links):
- Web-hosting-service.org -- Compare Hosting Plans
- Site5 Web Hosting - Starting At $4.95 A Month
- Web Hosting Services With GoDaddy, Compare Our Prices
With these companies, you can get started for anywhere from $15 yr to $75 yr...
So it is much better for you now, than it was for me 11 years ago...
You have to sacrifice much less than I did to get started building a promising tomorrow for you and your family...
So what is holding YOU back?
I might know something you don't know...
I know why it is that you are hesitating to take a dive into a real online business....
It is FEAR -- the fear of failure, the fear of success, or even worse, the fear of the unknown...
When you take the dive into creating a real online business, your life may be forever changed...
You will be forced to step outside of your comfortable rut...
You will be forced to learn who you are capable of being, rather than simply living with who you are today...
That is scary...
Yes, diving into your online business with both feet forward is scary...
But if you are miserable now, with what your life isn't, how can the unknown be any worse?
It can't...
So bite the bullet, make whatever sacrifices you need to make to create a real business, and commit to making it successful...
You will never regret taking the decision that I am asking you to take today...
But if you do nothing, you may reach the end of your life and regret those things you did not attempt...
As a young man, I decided that I would forever live my life without regrets...
I regret nothing...
And I wish the same for you in your life...
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The man who views the world at fifty the same as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life. ~Muhammad Ali
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