Article Marketing Section in the WF...

9 replies

Have to say the article marketing section in the forum sounds very interesting... (just noticed that ad).

As for being moderated, how will that work (as I can see possible incorrect info about subjects being posted, i.e., spun content), or uninformed individuals (i.e., although there are certain guidelines as to 'good' content, it is still quite subjective. And quite possibly the 'competition' could just remove 'competing' articles).

However, definitely a very interesting idea, I like it.

#article #marketing #section
  • Profile picture of the author kenny5
    I think they are going to have to moderate that very heavily. Of course you also have to pay to be able to post there so that should help.

    But I agree it looks like a very cool idea.
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  • Profile picture of the author J Bold
    Ya I checked it out and am wondering about the rules, etc.

    Straight affiliate links allowed there? Or redirects from a top level domain that's actually an affiliate link, such as ezinearticles allows? Are articles you posted somewhere else welcome there?

    Are links allowed throughout the body or only near the end? So many questions...
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  • Profile picture of the author JonAlfredsson
    I agree. This can be a great idea as long as everything has been set up already in terms of the rules. Thanks for posting about his by the way. Haven't really had the time read around lately.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Another no-brainer to me. Already signed up.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      Another no-brainer to me. Already signed up.
      Same here ... not sure I've ever written an article in my own name before, mind you, but I suppose there's always a first time.
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  • Profile picture of the author thatgirlJ
    I threw a couple of articles up last night...I didn't do any keyword research or even SEO the articles like I normally would. Still, in less than 24 hours, I'm #10 for "Christmas Affiliate" and #16 for "How to Write Faster."

    Neither term gets tons of searches (I just checked), but clearly the results speak for themselves. Do some actual keyword research, optimize your articles, write something worthwhile, and you're golden!

    I'm happy so far -- and thinking about how to use this in my IM campaigns
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  • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Polomka
    I haven't signed up yet, but it is certainly a great idea and I will be signing up when I have enough funds.

    Looking forward to using the SEO benefits that come with the Warrior forum
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