Please recommend a good article / content writer for hire
Can anyone recommend a good article writer that can supply me with excellent content around 350-400 words for around $4 an article?
I am seeking a seasoned article writer to supply me with 100 articles per month. The subject of the articles will be mainly credit cards, however the subjects may vary some from month to month. I am interested in finding someone that can prove to me that they have excellent writing abilitites at a good cost. If this can be proven to me, I will want to make it an ongoing partnership of 100 articles per month for a set price.
Here is a breakdown of how the 100 articles will be used:
- 30 of them to be used as Google Knols
- 30 of them to be used as blog posts
- 30 of them to be used as articles for website content
- 10 of them to be articles I will submit to directories
I will provide you a spreadsheet that contains 100 different titles that I would like to be used for each article. I will also include one keyword or keyword phrase that I would like to be incorporated into the article.
I would like the keyword phrase to be used once in the first paragraph, once in the last paragraph, and once somewhere in between.
Each article should be from 350 to 400 words in length.
I am looking for someone that I can use each month on an ongoing basis for this. Right now all the articles will be on the topic of credit cards.
If you are a writer and this sounds good, please pm me and we can discuss things further.
High Quality Content for .03/word. Order by PM.
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