9 replies

How many times have you gotten a great idea and stopped dead in your tracks halfway through implementing it?

That was fear.

Do you get stuck?

I don't believe for one second that you can't find answers to just about any question imaginable.

Google is my best friend, when I'm looking to do something in Photoshop, a 2 minute search usually gives me text and video instruction on how to do it.

If I get stuck, this forum can almost always provide answers to anything related to online marketing.

People ask questions in this forum (and others) and if they don't get the answer they want, they stop.


Your idea may lead to an amazing breakthrough in your business.

The only answer to a question comes directly from customers and testing.

Your idea should be applied and tested before you listen to anyone.

However, your idea should be based on one simple thing:

Serving your customers.

If you are looking to get higher conversion rates to a great product that helps your customers, you're doing them a service by helping them understand how wonderful your product is.

It simply makes sense to reach more people and convert them into customers if you're helping others.

If your product stinks, maybe that should be your focus.

Whether you believe it or not, fear is what stops you when you're just around the corner from success.

Your thoughts?

#fail #failure #fear
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
    Hi Ross,

    Great points.

    Fear was one of the things that stopped me at one point when I was first starting out.

    Sometimes it can be tricky for people to identify fear.

    If you hear yourself thinking, "What if they don't like it?", "what if I look like an idiot?", or "What if I lose everything?"...and then you don't move forward, then you have just experienced fear.

    Ross, you're right. You have to move past it, get over it, or work through it. But stopping and quitting are not an option if you want real success.

    All the best,
    Michael Oksa

    "Ich bin en fuego!"
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  • Profile picture of the author Ross Dalangin
    I think it's the focus on implementing great ideas or don't have a great idea, network and plans.

    Sometimes fear comes from the newbies that's why they didn't start to act. I have to agree that fear is one aspect.

    Another is the responsibility, financial and personal/family problems that affects your decisions.

    So for me FOCUS (or to outsource) and FLEXIBILITY (complete plans).
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  • Profile picture of the author Quang Van
    Fear of Failure is definitely the root road block of success...

    I was watching an Anthony Robbins DVD the other day that talks about having "Quality Problems" such as "Should I Move?" "Should I go for that Promotion?"

    as opposed to

    "Save Problems", like "Why does the world suck?", "Why Can't I Succeed" etc...
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Ross, this couldn't have come at a better time.

      I was working on my next project today (a massive one) and thinking to
      myself, "Can I really pull this off?" And before I started to let fear get the
      best of me, I said to myself, "Damn straight I can!"

      And went back to work.

      I think it was Roosevelt who said, "There is nothing to fear but fear itself."

      It may be one of the most true lines ever spoken in the history of mankind.
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      • Profile picture of the author Matt D

        Great post. Most reading this board have all the tools they need to succeed. Action is the main ingredient I have found.

        Here is a strange bedfellow to fear: Perfection

        In tandem with fear it can be a deadly combination. I know because it's something I struggle with. Marketing online is no place for the perfectionist. I've found this out the hard way. I found myself waiting to know or understand everything before taking action and that doesn't get you very far very fast. I've learned (and still learning) to take action and learn from what I have done. Education by experience is the best.
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  • Profile picture of the author lazavas
    my biggest obstacle has been creating a website, im prety confident in everything else but my stumbling block is the website creating, but its something im working on and no way it will make me give up
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  • Profile picture of the author Nick Brighton
    Not just fear of failure or success either...but fear of loss of interest. That's a big one that stops many people seeing through a "side" project in a niche market they care little for (even if they can make waves unknowingly)

    In that case, the key is to treat your project as a growing asset that you can practice your skills on. If all goes belly up, just make sure you've learned something else instead of becoming bitter and that "marketing doesn't work".

    Grow and learn, then sell assets that aren't your main passion.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ross Goldberg
    There is such thing as failure, I've built my business on it.

    The secret is to fail forward.

    Take your mistakes, learn from them and always be moving toward your next goal.

    A goal you don't meet is a test.

    Everything in marketing is a test.

    I had a product that didn't sell well, so I took it and combined it with one that did to create a much better product.

    The second, new product has sold over 3,000 copies.

    The refund rate is around 1.3%.

    It was a test that went badly at first and ended very well in the end...
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  • Profile picture of the author Li Weng
    It's so true! It's all about taking consistent action and never say give up. You gotta have that kinda attitude to achieve anything in any field.

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  • Profile picture of the author jbirdmanjr
    That hit home. Many times have I had an idea that seemed great at first, Then somehow fear made me think that it wouldnt work. Over the years I have learned to let results decide whether an idea is good or bad, not fear.
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