Getting an office! [will I make more or less?]

14 replies
I have been online for awhile now,
and I have made a few info products,
done some adsense, affiliate marketing
basically a little of everything.

I have been getting into offline stuff a little.
And decided that to really get some momentum
I am going to get an office.

At the office I will be able to meet up
with local marketers, and even hold workshops.

The office is approx 400 sq feet so the workshops
will be 10-12 people.

And mostly dealing with selling on amazon, ebay.
(class room style)

I can really get somethings moving though.

Let me know what you would do if you were making
the change from working at home to moving to your office.

Looking forward to your replies.

#make #office
  • Profile picture of the author nitivation
    You will definitely make more money and be able to give time to each person while giving him YOUR confidence as well as making more direct contact. The fact that you are giving full time to your work will help you in the long test of trust.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Brian
    If you hold workshops classroom style then I think renting function rooms on the workshop days would be more economical.

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  • Profile picture of the author mostphere
    You need to get up more early to go the office :-)

    You don't want to lose your valuable times at working this profitable business of yours.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan Even
    I get more work done in my office simply because I get more into the "work frame of mind" and I'm not as tempted to watch TV or waste time in some other way... And of course getting more work done normally results in more income.
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  • Profile picture of the author sal64
    What exactly is the question?

    Having an office involves overheads and travel expenses.

    I tried it a year ago , but now I'm at home.

    If you are getting it in order to run classes... why not rent a board room for the first few and test it out before making a longer term commitment?
    Internet Marketing: 20% Internet - 80% Marketing!
    You Won't See The Light Until You Open Your Eyes.
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    • Profile picture of the author gandfscott
      Originally Posted by sal64 View Post

      What exactly is the question?

      Having an office involves overheads and travel expenses.

      I tried it a year ago , but now I'm at home.

      If you are getting it in order to run classes... why not rent a board room for the first few and test it out before making a longer term commitment?
      I agree with Sal64. If you're in a big city there will be lots of private clubs etc, where you can join as a member for low monthly fees and then when you need to hold seminars or meet people you can just rent out one of their rooms for a small amount. Private clubs are also great just for meeting people one-to-one, and if a lot of your clients are offline then it's also a great place to meet and make contacts with other people.
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    • Profile picture of the author Simon Royal
      Originally Posted by sal64 View Post

      What exactly is the question?

      Having an office involves overheads and travel expenses.

      I tried it a year ago , but now I'm at home.

      If you are getting it in order to run classes... why not rent a board room for the first few and test it out before making a longer term commitment?
      Sal you say you "tried it."

      Why did it not work out for you?

      Any tips other than the overhead and travel expenses?

      note: The office is within walking distance of where I live, and the 250/mo includes electricity so the only added expense would be phone and internet.

      I plan on using virtual numbers to direct calls to the office so I can track my marketing easier.

      What travel expenses did you inccur?

      Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.

      P.S I make awesome Kettle Corn.

      P.S.S like my fanpage so you can know about my next case giveaway contest. Only FANS can win!
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      • Profile picture of the author Hamida Harland
        I moved into an office earlier this year and I can honestly say it was one of the best decisions I've made. When I'm at home I find it alot harder to concentrate - there's always something else to be done like household chores or errands. I also have a noisy 7 year old who can be very distracting! When I'm in my office I'm completely focused and my productivity has increased tenfold.
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        • Profile picture of the author Simon Royal
          Originally Posted by Hamida Harland View Post

          I also have a noisy 7 year old who can be very distracting! .
          My son is 3 and can be very demanding a times,
          I really think it is the best route to go.

          Hamida, what type of work are you in?

          P.S I make awesome Kettle Corn.

          P.S.S like my fanpage so you can know about my next case giveaway contest. Only FANS can win!
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          • Profile picture of the author Hamida Harland
            Originally Posted by Simon Royal View Post

            My son is 3 and can be very demanding a times,
            I really think it is the best route to go.

            Hamida, what type of work are you in?
            Honestly I think having an office will be a great move for you, particularly if you intend to hold workshops.

            Niche blogs (selling affiliate products) mostly, but hopefully in 2011 I'll be focusing more on product creation and selling some of my own stuff.
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    I feel that if you're really serious with conducting those offline workshops, your additional income from them will more than compensate for the office rent that you'll be paying. You wouldn't have to scramble to rent space whenever you want to hold a workshop, and overall I think it'd work out for the best.

    I'd suggest scheduling some kind of office hours and making it a point to be in the office during those hours. I have a feeling that you'll find yourself being far more productive doing this than trying to work from home, especially if you have distractions that you can't avoid there.

    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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    • Profile picture of the author Simon Royal
      Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

      I feel that if you're really serious with conducting those offline workshops, your additional income from them will more than compensate for the office rent that you'll be paying. You wouldn't have to scramble to rent space whenever you want to hold a workshop, and overall I think it'd work out for the best.

      I'd suggest scheduling some kind of office hours and making it a point to be in the office during those hours. I have a feeling that you'll find yourself being far more productive doing this than trying to work from home, especially if you have distractions that you can't avoid there.

      The workshops covering the expenses was the big factor for me,
      when I tried to get a workshop set up before finding an open place was either very expensive 200+ per day or full.

      I am seeing it as a great opportunity to be able to also hold "private workshops" instead of doing the chamber of commerce type of things.

      Also I do plan on turning some of the workshops into info products, "sales tools" to help warm up my prospects.

      P.S I make awesome Kettle Corn.

      P.S.S like my fanpage so you can know about my next case giveaway contest. Only FANS can win!
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  • Profile picture of the author markowe
    Really depends what you want to do with your business. Sure, moving into a physical office is part of scaling up the business and especially moving into offline work. For me it would also mean getting a lot more work done as someone said: at home is also my wife and a little rugrat that's always climbing all over my desk. But somehow I just can't face moving out, I like being with my family all day, and anyway, an office suddenly seems like a REAL job, and that's not what we got into IM for, right?!

    Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

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