Camtasia Regular vs Education version?

Profile picture of sellerscompanion
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5 replies
Hi all... My niece is planning to try some IM after college is over this year. However, she was thinking of purchasing the Camtasia education license now as it is pretty cheap. I know the license says you cannot use for business, but if she purchases it to use now in school and a year from now makes videos with it for IM to start her business, will they be able to track that in some way? I am confused on how that would work. She is asking me and I have no clue and cannot get much info from their site.
#camtasia #education #regular #version
  • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
    Jill Carpenter
    Profile picture of Jill Carpenter
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would guess the business (for profit) videos would not be seen for a year.

    Are they asking for proof of enrollment?

    I know that I have grabbed "office for mac student teacher edition" in the past - and I don't believe there was any way for them to track that I was not a student or teacher or making money.

    I don't know how Camtasia would track this - unless there is something in the coding of the videos that they could find in a page source.

    ps: I won't advocate breaking licenses or breaking TOS, but you have me curious on how they are to track this. Perhaps future discounted upgrades will need proof of enrollment or will come at a heftier price??? :confused:

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  • Profile picture of the author IdeaLady
    Profile picture of IdeaLady
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Camtasia offers discounted upgrades to current owners. When she no longer qualifies for the education version she may not be able to upgrade it. It depends on their policies and what proof they require.

    She might want to give TechSmith a call and ask them. I have found them very helpful when I have called about upgrades, etc.

    Cathy Stucker,
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    • Profile picture of the author sylviad
      Profile picture of sylviad
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I once owned Director - another huge program for creating animated videos that was in the price range of around $1000. I started with the Education version while I took the course. When the videos were created on the Education version, it left some sort of signature so the program creators could track videos made with the Education version. It also added an extra slide at the end of the video showing that it was created with the Education version.

      Most likely, Camtasia has a similar system. Regardless, it's not worth the risk if you get caught.

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