Just because it is new on Clickbank doesn't mean it's...

Jill Carpenter
Profile picture of Jill Carpenter
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10 replies

I was strolling around clickbank today, and one product caught my eye as "this looks great!" and then I got down to the bottom where a sample video was placed and low and behold - it is something I own PLR to. lol

Now, the content is good, but I could tell from the video too that it was really out of date. The site highlighted in the video has completely changed their layout since this video was first produced.

So here is the question. Would you promote a product that you knew was good overall but was a bit outdated?
  • Profile picture of the author TheFreebieGuy
    Profile picture of TheFreebieGuy
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    It depends on how outdated it is and how relevant the content still is. This is the way I look at it. I ask myself the following question: Will the content be of value to my subscribers? Will it help them reach closer to their goals if they apply what they learn from it.

    If the answers to those questions are Yes, then it's a product that I would consider promoting.

    However, always remember that there are multiple alternatives. If that one is outdated, you might as well try to find one that isn't - one that contributes even more value.

    Hope that helps!

    Leslie, The Freebie Guy
    My Blog - The Freebie Guy - (FREE Advice and Tips to Grow your Online Business)
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  • Profile picture of the author entrepreneurjay
    Profile picture of entrepreneurjay
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    I agree it depends on how outdated it was there are a few courses from a few years ago that still work and are pretty much dirt cheap. If your selling to a beginner and you know the tactics will still help them, and it is reasonably priced. Then why not?

    Clickbank has 60 day money back guarantee which everyone and there mom knows about in the Internet marketing field. I think it is being abused so people don't have to pay anything freebie seekers. But there are a lot of crap products so it goes both ways I guess...
  • Profile picture of the author Dan Bainbridge
    Dan Bainbridge
    Profile picture of Dan Bainbridge
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    I certainly wouldnt really spend my time promoting a product that someone else has setup quickly from a plr pack... especially if I also already owned that product - why not just set it up on a domain and promote your own...?

    But more generally, why not look for higher quality products - that are unqiue, well made, proven to convert, and are actual market leaders.. even if you think this product would sell do you think the owner of it is going to be putting any time into conversion testing, ironing out bugs, customer service etc... I would avoid like the plague..

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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    Profile picture of tpw
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    I won't even promote articles that are a bit outdated. I will bring them up to date, before I start promoting them again.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Jill Carpenter
      Profile picture of Jill Carpenter
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by tpw View Post

      I won't even promote articles that are a bit outdated. I will bring them up to date, before I start promoting them again.
      I have some of the same issues.

      Today I've been pounding the keyboard, looking for products - I need all clickbank stuff for a test I'm doing. Some of the better or higher paying products don't really show up in the market place, so it's been a merry go round to hunt down - finding a lot of names that seem to regularly JV with a lot of other names, and all kinds of fun facts.

      I have not been on searches like this for a while, and I'm finding new products too which are basically trying to say they are new or different but I can tell it's nothing new (as far as I'm concerned).

      And for crying out loud - does anyone have a screen capture wordpress 3.0 class on CB? If you want to stick to a niche, that's great - but geeze, go update your videos! lol [ /mini rant]

      Yes, I could go shoot this stuff and sell it and blah blah blah but that is not the current goal and mission.

      I initially wanted a list of about 15 good products. It's like pulling teeth as far as IM stuff goes. And some of those sales pages! Holy cow do some folks need some serious help out there.

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Alexa Smith
        Profile picture of Alexa Smith
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        Originally Posted by avenuegirl View Post

        I initially wanted a list of about 15 good products. It's like pulling teeth as far as IM stuff goes. And some of those sales pages! Holy cow do some folks need some serious help out there.
        You're telling me. The stuff people copy because other people copy it because other, other people copy it because "it must be tested" and "it must be what works". Unbelievable.
        • Profile picture of the author WillR
          Profile picture of WillR
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          Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

          You're telling me. The stuff people copy because other people copy it because other, other people copy it because "it must be tested" and "it must be what works". Unbelievable.
          But if Perry Belcher says it works then it must! :rolleyes:
          • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
            Jill Carpenter
            Profile picture of Jill Carpenter
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            Originally Posted by WillR View Post

            But if Perry Belcher says it works then it must! :rolleyes:
            Yes. Perry pops up on my list of Farmville friends. ROFLMAO

            I realize there are basics that are guaranteed to work. I realize you can't satisfy everyone. I realize every sales model needs to work for the product owner and while each will have some similar elements to be successful, many need to be custom configured like a tailored suit. I might have bulges to hide that you don't. :p

            But it really is quite amazing the split I'm seeing. The cookie cutter Cosco style repetition vs the ones that appear like the kids room toy box just dumped on the floor.

            And while I know it's a big giant internet out there, I for some reason am feeling trapped in a small closet in the corner.

            I have to ask myself, am I like the woman who is desperate to have a child and looks around and everyone around seems to have babies? Or am I just seeing things that way because it is where my mind is focused?

            Will someone open the closet door please? lol

            "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

          • Profile picture of the author thriftgirl62
            Profile picture of thriftgirl62
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            only if the color of the Perry Belcher Buy Button is correct.

            That's all it ever is. The COLOR of the BUY BUTTON. That's the secret. The Color of the Buy Button. It's so stupid simple, nobody gets it.

            Clickbank - There is one program that was pretty good [I should have my thingy here but I always lose them anyway] It's called Turbo Profit Sniper and for some reason, I like that one.

            Another good one is called Affiliates Den

            I also remember running into an older not heavily promoted software that came out back when Facebook first started running ads - like 2-3 years ago - and that looked very substantial too.

            Jim Cockrum has good products kept updated and the guy who owns CB Mall
            can tell you whatever you want to know.

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  • Profile picture of the author Rikki_Fawkes
    Profile picture of Rikki_Fawkes
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    Some websites change their layouts way too much to justify changing my product in order to keep up. So for me, as long as the basic methods from A to Z are intact with little or no variance, I keep it. If it really needs to be changed, I can send out a notification or amend the product in some way.

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