About.com... How do you become an author on it?

by KeithJ
4 replies
Does anyone here know how to become a contributing author in specific niches on About.com?

#aboutcom #author
  • Profile picture of the author DireStraits
    Fill in their application form?

    Seriously though, besides the obvious, it probably helps significantly if you can show them some high-quality (and preferably niche/topic-relevant) articles already written and published by yourself. Even more so if they can see that your articles have been syndicated/republished by other webmasters who have found your content useful and informative.

    I'd say don't bank on standing a good chance of landing the position (or even passing the first stage of the process) as either a Guide or Contributor unless you can show them some very high-quality work that's already out there on the 'net.
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  • Profile picture of the author AFI
    You have to apply and they have very strict and rigorous standards. Basically they don't just accept anyone. Then once you get a writers account there, you can't promote your links. Not worth it in my opinion. Much like Salon 101. They accepted me but wouldn't allow me to post my links. I guess they're looking for real writers who enjoy writing.

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  • Profile picture of the author cindybidar
    About.com pays their writers, though. Suite 101 just does the revenue sharing thing. (I do have two articles on Suite 101 and I get paid about $10 per year for those, so I guess that's something.

    To the OP - a blogger I know, who happens to be a SCUBA instructor, applied to be the SCUBA guide at About.com. It took About.com over a year to turn him down. So if you apply, be prepared to wait.
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  • Profile picture of the author djones
    I think being a Guide is best for people who really enjoy their topic, and would probably be writing about it for free. There's a lot of work involved with being a Guide, maybe more than the money they pay would be worth if you were mainly doing it for the pay. However, if you were doing it for fun, getting paid would be a nice bonus.
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