How Do I link my squeeze page to a salesletter from clickbank and still get my commission?

by uyanna
2 replies
Hi Guys,

I just found a big niche with virtually no competition and want to
create a squeeze page for it.

Now here's the problem.

How do I link the page to my ClickBank Affiliate ID link?

Plus if I decide to rewrite the salesletter, how do I link the order links
for the product to include my affiliate ID.

Thanks guys, need an answer seriously.


P.S. Hey I know this might just be really simple. I just didnt get the
hang of it.
#clickbank #commission #link #page #salesletter #squeeze
  • Profile picture of the author mudmat
    So what you mean is that once your visitor submits their name and email address on your squeeze page, you want them to be directed to the salesletter of the clickbank product that you are promoting is it?

    If your answer is yes,

    then you need to put your link in the form where your visitors will submit their name and email address.

    You can get the form by using an autoresponder. Your autoresponder will give you a code to place on your website and the form will appear and collect your subscriber's name and email address.

    Here is where you place your affiliate link:

    <input name="category1" value="automatedrecruitingsystem" type="hidden"> <input name="confirmation" value="" type="hidden"> <input name="error_page" value="" type="hidden">
    <input name="ref" value="000" type="hidden"><input name="getpostdata" value="get" type="hidden"></form>

    <div style="text-align: center;"><!-- GetResponse subscription form | end --></div>

    ================================================== =====

    Hope this helps!


    Muhammad Noor
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  • Profile picture of the author Nick Doyle
    Theres a very nice help section for hoplinks in clickbank on how to set up yoru affiliate link (hoplink).

    Make sure you REDIRECT your pages tho and don't just direct-link to your hoplink. This can result in stolen commissions. Always do a simple php-redirect from your page. That should do the trick!
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