Jeff Johnsons traffic getting plugin. Anyone use it?

Profile picture of BradRich
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I have it on one of by blogs. I don't know if it is doing anything tho. I think it might be giving him a backlink to his site but not too sure. Should I keep it on there or should I get several of my own plugins and delete this one?
#jeff #johnsons #plugin #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author Crew Chief
    Crew Chief
    Profile picture of Crew Chief
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by BradRich View Post

    I have it on one of by blogs. I don't know if it is doing anything tho. I think it might be giving him a backlink to his site but not too sure. Should I keep it on there or should I get several of my own plugins and delete this one?
    With the free version, your blog will be tweaked, to a certain degree, concerning On Site SEO. The trade off is = you have to remain on Jeff's email list and JJ is going to blast you with emails like there is no tomorrow. When WP makes a upgrade to the WP engine, you will have to go through the whole process of downloading the Traffic Getting Plugin again. Meaning that you cannot grab the upgrade VIA your WP control panel like any other plugin.

    The other trade off is that when you login in to your WP control panel, you are going to receive a healthy dose of sales pitches about the programs, subscriptions and/or software apps JJ is selling at that time.

    Overall, the plugin is not going to magically bring you traffic once you install it. The tweaks and settings that it performs can be performed without the plugin. But here is the thing, even if you didn't perform any of those tweaks, you can still obtain top tier SERP rankings with proper OFF Page SEO.

    I tested the plugin on a number of sites in comparison with a number of sites that only used the "All in One SEO Pack" WP Plugin and saw no difference in traffic. To be clear, I don't believe JJ suggests that all one needs is his plugin to get traffic; if I'm not mistaken, he pushes it as a part of a traffic getting program that he sells.

    Having shared all of that, JJ is a marketing genius.

    Oh, and there is no backlink to his site on your site, that I know of anyway.

    Giles, the Crew Chief
    Tools, Strategies and Tactics Used By Savvy Internet Marketers and SEO Pros: We Build Monetization Ready High-Value Virtual Properties

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