How do you bring up the gravity on your products in clickbank?

9 replies
Have a product with low gravity, it sucks! Would love for it to have more!
#bring #clickbank #gravity #products
  • Profile picture of the author HelpfulHannah
    I believe gravity is based on how many different affiliates make a sale in one pay period.

    Here are two things you can do to get a higher gravity.

    1. Do the leg work and find more affiliates and JV partners to promote your product and make some more sales.

    2. Use a script that checks to see if there is no affiliate cookie on a sale. To increase your gravity you want every sale to have an affiliate attached. You can then randomise the affiliate link for that sale and reward your best affiliates.

    Hope that helps,
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by HelpfulHannah View Post

      To increase your gravity you want every sale to have an affiliate attached. You can then randomise the affiliate link for that sale and reward your best affiliates.
      That really won't raise the gravity at all.

      No affiliate can contribute more than a maximum of "1" to the gravity score. Your best affiliates will already have sold one.

      To add a point to the gravity score, the sale would need to be accredited to an affiliate who hasn't yet made a sale in that period. Not exactly an ideal approach (unless you're the affiliate).

      For gravity, it's an 8-week period, by the way, not a "pay period".
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  • Profile picture of the author HelpfulHannah
    Ah thanks for the clarification Alexa.

    My favorite saying is "Nobody's perfect and I'm the perfect example"
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  • Profile picture of the author Damz
    I've seen that offering a low cost trial eg.$4.95 could increase the gravity drastically. increased gravity using this method. so the site climbed to the top pages of CB marketplace and that means more affiliates and more sales..
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by Damz View Post

      I've seen that offering a low cost trial eg.$4.95 could increase the gravity drastically.
      It can. With the commission paid on a $4.95 product, how many affiliates are you going to attract?

      You might just attract a lot each buying one copy through their own affiliate-link. They all count. But it's really common, one way and another, for high gravity products' gravity-figure to include a lot of "one-off purchases". (Yet another reason for high gravities not to imply high sales numbers.)
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  • Profile picture of the author Sim and Emilis
    Originally Posted by 100Bandz View Post

    Have a product with low gravity, it sucks! Would love for it to have more!
    All I can say is, find niche-affiliates to promote your products.

    You can make a paid posting here on Warrior Forum in the Joint Venture section and invite affiliates to promote your product.
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    Increase the conversion rates of your sales copy
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Brock
      One of my products hit 500 gravity.

      If you have a low price point and high converting copy, it's easier to get a higher gravity.

      The cool thing is if you are in the IM niche, one affiliate can actually raise your gravity by 20 points or more. A lot of the times, their customers will sign up under their own ID which inflates your gravity.
      Clickbank #1 Best Seller: The Deadbeat Super Affiliate.
      Click here to learn how to make money online in your bath robe and gym socks!
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by Daniel Brock View Post

        The cool thing is if you are in the IM niche, one affiliate can actually raise your gravity by 20 points or more. A lot of the times, their customers will sign up under their own ID which inflates your gravity.
        Exactly so.

        It's brilliant for the vendor if you have affiliates promoting your product to people some of whom are already Clickbank affiliates themselves, and will substitute the link and buy it using their own hoplink: a gravity point for every individual sale. And I suppose you can get that, to some extent, in the "IM advice" niche. (Not products I care to promote, myself, though some of your customers here have certainly told me how excellent one of your products is, Daniel!).
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