15 replies
I am new around here since I just recently found out about the site. I'm trying to learn how to start an online business, but trying to figure out where to start on here is like trying to drink from a fire hose, there's so much information its hard to know where to start, and what is going to help me.

I saw something that looked interesting and I bought it, only to find out that it was someone elses e book containing out dated material that had screen shots from wordpress 2.5, so I'm not sure how much of that information is valid.

If anyone has some practical advice about how to get to get started and some recommendations on products/services where I can learn it would be greatly appreciated. I want to do the work, I'm just not so sure where / how to start.

#advice #where to start
  • Profile picture of the author Stuart S
    Personally, I would just spend some time reading. There is enough information out there that you shouldn't have to buy anything to make money, this can be done at a later stage.

    What I would do is try and make $1 without spending money. THen keep repeating this process till you've got about $100. Then you can look into expanding that method by maybe buying a method or more domain names.

    Making the first $dollar is always the hardest, so try and make it without stressing yourself out and by buying products.
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    • Profile picture of the author Hexor
      Originally Posted by JacksonRiddle View Post

      Personally, I would just spend some time reading. There is enough information out there that you shouldn't have to buy anything to make money, this can be done at a later stage.

      What I would do is try and make $1 without spending money. THen keep repeating this process till you've got about $100. Then you can look into expanding that method by maybe buying a method or more domain names.

      Making the first is always the hardest, so try and make it without stressing yourself out and by buying products.
      I totally agree on this. Making the first dollar is the hardest part, because you dont have the guts and feedbacks that is needed to be a proof that you work well. Dont waste money by giving / buying anything online, like me, i dont spent a penny but i already earn 20$
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  • First of all make sure you get a refund on your purchase.

    Then go to the WSO section (Warriror Special Offers) to find something which will suit what you want to do. I know this may not be specific advice but its difficult to give specific advice based on your post and not knowing you or your strenghs.

    The WSOs can be found here: Warrior Special Offers Forum

    Just because they are WSOs doesn't mean they will all work as well as you expect BUT read the replies as they should all contain feedback on the product which is far better than any review site.

    Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author faceblogger
    Go to the WSO section of this forum and look at the threads, there you will find that what type of business will work, and how to 'market' your product and service, etc.

    Then think something Unique (Product or Service) and try to start a business with that. You may fail or get a low income initially but keep trying while widen your thinking. You will win!!!!

    Good Luck!!

    no sig

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    • Profile picture of the author NikkiBanks
      Try learning some Basic Stuff like

      Setting up a blog.
      Doing basic SEO.
      Monetize it with Adsense / Clickbank product / Amazon.
      Building traffic.

      Scaling up the method to different niches.

      Contact me if u require any help on this.
      I am happy to help u.
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      • Profile picture of the author wello
        i guess first you should figure out what product or service you´d want to deal with. marketing is the next step. dont spend time and especially money on marketing/advertising until you know WHAT you want to promote!
        good luck! work hard!
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarah S
    I think it helps to create an action plan that caters to your specific talents and internet marketing interests.

    When I first found out about internet marketing a few months ago, I also suffered from "information overload," and didn't know what to do or how to begin. I started by making a list of ways I knew that money could be made online, then I identified which things I would be best at or enjoy the most. I'd say, take a look at some basic strategies and pick a few that sound interesting to you. For example:

    -Article Marketing/Bum Marketing
    -Email Marketing (and list building)
    -Ghostwriting, PLR writing, and general freelance writing
    -Flipping websites
    -Creating software
    -Designing graphics
    -Ezine Advertising (running solo ads, etc.)
    -Website design
    -Creating your own websites, blogs, lenses, hubs, knols, etc.
    -Ad placement (Google Adsense, Facebook ads, etc.)
    -Creating and promoting your own products (even outside the IM niche)
    -Forum Marketing (Yahoo answers, Askville, niche forums)
    -Marketing on Social Networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
    -Affiliate marketing through Clickbank, Commission Junction, Amazon, etc.
    -Marketing through Classified ads
    -Fiverr jobs

    These are just some ideas to get you started; obviously some of them would be wrong for you and others might be perfect, and you'll know best what you're good at and what you might like to try.

    Find some free information about those strategies online and see which one(s) you'd like to start with. (Check out free WSO's, JV Giveaway products, free reports, websites and expert blogs, etc. for more information.)

    Then make a specific 'action plan,' or list of things that you need to do in order to get yourself started and up and running. I found that browsing around and making a few lists for myself helps me to see more clearly what I need to do, and it keeps me accountable. It's satisfying every time I can check something off my list.

    It's definitely easy to get overwhelmed, so just try to focus: narrow in on what you're good at, don't give up on it before you've had a chance to succeed, see a project through to the end, and if it doesn't work, tweak it or try something new until you get it right. I hope that helps a little?

    Good luck! Go for it!
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  • Originally Posted by charleyhays View Post

    [SNIP]If anyone has some practical advice about how to get to get started and some recommendations on products/services where I can learn it would be greatly appreciated. I want to do the work, I'm just not so sure where / how to start. Thanks![/SNIP]
    Hi and welcome to the community! Hmmm...
    I for one would go to ezinearticles.com...
    Pick a popular niche that people with relevant needs and problems are interested in...
    Then, select a category under the niche where topics and sub topics relevant to those needs and problems are covered...
    Pick any listed article...

    At this point, go to the "Most Viewed" section then to the top 3 or so listed articles...
    Take note of the target keywords of the authors of those articles after looking at the number of views and the date of publication...
    Also determine writing tone/style and content slant of the titles, descriptions, body content and resource box content of those articles...
    Validate if those number of views mainly consists of search engine traffic, traffic from other sites, low quality traffic (expired domain redirects) or fake number of views...
    "Reverse engineer" the top 10 or so competing results for the keywords against those articles getting heavy search engine and relevant site traffic... By "reverse engineer", this means "study" those competing sites and pages for keywords targeted by the authors of those articles... By "study", know what they're doing, their target keywords, where they're placing their backlinks, what they're selling, how they're selling it, how they're optimizing their sites and pages for search engines and target audience, where they're placing their ads and promotional content among other relevant details like if those competing sites and pages are accepting ad placement, content contributions from viewers, mailing list ad placement, etc...
    Take note of everything you learned...

    Afterwards, go to ezinearticles.com, your chosen popular niche, your chosen category covering topics and sub topics relevant to the needs and problems of people interested in such a niche and category, any article, then to the "Most Published" section then to the top 3 or so listed articles...
    Take note of the target keywords of the authors along with their writing tone/style and content slant...
    Determine the number of times the articles have been syndicated on other sites since its publication...
    Validate if webmasters see the articles because of top ranking positions on Google/Yahoo!/Bing for target keyword searches, if the articles are being syndicated by the authors themselves on their other sites, or if the articles get syndicated by other webmasters because its authors participate in online places frequented by others interested in the same niche/category/topics/sub topics/keywords...
    Reverse engineer the top 10 or so competing sites and pages for those keywords...
    Take note of what you learned...

    Determine if you can develop your own products or services which can satisfy relevant needs and solve related problems of people interested in those niches/categories/topics/sub topics/keywords... By "content", those are ebooks, video courses, software, membership services, reports and so on...
    If you can develop your own content, adding features to your products or services which can provide benefits not offered by other competing products or service providers could provide you great results...
    You can sell your products or services on your website and offer your other products or services as free content via a sign up/opt in mailing list subscription...
    Your free content should entice people to sign up to your mailing list, and your paid products/services should provide unique supplemental benefits not offered by your free content or other competing products/service providers...

    If you can't develop your own products or services, find products or services from companies which you can market for comissions per sale, such as ClickBank among others...

    Find relevant, heavily trafficked top ranking (for your target keywords) online places accepting content contributions from viewers, ad placement on their pages or on their newsletters...
    Make a list of sites with top ranking pages which you can:
    (1) register as a member/viewer and contribute updated content useful and relevant to the needs and problems of people interested in your niches/categories/topics/sub topics/products/services, pointing them to your site and pages which offer supplemental content providing benefits not found on those pages and sites nor from your contributed content;
    (2) contact the webmasters for possible ad placement on their pages and newsletters; or
    (3) contact webmasters of those sites for possible JVs (offer them commissions per sale of your own products/services or free content in exchange for ad placement on their pages and newsletters)...

    Now you have:
    target keywords...
    a list of your competitors and reverse engineering data...
    a list of sites and pages you can use to promote your products/services/content...
    a list of online places where you can establish your business as a friendly expert source of updated content/products/services useful and relevant to the needs and problems of your target audience via content contributions...
    a list of online places where you can place your backlinks...
    free content for your mailing list members...
    your own paid products/services or your affiliate products/services and...
    site content like info pages/content pages/content enticing your target viewers to sign up to your mailing list...

    Now, you can build a plan to promote your products/services/site/content to your target audience...

    Then, you can learn about optimization tips from Google, Yahoo! and other credible sources for optimizing the "crawlability", "indexability" and "servability or rankability" of your pages and website...

    Afterwards, build a plan to optimize your website and pages for search engine "crawlability", "indexability" and "servability or rankability"...

    At this point, consult a visual communications specialist operating in advertising and marketing industries where your target audience is found to formulate a plan for optimizing the layout and overall look and feel of your website and pages for your target audience...

    Then, consult a copywriter with relevant expertise in developing offline and online sales content and marketing materials to get tips on how to write your sales pages and marketing content...
    Also ask for tips and guidelines in writing softsell marketing materials...

    Then, build a plan based on why you need a business, where are you standing as of the moment, what direction are you headed to and where you want to be in an X amount of time after constant implementation, observation and development/improvement of your plans...

    Finally, build your site and pages, then carry out your promotional plans, marketing campaigns, search engine ranking improvement plans, traffic generation campaigns and so on, thoughtfully observing your results to constantly incorporate it into your test formulation and plan development/improvement work...

    You can also check out this free guide -- currently being developed at the moment -- in case you find points which could be useful... Or, you can check out my sig below for my own startup story, with no website, no domain, no business email domain, no money, no office, no SEO/SEM/IM knowledge, no formal training in marketing and ICT, no other resources other than my own time and skills, all while totally blind though with the "nobody will ever do this for me, so I'll make this happen for myself" mindset...
    Need Custom Programmatic SEO or GenAI Engineering Work Done? Drop Me an Email HERE ...
    • Chief Machine Learning Engineer @ ARIA Research (Sydney, AU)
    • Lead GenAI SEO Campaign Engineer @ Kiteworks, Inc. (SF, US)
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  • Profile picture of the author Beatrice
    If anyone has some practical advice about how to get to get started and some recommendations on products/services where I can learn it would be greatly appreciated. I want to do the work, I'm just not so sure where / how to start.


    I started IM 5 months ago. I would recommend to any "newbies" to first learn the necessary IM skills. There are many online courses (some are even free like the challenge) which will teach you the fundamentals of IM. (You can send me a PM if you want)

    To stand a chance of making it you need to understand how IM works. After following a short course, I now have a couple of sites and have "slolwy" starting earning.

    Like everything else in life it takes work and patience but I strongly believe that "strong skills and a good understanding of IM" is the key that will unlock the door!

    Good luck!
    FREE Video to Build Your Website:

    http://www. createmyownwebpage.net

    This Step-by-Step video guide will show you how to buil your website from scratch!(For FREE)
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  • Profile picture of the author DominiquePrentiss
    Here's an idea that could help you out. Look at
    the blogs and websites of the most active members
    of this forum.

    Read their posts and check out what they are offering.

    This will help to give you a good idea of what's working
    in the marketplace and help you decide where you want
    to start.

    Some are service providers; other's promote their own
    products, and most of us promote other people's products.

    Look online for free tutorials before you buy another ebook
    or report.

    Once you learn the fundamentals you'll be able to pick
    WSOs and other products that will be helpful to you.
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  • Profile picture of the author I.M.Retired
    Charley: One of the best things you can invest in is from one of the senior moderators on this forum, Paul Myers. (You can see his name at the top of the Main Discussion Forum in the thread 'Being a Better Moderator.)

    Here is the link to Paul's offer:

    TalkBiz News: What you really need to know to succeed online - Online business building newsletter

    It's a big read. You won't find better information anywhere.

    Cost: Your time, your effort, your commitment, your dedication, your choices, decisions and plan of action.

    Paul lets on that it's a free report. It's not. It's a solid gold free report!
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  • Profile picture of the author ASUService
    Hi Charley,
    You have received some great advice so I wont expand on anything already mentioned. One thing I didn't see is finding something you REALLY Like, Love, Enjoy doing.

    As the old saying goes ... If you're doing something you love you'll never work a day in your life.

    BUT ... remain flexible as you never know when opportunity will run up your lawn and break the door down. :-)

    Last but not least .... some great resources:
    … WSO's ... already mentioned and all I want to add is hide your wallet. There's some REALLY good sales copy there!!!
    … The War Room is a GREAT resource and once you pay the membership fee you'll be amazed at all the free stuff folks give away in there.
    http://resell-rights-weekly.com ... basic membership is free and you get A LOT for a free membership!

    Hope this helps!

    Hope this helps!

    Best Regards,
    Mike Allton
    ASU Service, Inc.
    The LAST SMS Platform You'll Ever Need! Easy Money!

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  • Profile picture of the author raj.uk

    On buying a good WSO
    I would first study this forum before I buy from anyone. You will find that there are certian very well respected warriors with expertiese in certian areas. They contribute a lot to the forum . These are the people I would respect and buy from

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  • Profile picture of the author TurnKey Internet
    Wow, there is some great advice on here. Next time I see someone on a forum asking this question, I'll just direct them here! lol

    The advice that sticks with me the most is this one:
    Don't spend money on ebooks.

    It's ironic that one of the many ways online marketers make money is through ebooks when they are also one of the biggest scams (often). Sure, some of them are valuable and worth the money, but there is often no way to know that before you buy. There is so much information available on forums and in tutorials that you can give yourself a great free education if you are willing to take the time. To avoid the information overload scenario, pick one thing and learn all you can about it before moving to the next thing. Focus your attention. It's one of the hardest things to do on the Internet, but it is so important!! It almost doesn't matter which avenue you choose-- you'll learn soon enough if it makes sense, is viable and doable, or not.

    Best of luck! Let us know what you learn and how it goes.
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  • Profile picture of the author sonamlama
    Originally Posted by charleyhays View Post

    If anyone has some practical advice about how to get to get started and some recommendations on products/services where I can learn it would be greatly appreciated. I want to do the work, I'm just not so sure where / how to start.

    Hey Charley. Welcome to the forum!

    Since you seem relatively new to Internet Marketing, I would highly recommend you stay away from any offers or advice on paid advertising, especially PPC for Google Adwords! I tried it when I first started and wasted a lot of money, because I had no idea what I was doing. But once you learn from someone who's succeeded with it, then by all means go for it!

    With that said I've learned that the easiest, fastest, and most profitable business model to start with in internet marketing is affiliate marketing.

    The reason is simply because you can make a suplementary or even a main income from affiliate marketing without having your own website, your own product, your own list, etc. All by just working on it part-time.

    You see, affiliate marketing is basically you promoting a merchants website and they give you commission on the sales you generate or the click throughs you send.

    There are a number of methods that you can use to make money from affiliate marketing both on and offline, which include using your own website, a merchant's website if you don't have one, mailing lists you have built up, CPA offers to those who opt-in to your list, ebooks, special reports, blogs, video blogs, forums, PPC advertising, local media advertising, and custom software.

    I suggest you try out affiliate marketing, because it can be highly lucrative for you in a very short period of time, you won't have to create your own product, and can be quite fun as well.

    Hope this helps.

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