Article submission question

Profile picture of Roell
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Can an article submitted to an article directory (Ezine) also be posted on your website?
#article #question #submission
  • Profile picture of the author sakura5881
    Profile picture of sakura5881
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    I'm wondering about this, too... I typically hear mixed sides on this one. Many people say that google penalizes your site for doing this, and puts your page rank down. Not very sure, though... :confused:

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  • Profile picture of the author Sylvia Meier
    Sylvia Meier
    Profile picture of Sylvia Meier
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    Yes, you can post your own articles to your own sites and still submit them to Ezine Articles. I do this every single day without an issue.

    If you are talking about duplicate content issues sakura5881 that is only when there is more than one instance of the content on a single dmain (otherwise article directories would be penalized for having content that is on other sites on them). You can post the SAME article to different sites without a penalty. With article marketing it's called syndication and it's something you WANT to do.

    Best wishes,
    • Profile picture of the author Diane S
      Diane S
      Profile picture of Diane S
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      Originally Posted by Sylvia Rolfe View Post

      Yes, you can post your own articles to your own sites and still submit them to Ezine Articles. I do this every single day without an issue.

      If you are talking about duplicate content issues sakura5881 that is only when there is more than one instance of the content on a single dmain (otherwise article directories would be penalized for having content that is on other sites on them). You can post the SAME article to different sites without a penalty. With article marketing it's called syndication and it's something you WANT to do.

      Best wishes,
      I couldn't agree with Sylvia more! Here is the order I usually follow: First I post a long article written by myself at my website. Then I submit using Article Demon - which submits to eZines, by the way. As long as you are the owner of the article, publishing first at a site you own seals the deal, so to speak!
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  • Profile picture of the author Sylvia Meier
    Sylvia Meier
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    LOL Thanks Alexa. I wasn't in the mood to look up the threads, but they are a great resource for those who are trying to wade through the duplicate content lies.

    Here is a perfect example of something I personally do for one of my niches.

    *I publish the article to EZA
    *I publish the article to my WF blog
    *I publish the article to two sites specifically set up for that niche
    *I publish the article to a site that covers internet marketing in general

    So I end up, just through my own efforts and a single article, having content for 5 different sites, and they all point in their resource boxes to my sales letter for a product related to that niche. I get veiwers from 5 possible sources, and 5 backlinks per article to my sales site.

  • Profile picture of the author marquisman
    Profile picture of marquisman
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    The problem with putting your website/blog content on to other sites is that the search engines start having a problem knowing where the original content came from which means they may penalise (too strong a word) you for having duplicate content on your site (lower ranking) even though you were the one who originated it. I would strongly suggest you spin anything your putting out there.

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    • Profile picture of the author Sylvia Meier
      Sylvia Meier
      Profile picture of Sylvia Meier
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      Originally Posted by marquisman View Post

      The problem with putting your website/blog content on to other sites is that the search engines start having a problem knowing where the original content came from which means they may penalise (too strong a word) you for having duplicate content on your site (lower ranking) even though you were the one who originated it. I would strongly suggest you spin anything your putting out there.
      This is completely INCORRECT. You are not being penalized. If what you are saing was true, article marketing would not work, NO ONE would want their articles syndicated. The only time they will penalize you for duplicate content is if you have the same content on your site more than once. Please, please read the threads Alexa linked to before spreading incorrect information in regards to duplicate content.

    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Alexa Smith
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      Originally Posted by marquisman View Post

      the search engines start having a problem knowing where the original content came from which means they may penalise (too strong a word) you for having duplicate content on your site (lower ranking) even though you were the one who originated it.
      The search engines actually do know the difference between duplicate content and syndicated content, in my experience.

      That's why I take my definitions and plan my activities according to what they do, rather than just "stuff that must be true because I read it on the internet".

      Respectfully, I suggest you read the threads linked to above rather than spreading misinformation with regard to "duplicate content".
  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
    Benjamin Ehinger
    Profile picture of Benjamin Ehinger
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    It most certainly can and it should be. The Duplicate Content penalties you hear about are not what most think they are. I would suggest that you put all your articles on your own site as well as EZA because you can get more rankings on the search engines and that means more traffic.

    Benjamin Ehinger
  • Profile picture of the author TimG
    Profile picture of TimG
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    Syndicated content is a good thing, mirror content is a bad thing. Once you know the difference making money online becomes infinitely easier to achieve.

    Syndicated content is just how Sylvia has described it and the process she laid out is perfect.

    Mirror content is having the exact same page on your site fifty times with just one word changed (usually the keyword phrase). Building sites like that is the quickest way to have your site subjected to profit purgatory where no income is generated because nobody sees/visits your site.

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  • Profile picture of the author hagay2386
    Profile picture of hagay2386
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    You can submit article to directories and still post it on your site. Why not? as long as it's your article you can do with it as you wish.

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