Year 2010 lessons learnt ..
My stats Before 2010:
1 blogwith 100 visitors a day. $1 a day income
I spent more than 10 months wasting time in reading ebooks and guides. Why wasting? I was trying to find quick methods of getting rich. I wanted to search for the best method.
I ended up learning that the best method is "doing". Even if it is a mistake you will make something out of it in the world of IM.
I finally started taking action and now have 500 visitors a day in around 2 months. (i still waste a lot of time)
1 tech blog
2 niche websites
other web 2.0 properties
now am making around $4-5 a day (i know that's not a lot but money is money!)
Lessons learnt
More action = more money
Reading ebooks = $0
So my suggestion for everyone who are starting out>> Start taking action. Make your experiences and failures your teachers. They will teach you more than any ebook or IM course there.
Im not saying that i should have stopped reading at all. But after a certain point its best to take action than keep reading..
Thanks to warrior forum for sharing all the knowledge that i have today. Without you my IM career would nt have survived to see this new year.
I wish all Warriors and their families a VERY Happy new Year, you guys rock!
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