I Made $331 In December - My NEW Secret To Get To $3000 Per Month!

11 replies
After listening to a fantastic Tony Robbins Interview featuring Frank Kern and John Reese, I decided to make use of the whiteboard I had sitting in my room

Tony talks about needing to envision your goal before you get to it, so thats why in the photo I have the "$3000-100%" written down

I'll let you know how it works in Dec 2011 (I am going to get my finger out my ass this year and make it happen)

PS: The Interview I'm referring to can be found at Interview with Frank Kern and John Reese
#$331 #december #made #month #secret
  • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
    None of the white boards at Staples were big enough for all my ideas...lol. I ended up purchasing 2, with wooden friends, and rigging them together, and hanging them from some of my Army 50/50 chord, from a nail in the while (quite an innovative setup, that's a bit hard to explain...and a bit primitive...lol)

    One person I know has essentially an entire dry erase board WALL to the rear of his "work station". That's what I want. One day.
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    • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
      You know, Ernie, sometimes I don't think people realize JUST how obtainable a full-time income online is.

      I've gone over a few times, but my goal has been to earn $100/day CONSISTENTLY for at least every day in a month.

      $100/day essentially equates to $3,000/month ($30 x $100)

      $3,000/month x 12 months = $36,000/year

      At those earnings, you'll be bringing in what many would consider a full time, livable, wage.

      What is $100 really? How many product sales per day would you need to get there? I think some people loose focus, and forget that their are AMPLE opportunities out there....use many avenues in conjunction. One may think it's impossible to earn that with Adsense, but, what if you combined Adsense with creating your own product and a plethora of other opportunities.

      Suddenly, $100/day doesn't seem so daunting.
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      • Profile picture of the author matt5409
        Originally Posted by x3xsolxdierx3x View Post

        You know, Ernie, sometimes I don't think people realize JUST how obtainable a full-time income online is.

        I've gone over a few times, but my goal has been to earn $100/day CONSISTENTLY for at least every day in a month.

        $100/day essentially equates to $3,000/month ($30 x $100)

        $3,000/month x 12 months = $36,000/year

        At those earnings, you'll be bringing in what many would consider a full time, livable, wage.

        What is $100 really? How many product sales per day would you need to get there? I think some people loose focus, and forget that their are AMPLE opportunities out there....use many avenues in conjunction. One may think it's impossible to earn that with Adsense, but, what if you combined Adsense with creating your own product and a plethora of other opportunities.

        Suddenly, $100/day doesn't seem so daunting.
        encouraging words. it is sometimes very easy to forget how BIG the pie actually is - there really is enough room for everybody IF you know what you are doing. thank heavens for forums like this eh!
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      • Profile picture of the author Ernie Lo
        Originally Posted by x3xsolxdierx3x View Post

        You know, Ernie, sometimes I don't think people realize JUST how obtainable a full-time income online is.

        What is $100 really? How many product sales per day would you need to get there? I think some people loose focus............. One may think it's impossible to earn that with Adsense, but, what if you combined Adsense with creating your own product and a plethora of other opportunities.

        Suddenly, $100/day doesn't seem so daunting.

        Great post mate and you're spot on. If you break your goal down it really seems more achievable and $100 a day? It's so achievable it's not funny.

        I'm not yet there of course but by doing something each day to move towards your goal and increase your earnings, even a blind bat can make $100 a day eventually.
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    • Profile picture of the author ambercoco
      I have my white board on the wall to the right of my computer screen. I have my monthly goal written in big letters across the top, then a list of weekly goals which support my monthly goal. It really helps keep me focused.

      I also keep a note pad on my desk to write down those little brainstorms or "aha" moments that come up when I'm working on something. That way I can continue my current task without getting sucked into some tangent which has nothing to do with my original task, while at the same time allow the creative juices to keep flowing.

      I also saw the Tony Robbins Interview with Frank Kern and John Reese and recommend it, especially for those days when someone might need a little pep talk.

      Now just imagine how great it's going to be the first time you reach your monthly goal of $3000.

      I wish you the best of luck and much success. Keep us posted.
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    Ernie, great picture of your whiteboard! I'm sure it'll provide plenty of motivation to you as you get ever closer to your goal in the coming months.

    I think that whiteboards are one of the most seriously underrated productivity tools out there. Before someone starts exclaiming that he could just as easily type something up on his computer or smartphone, it's just not the same!

    Writing something down on your whiteboard and placing it in a prominent position in your home office/study/place of work is going to ingrain itself into your consciousness, and the goals/achievements/steps that you write down are going to made so much more effective because it's going to be literally embedded in your brain!

    You may scoff and think this is all theory and nonsense, but try it before you knock it - I think you'll be pleasant shocked!
    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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    • Profile picture of the author Ernie Lo
      Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

      Ernie, great picture of your whiteboard! I'm sure it'll provide plenty of motivation to you as you get ever closer to your goal in the coming months.

      I think that whiteboards are one of the most seriously underrated productivity tools out there......

      Definitely Paulie! whiteboard are a geat mind tool as well as a great planning tool. I'm already noticing the difference....seeing your steady progress and end goal on a big board right in front of you, makes "my business" seem more legitimate and definitely more motivating.

      Sure its handy to have it all tucked away in a spreadsheet but like you said it just isn't the same.
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  • Profile picture of the author priyankeshu
    nice picture and best of luck to you....
    I always notice your posts in the forum and i think you add some real value here. I am stuggling in Adsense arena but i am sticking to it because i believe i can make it..

    Thanks to people like you and others..
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    • Profile picture of the author Ernie Lo
      Originally Posted by priyankeshu View Post

      nice picture and best of luck to you....
      I always notice your posts in the forum and i think you add some real value here. I am stuggling in Adsense arena but i am sticking to it because i believe i can make it..

      Thanks to people like you and others..
      Thanks mate. Hey I'm no expert or anything but feel free to send me a PM with your site url's, traffic figures, keywords your targeting etc.. I may be able to offer you some advice.
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  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    They say when a man knows where he is going nothing can stop him. - Drag the arse out of that 3K across the line kicking and screaming if you have to.
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
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  • Profile picture of the author Rukshan
    WOW. You are great. Analyze revenue again and again. You can achieve that target

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