John Reese Quote "This is the worst it'll ever be"

by 21 replies
I studied John Reese for a while (still do a bit) and it's amazing how ONE QUOTE can change the way you interact with something.

He said, (and I'm paraphrasing) when you launch your first product, and you're making a bit of money, congratulations, this is the worst it'll ever be.

As long as you consistently engage "trial, feedback, calibration," you literally can't go wrong.

This helped me tons initially!
#main internet marketing discussion forum #john #reese
  • Haven't heard this quote before, but I like it.

    I think this kind of thread will get a better response in the Mind Warriors section though
  • Sounds simple doesn't it. It wasn't my experience but I hope it's yours.
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    • [DELETED]
    • Andy, I respect your opinion and I read almost every post you make. What didn't work?

  • I like that. At least it gets one thinking. I like the "calibration" part. I might call it recalibration after ever test you do. Good thought!
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    • You got it! Thanks for replying.
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  • Banned
    I thought that quote was in regards to testing, not necessarily making money as a whole.

    Specifically I thought it was in regards to Adwords ads. Take 2 ads, split test them, and then pick the winner. That winner should, over time anyways, be the WORST ad you have. As winners emerge, you put them up against new ads, and improve over time.
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    • Hmm.. I'll look for that! Sounds interesting. He was specifically talking about initially launching something and making a bit of money.. and then knowing "hey, this is the worst it'll ever be," as long as you keep engaging the one strategy that sums it all up - Trial, Feedback, Calibration.

      Thanks for replying!
    • I thought it referred to difficulty, as opposed to how much money was being made.

      And if you are correct, it is neither of these!

      How dare you confuse me Ryan
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  • Banned
    I've heard him say that quote a few times and it was always in regards to testing. Not sure how it would apply to launching something and then thinking "This is the worst it's going to be". Because usually the launch is the best it's gonna be for most people.
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  • The point, at least originally, was to quit perfecting, quit procrastinating, quit fretting and worrying, and "get your crap out there" (his words or something very similar).

    He then went on to say he doesn't condone crappy products but what he condones is putting all the excuses aside and getting started. Get something going. THEN, (and most don't do this), improve on it - turn it from crap into gold so to speak.

    IF you take his full advice, then the first day of the first product WILL be the worst it ever is because you then improve and fix and add to it.

    Paul Myers recently wrote in his newsletter about stopping all the fretting too.

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    • Heck yea! Totally congruent with what you're saying. Thanks for replying.
  • another similar quote I follow is

    "don't get it right just get it going"

    Rich Schefren emphasized it and really impacted in my IM journey.
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    • Awesome! This is totally aligned with my philosophies! Thanks for replying.
  • Thank you for posting this insightful quote. It is motivating and helpful to members of the Warrior Forum.
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    • Sure Laura! Thanks for commenting.
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