Major Snow Storm Here - But It's Not Affecting My Business

Profile picture of Ouroboros
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God knows that newbies don't need any more incentive to try Internet Marketing, but I was just watching the late news. Snow - Sleet - Freezing Rain through tommorrow afternoon.

This is going to be a major thunder*uck because whatever falls is going to hang around for days.

People won't be able to get to work...those that do will have to make some sort of heroic effort to find someone to mind their kids because there won't be school for days...

I stocked the fridge with food and beer, sitting here looking out the window at the beautiful snow writing articles for an offline client.

I have no where I have to go, and with no kids I can sleep till whenever I decide to get up tomorrow, and conduct my whole business from within these four walls.

I'll feed the cats in the morning, maybe romp with my plott hound in the snow a bit, fix a pot of coffee and punch in.

Gotta' love being your own boss!
#affecting #business #major #snow #storm

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