My List Building Experiment - $40 Spent - 350 New Subscribers (Screenshot Inside)
When I was writing my product Accelerated List Building I thought it would be useful to run a little experiment to prove that the methods actually work.
I hired a guy from this forum to write 8 articles for me on getting a flat stomach. I paid no attention to keywords just suggested subjects that I believed would have mass appeal for the people of that market.
I paid $40 for the articles and submitted them all in one batch to EzineArticles.com
This was in April 2009.
I was just browsing through my EZA account when I found this little experiment so I thought I'd share the results with you.
Those eight articles have resulted in a total of 621 clicks to my squeeze page. and given my 45%ish conversion rate and allowing for non-confirmers, I estimate that those eight articles costing just $40 and taking 10 minutes to submit, have generated me around 350 new subscribers.
I've attached a screenshot so you can see a breakdown of the article views and clicks. (Ignore the total article views as that includes articles that weren't included in this experiment.)
From this experiment I can see that one article produces an average of just under 50 subscribers and each article cost $5 which means that with article marketing on EzineArticles.com I'm paying $0.10 for a subscriber.
Plus, if you consider that those articles will continue to generate traffic for as long as EZA is running, the cost per subscriber is continually going to fall.
And, if you also consider the effect a link back from EZA has on SE rankings you can lower the cost per subscriber even further.
And then if you consider on top of that that you can submit those same articles to other article directories you will be getting even more traffic which again further lowers your cost per subscriber.
Anyone could go away right now, set up a squeeze page (if you don't have one), set up a money making auto-responder sequence, and then write (or hire some else to write) a bunch of articles, submit them to EZA and then see how many subscribers you get as a result of that.
If it's profitable, do it again and do it on a bigger scale.
If it's not, then tweak each aspect (EZA click-thru rate, conversion rate, confirmation rate, turning subscribers into buyer conversion etc etc.) and try it again.
Making money is a game of numbers and the better your numbers, the more money you'll make.
Hope this has helped or inspired some people and if you're looking for a little more inspiration, check out my screenshot and look at my top four performing articles ever.
They have over 100,000 views between them!
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