Warriors - Please Critique My Website

by 17 replies
Hey Warriors,

Just recently finished up building this site and I'm looking for some feedback...


Note: I'm seeking feedback on everything
On-site SEO
Quality of content
Sales page quality
Sub pages
Pricing options

Any and all feedback is much appreciated and will be heard.
#main internet marketing discussion forum #critique #warriors #website
  • Honestly, the page looks great. I like the use of red, white and blue. It looks very professional and pursuasive.
  • Your site looks nice, not too personal and not too corporate. That is a really good thing.

    You have a lot of outgoing links on your sales page.

    I would suggest putting your admin links on the bottom, or at most leaving the members login link at the top.

    For sure take out the links to google, amazon and clickbank. You do not need any links from your page while you are trying to sell your product.

    You don't really need this paragraph:
    ...this is assuming that most you aren't excited with the idea of configuring a MySQL Database and not to mention making a back up. The process is way too technical and time consuming.. so MNB was built without any MySQL configuration to worry about! And as far as backing up your site(s) you have two options... backup one site individually or backup all your websites at once with a few clicks of the button..!

    Otherwise that looks pretty good.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • The site has been updated and I took your advice in regards to moving the links to the footer and removing the outbound links and un-needed content. Hows it look for you now..?

      * I have noticed a increase in sales from the said changes.
      • [1] reply
  • looks good, here are some things I would change...

    Spankin - Either give it a single quote (Spankin') since it is abbreviated or add the 'g'

    In the following sentence, capitalize the 'I' in "I'm"
    Not only am I giving you the power of micro niche builder but i'm also

    You don't know whether your writing about singular or plural??? You don't know whether or not you are writing about products and/or services??? Drop the parens and the "/or" since, collectively, people are talking about both products and services.

    I take pride in what people (such as yourself) have to say about my product(s) and/or services. Feel free to take a look below at what others are saying about Micro Niche Builder and the great service(s) it has to offer.

    Good luck!
  • You know what?
    It is great. I really love the color scheme, the logo, the layout.
    It all looks good and like a decent product to purchase.
    • [1] reply
    • Thanks, I went ahead and applied some of your new recommendations and it seems to be working well as I have noticed a nice jump in sales!

      As for applying more changes I think I will sit on the current changes for a few days to see the full effect of them and go from there.

      Thanks bud, I appreciate the compliment.

      Yaeah I would agree on the headline text, i just can't figure out what exactly to put there yet.

      HAHAHA... I'll have to take that into consideration. The old geezer sounds like a great idea!
  • The header text is a little hard on the eyes. The bold blue, red, and highlight don't really flow well together.

    You also really don't have any text, which may or may not hurt your sales. Personally, I would like to see a description of exactly what the membership entails, along with the video.
  • I'm a bit of a nitpicker when it comes to design so some of the things I point out may be perfectly fine:

    1. As Mike pointed out - the header text is a bit off-putting. It doesn't flow well and is a strain on the eyes.

    2. I don't personally like the the images beside the header logo (construction sign, coins, money) - They have a fairly cheap low quality look when compared the the logo. I would remove it from the header and increase the size of/center your brand.

    3. The border lines around your video/features boxes feel very "old school". Reminds me of windows ME.

    4. I would suggest using a smoother font.

    I unfortunately can't give any advice about the copy as I'm a horrible copywriter .
  • Looks great. The headline is a bit hard to read. I'd suggest making the headline

    And then below this put something like... Rack in the Profits by Adding Adsense, Amazon and Affiliate Products with the click of a Mouse.

    But of course the only real way to know will be to test.
  • I'm with Yasha with regards to the 'construction sign', which I think looks more like a roadworks sign.

    Me, I'd have gone for scaffolding or brickwork to hint at a builder or maybe even a cement mixer or how about a geezer in a hard hat, sat on his fadass drinking a mug of tea!


  • No offense, but it looks like a clickbank sales page. I think people see clickbank as scammy e-products that aren't worth it to wipe their ass on.

    My opinion is that it needs to look more professional.
  • Headline text a bit confusing.
    I like to have more details in the copy, it is too short to me. But sometimes it's better that way.
    Otherwise I like the overhaul look of the site and the product seems good.
  • A better colored or thicker strikethrough on the $47 would be more clear as someone stated earlier.

    Other than that, it's great.
  • Hi guys, please could you give me some feedback on my website? its been running for two months now but never had any comments! Thanks guys

    Also im not very clued up when it comes to hits and all the rest of the jargon, im getting around 30,000 hits a month, is this a good figure? and how could i improve it?
  • Header text - No more than 2 colors (preferably only one). Getting rid of the highlighting (maybe try underlining instead) and switching to one color font will get rid of the header text issues you're facing (I think).

    Maybe come up with a different title for the testimonial boxes? "Testimonials" seems a bit up-front for me
  • I think your site looks pretty solid, I especially like your use of colors on the headline and the video adds a nice touch, benefits are stated in a clear, concise manner, overall it looks pretty good to me. The only thing that really jumped out at me and I don't know why is the testimonials. I think it is because each one of them are labeled with the big box containing the word "testimonials". I don't think this is a big deal, I just think it would look better with one label at the top followed by all the testimonials. Like I said, I don't think it is a big deal, its just something that jumped out at me. I hope this helps.


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