Smart Forum Marketing vs Begging for Clicks

17 replies
People come to the Warrior Forum and the like to learn about IM. Some come just to have one or two specific questions answered. This is fine, because often times their questions spark an interesting conversation or debate. That is the beauty of chat forums... you get lots of opinions from lots of different points of view.

What I can't stand to see are all of the so called "marketers" that answer these questions with, "Click on the link in my sig!" This is not an answer! It's not even worthy of being called a sales pitch! If anything, it has the opposite effect.

There are a lot of courses that teach about forum marketing. Replying to threads with the sole intention of begging people to click on your ads is not taught in any of these courses. If it is, then you were sold a bag of goods.

Forum marketing is not about begging for clicks. It is about proving your worthiness.

How do you prove your worthiness? You prove it by being a helpful forum member.

Some of the most successful Warriors are constantly answering questions that help newbies, as well as other experienced members. They stick to topics that they are knowledgeable in and avoid pretending to be knowledgeable in areas that they are not. A successful forum marketer knows his limits and boundaries.

Today, I counted over a dozen posts from people that responded to questions with "Click my link" or something along those lines. My advice to those people is to STOP DOING THAT! Don't you think that if you provided the OP with a good solid answer he might say, "Wow, this guy knows what he is talking about. I think I will check out what he is selling."

Begging for clicks does not increase your credibility. It does just the opposite.

Another big mistake in forum marketing is when a person is selling a product in their sig file that they know nothing about. I know that many people use PLR to create products, but have you ever thought to learn a little about the topic before pretending to be an expert on it? One of the funniest things in this biz is when I see a post asking for the best ways to generate traffic and looking at the poster's sig file to see "How I get a Zillion Visitors Every Day".
#begging #clicks #forum #marketing #smart
  • Profile picture of the author Caleb Spilchen

    I think today is the examplar of what not to do. I've been pretty busy but I've seen a number of "see my sig" posts, and also a number of people posting about the latest scams, here in the main discussion. Whats the point of the product reviews section if people don't know how to use it?

    Maybe we should add a 50 post limit to starting new threads, so we could cut back on that diet


    Canadian Expat Living in Medellin, Colombia

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    • Profile picture of the author TheCG
      Originally Posted by Caleb Spilchen View Post


      Maybe we should add a 50 post limit to starting new threads, so we could cut back on that diet


      Caleb, if you were to do that, how could a newbie ask a question unless they hijacked a thread?

      Yes, by the way, I AM in the Witness Protection Program. I could tell you who I am but then I would have to kill you.

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      • Profile picture of the author Caleb Spilchen
        Originally Posted by TheCG View Post

        Caleb, if you were to do that, how could a newbie ask a question unless they hijacked a thread?
        I'm an idiot

        Canadian Expat Living in Medellin, Colombia

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  • Profile picture of the author VeitSchenk
    where the uber-sized THANK-YOU button?

    not naming any names, but someone recently sent an email to his list saying "hey, promote the heck out of my product using forum-signatures" and this and other IM-focused forums got swamped with those clickery-dick stupid spam posts.

    and he got banned. Rightly so.

    Just FYI, in case you are thinking of spamming this place, ANYONE can complain about your posts which can ultimately get you banned.

    So, exactly like Brian says: provide lots of value and people will click on your links. It's the classic quantity (lots of spammy comment posts) vs quality.

    And guess what: quality fortunately rules!

    thanks Brian


    Connect with me on FB:

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  • Profile picture of the author Brad Spencer
    Ya know to me it just seems easier to be helpful...whether people agree that I am or not is their opinion...

    I've had people PM me software in response to a question on how to do a specific thing.

    Talk about "never forget that guy" reaction...

    Incidentally, I clicked on their sig b/c of that

    Good thing to point out Brian!


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    • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
      Originally Posted by Brad Spencer View Post

      Ya know to me it just seems easier to be helpful...whether people agree that I am or not is their opinion...

      I've had people PM me software in response to a question on how to do a specific thing.

      Talk about "never forget that guy" reaction...

      Incidentally, I clicked on their sig b/c of that

      Good thing to point out Brian!


      This reminds me of a time that I sent an ebook to somebody that was asking for help on a certain topic. It was a no effort gesture and didn't think anything of it. That night I got several Google Alerts for my name. This guy was so happy that I helped him out, he started recommended my products at a bunch of different forums.

      Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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      • Profile picture of the author Devid Farah
        Hi Brian,

        The most successful forum marketers are the ones who blend into the forum. They don’t try to draw a lot of unnecessary attention to themselves.

        They just do their best to bring as much value to the forum as possible. Through their knowledge and helpfulness the naturally become a part of the forum community and respected.

        The members of the forums will be more inclined to click on the signature because if the information being provided is of such high quality.

        They will expect the website to be just as helpful if not even more so.
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        • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
          Originally Posted by Devid Farah View Post

          Hi Brian,

          The most successful forum marketers are the ones who blend into the forum. They don't try to draw a lot of unnecessary attention to themselves.

          They just do their best to bring as much value to the forum as possible. Through their knowledge and helpfulness the naturally become a part of the forum community and respected.

          The members of the forums will be more inclined to click on the signature because if the information being provided is of such high quality.

          They will expect the website to be just as helpful if not even more so.
          I think the blend in bit works for most. I, on the other hand, would rather die than just blend into anything. I've always been an attention hound. My daughter is just like me!

          Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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  • Profile picture of the author webcosmo
    although the good book says lot of things to do in the perfect world, we really cant avoid other cases.

    all forums deal with posts like these and spams. part of the maintenance job, no way around.
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    • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
      Originally Posted by webcosmo View Post

      although the good book says lot of things to do in the perfect world, we really cant avoid other cases.

      all forums deal with posts like these and spams. part of the maintenance job, no way around.
      Well, I wasn't making this post to help with the cleaning up of forums. I was trying to point out to those that beg for clicks that it doesn't work.

      Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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      • Profile picture of the author Ron Douglas
        I completely agree. Don't beg.

        I command you to click my links.
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        • Profile picture of the author Spartacus
          Exactly, funny thing is that I saw the topic starter post some interesting stuff before and that made me click his signature and check what he had to offer. And before that saw people post check my signature which immediately tells me not to click it, and never will.

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        • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
          Originally Posted by Ron Douglas View Post

          I completely agree. Don't beg.

          I command you to click my links.
          Funny thing is I clicked your links after I read this.

          Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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        • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
          Originally Posted by Ron Douglas View Post

          I completely agree. Don't beg.

          I command you to click my links.
          OK... but the least you can do in return is see my sig...

          If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
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          • Profile picture of the author WD Mino
            Originally Posted by Tsnyder View Post

            OK... but the least you can do in return is see my sig...

            This made me LOl Terry
            thanks for the chuckle.

            "As a man thinks in his heart so is he-Proverbs 23:7"

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  • Profile picture of the author Coby
    Hey Brian,

    You have hit the nail on the head! This is my pet peeve... Even though I did it once or twice when I was a newb . . . But I quickly realized how unprofessional and greedy that made me look and so I quickly 86'd that technique.

    I think your spot on when you mention if you provide value then the clicks will come. This is what I tell my list when I'm talking about forum marketing . . . Always provide value.

    And really, pretty much everything we do in IM comes back to one thing . . . Always provide value!

    Just my two cents
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrea Wilson
    So true...after all, it will be better to get natural clicks anyway. I see a lot of people who does the same thing in each and every thread, just because it is allowed doesn't mean people should do it.

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