expensive lesson (we all know we "should" do...)

15 replies
Hey guys, little "observation" or "lesson" I learned yesterday:

I had all my sites in one hostgator account, thinking they're not competing with each other in terms of SEO, so Google won't mind.

Well, guess what, my ONE hostgator account got hacked and ALL sites screwed with some dodgy malware.

Not visible to the human visitor, the "thing" just installed tons of backlinks to other sites on my site.

Google didn't like that at all and de-indexed a bunch of my sites. Probably hasn't visited the other ones, so hopefully hostgator tech-support can fix it before the Google spider comes along again.

Anyway: lesson for me: I'm switching it over to Hostgator reseller hosting, and then I'm setting up one cpanel per site.

I still don't know which way exactly they got it, could've hacked the main cpanel account or of course the FTP-access. (which has exactly the same password as the cpanel access, you can't change it).

Tip #2: when you set up lots of domains in one hosting account, at least in hostgator, they're being really helpful and they create another FTP account for each addon-domain. Meaning: another way in, or another login where you have to change passwords regularly.
I've now deleted all of those FTP accounts, because I cannot delete the master account, so I might as well only worry about that one.

Finally, of course there's no way of knowing whether they got in by me somehow having my computer infected with some malware that logs keystrokes, so I had hostgator change the password for me and I'll now see if the nonsense stops.

#expensive #lesson
  • Profile picture of the author webcosmo
    thats a messy situation for you.

    sometimes to minimize expenses we do put several sites on same account.

    like you said best is change the password periodically.
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  • Profile picture of the author mandark
    I'm sorry that happened to you - a definite lesson to learn from this is to change your password frequently and make it as secure as possible! Good luck rebuilding your reputation with Google; with some luck I'm sure you can do it!
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    • Profile picture of the author VeitSchenk
      well, I've already submitted them for re-consideration in the webmaster tools, so it's only a matter of months until they're back up...

      at least it explains why some of my sites suddenly disappeared, I was getting all confused, great content, wonderful variety of backlinks and no Google love? Ah, now it's clear why...


      Originally Posted by mandark View Post

      I'm sorry that happened to you - a definite lesson to learn from this is to change your password frequently and make it as secure as possible! Good luck rebuilding your reputation with Google; with some luck I'm sure you can do it!

      Connect with me on FB: https://www.facebook.com/veitschenk

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      • Profile picture of the author Spartacus
        Wow messed up, I wonder how they got in.

        I'm not at hostgator, but I just have one account on the hosting website I'm at, in that account are my domain names listed, each site with it's own ftp, each ftp has a different username and password.

        But if they would have my login of the hosting website they could mess up things too. create, delete etc.

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  • Profile picture of the author Archeon
    When I worked for one of HostGators competitors this happened on a remarkably regular basis and unfortunately there is often little you can do to prevent it.



    Simon Friling
    SEO Consultant

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  • Profile picture of the author steverich
    Holy backlinks Batman!

    Joking aside, ... NOT good for you I know!
    But used the right way sounds like it could be very useful !
    In fact, it sounds very much like some of the 'automatic link creator' producs which have been doing the rounds of late!

    .........May be a Stupid question, but you haven't recently purchased any of these have you??
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    Sorry to hear that. I had the same thing happen to me a few years ago. That's one reason I use multiple hosts now. If one gets "had" I still have a majority of my sites up and running.

    Check your PM box in a few minutes. I'll send you a link to a page on my site where you can download a free report about this. You might pick up something that helps you.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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    • Profile picture of the author VeitSchenk
      Dennis, excellent report.

      didn't know about the captcha thing, so I'll be looking for a new hosting company

      Why don't you link it here? As it's no optin, nothing for sale, it should be just fine


      Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

      Sorry to hear that. I had the same thing happen to me a few years ago. That's one reason I use multiple hosts now. If one gets "had" I still have a majority of my sites up and running.

      Check your PM box in a few minutes. I'll send you a link to a page on my site where you can download a free report about this. You might pick up something that helps you.

      Connect with me on FB: https://www.facebook.com/veitschenk

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      • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
        Originally Posted by VeitSchenk View Post

        Dennis, excellent report.

        didn't know about the captcha thing, so I'll be looking for a new hosting company

        Why don't you link it here? As it's no optin, nothing for sale, it should be just fine

        I didn't want it to be construed as self-promotion. Since you and ArgusTargus both asked, I'll link it. Mods, please delete if it's not allowed. Here's a direct link to the PDF:

        Hacker Report

        Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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        • Profile picture of the author Bozigian
          May I ask how people can hack into your wordpress thing?

          I get paranoid about this and can you list any way that our accounts cannot get hacked or any wordpress plugins that may help fighting off against hackers?
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          • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
            Originally Posted by Bozigian View Post

            May I ask how people can hack into your wordpress thing?

            I get paranoid about this and can you list any way that our accounts cannot get hacked or any wordpress plugins that may help fighting off against hackers?
            I'm not an expert at it, but I think one of the main vulnerabilities is installing it through cPanel and using the default database name.

            Also some plugins I've heard offer easy entry points.

            Perhaps Leslie B. or Istvan will see this and reply. They're the resident experts on Wordpress.

            Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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            • Profile picture of the author Bozigian
              Well I do not know if this actually can benefit anybody.
              But I have only one website that promotes a number of ebooks all in one page and it is like a review website.

              But I copy every text that are in my posts, and paste it on a word document on my computer that way if it gets hacked then I can delete my website. And figure out what went wrong then paste everything back .
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            • Profile picture of the author suemax
              I believe one of the recent versions of wordpress left users very vulnerable, but they have closed that door. Hopefully everyone can safely upgrade their Wordpress intallations without their plugins ceasing to work.

              I was told that going for the reseller account on hostgator was worth the small additional fee each month. I use a new account for each domain I put up.

              Master Resale Rights are so versatile, and these are educational, too. All kinds of IM material. Read, sell, break up into articles, combine into bundles, and there are 250 of them, complete with MRR, here for a bargain price! I'm even throwing in the sales page. Only £37 for Warriors. http://www.250mrrproducts.com

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  • Profile picture of the author ArgusTargus

    Sorry to hear this happened to you. Very disheartening.

    What does the HostGator reseller account do that the normal account does not? I mean what is the benefit of switching to the reseller account? It looks like those things that you are doing with changing passwords/splitting to different accounts are actions that we all have to do regardless of the type of accounts???

    Let us all know if you find a hosting company with captcha facility.

    To Dennis: I am curious about this report. Sounds like it's a great one!
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  • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Polomka
    Wow, what an expensive lesson and thanks for sharing. My problem with reseller accounts (and please correct me if I'm wrong) is that you are much more limited with the amount of bandwidth you can have in comparison to a basic hosting account.

    I would think it would end up costing me a fortune upgrading to get enough bandwidth

    Thanks for the report Dennis - I am about to go and read it now.
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