What Income Can I Expect From Buying a $15,000 Website?

52 replies
I'm thinking about buying an established web site (not one in particular yet) around the $10-15,000 range.

What kind of monthly income could I expect for this price range? Around $1000-$2000 per month?

And does anyone have a good place to purchase these other then flippa as the one's I have seen so far seem to be priced pretty high for what they earn monthly.


#$15 #buying #expect #income #website
  • Profile picture of the author bgmacaw
    My thoughts on what you should do are expressed at the end of this clip from Vegas Vacation.

    But, seriously, I would expect you to lose money in most cases unless there is solid proof of earnings, proof of a solid business plan (ie not just 'blogging' or 'Adsense'), proof of solid, sustainable, traffic and so forth. Most people lose big on this kind of purchase.
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    • Profile picture of the author halfpoint
      Sites typically sell for 8-12x monthly income so you should expect at least $1250/month or there abouts if you were to spend 10k and obviously more if you were going to spend more.

      If I was going to spend this much on a website, though, I would want at least 4-5 months of traffic/earnings proof that could be verified.

      Additionally, I would also want to arrange to make a deposit and then have my Adsense/affiliate/whatever way it's being monetized code placed on the website for 1-2 weeks as further insurance that the income was real before then sending over the rest of the payment.
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      • Profile picture of the author tjk1058
        That's what I was thinking but wasn't sure as most of the one's on flippa that I saw were selling for extreme amounts over what their monthly earnings showed.

        I just hate to get ripped off. That's why I'm asking anyone's advise on some good places to buy a web site at?



        Originally Posted by Pat Jackson View Post

        Sites typically sell for 8-12x monthly income so you should expect at least $1250/month or there abouts if you were to spend 10k and obviously more if you were going to spend more.

        If I was going to spend this much on a website, though, I would want at least 4-5 months of traffic/earnings proof that could be verified.

        Additionally, I would also want to arrange to make a deposit and then have my Adsense/affiliate/whatever way it's being monetized code placed on the website for 1-2 weeks as further insurance that the income was real before then sending over the rest of the payment.
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        • Profile picture of the author stevemarino
          Originally Posted by tjk1058 View Post

          That's what I was thinking but wasn't sure as most of the one's on flippa that I saw were selling for extreme amounts over what their monthly earnings showed.
          Oh my, I've seen a lot of scams at flippa. In fact I've seen a lot of scams by the same person at flippa. Here's an interesting website about internet scams (and a lot concerning flippa) - it's not my site so I'm not trying to get a plug.


          Seriously, be very careful.
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      • Profile picture of the author Dan C. Rinnert
        I have a website that earns maybe $1 a month in AdSense. I'll be happy to sell it to you for $15,000.

        From that sale, I can expect an income of $14,540.

        You can expect an income of $12 per year. I'll even give you a 3-year guarantee on that. If you don't make at least $12 a year, I'll pay the difference.



        Dan's content is irregularly read by handfuls of people. Join the elite few by reading his blog: dcrBlogs.com, following him on Twitter: dcrTweets.com or reading his fiction: dcrWrites.com but NOT by Clicking Here!

        Dan also writes content for hire, but you can't afford him anyway.
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      • Profile picture of the author suxes2005
        I guess yuo must look well and also buy a site
        with $1200 or more affiliate income for 5 months
        and steady traffic

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      • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
        Originally Posted by londonwarrior View Post

        If this was true then I'd be buying them. No-one in their right mind would sell a website this cheaply.
        Plenty of people sell sites this cheaply. And you're right, they aren't in their right mind.

        I would say that any selling that cheaply are most likely a scam. If I was making that amount I would want 4 years earnings minimum.
        Some are. Others are selling sites for 4-8 times monthly earnings because the sites aren't even 4-8 months old. Only a fool is going to pay 4 times yearly earnings for a 3 month old site.
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        • Profile picture of the author tjk1058
          That's the problem with most web sites for sale on flippa... they are either too new or the seller state potential profits.

          I can't see shelling out anything over 12 months earnings for a new or potential web site. And I really can't see why anyone would want to sell a site that is making steady profits anyway unless they really need the cash now instead of the future.

          That is why I'm not sure I can ever find a ready built site that I can trust to buy. Like a lot of people hear have stated maybe I should just have someone build a site for me, have outsources produce content and backlinks to get it going.


          Originally Posted by londonwarrior View Post

          So where can I find these people? I want to buy their sites.

          You are right that earnings multiple would depend on how long the site had been earning money. I sold an internet business that had 4 years of solid earnings, so I was referring to something similar. I would never ask that much for a 3-month old site.

          It all comes down to reaching a price between buyer and seller, and as website sales are still a fairly new market, prices are all over the place. It's also easy for people to get scammed because so many don't do any due dilligence at all.

          Never mind all that, I want to know where to buy these cheap sites. LOL. I'm serious.
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  • Profile picture of the author matt5409
    how many miles can i expect to cover in a $15k car?

    depends how much time you spend driving it
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    The only thing you are every guaranteed when you buy a website is yearly domain registration fees and web hosting costs.

    Depending on how you shop, that could by roughly $75 per year outbound.

    As far as incoming revenues, you can expect $0 per year.

    You can pray for $1250 per month...

    Pray hard that the seller did not fabricate the earnings statements.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Before spending that kind of cash on a website, the seller should be able to provide proof of income. Be careful that it isn't fake proof. Check traffic referrals as well. You'll want to know where that traffic is coming from. Some sellers "buy" cheap, useless traffic to make it look like their site has traffic.

    Do the transaction through escrow.com to protect yourself also, but doing a lot of research on a site before paying that kind of money is wise.
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    • Profile picture of the author Sandor Verebi
      Hi tjk1058,

      Many useful advice above.

      The absence of closer information, optimistically I would say $500. My pessimistic expectation would be $0.00.

      Don't buy a pig in a poke. Suzanne gave wise advice. Follow that.

      Many successes,


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  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    It is my guess that you want the truth, so I can give it to you. Well, you can expect zero. Also, that the person who sold it to you will stop acting nice. He will yell and scream. Mostly, profanity at you.

    Consider this a very valuable lesson, but a very expensive one.
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    • Profile picture of the author RobusCop
      My advice.

      Do some keyword research and find demand for a "Physical product" with low competition.

      Not easy but possible.

      Test your market with a cheap website and some PPC advertising.

      See if you can sell the product "Regularly" and make a profit over the wholesale price of the product and your advertising expense.

      If the answer is yes, spend $10,000 on stock and spend the rest getting your own website up to scratch and more PPC.
      If you want to be hands free, keep some back for a member of staff to process the orders and send out the product for you.

      It could all be run from a spare room in your house and has more chance of making a long term business.


      I make a good living from eBay partner network.
      Inbox me to find out more

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  • Profile picture of the author cooler1
    You have to take extreme caution or you could end up buying a turkey and losing a lot of your savings. Fortunatly ive only bought site's under $100 so far so haven't blown a lot.

    Laptopforfree.net was sold for $3,500 on Flippa recently and it had a $526 average monthly income. The seller is a Warrior who seems like the real deal so it's certainly possible to get a good earning site for that much.

    I notice a lot of website's on Flippa are selling Facebook likes. They say it's an automated business with very little work involved, just processing payments, etc.. but probably aren't revealing the whole picture. Has anyone here had any experience running such a site?

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  • Profile picture of the author tj
    Originally Posted by tjk1058 View Post

    I'm thinking about buying an established web site (not one in particular yet) around the $10-15,000 range.

    What kind of monthly income could I expect for this price range? Around $1000-$2000 per month?

    And does anyone have a good place to purchase these other then flippa as the one's I have seen so far seem to be priced pretty high for what they earn monthly.


    Head Ache and Buyers Remorse.

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  • Profile picture of the author rody
    It's better to buy lots of small sites that make like $100 a month then one big site that may not do well. Never put all your eggs in one basket
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  • Profile picture of the author Meharis
    Originally Posted by tjk1058 View Post

    I'm thinking about buying an established web site (not one in particular yet) around the $10-15,000 range.
    What kind of monthly income could I expect for this price range? Around $1000-$2000 per month?
    And does anyone have a good place to purchase these other then flippa as the one's I have seen so far seem to be priced pretty high for what they earn monthly.
    That will be the fastest way of getting a $15000.00 headache !!
    Make your own "Shining Object"
    For that kind of money you can outsource 40 Wordpress sites.
    If each one make $50.00/month, you'll be collecting $2000.00.
    Not to mention that if you work your sites to produce $100.00/month
    (or more), you can sell each one up to 20 times the monthly income.
    I believe the risk you will be taking will very low. Think about it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Meharis
      Originally Posted by londonwarrior View Post

      Have you actually done this? This kind of 'advice' is bandied about a lot but for over 99% of people this just won't work. It just isn't that easy to make money online. So you're saying I just outsource some work and in a few weeks I'll be making $2,000/month. Yeah right. For most people it is hard enough to get one site making $50/month, let alone get 40 making that amount each.

      Google is also clamping down on these small niche sites and most will disappear in the next year or two. Matt Cutts made a comment to that effect very recently. If you want to build a sustainable business, then you need to be thinking of building larger, authority sites.

      And if you are serious about this you should be thinking of building a business, not building websites. A website isn't a business. There is much more to it than that.
      Yes!! I did it with 22 of them. This is what I do for living.
      I did not say how many weeks. you did...
      I can careless about what Google does. Including Adsense. My sites
      have Original Content. Therefore they will never disappear.
      I don't need Google to get traffic, I get it from Free traffic. Yes free traffic...
      Buying Domains, building good sites and reselling them and keeping some of
      them is a business.
      Why do you think there's people coming back to purchase more sites ?
      Next time, before jumping into conclusions, you could try doing your own
      home work -research- and presenting something better in order to criticize.
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      • Profile picture of the author Meharis
        Originally Posted by londonwarrior View Post

        Apologies for the 'weeks' comment. But everything else I said is true. This doesn't work for 99% of people. You are in the 1%. The OP wants to buy one site, so I doubt he knows enough about outsourcing and building sites to get into this.

        I'm not having a go at you here, but are you seriously saying that if you build 40 sites, they will make an average of $50 each (within some time frame). I know some very successful marketers and even they don't have such a high succes rate. To get 40 good sites you'd probably need to build 100+, as many would fail to make it.

        So how long would it take you to get from $0 to $2,000 per month starting from scratch? And how many hours would you work to produce those results? And how many hours per week would you work to keep the income at that level?
        I just kept six sites to myself. They are almost six months old and making
        62, $75, 81, 93, 104 and 146 respectively. None of them cost me more than
        $ 280 each, domain included.
        Having a Very Good Domain is the key to be successful. <= Read it again...Yeah
        At the beginning I worked at least eight hours per day. Now, I just add
        content about every ten days. I've developed my own system to check
        them daily, add content and checking the Alexa rankings and other procedures.
        Next, I'll be building an other twenty and when the present six are one year
        old, I'll be selling them for a nice profit.
        Obviously that require dedication, but that's the only way I know how to do it.
        Some of my colleagues make a lot more than I do, but that's something they're
        refusing to do any mentioning in that regard.
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        • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
          Originally Posted by londonwarrior View Post

          I agree that having a good domain helps you rank well. That's if you mean having a domain such as redwidgets.com for a red widgets website. But this is specifically what Matt Cutts said would not work so well in future. He said these domain names have too much weight in the ranking algorithm. So so we can all assume that they will have less weight very soon. That means that these little sites won't rank so easily in future.
          Having less weight doesn't mean they will have no weight. By the way, you know what they say about "assuming", don't you?

          Google has already announced this, so it is guaranteed to happen sometime soon.
          Bwaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha........
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    • Profile picture of the author Meharis
      Originally Posted by londonwarrior View Post

      Matt Cutts made a comment to that effect very recently. If you want to build a sustainable business, then you need to be thinking of building larger, authority sites.
      "Matt Cutts and the google quality guidelines both say the use of affiliate links with original content IS OK. They have no problems with it - and encourage quality original content sites"

      See what I meant about I don't care what Google does ?
      No hard feelings from me.
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  • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
    Originally Posted by tjk1058 View Post

    What Income Can I Expect From Buying a $15,000 Website?
    Approximately $14.62 an hour.

    Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    If I were ever going to fork out that much money on a website, I would want solid/verified proof of earnings and I would also want a contract drawn up that states if, over the next 12 months, I do not make at least half the profit the site has claimed to be making, the seller has to refund me 50% of the sale price or something like that.

    This will really separate the crap from the real stuff. If someone is selling their site because their earnings are going down the gob, they would never agree to something like this. If someone was simply selling their site because they had no other choice and they need to get their hands on some fast cash, they would be a lot more willing to negotiate some type of arrangement like this.
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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by londonwarrior View Post

      That's very good advice and is what I would ask for. But as a seller I wouldn't agree to it because the buyer could really mess the business up and I'd be out of pocket due to no fault of my own.
      Exactly, and this is why you see so few sellers offering legitimate websites with verified earnings for sale, because just about every website will require maintenance, tweaking and monitoring in order to keep earning money.

      What if he sells to a newbie buyer who has no clue about websites at all, and is only looking for a 'turnkey' website (which really doesn't exist, in my opinion) - what do you think will ultimately happen?

      Occasionally you'll see really good deals being offered, though that usually only arises because of financial difficulty on the part of the seller.

      About the best you can hope for (in terms of buyer protection) is purchasing something through escrow services, so that you can at least look at the website in its entirety to determine that the seller isn't pulling a fast one on you.
      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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      • Profile picture of the author suemax
        I think that this is precisely what the original question was about. I think that the question poser (sorry, not going to scroll right up again for your name but you know who you are!) is essentially looking to buy the cyber equivalent of an annuity! He may have done actuarial-type questions or the same questions as a business buyer in the offline world would do and he is essentially asking what the P/E in websites. What I fear he hasn't "got" is the issue of whether he has the skills or the time to not only maintain that website but to change it so that it is capable of moving with the times..... I believe he is looking to "buy an income stream", hands-off. I think we all know that a site that will behave like that is very rare to find.

        Master Resale Rights are so versatile, and these are educational, too. All kinds of IM material. Read, sell, break up into articles, combine into bundles, and there are 250 of them, complete with MRR, here for a bargain price! I'm even throwing in the sales page. Only £37 for Warriors. http://www.250mrrproducts.com

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        • Profile picture of the author Alminc
          Before you purchase anything give yourself at least 6 months to
          analyze what's happening on Flippa. You can subscribe to various email
          alerts for that purpose, e.g. what kind of site you would prefer to buy,
          income ranges (e.g. $800-$1300) etc. and then watch auctions of
          interest for you. Read other users' questions, learn what's important to
          know about the site before you bid. Study sellers' answers and learn
          to recognise BS sellers.

          There are many parameters to be investigated. Don't assume the seller
          is presenting the truth, assume instead that he/she's is a lier until he/she
          can prove the oposite. 90% (or more) of sites on Flippa are auctioned
          because they either demand too much work for hamble income or
          because they once had an automated income that has been decreasing
          for a period of time and soon will reach zero point.

          Actually you should build your own money making website if you have
          $10000-$15000 to invest. That's more than enough money to build
          a website that within 12 months can be making $500- $1000 per month.
          Building your own website instead of purchasing it has 10 million
          advantages and I have no time to count them all here.

          No links :)
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  • Profile picture of the author jaiganeshv
    the seller should be real. you should be able to go and meet him, talk to him and then make deal.. not online for these kind of amounts!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author wanna-succeed
    For that kind of money I would demand a medical history.
    I have a legitimate question, and I hope the OP and others who are willing to spend that kind of money on a site that aren't offended by it.
    Why spend that much money on a site?
    If you have 10-15K$ to invest, don't you stand a better chance of earning a big income from that money by investing it in yourself? I mean, if you start small, then build up slowly, not only are you spending WAY less, but you know for sure where your bussiness is going.

    No sig, good day m8...

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  • Profile picture of the author donhx
    Originally Posted by tjk1058 View Post

    I'm thinking about buying an established web site (not one in particular yet) around the $10-15,000 range.

    What kind of monthly income could I expect for this price range? Around $1000-$2000 per month?

    And does anyone have a good place to purchase these other then flippa as the one's I have seen so far seem to be priced pretty high for what they earn monthly.


    Another way to look at this is the bricks and mortar way, which could be very beneficial to you. That is, what will your Return on Investment (ROI) be?

    You figure ROI this way:

    ROI = (Income/Cost) * 100

    Today, a saving account brings a 1.5% ROI (in many places). Most businesses are very successful with a 10-12% ROI. A really fabulous ROI would be 25%--not many hit that mark.

    So, income could vary widely, and there are sometimes huge spikes in something like IM. But if you are a businessman, not a wild-catter, then determining value based on an ROI makes a lot of sense.
    Quality content to beat the competition. Personalized Author Services
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  • Profile picture of the author shubham
    I had a person in my skype ,he is selling his making $2000+per months at just $4500.
    is it very low rate that he is asking for?
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  • Profile picture of the author lior1970
    Always triple checked for every single proofs provide by the seller and always look only for high number of bidders since these people who bid also check for them self.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ryan Sorensen
      It really is amazing how many people there are on flippa that don't do their research.

      Uh, if the OP claims $500/month but they don't have any attachments showing that, and then they have to be reminded by comments to put it up (and they still don't), and then comments reveal that the OP has had shady deals in the past, and people STILL bid on it?

      I guess some people don't have a bull**** trigger.
      Sell your web-based business for the best price in the shortest amount of time through an experience broker. Reasonable rates, no upfront fees, and no risk to list at AcquisitionStation.com.
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      • Profile picture of the author Meharis
        Originally Posted by The Exciting Life View Post

        It really is amazing how many people there are on flippa that don't do their research.

        Uh, if the OP claims $500/month but they don't have any attachments showing that, and then they have to be reminded by comments to put it up (and they still don't), and then comments reveal that the OP has had shady deals in the past, and people STILL bid on it?

        I guess some people don't have a bull**** trigger.
        I think the whole thing boils down to plain laziness
        with a twist of negativeness and/or trying to find
        an excuse to say "it wont work".
        What I call "doing your home work" requires work and effort.
        Scarce commodity to find now days.
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        • Profile picture of the author mj9999
          There are some Flippa sellers who have become very good at painting the bluest sky you'll ever see. Here is one ad in particular that has sold six variations of the same brand new startup site with no income. Average price: $829 each. The high was $1,258.

          Extremely Rare: $150/day on AUTOPILOT GUARANTEED MINIMUM or your money back!

          Basically auto blogs. Now that takes some talent.

          I guess the money back guarantee works but, at any rate, sites like that just don't seem to pass the smell test for me. At least for that kind of price.

          For the money you are talking about, be very careful.
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  • Profile picture of the author suxes2005
    Poster, i have my own advise for you.
    I am an amazon and clickbank affiliate
    earner. With that amount, i will do proper
    keyword research for you and build you
    50 Amazon sites (with proper KW research)
    which after 1 mnth of set up, the next up
    you must earn at least $500 after which you
    can expect your earnings to reach $2000 after 4
    months of set up.

    You can decide to flip the sites after 5-6 months
    of its existence and i bet you will make a whole lot
    of money at least $35,000 will be yours which means
    together with affiliate commission and sales of site,
    you have like $50k all to you.

    It is 100% possible even if all the sites refuse to
    do well, at least 80% will do fine cos i know the keyword
    research thing very well.

    you can write me if you want me to do as i cannot send
    pm here
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  • Profile picture of the author Thomas Smale
    A lot of "interesting" advice in this thread. For those of you who don't have $15,000 to invest, or have never done transactions for that level of cash then most of your comments should be considered void. It's all very well giving advice, but without real experience at this level, it's only going to be counter-productive for the OP.

    Contrary to the opinion many forum-goers, people sell profitable websites all the time. There are many reasons why they may do so, but I'm not going to go into them all here. That's just business. Yes, there are a lot of scammers out there who mis-represent income, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't shop around. It shouldn't be an overnight decision anyway, purchases at this level require due diligence and research that all takes time.

    @ OP -

    There's no level of income you can "expect". You can expect $0. You can hope for more but if you don't research properly you will probably buy a dud.

    Firstly, you should identify your appetite for risk. If $15,000 is a relatively small amount to you, then you may consider a slightly higher risk venture than if that's your life savings (if it is, please don't buy a website).

    Going into the types of risk here would be a whole book, so again, I'm not going to do that. Just be aware that websites (especially new) are risky, especially in the wrong hands.

    If you're looking for a long-term future cashflow, then you're best bet is to look for an aged, whitehat property with various revenue and traffic streams. Think evergreen products, Adsense earners, communities and the like. Expect to pay higher multiples for more established sites. Anything up to 36x monthly revenue is not an unreasonable level to pay (but if it were me, I wouldn't pay any more than 18x).

    If you're just looking to invest your cash and make a quick return then there are a few more options available to you. I regularly buy sites that I know have a limited lifespan, maximise the traffic/revenue and then let them die whilst still being in profit.

    If you've never bought a site before, please do your research before buying. Flippa is the most well known marketplace, but you might have just as much luck (and more safety) approaching a broker who will have a number of sites on his/her books. They will do most of the due diligence for you and save headaches in the long run.

    If you do decide to go ahead and take the plunge on your own then make sure you do your due diligence. There's a lot to cover in this area, but the main things would be verifying sellers claims FIRST HAND. Don't just take their word for it - do some digging. Get them to do a TeamViewer session and go over the GA traffic stats and earnings data. There are more specialised forums that can help you if you want to learn to do this properly.

    In conclusion: if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Plan exactly what you're looking for, what you're prepared to risk and then do your research. It may be a pain, but it's worth it in the long-run. Make sure you are aware what you are taking on and avoid buying a site if you think you're out of your depth (skill or experience wise).

    I could write a whole book on all this - but nevertheless, good luck and I hope that was of some help.

    I specialize in selling websites over $10,000 in value. No obligation, confidential valuation here.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jake Gray
    Don't waste your money.

    Spend $15,000 on something else -- You'll be throwing money down the drain buying that.
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    • Profile picture of the author Thomas Smale
      Originally Posted by Jake Gray View Post

      Don't waste your money.

      Spend $15,000 on something else -- You'll be throwing money down the drain buying that.
      I'm sorry, but that is the biggest load of rubbish I have ever read. How would the world of business work if people never made investments and took measured risks?

      You don't even know what he's buying - so how can you even judge?

      Just to humour you, what "something else" would you recommend the OP invests in?
      I specialize in selling websites over $10,000 in value. No obligation, confidential valuation here.
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      • Profile picture of the author mj9999
        You need experience and intuition to make a good buy. I would recommend starting by buying a $150 site. See how it goes. Then try one for $1,500. Then $15,000.

        You can't apply any one site-buying rule to the process.
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  • Profile picture of the author DiagnosticDDT
    The expectation is flat out zero. There's a lot of fabricated income. you can never know, what's real and what isn't. You're better of spending that money and build a legitimate business yourself. Hire content writer and back link builder.
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