Give me your BEST $1K/month system

62 replies
Looking for a good, repeatable system that is step-by-step. Don't want theory, just action.

What's your best idea?
#$1k or month #calling #give #system #urgent #warriors
  • Profile picture of the author aaron_nimocks
    First off don't buy any "systems". All the info you need is free and is available.

    Here's my quick but brief system.

    1. Find a niche (all the info you need is free that you need for how to do keyword research).
    2. Make a website using free stuff. Use Wordpress or whatever
    3. Write out decent content to fill the site up
    4. Build links to ALL pages of the site using article marketing
    5. Monetize

    Rinse and repeat

    My free PSD logs can be downloaded at PSD Bum. Enjoy!

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    • Profile picture of the author jesus3
      Originally Posted by aaron_nimocks View Post

      First off don't buy any "systems". All the info you need is free and is available.

      Here's my quick but brief system.

      1. Find a niche (all the info you need is free that you need for how to do keyword research).
      2. Make a website using free stuff. Use Wordpress or whatever
      3. Write out decent content to fill the site up
      4. Build links to ALL pages of the site using article marketing
      5. Monetize

      Rinse and repeat
      this is what i do lol.
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  • Profile picture of the author singhavn
    Originally Posted by King Shiloh View Post

    Judging from your post, you can make a good copywriter. So, I would suggest that you should start offering copywriting service. Good copywriters make more than a thousand bucks monthly.

    I'm sorry I'm not one. LOL.
    Nicely said. You can be a good copywriter.
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  • I talked about people in your situation on the Marketing Over Coffee podcast (the interview will go live in february) and I think you could use the advice now instead of later.

    What you need to do is stop looking for that one magical push button method for making money online and instead learn to focus. Right now you move from strategy to strategy without focusing on any of them for a long enough period. What's more, you haven't discovered what your strengths are. Believe it or not, it is difficult for people to realize where they are actually talented online, even if it's obvious to everyone else.

    We can all agree here that you are an excellent copywriter, ever think about running your own blog? How about learning to create an audience and then selling to them?

    Try to FOCUS on one overall strategy and start treating your online endeavors like a business instead of a series of opportunities. Instead of looking for the next thrill, look for investements for your business.

    I hope that helps!
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    • Profile picture of the author abhi1
      Originally Posted by Chris The Traffic Blogger View Post

      We can all agree here that you are an excellent copywriter, ever think about running your own blog? How about learning to create an audience and then selling to them?

      Try to FOCUS on one overall strategy and start treating your online endeavors like a business instead of a series of opportunities. Instead of looking for the next thrill, look for investements for your business.
      I totally agree with Chris here. Try and find what you positive points are.
      Take a pad and a pen and write down all that you are good at online. Then
      go out and look for an audience. Finding an audience should be a lot of issues
      for you since you're good with the word.

      Apart for this, watch this video and try to understand how Simon explain the
      "Apple Inc." pitch about selling a computer. Try and incorporate that in your
      All the best!
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  • Profile picture of the author espresso
    You have already made a few 1000 so thats more than me and more than alot of others
    How are you at driving targeted traffic to offers 9other than wso)
    Can you SEO

    is it traffic or conversions that hold you back
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    IMO this thread is only going to make your IM venture even harder. Your problem is based on the fact that you jump around from one thing to the next - you keep looking for the next magic bullet or secret system. Unlike a lot of others it sounds like you actually put a lot of what you learn into action - and that's great. But as you have found out, chasing tips, tricks, and magic bullets will not build you a very sustainable business.

    I am sure you already know more than enough to earn $1,000 per month. Your problem is not lack of knowledge it is your lack of ability to laser focus on one thing and one thing only. Forget all the hype and the latest trends - where have they got you so far?

    There are plenty of ways to build a regular and more reliable income online. Some of those you mentioned above, ie article marketing. The problem is to make this work you will need to resist your temptation to run off and buy the next WSO that takes your fancy and promises you easy riches. The easiest way to resist these temptations is to remove them all together. Stop going into the WSO forum. (Believe it or not there are millions of people in the world who have never even heard of a WSO and they are all still living and breathing - and a great deal of them making a lot more money than you are).
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  • Profile picture of the author TycoonRob
    Originally Posted by King Shiloh View Post

    Judging from your post, you can make a good copywriter. So, I would suggest that you should start offering copywriting service. Good copywriters make more than a thousand bucks monthly.

    I'm sorry I'm not one. LOL.
    Maybe! I'm definitely thinking this might be a good option. So now, if anyone has a WSO (ha! I told myself I wouldn't buy any more, but...) or something that explains getting started in copywriting, please let me know.

    Doubt everything you believe.

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    • Profile picture of the author WillR
      Originally Posted by razztek View Post

      Maybe! I'm definitely thinking this might be a good option. So now, if anyone has a WSO (ha! I told myself I wouldn't buy any more, but...) or something that explains getting started in copywriting, please let me know.
      And off you go again to the next thing... until another idea catches your attention later on in this thread.

      It is so clear your problem is focus. You sound like an IM junkie. Settle down and get to work on one thing.
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    • Profile picture of the author goharnett
      Originally Posted by razztek View Post

      Maybe! I'm definitely thinking this might be a good option. So now, if anyone has a WSO (ha! I told myself I wouldn't buy any more, but...) or something that explains getting started in copywriting, please let me know.

      go to

      consistent clear advice its free too.

      best to you,

      do some good PLRs, honestly, i'm so disappointed in most Article PLRs we could use some good ones.

      Eugene Harnett's Official Website longer In the Pursuit of Happiness!
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Considerably more than $1,000 per month.
    I sell my own products. It's a lot of work and there is no blueprint.
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  • Profile picture of the author jasonmorgan
    It’s NOT that I don’t use these WSOs or that I don’t put them into action. I do. But it’s the last 1% that I don’t do – the follow up; the continuing work. I get something up and running. It makes little if anything. I abandon it.
    My last couple of WSOs easily made me $1000+
    Looks to me like you've answered your own question. Quit buying crap and quit abandoning everything you've started. Why do you need another plan when you already have a few that apparently work.

    Why are some people more successful than others? Dedication and hard work.

    Get to it and stick with it.

    I'm all about that bass.

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    • Profile picture of the author davidjames42973
      I think you should start promoting bigger ticket items that pay out more money. If you go to Offervault dot com you will find products that you can promote that pay out over $100 a sale.

      Then build websites to promote the products, create some blogs, create some videos, write some articles and begin dominating these targeted keywords.

      If you were only able to make one sale a day, that would be $100 per day.

      You already have the knowledge, it's just time you come up with a strategy of your own that works...
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  • Profile picture of the author sweetgal
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Why do I get this tingling feeling that we're being set up for something?

      Maybe a "How to Make $1,000 per Month" product?
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      • Profile picture of the author TycoonRob
        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        Why do I get this tingling feeling that we're being set up for something?

        Maybe a "How to Make $1,000 per Month" product?
        LOL! This made me laugh. Not being set up by me for sure. I was just being honest because that is a goal I'm setting.

        Doubt everything you believe.

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  • Profile picture of the author shuichi
    you're lucky, you haved earned more than $1k. some IM newbie like me only earned $20 lol
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  • Profile picture of the author jasonmorgan
    Why do I get this tingling feeling that we're being set up for something?
    Could be. I only skimmed that massive block of words that could have been summed up in two paragraphs.

    I'm all about that bass.

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    • Profile picture of the author TycoonRob
      Originally Posted by jasonmorgan View Post

      Could be. I only skimmed that massive block of words that could have been summed up in two paragraphs.
      Yeah, I could have consolidated it, but I was just writing from the hip and that's what came out. It wasn't planned before posting.

      Doubt everything you believe.

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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    You self-diagnosed yourself: you are a WSO-junkie and you keep buying crappy "system" products.

    Now you are asking us to give you another "system" that would cure you, i.e. would end your misery.

    If you don't see the fatal contradiction in the situation described above - you really should quit because it means you are not cut for building a business.

    P.S. Before you quit, please buy my WSO - it won't make you any money but it's a cool product
    [^^ it's a joke!!!]

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    • Profile picture of the author TycoonRob
      Originally Posted by Istvan Horvath View Post

      You self-diagnosed yourself: you are a WSO-junkie and you keep buying crappy "system" products.

      Now you are asking us to give you another "system" that would cure you, i.e. would end your misery.

      If you don't see the fatal contradiction in the situation described above - you really should quit because it means you are not cut for building a business.
      Reality bites. Yes, I am an IM junkie and I'm asking for another "magic bullet" WSO. I know it makes no sense. I agree that I probably have everything I need. As far as quitting, I'm not a quitter. I am cut for building a business, but I need the focus! I know it's probably not the next great WSO, or even anything that someone can sell me. It's more something within myself that I need to find.

      Doubt everything you believe.

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    • Profile picture of the author Meharis
      Originally Posted by Istvan Horvath View Post

      You self-diagnosed yourself: you are a WSO-junkie and you keep buying crappy "system" products.

      Now you are asking us to give you another "system" that would cure you, i.e. would end your misery.

      If you don't see the fatal contradiction in the situation described above - you really should quit because it means you are not cut for building a business.

      P.S. Before you quit, please buy my WSO - it won't make you any money but it's a cool product
      [^^ it's a joke!!!]

      I think the answer is a mix of JohnMcCabe "Why do I get this tingling feeling that we're being set up for something?" and yours...
      By the way, your down to earth answer remind me a phrase on the "Show Laughing":
      "Thanks, I needed that!"
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      • Profile picture of the author cnrimgr1
        Absolutely you need to get bring the fresh. Number one program that isn't about secrets or make millions in two minutes. It is an actual program where you can learn to rank any site for any keyword, especially the low to medium competition ones. I was skeptical so I have tested it on four different sites now. All of which are new (last two to three weeks) and I made the site did all the content (a post or two max) and it is ranking above sites been there for years. It works. I believe somewhere he has a WSO where instead of paying the $97 you only pay $37. Also I have tested this with free sites as well for Clickbank, Amazon, and upcoming launches. It all works and getting into Google with something that people want to buy, especially the top of page one, you will make money. This will be money that is long term not quick cash that the method fades.
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  • Profile picture of the author apoorv.parijat
    There are quite a few ways to reach the $1000 mark. And yes, I'm making more than that with one method.

    The thing here is, as others have said, you don't need more systems or information. You probably have enough information, and enough systems to go out there and make money. As you've said, you have already made $1,000 a couple of times with WSOs. What stops you from building an actual business out of those WSOs?

    You could build a customers' list and sell to them time and again. If your products are really good, you won't have any problems getting repeat customers.

    Me, personally, I'm making most of my money with services and affiliate marketing. Services are probably the easiest and most guaranteed way to make money. You could hire a couple of people from Philippines, set up a service and start selling it on different forums. There you go. That fully compliments your current situation, too. You don't have to do the real work but you could spend those 2 hours managing and the end of the week to come up with new ideas.

    Just a few things I could come off the top of my mind.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dash Evra
    If I were you, I'd stop getting on the WSO section of the forum for the next year or so.

    Originally Posted by razztek View Post

    I'm an IM junkie. I have - literally - hundreds of great money-making reports, systems, videos, memberships, etc. that it's really just not funny. I'm not laughing because I'm not rich. I'm not making a steady income. I've made money, sure. My last couple of WSOs easily made me $1000+. But that money has come and gone. On more WSOs. On Wordpress themes. On new software.
    I don't understand why you're asking for advice. Can't you just rinse and repeat?!?! You said it EASILY made you money. Seems like you already know everything you need.
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  • Profile picture of the author TycoonRob
    Well, I guarantee that 75% or probably more of the people on this forum are in the same boat as me - probably more close to 95%. Maybe anyone that reads this can get a little motivated. I'm not setting anyone up for anything (maybe some of the posters are, though, who knows) so if you feel that this is a ploy of mine to get people to buy a product I will be producing - you are dead wrong. I'm just hitting a wall and looking for advice, and anyone who has posted positive things here I really appreciate your responses.

    Doubt everything you believe.

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    • Profile picture of the author Deidra Renee
      go to the search button and put in (private practice) there is a member of this forum by the name of Joe that has a WSO for $27 that has gotten excellent reviews from his customers, he teaches how to build your own private practice, not your average how to become an affiliate marketer, the thread is like 53 pages long and not one negative review yet, I haven't bought it yet and am already recommending it from the reviews lol but it might be what you need, so go take a look and if you decide to buy..stop looking at everything else and FOCUS on you will need to anyway because you will need to answer incoming calls so work is required! hope that helped..I used to be the same way..chasing WSO after WSO, but at the end of the day, it all boils down to focus and dedication. hope that helped..GOOD LUCK!!
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Originally Posted by razztek View Post

      Well, I guarantee that 75% or probably more of the people on this forum are in the same boat as me - probably more close to 95%. Maybe anyone that reads this can get a little motivated. I'm not setting anyone up for anything (maybe some of the posters are, though, who knows) so if you feel that this is a ploy of mine to get people to buy a product I will be producing - you are dead wrong. I'm just hitting a wall and looking for advice, and anyone who has posted positive things here I really appreciate your responses.
      If you are on the level, all's well. A lot of people go through WSO addiction and come out the other side.

      But the answer to a cocaine addiction is not switching to crack...

      Even if I would or could hand you a system simple enough to put in a forum post, it might not do you any good. You don't have the same experiences or perspectives I do, nor I yours.

      If making $X in Y time frame could be reduced to a mechanical system reliably, we would all be working for either Microsoft, Google or Amazon...
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      • Profile picture of the author TycoonRob
        Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

        If you are on the level, all's well. A lot of people go through WSO addiction and come out the other side.

        But the answer to a cocaine addiction is not switching to crack...

        Even if I would or could hand you a system simple enough to put in a forum post, it might not do you any good. You don't have the same experiences or perspectives I do, nor I yours.

        If making in Y time frame could be reduced to a mechanical system reliably, we would all be working for either Microsoft, Google or Amazon...
        Very good points. Yes, I'm on the level just looking for advice. I know I need to FOCUS on one thing and do it well - no, better - than most people. I know there's not magic system that can make this easy, but if I had something that I could follow along with and implement, that would make it easier for me to focus.

        Doubt everything you believe.

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        • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
          Originally Posted by razztek View Post

          Very good points. Yes, I'm on the level just looking for advice. I know I need to FOCUS on one thing and do it well - no, better - than most people. I know there's not magic system that can make this easy, but if I had something that I could follow along with and implement, that would make it easier for me to focus.
          I see you are a War Room member. Spend a couple of hours reading through the stuff in Allen's private posts area. Something should resonate with you as just "feeling right". Move into the main section and look for a how-to for that method.

          You're obviously not dumb, so listen to your gut and your brains and learn to trust them...
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    • Profile picture of the author edhan
      Originally Posted by razztek View Post

      Well, I guarantee that 75% or probably more of the people on this forum are in the same boat as me - probably more close to 95%. Maybe anyone that reads this can get a little motivated. I'm not setting anyone up for anything (maybe some of the posters are, though, who knows) so if you feel that this is a ploy of mine to get people to buy a product I will be producing - you are dead wrong. I'm just hitting a wall and looking for advice, and anyone who has posted positive things here I really appreciate your responses.
      Maybe you are right that top 5% IM are making it big while the rest of the 95% is struggling or just getting by. What are those 5% IM doing to get such result? Likely that they are more organised and focus. They concentrate on one product and getting it running successfully before moving on to the next project. Build one project and optimize it. Check for success and how it is done and repeat for the next one.

      I have seen many come with an idea or product but before it even take off, they jump the wagon to the next. So ends up likely not knowing how or why they even get cash from it. I believe IM is serious work unlike many would say it is just a push button success. You have to lay down all the necessary fundamental works step-by-step to get it running. Patiently waiting and observe if it is the right way otherwise you need to tweet it a little. Experiments with 2 or 3 different ways of promoting the same product and check the result. Once you found the best method, stick to it and repeat on new product.

      Success comes with trial and errors testing. Unless you have someone to actually show you the ropes like a mentor. But it is hard to find the right mentor as you might not able to afford one since they are likely to charge a high price. Start small and you will grow. Getting your earning to advertise and it will grow bigger.

      Hope this helps.

      Be blessed with Thai Buddha Amulets & Tibetan dZi to accumulate wealth, health & good fortune
      Build your own community business
      Article Directory Source Code with blog & Classified Ads
      Understanding the cycle of Karma & Merits

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      • Profile picture of the author alcymart
        Originally Posted by edhan View Post

        Maybe you are right that top 5% IM are making it big while the rest of the 95% is struggling or just getting by. What are those 5% IM doing to get such result? Likely that they are more organised and focus. They concentrate on one product and getting it running successfully before moving on to the next project. Build one project and optimize it. Check for success and how it is done and repeat for the next one.

        I have seen many come with an idea or product but before it even take off, they jump the wagon to the next. So ends up likely not knowing how or why they even get cash from it. I believe IM is serious work unlike many would say it is just a push button success. You have to lay down all the necessary fundamental works step-by-step to get it running. Patiently waiting and observe if it is the right way otherwise you need to tweet it a little. Experiments with 2 or 3 different ways of promoting the same product and check the result. Once you found the best method, stick to it and repeat on new product.

        Success comes with trial and errors testing. Unless you have someone to actually show you the ropes like a mentor. But it is hard to find the right mentor as you might not able to afford one since they are likely to charge a high price. Start small and you will grow. Getting your earning to advertise and it will grow bigger.

        Hope this helps.
        Let me make a correction on your statistics. They are grimmer than that. Here are the Real statistics. In Affiliate Marketing, 99.5% trying and 0.5% succeed after trying. In MLM, its at 0.005% succeeding.

        Take care,

        Bernard St-Pierre
        Marketing Consultant
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  • Profile picture of the author Dan C. Rinnert
    Originally Posted by razztek View Post

    But it's the last 1% that I don't do - the follow up; the continuing work. I get something up and running. It makes little if anything. I abandon it. Maybe I didn't do it correctly. Maybe I did but just didn't do enough to make it work.
    As others have pointed out, you've already identified your problem.

    But, the continuing work is not the "last 1%." It's the last 99%. The time you spent building the site and whatnot--that was the 1% of the work.

    Dan's content is irregularly read by handfuls of people. Join the elite few by reading his blog:, following him on Twitter: or reading his fiction: but NOT by Clicking Here!

    Dan also writes content for hire, but you can't afford him anyway.
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    • Profile picture of the author goharnett
      Originally Posted by Dan C. Rinnert View Post

      ...the continuing work is not the "last 1%." It's the last 99%. The time you spent building the site and whatnot--that was the 1% of the work.

      Excellent point.
      Eugene Harnett's Official Website longer In the Pursuit of Happiness!
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      • Profile picture of the author mello
        The frustration rings through your words. And so does the solution. You stated:

        1. you have products
        2. you have systems
        3. you have made money (ad hoc perhaps)
        4. you are a junkie jumping from one thing to the next looking for the quick solution

        What you need is, as many have mentioned, focus. Discipline and accountability go hand in hand with results.

        So, go through your hard drive.

        Pick ONE THING (system, method, model of business) that you can consistently implement.

        Set up a schedule to work at it for 1-2 hours a day/night

        Work out specifically what you need to do. what actions to take. (If unsure, ask the forum!)

        Lay out what you will do when and tick if off when you're done so you know where you are up to when you come back to it.

        Find a way to be accountable to someone - a method I learnt from Robert Plank was to identify things you are going to do - declare them to your accountability buddy then check in with that person daily telling them 'yes, done' or why not.

        Forget about perfection and finessing, just get it going.

        So, after getting input form your colleagues here, what are you going to do next?
        Everything is doable ... if you take action
        Internet Marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author steverich
    I totally agree.
    you need to stop chasing the 'Big One'.
    concentrate on developing the skills needed in this business.
    FOCUS on ONE THING! and forget everything else untill you have done one properly.
    Then repeat.
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  • Profile picture of the author vndnbrgj
    Here is what I recommend for a WSO junkie:
    Go buy 3 more! Lol... Seriously
    Too many people buy one after another, when most of the time there is little that connects them, other than price maybe.

    Peter Beatie (Skorpin on the forum I think)
    Buy his LFF2 (Local Flip Formula 2)
    Then buy his templates, this is a seperate WSO... I think it's called Offline Power Pack
    The templates go great with LFF2

    If that is not enough, look up Joshua Hayes
    He has a program that shows you how to get sales reps to sell websites.
    I think it's called Sales Team Success

    This is what you will learn:
    All of these are targeted towards selling websites to business owners.
    You will have everything you need to sell websites
    You will have everything you need to sell websites
    You will have everything you need to sell websites

    Then, stop buying WSO's.
    You will have everything you need to sell websites
    Put into action what you learned with these products.
    Once you put this into action, you will have a list of business owners who have already given you money for one of your products.

    Then, learn something else, and you have a good starting client base to sell the additional services to.

    Learn and implement, Or just implement and then learn.
    But eventually there has to be action.
    Everything above might cost $100 (for all three)
    Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone
    - Neale Donald Wilson -
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Carl Kelly

    There's some good advice in this thread. Pay attention!


    Your post made my day! I literally LOL'ed when I read your comment followed by your signature...

    Read this SURPRISING REPORT Before You Buy ANY WSO! Click Here
    FREE REPORT: Split Test Your Landing Pages the Easy Way
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    • Profile picture of the author WillR
      Originally Posted by Steven Carl Kelly View Post


      Your post made my day! I literally LOL'ed when I read your comment followed by your signature...

      Haha, I didn't pick up on that. Funny stuff. There is no blueprint but buy my blueprint. Classic!
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      • Profile picture of the author sal64
        First of all, I want to thank Allen for creating this forum, and thank everyone for all the helpful advice for which I have never used.


        Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme...

        Look this is a forum isn't it? You help me and I'll maybe help you.. I realize that I am an anonymous person and have not added much value to your life, but...

        Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme...

        Come on, be nice... tell me how you make money so that I don't have to do all the hard work.
        Internet Marketing: 20% Internet - 80% Marketing!
        You Won't See The Light Until You Open Your Eyes.
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
      Originally Posted by Steven Carl Kelly View Post


      There's some good advice in this thread. Pay attention!


      Your post made my day! I literally LOL'ed when I read your comment followed by your signature...

      lolololololololol... rofls for everyone.
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  • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
    "Give me your BEST $1K/month system. URGENT!"
    Give me?

    Sorry, but I don't have anything that beat YOUR Quick Cash Generator mentioned in your WSO:
    "NEW BONUS #5 - Money Tactic #15 - Quick Cash Generator. This report shows how I cleared over $2K in just over 3 days using simple tactics that anyone can implement."
    There ya go. Twice as much money and you can take 27 days off until next month.
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  • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
    "I have - literally - hundreds of great money-making reports, systems, videos, memberships, etc."
    Just use what you already have. No need to post a thread asking for MORE - when you're not even using what you have.

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  • Profile picture of the author AverageGuy
    frankly, I think if you only need $1K/month, maybe apply a part time job at burger king?
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  • Profile picture of the author robinincarolina
    I am Queen of getting distracted or not finishing something. I had to find something simple and stick with it which happens to be direct article marketing. Some say this is crazy, and not the way to go. No website, little expense, but it works for me and yes I make over $1000.00.

    One day like you, I may venture to learn something new, it really is about time.
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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    Have you seen the movie "A Few Good Men"?

    My favorite part is where Tom Cruise asks the soldier on the stand to show him in the part in the field manual that tells him where to go to eat his meals:

    Capt. Ross: Corporal Barnes, I hold here the Marine Corps Outline for Recruit Training. You're familiar with this book?
    Cpl. Barnes: Yes, sir.
    Capt. Ross: You've read it?
    Cpl. Barnes: Yes, sir.
    Capt. Ross: Good. Would you open it up to the chapter that deals with code reds, please?
    Cpl. Barnes: Sir?
    Capt. Ross: Just flip open to the page of the book that talks about code reds.
    Cpl. Barnes: Well, sir code red is a term that we use, I mean, just down at Gitmo, I really don't think that...
    Capt. Ross: Ah, we're in luck then. Standard Operating Procedures, Rifle Security Company, Guantanamo Bay Cuba. Now I assume we'll find the term code red and its definition in that book. Am I right?
    Cpl. Barnes: No sir.
    Capt. Ross: Coporal Barnes, I'm a Marine. Is there no book. No pamphlet or manual, no regulation or set of written orders or instructions that lets me know that, as a Marine, one of my duties is to perform code reds?
    Cpl. Barnes: No sir. No book, sir.
    Capt. Ross: No further questions.
    [as Ross walks back to his table Kaffee takes the book out of his hand]
    Kaffee: Corporal would you open this book up to the part that says that where the mess hall is.
    Cpl. Barnes: Well, Lt Kaffee, that's not in the book either, sir.
    Kaffee: You mean to say the entire time you've been at Gitmo you've never had a meal?
    Cpl. Barnes: No, sir. Three squares a day, sir.
    Kaffee: Well, I don't understand. How did you know where the mess hall was if it wasn't in this book?
    Cpl. Barnes: I guess I just followed the crowd at chow time, sir.
    Kaffee: Thanks. No more questions.
    That explains it all. You've either got that entrepreneurial mindset or you don't. Wanting to make money online is fine. But you have to be creative. There is no step by step guide for it. If there was, there would be no more WSO's, no more courses teaching it and no more people asking for one. With every type of traffic generation there are so many variables that change for each person that one step by step plan won't work.

    The step by step mentality is what you need to get rid of. I see it daily. "Give me a step by step plan", that way I don't have to think, be creative or use my own judgement, someone will have made all the decisions and done all the testing for me. Better yet, someone will have done all that for me and then will only charge me $7 or $14 or whatever the going attractive rate is.

    It's the exact same with any job you do. Did you read a step by step guide on how to do your current job? No way. You might have a manual that explains how things work, but it certainly does not cover every detail or every problem that you are going to face in your job. This is the employee mentality. Just tell me what to do and I'll do it. Unfortunately that doesn't work online.

    You can certainly read up on various ways. But you have to actually do them and adjust for the ever changing environment you're working in. Systems change, software changes, techniques need to be modified and if you're in the "don't make me think or solve any problems, just give me a paint by number guide" mode, you're guaranteed to fail.

    That is why you have to fail to succeed. Reading about a method, not trying it and then reading about another method does not count as failing. You've got to do it, run into the problems that are going to happen, then solve them successfully to succeed.

    Just my 2 cents.

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    • Profile picture of the author goharnett
      another thought on this:

      starting a business like you want is not like another job...

      in a job you get paid per hour...

      in a business start up, you throw that concept out.

      you don't get paid for a long time, willingly, because you are in the caccoon.

      nobody sees what you do, what you're growing, and even yourself at times...

      the key is, its a different mindset: willingly working without pay...

      most folks who are successfull here, spent months at it with no pay...

      until that bright birth of an income stream that meant it was real.

      go for it.
      Eugene Harnett's Official Website longer In the Pursuit of Happiness!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3243009].message }}
    • Originally Posted by PPC-Coach View Post

      You've either got that entrepreneurial mindset or you don't. Wanting to make money online is fine. But you have to be creative. There is no step by step guide for it. If there was, there would be no more WSO's, no more courses teaching it and no more people asking for one.

      The step by step mentality is what you need to get rid of.
      There should be some type of sticky thread at the top of Warrior Forum with these notes on it: there is NO step-by-step guide.

      Business and entrepreneurial ventures are not a cooking recipe! Either you got it, and work hard to improve it, or you dont. If you ask for "give me your best $1k/month system", then you dont.
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  • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
    Maybe what you need is a life coach.

    There are many days I do!

    I first heard about this from Corey Rudl many years ago. He had one.

    Basically, someone who kicks you in the butt every day, or every week, to make sure you stay on target and are productive - instead of not following through and getting distracted by the latest shiny WSO.

    Maybe that can be your next WSO - being a life coach to others. You might make $1k a month doing that, and at the same time improve your other areas of marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
    Originally Posted by razztek View Post

    but I will work a couple of hours each evening and a lot on the weekends to make this work.
    No... you won't.

    That's the hardest lesson you need to learn and until
    you learn it nothing else will matter.

    If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
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  • Profile picture of the author stevex
    I'm sorry but if you're last couple of WSO's easily made you 1000$, then you already know how to make money. Just don't keep blowing it on more products. Instead, keep making more of those 1000$ WSO's. I haven't made 1,000$ yet, but I'm not asking others to share their protected secrets. Don't get this post completely.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adie
    Creating WSOs is just a short time system. If you created 5 authority sites since you joined in this forum 5 years ago, I am pretty sure you'll be earning decent amount now without creating any WSOs anymore...

    WSOs are just for people who want to make cash quick..... And now you are exposing the very big secrets of some of WSO makers here - that they create WSO without testing if successful or not....

    Moderator's Note: You're only allowed to put your own products or sites in your signature.

    Signature edited.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sean D Kelly
    Its so easily to get caught up with the next best hot thing. It is very hard to stick to one gameplan until it pays off, but it always will if you stick to it. Go ahead and search "your private practice" on this forum, I think you will find what you are looking for.
    Kindle, Adsense and LinkedIn Expert

    Loving life on a beach in paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
    Want to make $1k a month? Get a job delivering pizzas.

    Want to make $1k+ a day?

    1. Create a great product with high demand that can easily be differentiated from the competition because of its unique quality.

    2. Write a decent sales letter. Run some PPC or email promotions in the target market to get proof of concept on a decent conversion rate.

    3. Recruit affiliates in the market to promote it.

    4. Develop a great web based service that will sell well to the same market and your existing client base and charge a monthly fee for it.

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  • Profile picture of the author feliciayapsl
    1. Find good keywords
    2. Set up a Wordpress blog or website
    3. Build backlinks
    4. Submit articles

    If you want to earn money fast, then provide services such as articles writing.
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  • Profile picture of the author alcymart
    Sure, I earn more than $1000/month and I do have a repeatable and duplicatable system, However, would you be willing to work for a full year before reaching the $1000/month mark? ....hmm...maybe not...

    I'm sure there are WSO's that are great, but you need to work them and especially never ever quit on them!

    Take care,

    Bernard St-Pierre
    Marketing Consultant
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    I think you've already identified the issue you're facing - when you stated that you typically do 95% of the work involved, and then fail to follow through on that last 5%.

    You're building a business here, and you cannot always think in terms of instant gratification. It'll take a while to get a business up and running, so jumping from system to system (which certainly seems like what you're doing right now) won't do you any good. You've already said it yourself - you seem to be bailing on methods/systems that you're implementing at the wrong time, just before they could have potentially taken off in dramatic fashion.

    Resolve to focus on only one system at a time and don't quit at the 95% mark, as this would be such a shame when you've already put so much into it. Stay the course and resist any temptation to get distracted, if you're looking to pick up some quick cash on the side, then consider offering services like article writing or even copywriting, while focusing on and cultivating your primary business.
    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrea Wilson
    Go for the process that made you a hundred dollars then take a bigger step to get higher earnings from it. Basically authority websites has so much possibilities to make you lots of money.

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  • Profile picture of the author TycoonRob
    To all the naysayers, cynics, bullcrappers, and haters - ha. I've been making myself scarce on this site for the past month. Why? Because I'm working my plan. I've got some sites working and I'm getting close to the $500/month level.

    Wanna know how I did it? Buy my next WSO! NOT. To those that thought/think I'm setting them up, go mind your own business and waste other people's time commenting on their threads. What I'm doing is WORKING and I'm making money. I'm not rich but I've seen over the last 6 or 7 weeks a steady increase in profits. And, no, I won't be selling my system - or buying yours. I'm perfectly happy working my way to five figures a month on my own.

    Thanks to everyone that was positive and had constructive criticism. You really motivated me. To the negative time wasters, you'll get what you deserve. I'm finally getting what I deserve!

    Doubt everything you believe.

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    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by razztek View Post

      To all the naysayers, cynics, bullcrappers, and haters - ha. I've been making myself scarce on this site for the past month. Why? Because I'm working my plan. I've got some sites working and I'm getting close to the $500/month level.

      Wanna know how I did it? Buy my next WSO! NOT. To those that thought/think I'm setting them up, go mind your own business and waste other people's time commenting on their threads. What I'm doing is WORKING and I'm making money. I'm not rich but I've seen over the last 6 or 7 weeks a steady increase in profits. And, no, I won't be selling my system - or buying yours. I'm perfectly happy working my way to five figures a month on my own.

      Thanks to everyone that was positive and had constructive criticism. You really motivated me. To the negative time wasters, you'll get what you deserve. I'm finally getting what I deserve!
      Congratulations are in order then. As you've probably discovered, making money on the internet is relatively simple when you're focusing on just one method at any given time, you just have to tune out all the distractions and noise that are so prevalent in this marketplace.

      It's entirely possible to make good money on the internet, for the naysayers out there who think this is some kind of fairy tale or impossible feat. What you do need to do is pull your head out of the sand and be prepared to work consistently at one method for a while until you start seeing results. Once it occurs, this will hopefully help to motivate you even further to focus on your future IM endeavors!

      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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    • Profile picture of the author Zabrina
      Originally Posted by razztek View Post

      To all the naysayers, cynics, bullcrappers, and haters - ha. I've been making myself scarce on this site for the past month. Why? Because I'm working my plan. I've got some sites working and I'm getting close to the $500/month level.

      Wanna know how I did it? Buy my next WSO! NOT. To those that thought/think I'm setting them up, go mind your own business and waste other people's time commenting on their threads. What I'm doing is WORKING and I'm making money. I'm not rich but I've seen over the last 6 or 7 weeks a steady increase in profits. And, no, I won't be selling my system - or buying yours. I'm perfectly happy working my way to five figures a month on my own.

      Thanks to everyone that was positive and had constructive criticism. You really motivated me. To the negative time wasters, you'll get what you deserve. I'm finally getting what I deserve!
      Awesome! Once you find what works, you can fine-tune it to get to your desired level fast. I'm sure that's what you're already doing.

      Remember the 80/20 rule, too... figure out what's making you the most money with the least effort, then keep on pouring as much effort into it as possible. If any of your systems are only making a few dollars but requiring a lot of effort, think carefully about pursuing them. Not much more advice someone can give you when you seem to have hit the key to success: focus.

      And stay away from the WF -- until work time is over, at least. We're too distracting.
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  • Profile picture of the author healthtourism
    Start affiliate marketing for some niche. It's a common trend these days.
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  • Profile picture of the author jbsmith
    We've done it 6 times now in under 30-days...

    1. Identify a desire/demand for information in a specific niche
    2. Start a blog to get traffic rolling (requires keyword research and daily blog posting)
    3. Put together a 40-80 page ebook on the topic - ideally you mix it with some audio and video content so you can make the package more effective and charge anywhere from $37-$97 for it
    4. Write an initial sales page (use a template in WP is what we do now)
    5. Post on Clickbank or Ejunkie to begin making sales and getting affiliates
    6. Generate content - Press releases, more blog posts, articles and videos on Youtube to get initial traffic and sales to your webpage.

    The good news with this approach is that you have a product you can continue to sell over and over and make anywhere from 65%-95% profits (lower profit in the case of an affiliate sale)

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