You Might Fail Miserably if you..
You Might Fail Miserably if you..
- Don't treat your customers like human beings - There are people on the other end.
- Spend all of your money on products that "definitely get results."
- Fail to realize that it's you that ultimately is going to get the results, not some quick fix program.
- You're dishonest.
- You don't SHOW YOUR FACE and make yourself known.
- Don't know how to use the social world in a smart way - Connecting with other human beings.
- Don't try to make friends on the forum - Lot's of people spend their time commenting negatively. For what? To prove some point?
- Believe there is a "quick fix" out there.
- Don't think you'll be at this for a while.
- Think you can copy someone else's work - You're crazy
- Don't use ingenuity. Be original, breathe fire on the "box" and think totally outside of it.
- Don't create "activity management," where you strategically manage what you do on the net and segment it into time slots.
And much more! Add to the list friends!
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We do mail-in iPhone Repair Services, Nationwide in the US. LCD/Digitizer Glass Replacement And More.
We do mail-in iPhone Repair Services, Nationwide in the US. LCD/Digitizer Glass Replacement And More.
We do mail-in iPhone Repair Services, Nationwide in the US. LCD/Digitizer Glass Replacement And More.