You will never win the race....

by ShayB
7 replies
So many of the ladies in my WAHM group say they can't make money because of the economy.

People everywhere say the same thing.

Do you realize that if a runner keeps watching the other runners, he/she will never win the race?

If you focus on the track ahead of you (making money online) and stop focusing on the other runners (the economy, other people), then you will win the race (wealth and success).

Do you have trouble focusing because your family keeps talking about the economy? Hang out with people making things happen (online or offline).

Turn off the news and quit losing your focus.

December could be your best month yet.
#race #win
  • Profile picture of the author Eric Stanley
    So, so true. TAKE ACTION! Remove the distractions and drill down on the task at hand.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mary Gallivan

    It's BECAUSE of the economy that I'm more determined to win the race. I've put in the training and the practice so there's nothing going to stop me.

    There's still plenty of folks out there with money to spend. If Paypal etc. ever go broke then we'll know we're in trouble.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jim Stewart
    Nice thought, but as a motivational metaphor, not a good one in my way of understanding "success".

    Thinking that it is a "Race" brings into play too much sub-conscious conditioning that you probably aren't even aware of.

    In a 'Race' there is only one winner. So, if you are in a market with 3 (for example) other marketers and you aren't the one earning a Million bucks a year, guess who the loser is?

    What happens when you spend 5 years racing to the finish line, only to find you were in the wrong "Race"?

    It isn't really a competition. You aren't competing against other people, the economy, negative people or any other outside influence.

    All it is, is a challenge. A challenge to rise above all those inner demons that would otherwise have you be 'average'. Such demons as; Doubt, Fear, Procrastination, Conditioning, Peer pressure etc.

    It's overcoming those "Inner" limitations that render outside influence null and void.

    Why? Because each of those outside influences presses a button that causes you to react in certain ways. It's those reactions that hold you back, not the outside influences themselves.

    So, forget about 'racing' and 'winning'. They are too limiting a description of yourself as a human being and your place on this earth.

    For me, the most important and fascinating part of "success" is who you become along the way. I would hate to finish the "Race" and find out I didn't like the prize.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jon Alexander
    Isn't it time to pull the thread now? Isn't that the new 'tactic'???!

    :-) :-) :-)
    Signature - automated article rewriting software gives you unique content at a few CENTS per article!. New - Put text into jetspinner format automatically!

    PS my PM system is broken. Sorry I can't help anymore.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin AKA Hubcap
    Originally Posted by Shay60654 View Post

    So many of the ladies in my WAHM group say they can't make money because of the economy.

    People everywhere say the same thing.

    Do you realize that if a runner keeps watching the other runners, he/she will never win the race?

    If you focus on the track ahead of you (making money online) and stop focusing on the other runners (the economy, other people), then you will win the race (wealth and success).

    Do you have trouble focusing because your family keeps talking about the economy? Hang out with people making things happen (online or offline).

    Turn off the news and quit losing your focus.

    December could be your best month yet.
    This is the truth. In a way we are conditioned not to succeed but we have most of the ingredients that we need for success within us.

    Speaking from personal experience there were times when I wouldn't put up a squeeze page if it didn't "look" like something a "guru" already had up.

    I've since learned to trust myself and to stop focusing on the people around me and to start focusing more on the path that I want to follow.
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  • Profile picture of the author Fabian Tan
    I completely agree!

    If you ignore the 'status quo', keep marketing and growing, and when everything dies down and returns to 'normal', you will be way ahead of the rest, if you're not already!

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  • Profile picture of the author ivana
    Both correct! Shay and Jim! and to add to it!

    People will always buy food!
    People will always look for medication!
    Their Dogs will still have flees
    People will continue to get married
    People will continue to look for quick way fixes for the weight loss
    People will engage
    People will continue to have kids
    People will continue to look for ways to save money or fix their credit

    There is just so much out there, people will continue to spend in order to solve their problem!
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