The Frequency and Tone of Follow-Up Emails
My gut instinct has always been to build up customer confidence, as I was taught. The old slow build-up, sending irregular emails over a period of a few weeks before hitting them with a semi-hard sell.
Recently I've heard a lot about sending out daily emails with a much harder sell. People like Russell Brunsen claim to have huge increases in sales doing this, citing the example of rapidly repeated TV ads that come thick and fast having the most impact.
I also checked out Mass Money Makers (which would have benefited from some judicial editing!) and note that the idea here is to send out loads of short, hard-sell emails over a period of 12 days (although only 11 emails are actually provided!). The theory here is that when people are initially searching they are hot and every day you wait to persuade them, they are cooling off.
This makes sense, but it goes against everything I was initially taught.
What works for you?
$php_coding = "consistent cash";
echo ("Give me" . " " . $php_coding . "!");