There is such thing as a stupid question on the Warrior Forum

Ron Douglas
Profile picture of Ron Douglas
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92 replies
Apparently there is such a thing as a stupid question on this forum. You have to be careful when you ask a general question because you can be put to shame.

You'll often see responses like this:

"LOL the answer is so obvious"

"Based on your signature you should know the answer"

"That's IM 101." i.e. - I'm so smart and you're an idiot

"That was explained in a previous post last year. You should already know the answer." i.e. - you should spend time here reading every post instead of working on your business.

"I did a quick search on Google and found the answer right away." i.e. learn to use your resources you lazy dumb-ass.

Listen folks, if someone asks a question and you respond like that, I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks you're a major D-Bag that needs a swift punch to the throat.

People don't realize how these unnecessary cynical remarks make people feel. It's pretty dumb to burn bridges that way.

My point is - if you know the answer, try to just be helpful without discouraging people from asking questions. Maybe this place would be less intimidating for newbies and members in general.
#forum #question #stupid #thing #warrior
  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    Profile picture of tpw
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    Are you sayin I is stoopid?
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
    • Profile picture of the author Ron Douglas
      Ron Douglas
      Profile picture of Ron Douglas
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      Originally Posted by tpw View Post

      Are you sayin I is stoopid?
      Not you, just your question.

      Just trying to teach some basic people skills Bill. You've already got it down pat.
    • Profile picture of the author Kevin Riley
      Kevin Riley
      Profile picture of Kevin Riley
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      Right on Ron. I've yet to see a dumb question here (other than the overly generic "How do I make money?"). We all need to remember that we were all new to this once. It doesn't matter who you are, what you do, how much money you make online - you were not born knowing how to do it. You probably asked the same questions that you now think "are stupid".
      Kevin Riley, long-time Warrior living in Osaka, Japan

      • Profile picture of the author candoit2
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        Originally Posted by Kevin Riley View Post

        Right on Ron. I've yet to see a dumb question here (other than the overly generic "How do I make money?"). We all need to remember that we were all new to this once. It doesn't matter who you are, what you do, how much money you make online - you were not born knowing how to do it. You probably asked the same questions that you now think "are stupid".
        Are the people who get angry when they find someone who doesn't know something they already know angry constantly?

        If not then shouldn't they be happy they found someone they are smarter than?


    • Profile picture of the author Richard Van
      Richard Van
      Profile picture of Richard Van
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      I do agree Ron,

      There's no reason to put people down, we all have to start somewhere.

      However when someone say's they're desperate to make 20 cents by next Friday and the signature promises untold riches in minutes, it is sort of asking for it.

      As for the Google one I have advised people to do that but only to show them the resource exists, so they have that at their disposal, not to belittle them.

      As the for the others and what you're trying to say, I very much agree with you. We all need to start somewhere and just because some people may be there already, or on their way, is no reason to act in such a way that will attract blows to the throat region.

      Wibble, bark, my old man's a mushroom etc...

  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hlatky
    Mike Hlatky
    Profile picture of Mike Hlatky
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    I agree with your point. if you aren't going to add anything helpful to the thread, there is no need to post.

    Originally Posted by Ron Douglas View Post

    "Based on your signature you should know the answer"
    I find that this is more applicable to people who ask a question about getting traffic and their signature says "Get 100,000 laser targeted visitors to your website!!".

    Most of the time that I see this response, the poster is asking something directly contrary to what they should alread know, based on their signature.
    • Profile picture of the author Ron Douglas
      Ron Douglas
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      Originally Posted by Mike Hlatky View Post

      Most of the time that I see this response, the poster is asking something directly contrary to what they should alread know, based on their signature.
      Why even point out the obvious though? If the person genuinely doesn't know, why not just answer.

      I'm sure I can find a question related to your signature that you won't know the answer to right away.

      Not aimed at you directly Mike, but just to make a point.
    • Profile picture of the author tpw
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      • Profile picture of the author Roaddog
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        "No man knows less than the man who knows it all" - Unknown

        Thanks Ron

        That really needed to be said.

      • Profile picture of the author MarkAnderson
        Profile picture of MarkAnderson
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        Originally Posted by tpw View Post

        I see the signature comment most often when people are promising how to make $420 a day in their signature, and they are asking how they can make $180 by next week.
        tpw, that's the point OP gives a chance to people who don't have something to reply. They can visit OP's signature, learn how to do it, back into forum, and reply.

        A Win Win Forum Traffic System........
        • Profile picture of the author tpw
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          Originally Posted by MarkAnderson View Post

          Originally Posted by tpw
          I see the signature comment most often when people are promising how to make $420 a day in their signature, and they are asking how they can make $180 by next week.
          tpw, that’s the point OP gives a chance to people who don’t have something to reply. They can visit OP’s signature, learn how to do it, back into forum, and reply.

          A Win Win Forum Traffic System........

          Except the people we are talking about in general are not the spammers hoping to generate forum traffic or SEO value.

          Instead, we are talking about the people who legitimately ask how to make $180 in a week, when their signature promises some amazing number if only we follow the link in their signature and buy what they are selling.

          They are attempting to sell to others what they do not know themselves. And that is why a lot of those folks get called out.
          Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
          Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    Profile picture of tpw
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    Ron, this happens in tech forums too.

    I land on tech forums looking for an answer to my questions. When the OP asks exactly the question I am asking, more often than not, we are both confronted with "We answered that question last week," "That is so basic, I don't know why you would ask it," or "Google it!"

    That is the reason I am here you dumbass, I did Google it!!!

    For an outsider, it certainly is frustrating.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
    • Profile picture of the author Intermission
      Profile picture of Intermission
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      Originally Posted by tpw View Post

      ... When the OP asks exactly the question I am asking ..."That is so basic, I don't know why you would ask it," or "Google it!"

      That is the reason I am here you dumbass, I did Google it!!!

      For an outsider, it certainly is frustrating.
      OK, here it goes ... I'm going to ask a question I've been too afraid to ask because you'll think I'm stupid ...

      "What is 'OP' short for? :confused:

      Old person? Outdated Personality? Online Psycho?

      I just don't get it and I can't figure it out ... and as soon as you tell me it's going to seem obvious isn't it?

      (I wish I had a different ID on the forum to ask questions like this.)
      • Profile picture of the author tpw
        Profile picture of tpw
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        Originally Posted by Intermission View Post

        OK, here it goes ... I'm going to ask a question I've been too afraid to ask because you'll think I'm stupid ...

        "What is 'OP' short for? :confused:

        Old person? Outdated Personality? Online Psycho?

        I just don't get it and I can't figure it out ... and as soon as you tell me it's going to seem obvious isn't it?

        (I wish I had a different ID on the forum to ask questions like this.)

        There are several iterations for it:

        Original Post
        Other Post
        Original Poster
        Other Poster
        Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
        Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
        • Profile picture of the author Intermission
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          Originally Posted by tpw View Post

          There are several iterations for it:

          Original Post
          Other Post
          Original Poster
          Other Poster
          See, now it seems so obvious.

          • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
            Michael Shook
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            I would suspect that many of the "dumb questions" are actually pretty well done and thought out ahead of time as part of an SEO or tripe building campaign.

            Posting a questions that is answerd by the site in your sig file is an almost sure fire way to get responses; both decent responses and du***ss ones, to make sure your thread keeps on popping up to the top of the heap.
            And people respond to those questions sometimes to be very helpful, and sometimes to boost their post counts.

            It doesn't always work out, but I kind of gauge the intent of the OP by seeing if they posted any response. If they don't make a follow up I kind of think they were just shilling.

            There are of course, times when the OP simply cannot respond, so that is not a hard and fast rule, just kind of a rule of thumb.

          • Profile picture of the author TLCarroll
            Profile picture of TLCarroll
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            Originally Posted by Intermission View Post

            See, now it seems so obvious.

            I remember a looong time ago wondering what that meant too and being too embarrassed to ask. When I saw someone else ask I was so glad.
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      • Profile picture of the author Roaddog
        Profile picture of Roaddog
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        OK, here it goes ... I'm going to ask a question I've been too afraid to ask because you'll think I'm stupid ...
        "What is 'OP' short for? :confused:

        Old person? Outdated Personality? Online Psycho?

        I just don't get it and I can't figure it out ... and as soon as you tell me it's going to seem obvious isn't it?

        That was not a dumb question.

        Besides in many instances, you don't realize how close you were


        • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
          Paul Myers
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          Yes, there really are stupid questions here. For example, any question which is clearly answered in the thread at the top of the front page page, labeled:

          Thanks a lot for this thread. I was gonna make this same topic, but since I seem to attract trolling losers to my threads, I kept my mouth shut.
          [raises hand] Hi there!

          Perhaps you might consider that the way you treat people might have something to do with that. Just a thought.

          I believe there are legitimate reasons for treating some people badly. I really do. Pointless rudeness such as you display on a near daily basis doesn't fall into those categories.

          Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

          • Profile picture of the author tpw
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            Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

            Thanks a lot for this thread. I was gonna make this same topic, but since I seem to attract trolling losers to my threads, I kept my mouth shut.

            LD,[raises hand] Hi there!

            Perhaps you might consider that the way you treat people might have something to do with that. Just a thought.

            I believe there are legitimate reasons for treating some people badly. I really do. Pointless rudeness such as you display on a near daily basis doesn't fall into those categories.


            Paul: Thank you for saying it.

            When I first saw his post, the exact thought ran through my mind too.

            But I figured if I said it, he would try to paint me as a "trolling loser"...

            Of course, I do realize that I am the only one who can ever truly define my character for me...

            Just the same, I did not want to pull the thread off-topic, even though his comment was perfect troll bait, and I am sometimes a troll...
            Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
            Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
          • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
            Michael Shook
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            Originally Posted by LD Carter View Post

            You mean putting bitter people in their place who try to talk down to me? If that's what you mean, I plead guilty.
            Probably not so much that, as when folks ask you a question and you give them a response that indicates that if they do not understand you, that is their problem, not yours. And that they were stupid to ask in the first place.

            Being raw and uncut and politically incorrect as a persona can probably work kind of, but it probably works a little more effectively if you are "for" something in conjunction with being "against" a bunch of other things.

            But I am not Paul, so maybe he had something else in mind.

            • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
              Michael Shook
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              Originally Posted by LD Carter View Post

              That's not my style, lol. If people ask questions, I help if I know the answer. If I don't know the answer, I'll most likely keep my mouth shut. But there are times members are rude to me for asking a question or rude to other members, and yeah, I say something sometimes. I think the WF is supposed to be a place for people to learn, not a place for people to bully those that don't know.
              Those sound like really excellent ideas. I know I have learned a lot from reading and writing back and forth with people here.

            • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
              Paul Myers
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              You mean putting bitter people in their place who try to talk down to me? If that's what you mean, I plead guilty.
              No, LD, I'm talking about being a complete schmuck when there's no productive reason for it.

              In almost every instance I've seen where someone disagrees with you, you talk down to them. The choice of words (like "trolling losers," for example) is rarely in balance with what prompted the comments.

              Another example: The little shot you took at Caleb the other day. Sorry, sir, but you don't get to demand respect from someone just because you got to start breathing before them and haven't messed it up yet. Being older than your target is the lamest excuse for demanding unearned respect I've ever seen. And I have seen a lot of them.

              You're a smart, literate person. You get to choose how you express yourself. I'm merely suggesting that you may have some impact on how people treat you. Whether you let the choice be made for you by your ego or not is your business.


              Edit: Here's another verbal clue: "Putting bitter people in their place." Think about the assumptions behind that statement.
              Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

          • Profile picture of the author tpw
            Profile picture of tpw
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            Originally Posted by LD Carter View Post

            You mean putting bitter people in their place who try to talk down to me? If that's what you mean, I plead guilty.

            A lot of these guys think that because they've spent their entire lives on the WF and have made a name on here, that they can talk to lesser known people any kind of way. I'm not the one for letting people talk down to me, I don't care who they are or who knows them. I'm gonna stand up for myself. That's what I think the problem is -- the fact that I stand up for myself against so-called senior members, which most of you don't think is appropriate. Well, if they cut the B.S., then I'll stop chin-checking them.

            How was this person rude to you?
            Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
            Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
    • Profile picture of the author Dan C. Rinnert
      Dan C. Rinnert
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      Originally Posted by tpw View Post

      Ron, this happens in tech forums too.

      I land on tech forums looking for an answer to my questions. When the OP asks exactly the question I am asking, more often than not, we are both confronted with "We answered that question last week," "That is so basic, I don't know why you would ask it," or "Google it!"

      That is the reason I am here you dumbass, I did Google it!!!

      For an outsider, it certainly is frustrating.
      I left an IM forum before joining WF for that same reason. You ask a question and you're told to look for the answer because they already answered it. Well, I already searched for it and if I had found the answer, I wouldn't have asked!

      I wouldn't waste my time asking and waiting for a response if it was quicker to just find it.

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      Dan also writes content for hire, but you can't afford him anyway.
  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Profile picture of JohnMcCabe
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    Excellent post, Ron.

    There are ignorant questions, and there are indeed stupid questions. The posts with the truly stupid questions tend to get nuked pretty quickly.

    People who ask ignorant questions deserve some respect until they prove otherwise.

    A couple of suggestions:

    > Instead of sniping with "that was answered in a bunch of threads already", why not link to a few of the better ones? Some topics would take hours of wading through junk to get to the good stuff.

    > Instead of sniping with "I found it on Google in 2 seconds", why not copy/paste the search string you used or the url of the results page? That way, the poster (and others) could see how you found the answer quickly.

    There are no dumb questions, but there doesn't seem to be any shortage of dumb answers... :rolleyes:
  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    Rod Cortez
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    Ron, that answer is SOOOOO obvious!

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    - Jim Rohn
    • Profile picture of the author Kevin Riley
      Kevin Riley
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      Originally Posted by Rod Cortez View Post

      Ron, that answer is SOOOOO obvious!


      That was a stupid caffeine-induced question. Oh, wait, not a question?
      Kevin Riley, long-time Warrior living in Osaka, Japan

      • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
        Rod Cortez
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        Originally Posted by Kevin Riley View Post


        That was a stupid caffeine-induced question. Oh, wait, not a question?
        Exactly Kevin.

        In all seriousness.......for the most part I agree with Ron. There are a lot of newcomers to the forum and I think for those of us who have been here awhile we really should lead the way in not only helping where we can but by educating people.

        A good example of this is reminding peope to use the SEARCH feature of the forum where people can find the answers to their questions (more often than not).

        Overall it would make this a better place. Now back to my coffee bean grinding......

        "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
        - Jim Rohn
  • Profile picture of the author Colin Palfrey
    Colin Palfrey
    Profile picture of Colin Palfrey
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    A good point and one worth remembering. Some people take far too much pleasure in pushing others down, instead of lifting them up.

    With that in mind, where did I leave my keys?

    I write articles and eBooks - PM me for details!
  • Profile picture of the author mandark
    Profile picture of mandark
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    I agree with your post except for one - "Based on your signature you should know the answer".

    I am seriously irked when someone posts "How do I make money with affiliate marketing?" when their signature link points to their website titled "Learn how you can make a billion trillion dollars with affiliate marketing!". People like this are misguided in thinking they can (essentially falsely) market something they know nothing about - and this should be pointed out to them in my opinion.

    Also, while I agree that if a thread was posted last year about the topic it's ridiculous to expect someone to find it, but if there is a thread which is on the main page of the main IM forum here addressing the same question, I think the person should have gone there first.

    But I do agree that very few posts deserve responses like "That's so obvious" and "That's IM 101" can be very discouraging to newbies, and should be replaced with helpful responses or at least links to good information on the topic.
    • Profile picture of the author Colin Palfrey
      Colin Palfrey
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      Originally Posted by mandark View Post

      I am seriously irked when someone posts "How do I make money with affiliate marketing?" when their signature link points to their website titled "Learn how you can make a billion trillion dollars with affiliate marketing!". People like this are misguided in thinking they can (essentially falsely) market something they know nothing about - and this should be pointed out to them in my opinion.
      That one annoys me too.

      Originally Posted by mandark View Post

      Also, while I agree that if a thread was posted last year about the topic it's ridiculous to expect someone to find it, but if there is a thread which is on the main page of the main IM forum here addressing the same question, I think the person should have gone there first.
      Only if they saw it, but if they did then I am sure they would have gone their first.

      I write articles and eBooks - PM me for details!
  • Profile picture of the author Gravitehx
    Profile picture of Gravitehx
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    I think a great way to handle newbie questions would be to answer the question but also let them know what they should do next time before posting a "stupid question" by directing into the right direction (as in use search, or a certain section on the forum or wikipedia, etc). Politeness and diplomacy should be followed equally both online and offline!
  • Profile picture of the author TLCarroll
    Profile picture of TLCarroll
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    It's scary enough trying to negotiate all the information here when you're new and overwhelmed without being treated as if you're an idiot.

    I notice many of the ones who are acting so smug to newbies are newbies themselves just trying to come off as "in the know".

    I often PM answers to confused newbies to keep from getting involved in unecessary "thread drama".

    BTW, Ron, how ya makin out in our wintery Long Island weather? Mother Nature's really pouring it on us, huh? Lol
    The Revolution is in progress since Spring of 2007!
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  • Profile picture of the author profitsforall
    Profile picture of profitsforall
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    The classiest thing I've seen in response to someone asking the same question that has been answered over and over is to let them know, it's already been discussed and give them a link to the forum thread. Of course some might say they don't have time to dig that thread out for them (yet they find the time to rip into someone).

    The irony is all those folks posting the negative comments on the thread are the ones keeping it on the front page.
  • Profile picture of the author LB
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    "Based on your signature you should know the answer"
    I'm going to have to agree with this one in some cases. I'm getting more than tired of seeing, "I need to pay my electric bill today what can I do to make money today???!!" while their sig says, "How to make $500 per day easily".

    Someone has to call BS on that and I support them.
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
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      Originally Posted by Roaddog View Post

      "No man knows less than the man who knows it all" - Unknown
      Cool. That guy Unknown was one smart cookie. Here's another one from him...

      "Ain't none of us as smart as all of us."

  • Profile picture of the author TLCarroll
    Profile picture of TLCarroll
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    Keep in mind...Yes, it seems dumb to post you're broke when your sig advertises "Make $50million online overnight", but they most likely read somewhere to go into a forum using that sig and get rich quick.

    They don't realize it looks dumb. They think that's what they're supposed to do based on whatever they've read that tells them to "fake it until you make it" and when it doesn't work they're confused.
    The Revolution is in progress since Spring of 2007!
    "I only want to do it once, by myself, for free and never touch it again...EVER...then I'll retire."

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    • Profile picture of the author veotis
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      Originally Posted by mandark View Post

      I agree with your post except for one - "Based on your signature you should know the answer".

      I am seriously irked when someone posts "How do I make money with affiliate marketing?" when their signature link points to their website titled "Learn how you can make a billion trillion dollars with affiliate marketing!". People like this are misguided in thinking they can (essentially falsely) market something they know nothing about - and this should be pointed out to them in my opinion.
      Originally Posted by Colin Palfrey View Post

      That one annoys me too.
      Originally Posted by LB View Post

      I'm going to have to agree with this one in some cases. I'm getting more than tired of seeing, "I need to pay my electric bill today what can I do to make money today???!!" while their sig says, "How to make $500 per day easily".

      Someone has to call BS on that and I support them.
      Ya'll shouldn't be getting annoyed, that's negative If you see this type of post and get annoyed, turn that into a positive force and take that time you were going to use to {berate|chastise|finger lash} the poster and use it to work on YOUR business. I believe this is the answer to why newbies are doing this:

      Originally Posted by TLCarroll View Post

      Keep in mind...Yes, it seems dumb to post you're broke when your sig advertises "Make $50million online overnight", but they most likely read somewhere to go into a forum using that sig and get rich quick.

      They don't realize it looks dumb. They think that's what they're supposed to do based on whatever they've read that tells them to "fake it until you make it" and when it doesn't work they're confused.
      I give 'em a pat on the back, they actually took a step (maybe not the right one, but a step) to try to do something instead of just lurking and dreaming. Give 'em some slack.

      Some food for thought: Everyone is a newbie the FIRST time they try something!
  • Profile picture of the author alcymart
    Profile picture of alcymart
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    Any question can look stupid for one and not for the other. Even the best SEO expert can have issues with his web site html.

    I never consider a question stupid here or any other forum. Sure, I see questions that the newcomer could of found the answer if he had just Googled it, but I simply tell him or her to Google it.

    You see, the question isn't stupid for that person who figures he'll get a faster reply by posting than searching online. Lazy, perhaps but isn't it in our human nature to be lazy sometimes?

    Some are simply lazier than others, but their not stupid. That's my point.
    • Profile picture of the author tpw
      Profile picture of tpw
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      Originally Posted by alcymart View Post

      Sure, I see questions that the newcomer could of found the answer if he had just Googled it, but I simply tell him or her to Google it.

      That assumes that Google always has the right answer.

      Personally, I am not always willing to give Google that kind of credit.
      Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
      Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
    • Profile picture of the author neodarth
      Profile picture of neodarth
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      Originally Posted by alcymart View Post

      Any question can look stupid for one and not for the other. Even the best SEO expert can have issues with his web site html.

      I never consider a question stupid here or any other forum. Sure, I see questions that the newcomer could of found the answer if he had just Googled it, but I simply tell him or her to Google it.

      You see, the question isn't stupid for that person who figures he'll get a faster reply by posting than searching online. Lazy, perhaps but isn't it in our human nature to be lazy sometimes?

      Some are simply lazier than others, but their not stupid. That's my point.
      I agree with you, there is no such thing as a stupid question, just lazy questions
      ==> Negocios Estables en la Web Internet marketing en español.

      ==> Internet Marketing Newbie Created for IM virgins
    • Profile picture of the author satrap
      Profile picture of satrap
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by alcymart View Post


      You see, the question isn't stupid for that person who figures he'll get a faster reply by posting than searching online. Lazy, perhaps but isn't it in our human nature to be lazy sometimes?

      Some are simply lazier than others, but their not stupid. That's my point.
      I disagree. In many cases it may simply be a matter of trust.

      I personally trust people on WF more than the results on Google in many situations. So, while I know I can search on Google and get a faster answer, I would rather ask here and get the answer later but with more confidence that the given answer(s) is/are better or the real deal because I know and trust most of these people.

      WF is a famous forum and its one that lots of people including myself trust its members more than any other forums.

      So, lets not forget the trust fact!
      60 Awesome Ways to Make Money Without a Job
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
    Michael Mayo
    Profile picture of Michael Mayo
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There is no such thing as a stupid question only stupid answers.

    Yesterday someone posted a thread telling everyone about PayPal's new India
    rules. I could have easily replied that the topic had been discussed many times here
    but instead I did a quick search and posted the links in my reply to the OP.

    Instead of making an enemy I was Thanked and in the OP's eyes I was helpful.

    The thread then pretty much moved down the page to where ever it is now.

    My point is it takes just as long to make a negative post as it does to make a positive post.

    What some people see as a stupid question I see as an opportunity.

    People with questions are potential future customers.
    People with questions are the breeding grounds for future products.
    People with questions are people just like you and I.

    Treat people like you want to be treated and the world will be a better place.

    Have a Great Day!
  • Profile picture of the author InitialEffort
    Profile picture of InitialEffort
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It's only a stupid question when the answer can't be found on Google first or using the search button in WF
    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Kay King
      Profile picture of Kay King
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      1. If your English is so weak that you cannot write a question that makes any sense.....yet your signature has 4-5 perfect anchor links to sites in excellent English.....You are making at least 50 cents an hour day and day out - posting on forums.

      Outsourcers extraordinaire!

      2. If your answers dissing "jobs" or telling people how to live frequently include terms like "my mom said" or "I hate junior high" you need a verbal wedgie.

      LD - I think the point is this:

      If you have a question and need an answer, it's not a dumb question. If you are looking for questions in order to start a new thread, wrong strategy.

      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
  • Profile picture of the author drmani
    Profile picture of drmani
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Ron Douglas View Post

    My point is - if you know the answer, try to just be helpful without discouraging people from asking questions. Maybe this place would be less intimidating for newbies and members in general.
    I *live* by a 4-word mantra:

    "Be kind. Help others."

    All success
  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    Profile picture of Andyhenry
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey Ron,

    I'm going to put myself in the firing line here.

    I'm guilty of some your criticised comments sometimes and I'll put my hands up to it.

    Particularly the "this has been answered many times before" one.

    Right now according to your comments this makes me a royal dick and a nasty person - and you might say (like someone already did) - why don't I link to some of those threads to be more helpful.....

    Fair comment.

    But look at it from MY perspective for a second....

    I've been a member here for more years than most members have been in IM and I've made thousands of posts. I'm not famous for the short length of my posts and when I do post helpful responses I try to pack them with good info.

    So imagine how I feel when I've answered the same question many times with a LOT of time spent posting thoughtful and lengthy responses - when someone drops by, doesn't bother looking for themselves and wants the same answer I've given plenty of times before handed to them on a plate with not even 30 seconds spent searching here.

    And I'm supposed to keep a record of all the posts I've made so that I have the links to give them ? or go searching for my own posts myself just so they don't have to bother?

    At what point does the responsibility for their learning come back to them?

    This forum is a goldmine of amazing information.

    So I'm sorry if me thinking someone should take a quick look around before asking a question makes me a bad person. I guess that makes all my good posts worthless?

    I REALLY DO understand what you're saying but it also is not a lot to ask of people is it?

    nothing to see here.

  • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
    Paul Myers
    Profile picture of Paul Myers
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    And I'm supposed to keep a record of all the posts I've made so that I have the links to give them?
    I wouldn't say you should be required to, no. Of course not. I will say that I've done just that for some of the more important posts I've made on moderation policy. I keep them in a folder in my bookmarks. When I want to refer to one, I just right click on that link and copy the URL out of the properties section.

    Mind you, that's not practical for a large corpus of posts on varying subjects. But it is possible and fairly quick for the really important or commonly re-asked ones.

    Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

    • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
      Rus Sells
      Profile picture of Rus Sells
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

      Does that folder have the reply to the common question about .info domains versus .com domains and which is better? LOL

      To me personally that is the one repeating question on this forum that just bugs the CRAP out of me.

      Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

      Andy,I wouldn't say you should be required to, no. Of course not. I will say that I've done just that for some of the more important posts I've made on moderation policy. I keep them in a folder in my bookmarks. When I want to refer to one, I just right click on that link and copy the URL out of the properties section.

      Mind you, that's not practical for a large corpus of posts on varying subjects. But it is possible and fairly quick for the really important or commonly re-asked ones.

      • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
        Paul Myers
        Profile picture of Paul Myers
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

        Nope. Sadly, I am not an expert on anything, much less everything. I tend to avoid giving people instruction in areas about which I am so inexperienced that it would be actively dangerous to listen to me.

        Write up a blog post on it and refer people there when they ask. That has a number of useful advantages for you, as well as for the folks doing the asking.

        Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

        • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
          Michael Shook
          Profile picture of Michael Shook
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          Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post


          Nope. Sadly, I am not an expert on anything, much less everything. I tend to avoid giving people instruction in areas about which I am so inexperienced that it would be actively dangerous to listen to me.

          Write up a blog post on it and refer people there when they ask. That has a number of useful advantages for you, as well as for the folks doing the asking.

          I have thought about doing this a number of times. there are a couple of things I do know something about, but I was not 100% sure that it would be OK to link to a post on my own blog, either private or my WF blog to show an in depth answer.

  • Profile picture of the author OnlineMarketingSys
    Profile picture of OnlineMarketingSys
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The only stupid questions I routinely see are "help me make monies on the internetz, I am lazy and don't want to do any work. but pleasse help me" or the all to proverbial "I got $xx dollas help me decide on how I should invests it to become a millionaires by next week." (ps. I haven't actually done any brainstorming on my own, because again I am lazy and once again don't have a brain).

    Other than that, I wouldn't say there are any stupid questions. Everyone is at a different level and has different experience. So the only real stupid questions are those that aren't asked.
    • Profile picture of the author Chris Grable
      Chris Grable
      Profile picture of Chris Grable
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      But Ron,

      .....the URL really was right there in the image....
      • Profile picture of the author Ron Douglas
        Ron Douglas
        Profile picture of Ron Douglas
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Chris Grable View Post

        But Ron,

        .....the URL really was right there in the image....
        Jerk bait lol

        I assume you're joking. But if you're serious, re-read the question.
        • Profile picture of the author Chris Grable
          Chris Grable
          Profile picture of Chris Grable
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          Originally Posted by Ron Douglas View Post

          Jerk bait lol

          I assume you're joking. But if you're serious, re-read the question.
          Jerk bait...? No!

          Joking...? not so much.

          Your "rant" seemed a little out of character and I wondered who had pushed your button. Just found it all a little amusing.

          As far as this question goes.... There may NOT be such a thing as a stupid question. There ARE, however, stupid and/or lazy people out there. There are folks who are true knuckleheads and have to be given a "clear" indication that they may need to take a differrent approach. I don't mind it so much when that happens. I do think its a shame when a junior forum member, who really do deserve some assistance, doesn't seek it because they fear being lumped together with the knuckleheads.

          I also think that there are a few folks here who are somewhat intolerant... and at the same time sarcastic and/or caustic. Those folks might benefit from a little self reflection.

          Unfortunately, all of this is unlikely to change. Its a human nature thing!

  • Profile picture of the author pizzatherapy
    Profile picture of pizzatherapy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Ron Douglas View Post

    Maybe this place would be less intimidating for newbies and members in general.
    To me this is the whole point of your post, Ron.

    I personally was very intimidated at first, about posting questions and responses here.

    I didn't want to sound ignorant. I was worried about feeling the wrath of some Warriors.

    But the truth of the matter is you get what you give.

    My advice to all is: try to be helpful when you can.

    Ignore posts that you feel are stupid questions.

    pizza on earth, and pizza all over the Warrior Forum,
    albert grande
  • Profile picture of the author TomVa
    Profile picture of TomVa
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Ron Douglas View Post

    Apparently there is such a thing as a stupid question on this forum. You have to be careful when you ask a general question because you can be put to shame.

    You'll often see responses like this:

    "LOL the answer is so obvious"

    "Based on your signature you should know the answer"

    "That's IM 101." i.e. - I'm so smart and you're an idiot

    "That was explained in a previous post last year. You should already know the answer." i.e. - you should spend time here reading every post instead of working on your business.

    "I did a quick search on Google and found the answer right away." i.e. learn to use your resources you lazy dumb-ass.

    Listen folks, if someone asks a question and you respond like that, I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks you're a major D-Bag that needs a swift punch to the throat.

    People don't realize how these unnecessary cynical remarks make people feel. It's pretty dumb to burn bridges that way.

    My point is - if you know the answer, try to just be helpful without discouraging people from asking questions. Maybe this place would be less intimidating for newbies and members in general.
    I Couldn't agree more! Great post

    Do you need stable WEBHOSTING? HEY folks, for a limited time get the first month of service For only $0.01 That's 1 cents. At checkout use coupon code 1cent. This is only for web hosting, and only applies to the monthly services.

  • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
    Rus Sells
    Profile picture of Rus Sells
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Forums have a pecking order, always have always will. Its a social dynamic with any group.
  • Profile picture of the author ebookdaddy
    Profile picture of ebookdaddy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Ok, so is it safe to ask a question or not??? Wow!

    Ron thanks for this thread, it's funny but when I first joined the WF I was really afraid of participating for lack of knowledge and not wanting to seem ignorant even though I was, in respects to Internet Marketing.

    What ended up happening was that I just spent a lot of time reading posts and learning. As I did I saw that many people on this forum where actually quite helpful and kind to new members as I was. That's what got me to ask my first questions and once I received positive helpful responses the fear started to go away.

    Now, I agree that there are some things that are just common sense but who's to say that everyone sees things the way I do. The beauty of this great nation is that we are able to express ourselves without fear of reprisals. I think the same should hold true in the WF.

    I was taught that there are no stupid questions. I was also taught to respect others so I can earn respect.

    If someone asks a question and you know the answer, even if it seems like common sense that they should know what does it hurt to just answer the question and help someone out?

    If you think it’s a stupid questions then just ignore it and move on.

    Life is too short!
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Parkin
    Mike Parkin
    Profile picture of Mike Parkin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Good post Ron - it costs nothing to be cool
    Rockin' in the free world
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Hess
    Mark Hess
    Profile picture of Mark Hess
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I was guilty of posting a harsh response to yet another "I hate sales video" thread that was started (well actually I took screen shot of the Google search results showing the 4,100+ threads on the Warrior Forum that had the thread title or mentioning "I hate sales videos") I later deleted it...

    I don't really care about "dumb" questions or people acting like asses when responding, or generally treating others like ****.

    The dangerous ones are the people answering questions with a position that what they're stating is factual and the OP should listen to them.

    Only to later find out the "advice" they were given was a complete waste of time....
  • Profile picture of the author mikemcmillan
    Profile picture of mikemcmillan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Nice post Ron! If I feel the OP is sincere with their question (which is in 95% of the cases) I would never look down on them or say anything negative even if it seemed pretty basic. What's basic to one person may not be basic to others.

    The only thing that does bother me sometimes is when someone asks a question and gets tons of suggestions, but the OP never comes back even once to say something like "Thanks to all" or acknowledge the help they got in some way. --Mike

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    • Profile picture of the author drmani
      Profile picture of drmani
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by mikemcmillan View Post

      The only thing that does bother me sometimes is when someone asks a question and gets tons of suggestions, but the OP never comes back even once to say something like "Thanks to all" or acknowledge the help they got in some way. --Mike
      Mike, I deal with this using some fancy mental ju-jitsu!

      First, I tell myself I'm not posting/helping just to be

      Second, I reassure myself that EVEN IF the OP didn't see my
      reply or find it useful/helpful, maybe SOMEONE did - and
      that makes it worth my while.

      Third, I keep an aphorism Paul Myers once taught in mind.
      Your posts on the forum are for EVERYONE, not just the
      one (or few) people you're addressing directly.

      All of these things helped. A lot

      That, and the LOVELY email and private messages I get from
      time to time (it has even been YEARS later) from folks saying
      something I shared with them on a public forum completely
      changed the way they thought or believed about stuff - and
      that was the key in their turn-around towards success.

      Makes it worth going on, eh?

      All success
      • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
        Paul Myers
        Profile picture of Paul Myers
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Third, I keep an aphorism Paul Myers once taught in mind. Your posts on the forum are for EVERYONE, not just the one (or few) people you're addressing directly.
        That is probably the single most important thing I ever figured out about posting on public forums. It's why I'll debate things publicly with some people I'd never even discuss with them in private.

        I've actually told people, right up front, that I wasn't actually talking TO them, but was using them as a foil to make the point to the others who were reading and not yet convinced. It's very rare that they believed me.

        That little bit is a corollary to my "Three things you must do before arguing with someone in public."

        1: You must be very confident that you're right.

        2: You must be very confident that they're wrong.

        3: You must have some specific purpose in mind other than convincing the person you're arguing with, 'cause that ain't gonna happen.

        If any one of those is missing, or if the purpose isn't really worthwhile, I don't bother. Discuss, sure. But argue? Nah.

        Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

  • Profile picture of the author lsmith5745
    Profile picture of lsmith5745
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    The problem is that to many people ask the question and they are not even at the beginning of their problem they are many step ahead of themselfs.
  • Profile picture of the author PhoebeSmellyCat
    Profile picture of PhoebeSmellyCat
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Ron Douglas View Post

    Apparently there is such a thing as a stupid question on this forum. You have to be careful when you ask a general question because you can be put to shame.

    You'll often see responses like this:

    "LOL the answer is so obvious"

    "Based on your signature you should know the answer"

    "That's IM 101." i.e. - I'm so smart and you're an idiot

    "That was explained in a previous post last year. You should already know the answer." i.e. - you should spend time here reading every post instead of working on your business.

    "I did a quick search on Google and found the answer right away." i.e. learn to use your resources you lazy dumb-ass.

    Listen folks, if someone asks a question and you respond like that, I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks you're a major D-Bag that needs a swift punch to the throat.

    People don't realize how these unnecessary cynical remarks make people feel. It's pretty dumb to burn bridges that way.

    My point is - if you know the answer, try to just be helpful without discouraging people from asking questions. Maybe this place would be less intimidating for newbies and members in general.
    I was thinking of a more appropriate part of the anatomy...

    And if you can't provide a useful answer without being an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , maybe you should move on to another thread. :rolleyes:
  • Profile picture of the author tonyB222
    Profile picture of tonyB222
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    we have all asked some stupid questions before, its called learning
  • Profile picture of the author jasonmorgan
    Profile picture of jasonmorgan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I agree with you, there is no such thing as a stupid question, just lazy questions
    Correction: There is no such thing as a stupid question, just lazy people.

    There is nothing wrong with helping someone with a legitimate question but there are far too many lazy people who are unwilling to do any research of their own. Why search when posting a question on the warrior forum is so much easier.

    And don't forget about the obvious spammers just posting for backlinks. They are easy enough to spot.

    Since when did the Warrior Forum become a support forum for every single product that is somehow related to internet marketing? What is even worse is some people can't even be bothered to post their questions in the appropriate forums.

    Have an SEO questions, ask it in the SEO forum. Have a wordpress question, ask it in the web design forum, or better yet, how about the official wordpress forums. There are questions asked daily that have more appropriate placed to be asked.

    And there are the people who ask questions that have been asked repeatedly. They can use the search feature to find the answer just as easily as I can. Why should I search and find the answer for them, I'm not their outsourced tech support.

    I think some people wake up in the morning, ask themselves Why does poop stink, and then run to the warrior forum to ask.

    There there are questions that are just dumb. How do I make money etc... This is a forum dedicated to that subject, don't expect an easy canned answer. Put in a little time and effort. Show some initiative. This forum has a gazillion posts (most of them are stupid questions) but there is gold to be found if you look for it.

    Bottom line, most the the questions that get snarky remarks are questions that can be answered with a quick trip to google or a forum search or have no business being asked here.

    I'll pick a winner from todays questions...

    Guess where this question should be asked? It's not the warrior forum since I don't think any Amazon reps hang out here for support.

    On the flip side, somebody who is asking a common question but appears to have put in a little time and research on their own first before asking for additional advice.

    This is a good thing. Shows they guy isn't lazy or a troll. Has a legitimate question and needs additional advice.

    And finally, there are the spammers who ask dumb questions just for signature exposure.

    Honestly, if you are going to promote how to make money online and are asking newbie questions... I just love these guys. It's also a topic that has been covered to death. Newbie, my ass. It's a backlink spammer.

    I've written too many words. Time to stop.

    To repeat: There is no such thing as a stupid question, just lazy people.

    I'm thinking twice before I hit the big red button.

    I'm all about that bass.

  • Profile picture of the author PatrickBrianONeill
    Profile picture of PatrickBrianONeill
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Ron Douglas View Post

    Listen folks, if someone asks a question and you respond like that, I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks you're a major D-Bag that needs a swift punch to the throat.
    Ron, thanks for making this post.

    I know about 1% of what I need to know, maybe less.

    But just a year ago, I only knew about 1% of what I now know.

    And looking back, I see that some of the questions I asked were pretty juvenile, but at the time finding answers to them made huge changes in my pocket and my self-confidence.

    I have noticed, Ron, that people who respond negatively and attempt to demean and subjugate others who are asking for help are really incapable of believing in themselves, and have an incredibly negative self-image and very low self-esteem.

    They respond in this manner out of ignorance, with the hopes that the person seeking help will give up, and never surpass their own level of IM success.

    Often, this person was raised in the manner in which they responded. They were brow-beaten, put down, and never given credit or inspiration.

    Whenever I see a response like you referred to, I wish for 2 things :

    1 - That the person asking for help will not become frustrated and feel ignorant and give up. I hope they keep asking questions and learning and growing until the day they die.

    2 - For the rude respondent, I pray for some positive input and image reinforcement, and hope they realize a biting, negative comment simply makes them look pathetic, and can leave its horrible impact for years.

    Just my 2 cents worth, and thanks again for the post Ron.
    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Profile picture of JohnMcCabe
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Something about this thread has been nagging at me all afternoon, and I finally figured out what it was.

      People who post what I might label as "stupid" questions aren't really asking questions, even if they are phrased to Jeopardy specifications. Nope, these people are making demands.

      "Tell me your best ________ secret."

      "Post your profitable niches here, complete with url and keyword list."

      "Let's see if we can list 20 secrets about _____."

      What they're really saying is...

      "I can't be bothered with learning anything on my own. You have something and I don't and that's not fair, so hand it over."

      "I can't be bothered with doing boring stuff like keyword research and testing. You've already done it, so hand it over."

      "I want to sell a product called 'Top 20 Secrets to ______', but I want you to write it for me. I can't be bothered with creating my own content and I think you're dumb enough to not see through me."

      Ask a good question, and I'll either try to help you or let someone better able do so. I'll generally try to at least be polite, although it doesn't always come off that way.

      Make demands like a petulant child in a grocery store, and you've earned rudeness. And you can take your demand and take a flying [vulgar four letter word for an act of procreation] at a rolling doughnut...
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
    Michael Oksa
    Profile picture of Michael Oksa
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There ARE stupid questions!

    In fact, I think the old adage that there are no stupid questions is about as damaging as the modern myth that anybody can make money online.

    Okay...there is a catch.

    The stupidity is in the asker's head. BUT...ask anyway!

    That's the real secret, in my opinion. Sure, you may think it's stupid, but why would you want to STAY stupid? Just ask.

    On a side note: I think a LOT more people would use the search function if it was placed differently, or more apparent. Perhaps to the far right on the menu bar where "Log Out" is currently located (you mean people actually log out?!), or changing it's background color so it stands out from the other labels. Just a thought.

    All the best,

    "Ich bin en fuego!"
    • Profile picture of the author Diane S
      Diane S
      Profile picture of Diane S
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Michael Oksa View Post

      On a side note: I think a LOT more people would use the search function if it was placed differently, or more apparent. Perhaps to the far right on the menu bar where "Log Out" is currently located (you mean people actually log out?!), or changing it's background color so it stands out from the other labels. Just a thought.

      All the best,
      When I first visited Warrior Forum I was not only an internet marketing newbie, I was a FORUM NEWBIE. So I had no idea there was a search button. Once I came upon one of those nasty-toned threads where the OP got blasted for not using the Search button, THAT is when I learned how to search. I think a different color button would be helpful.
      KimW still needs our help DONATE DIRECTLY
      My First Kindle Book: Ten Days in the Land of Smile
  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    Profile picture of Andyhenry
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Oh yeah - I meant to mention before but forgot - there's one other aspect of this:

    Sometimes it's easy to misread someone's post and attribute negativity that was actually not present in the poster.

    If you're struggling and you post in desperation of someone to give you a pep talk or 'big up' your idea and that's not what you get - it's easy to go on the defensive and think the poster is pissing on your bonfire when in fact they're actually trying to give you good advice or highlight a problem with your plan.

    I've seen a lot of people get emotional and negative in response to perfectly reasonable responses and then play the victim like they're being picked on.

    It's important to let people respond to you in the way they feel is right without arguing with everyone that says something you don't agree with or that says something you weren't expecting.

    nothing to see here.

  • Profile picture of the author bobsilber
    Profile picture of bobsilber
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Ron Douglas View Post

    Listen folks, if someone asks a question and you respond like that, I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks you're a major D-Bag that needs a swift punch to the throat.
    I agree with your D-Bag assessment generally, but I'll reserve judgement on the
    swift punch to the throat.

    There are more than enough haters around without criticizing someone for asking a question.
  • Profile picture of the author JackPowers
    Profile picture of JackPowers
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think, if people are coming into a (very) friendly forum like the Warrior Forum and ask such dumb questions that elicits these responses, then they are probably not ready and would benefit more from Googling.

    I mean, there are other webmaster forums on the internet - that I don't frequent anymore - where the amount of idiotic stuff being posted far outweighs the good stuff. That's what happens when you try to accomodate the lowest common denominator all the time.

    Elitism is not bad all the time. Let the newbies be scared - being a little humble is probably not the worst thing that could happen for their IM career.

  • Profile picture of the author mikemcmillan
    Profile picture of mikemcmillan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Dr. Mani said,
    <<Mike, I deal with this using some fancy mental ju-jitsu!>>

    I'm way too old for ju-jitsu! I might break something they no longer stock replacement parts for . Yes, I know exactly what you are saying and you're right. This place fosters a heuristic synergism through which we can all grow and learn from each other. The WF is better entertainment than going to a movie. (Don't tell Allen, he'll start selling digital popcorn here for $9 a tub!)

    I'll help you create a reputation-building evergreen product in any niche and launch it successfully!
    Check it out here.

  • Profile picture of the author billspaced
    Profile picture of billspaced
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Ron Douglas View Post

    "I did a quick search on Google and found the answer right away." i.e. learn to use your resources you lazy dumb-ass.
    I just like that you used the word "dumb-ass" in a sentence.

    Originally Posted by Ron Douglas View Post

    Listen folks, if someone asks a question and you respond like that, I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks you're a major D-Bag that needs a swift punch to the throat.
    You are most definitely NOT the only one. I'd add in a kick to the groin, too.

    Bill Davis
    Chief Marketing Officer, SoMoLo Marketing

  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
    Benjamin Ehinger
    Profile picture of Benjamin Ehinger
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Ron Douglas View Post

    Apparently there is such a thing as a stupid question on this forum. You have to be careful when you ask a general question because you can be put to shame.

    You'll often see responses like this:

    "LOL the answer is so obvious"

    "Based on your signature you should know the answer"

    "That's IM 101." i.e. - I'm so smart and you're an idiot

    "That was explained in a previous post last year. You should already know the answer." i.e. - you should spend time here reading every post instead of working on your business.

    "I did a quick search on Google and found the answer right away." i.e. learn to use your resources you lazy dumb-ass.

    Listen folks, if someone asks a question and you respond like that, I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks you're a major D-Bag that needs a swift punch to the throat.

    People don't realize how these unnecessary cynical remarks make people feel. It's pretty dumb to burn bridges that way.

    My point is - if you know the answer, try to just be helpful without discouraging people from asking questions. Maybe this place would be less intimidating for newbies and members in general.
    I agree. We are not here to be put down or have anything thrown in our faces. We are here simply to get answers, learn, and make money. This is out major reasons and nothing else.

    Benjamin Ehinger
  • Profile picture of the author Paul_Woodall
    Profile picture of Paul_Woodall
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It it so funny that the more experience one has in a field in which experience counts (ahem) like internet marketing, real estate appraising, or (oh, I don't know) brain surgery, the more impatience it seem is exhibited towards those sometimes asking simple questions. This forum is civilized compared to others on which my wife or I participate.

    Try asking a simple question and getting a civil answer on a professional appraiser forum (my wife is a real estate appraiser). You get hammered. There are several guys on that forum that cannot actually ever be out doing appraisals; because they have posted thousands of posts most of which are jet engine afterburner flaming.

    Thanks Ron for making the point that one does not have to be an arrogant twit to answer questions by those that are less experienced. That is the system. That is how we all learn. That is how those that are truly great get the recognition and respect they deserve.

    Keep up the good work. You have my support.

    Paul Woodall
    Houston Internet Pro
  • Profile picture of the author DPWeb
    Profile picture of DPWeb
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Sometimes, you can't seem to Google the right words because you just don't know what you are looking for. Thats what forums are for. Finding an answer you can't find.

    Sometimes people do neglect to do their due research, but instead of looking like a tool, you could try and prove your credibility.

    I can't think of a more unprofessional credibility killer then saying "LOL just google it"

    Imagine if tech support was like that for webhosting. "Yeah I can solve your problem, but you should just Google it dummy." That would destroy a business.

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