Database plugin

Profile picture of jsmith2482
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
8 replies
Everytime I upgrade to the latest wordpress I get locked out. I know I have to reset the wp database password in godaddy but it is a pain. Is there any plugin that does this automatically so I don't have to get locked out of my blog and waste time running back to godaddy to fix the password?
#database #plugin
  • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
    Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Usinga database plugin is a security risk .. I would not use such plugins..

    • Profile picture of the author schabotte
      Profile picture of schabotte
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I'm not really understanding how you are getting that problem. Every upgrade I do works fine. If the database needs to be updated/adjusted wordpress does it automatically the first time I access the page. It shouldn't be affecting any of the database access settings like username/password or even your admin login details.

      Are you overwriting the wp-config.php file when ou do the update? That shouldn't happen as there is no default file of that name in the upgrade sets. (Its called wp-config-sample.php.)
      • Profile picture of the author jsmith2482
        Profile picture of jsmith2482
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by schabotte View Post

        I'm not really understanding how you are getting that problem. Every upgrade I do works fine. If the database needs to be updated/adjusted wordpress does it automatically the first time I access the page. It shouldn't be affecting any of the database access settings like username/password or even your admin login details.

        Are you overwriting the wp-config.php file when ou do the update? That shouldn't happen as there is no default file of that name in the upgrade sets. (Its called wp-config-sample.php.)

        I have the wp automatic upgrade plugin. When I updated today to wp 2.6.5 I was locked out and my username and pasword didn't work. I worked with a web designer in the pass on multiple wp blogs and everytime I did this he needed to go reset the database password.
        • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
          Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by jsmith2482 View Post

          I have the wp automatic upgrade plugin. When I updated today to wp 2.6.5 I was locked out and my username and pasword didn't work. I worked with a web designer in the pass on multiple wp blogs and everytime I did this he needed to go reset the database password.
          That plugin is your problem and you should get rid of it .. It is a security breach on your blogs.

          Never use a plugin to handle things such as your login, db access, and etc ...


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