29 replies
What is a good resource for a pro E-book cover and how much did you pay for it? Anybody? Thanks!

#covers #ebook
  • Profile picture of the author rcritchett
    I'm a raving fan of TBS cover editor (true box shot)

    It was 80 bucks, I've created some HIGHLY PROFESSIONAL covers with it and it's easy to use.

    The best part? You can fully edit everything. Some programs don't let you create text, edit colors and go deep into the design.

    This does. I design E-book covers all of the time, this is the program I suggest!

    It rocks.

    We do mail-in iPhone Repair Services, Nationwide in the US. LCD/Digitizer Glass Replacement And More.

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    • Thanks, guys. Appreciate your help, going to be running a sweet WSO this week, and a pro e-book cover is going to be included.

      For now, I think I'll go with the $17, if I decide to do some more WSO's of this sort I may have to invest in the other option down the road.

      And, yes, I know people aren't mind readers...I do SEO and SEO content for a living, nothing is more frustrating then someone saying...just do this...and they have no idea what they want! LOL


      Garage Mike

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  • Profile picture of the author StephanieMojica
    I do eBook covers, usually for $30 or less depending upon the job.

    Good luck with your WSO!

    Are you still struggling to grow your Internet business income? Learn the secrets that increased my income 700%--and can do the same for you--in my free report "5 Business Prosperity Secrets." Go here now to download your copy at no cost to you...http://www.businessprosperitysecrets.com
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  • Profile picture of the author Ti
    I need a couple eBook covers, dvd covers, software box art. If you do this, please PM me and give me some prices/examples and what you need to do this. Thanks!

    Affiliates Wanted --> http://Pwnboxer.com <-- Promote to your MMORPG/World of Warcraft Niche
    Insanely Popular Software Lets You Play 5x WoW+ On 1 PC - 100% Legit Bliz Approves Multiboxing
    Current Affiliate Stats: June 4th 2011: EPC = $3.50, Conversions = 10.2%, $23.50/sale

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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Sorrell
      Pushbutton ecover by Paul Ponna is really good - v easy to use as well - think you can get it for $27 at the moment.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dahlia Valentine
    Fellow Warrior Mark Hess has a $10 eCover creator that rocks at instantecovers.net.

    His free headline maker is also pretty awesome.
    I write press releases that generate clicks, leads and sales. Great reviews!
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  • Profile picture of the author Markus Mar
    $20 should make you a great ebook cover.

    "Meeting beautiful women is easy IF you know the right way to do it!"

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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Wells
    Need Custom Graphics Work? - Message Me For A Design Quote!
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  • Profile picture of the author iClickGraphics
    try my ecover design service
    FREE Weekly Book Cover Templates ---> Download now!
    140 CreateSpace PSD Book Cover Templates ---> Click Here
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    • And the hits just keep on coming. Thanks everyone.

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      • Profile picture of the author cborgrx
        I was on fiverr looking for something and noticed plenty of ebook cover gigs.
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        • You know, I haven't used Fiverr yet, but it does seem to be the rage right now, might have to give it a look...

          P.S. If anybody has a second, chime on if you think this is a good deal for a WSO. I want to make it outstanding...

          -10 keywords researched in a niche for good search volume and lower competition
          (1 hour of work)
          -10 500 word+ unique plr articles in spyntax with each sentence re-written and synonyms replaced written around the keywords...uniqueness even for hundreds of people is no longer a big issue, as with most plr articles...no re-writing necessary, put into UAW, ARM, SENuke whatever right away...and on your site of course
          (10+ hours of hard work)
          - each article has the primary keyword as a "protected term" in spyntax
          -videos made for each article for submission to youtube, etc. ($50 value)
          -a FREE report with pretty images in PDF format made from the articles, totally rebrandable, with a nice pro e-cover ($50 value)

          All for around $10. 200 copy limit to avoid saturation in the niche.

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
    It also depends on what you're looking for. If you're looking to release a major product that will cost a decent amount, then you would need a full set of graphics.

    On the other hand, if you're releasing a lot of free or $7 reports, then looking for more affordable options makes sense.

    All the best,

    "Ich bin en fuego!"
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    • Profile picture of the author Devid Farah
      Originally Posted by Michael Oksa View Post

      It also depends on what you're looking for. If you're looking to release a major product that will cost a decent amount, then you would need a full set of graphics.

      On the other hand, if you're releasing a lot of free or $7 reports, then looking for more affordable options makes sense.
      I totally agree with Michael here.

      Garage media i can tell you that if your product is absolutely original,something "never before seen" so i advice you Vaughan Davidson's Killercovers
      or like Michael says if you are releasing $7 reports (7/12 pages)or PLR reports of few pages than you can try something cheap like Semmy's MINISITE DESIGN GRAPHIC AND ECOVER DESIGN GRAPHICAt a PRICE ANYONE Can AFFORD.

      I have worked with Semmy and he is a great guy,helpful and very communicative!

      All the best,
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  • Profile picture of the author just Zer0
    Holla at me

    I'm putting together a portfolio so I'll beat any price you can find and I'll advertise your cover when I get my portfolio online.

    Gimme a shout,

    Zer0: Creative Geniu$.
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    • Profile picture of the author Affportal
      Last week I posted a very sweet photoshop action script that puts together an ebook cover, rounded software box, DVD cover, cd and a few more for you super quick. It's literally two clicks.

      1. Builds the template then you edit the look/feel of your cover and add branding.

      2. Takes this template and does all the skewing and shading, rounding etc that the cover requires and out pops your high resolution end product.

      It's in the downloads area of AffPortal.

      AffPortal Niche Research & Campaign Development Tools - CLICK HERE >>

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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    I use fellow Warrior Karl Warren. He's not the cheapest but he always does great work and does more than just ebook covers.

    He's done graphics for me for several years and always delivered excellent work every time.


    nothing to see here.

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    • I will always pay for outstanding work, thanks for the lead, Andy. He's going in my cyber rolodex.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Baker
    I get mine done from a guy on Fiverr then I edit them a little in Photoshop. But for $5 you can't go wrong.

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  • Profile picture of the author SandyHall
    Originally Posted by Garage Media View Post

    What is a good resource for a pro E-book cover and how much did you pay for it? Anybody? Thanks! GM
    Hi Garage Media, Sandy here..

    Check out ECover Creator
    It's cost is a mere $4.95. Less than 5 Dollars.

    I've used it to make over 100 Ecovers for clients,
    and they all enjoyed them.

    Extremely easy to use. User friendly.

    Has a video of its use on salespage.

    Hope this helps you,
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarah Harvey
    An influx of people offering to design an ebook cover.

    I would suggest you do the ebook covers yourself if you can, however if you don't have the time, then just outsource it.
    "Find the problem and provide the solution."
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  • Profile picture of the author Ti
    Send me a PM if you make eBook covers, I need some done.

    Affiliates Wanted --> http://Pwnboxer.com <-- Promote to your MMORPG/World of Warcraft Niche
    Insanely Popular Software Lets You Play 5x WoW+ On 1 PC - 100% Legit Bliz Approves Multiboxing
    Current Affiliate Stats: June 4th 2011: EPC = $3.50, Conversions = 10.2%, $23.50/sale

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    • I think I'm good with the e-cover ideas, guys, thanks a million.

      Any feedback on the WSO??

      You get to be my personal focus group...I will pay you in Thanks buttons. LOL.

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  • Profile picture of the author NikkiDelgado
    If you have photoshop and know the basics I highly recommend you check out this free action giveaway from this site

    FREE eBook / eCover Action Generator – Create an Ebook Automatically!

    It has saved me a TON of money designing eBooks.
    If not check out fiverr this guy has a very fast turnaround and the quality is great for $5

    sevgraph: I will design a HIGH converting ebook cover and give it to you in 5 different formats for $5 at Fiverr.com
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    Hate to brown nose, but semmy W is the best for this. In the WF of course.

    I have secretly been using him for ages.

    I normally swing him a few extra bucks to put my job up in the queue. He is fast but anyways. I hope my extra dollars are going to good use .... i.e. expensive wine and hot women...LOL or maybe even a cheaply rolled Cuban cigar.
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    • What good is a forum without a little good ol' fashioned brown nosing?!?

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  • Profile picture of the author Ansar Pasha
    I bought a handy product called "Ecover creator" a while back... unlike other 3D cover generators, it does great graphics for you. Just type in your title, poick the color scheme and out pops a kickass cover!

    The DOWNSIDE, however, is that the image comes out very small.

    Simple solution though. There is an online based service (name escapes me, but a quick search around should bring it up) which offers a free Ecover as long as you provide the graphics (created earlier in Ecover creator) and it'll quickly pop you a decent sized, high quality Ecover... that don't look like their from the 90's lol.

    Process takes about 10-15 minutes - no waiting on designers, no gfx design skills, no hassles

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